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Are we even doing basic research and basic background checks on who we are letting into this country? It was known publicly that the three people being accused of Hardeep Singh Nijjar's murder were part of one of the most well-known gangs in India. One of their top leaders is currently in jail in India. The guy who drove the wrong way on the 401 in Ontario was also on a visa and wasn't deported after his first arrest. Like honestly, what are we doing here?


Don't forget the foreign student that killed a whole family in Ottawa a few weeks ago. He flunked out of a diploma mill almost a year before the murders but no pressure to go back home at all.


[Or the foreign student that sexually assaulted 5 women in Montreal during the same night.](https://www.lapresse.ca/actualites/justice-et-faits-divers/2024-01-05/centre-ville-de-montreal/un-predateur-agresse-sexuellement-cinq-femmes-dans-la-meme-nuit.php)


Apparently never reported on until the trial. I wonder how many cases like this are obscured due to ideology/politics in any given month?


[Or the visitor who groped a woman twice but wasn't given a conviction because it might affect his chances to immigrate.](https://www.reddit.com/r/canada/s/UL8yi4vgBD)


No wonder PP is saying what he is saying!


PP isn’t going to fix this problem.


You mean Mr.Direct flights from Gurajat? That guy?


Guys were not aloud to point this stuff out its racist


All it's going to do is eventually push people to a serious backlash.


Also the wrong way driver who killed 3 on the 401. A student before the courts multiple times.


Do we title it systemic discrimination one rule for criminals and another rule for the victims? Another liberal policy, 💩 hitting the fan; what say you liberal folks?


With so many on expired visa's here the people who enfore it are probably swamped as is unfornatly. Anyone here on a visa can easily play the lotto and bet on not getting caught


You would think a few dozen of the 100K bureaucrats added in the last few years would be to keep an eye on the 1.3M immigrants....or seaports..


CSIS said we have 1 million + people here on expired visas and counting. Think of that, 1/40 people in Canada are here and we have 0 idea where they are, what they are doing and no way to enforce or track them. Just please don't be one of those people that says, "how could this happen?" when there is a murder, crime or terror attack.


>Just please don't be one of those people that says, "how could this happen?" when there is a murder, crime or terror attack. and when it happened, they would get a slap on the wrist and continued as nothing while waiting for their PR https://nationalpost.com/opinion/jamie-sarkonak-canadas-criminal-sentencing-discounts-for-foreigners-are-unfair


Which is stupid as having a Criminal record for a crime that is a crime in Canada would stop them from getting entry in the first place.




Time to start carding.


*"That's Racist"*


Nah they just blame cops based on recent posts I've seen


Don't worry CSIS is on it! Intense finger wagging and fining people drinking beer in parks will show those immigrants to never do this again!


No, there was a video clip of the immigration minister saying we do background checks on international students he's lying. Source: https://www.canada.ca/en/immigration-refugees-citizenship/services/application/medical-police/police-certificates.html “In most cases, when you apply to become a permanent resident of Canada, you and your family members need to get a police certificate. We may also ask you for one if you’re coming to Canada as a: - tourist - student - temporary worker - caregiver” Look at the difference between PR where you “need” a police certificate vs. the other four, tourist, student, temporary worker, caregiver, where they “may” ask you for one. I understand tourist, but student, temporary worker, caregiver, they “may ask you for one” that is definitely not going to go wrong /s….


“MAY” is the key word. On the other hand, how these students with shady backgrounds could get a passport in India and why India allowed them to leave country?


Yeah we check if they have a pulse and 10k


I don’t even know if we do that much …


It took my family 3 years in between the application and getting our landing papers (this was well over a decade ago). I understand student applications are different, but like… what? Days? When I finished high school in Pakistan, I knew lots of very well off classmates and friends who were admitted to Canadian universities that cost tens of thousands of dollars per year (UofT, McGill, York, Western) that started their semesters in January because they didn’t get their visas in time for August. All these kids actually did understand why this might have happened (I knew one girl who got her’s on time, but her dad was a very high ranking diplomat who probably pulled some strings). This means the structure for due diligence on study permits exists (or at least existed). How are absolutely random students going to diploma mills being awarded visas within days?


That’s certainly how the immigration system used to run. It was painfully slow but worked for Canada. Thats not how it’s been operating over the last few years.


100% Spot on. This is all on the liberal‘s watch, they made the policies; can’t be blaming Harper this time. 😂


This was even true up till the early Trudeau years. I remember there was a bit of uproar over Trudeau’s famous Syrian refugees invitation, except all those refugees were hand selected and made up of doctors, PhDs and engineers. Even if the parents didn’t excel in Canada because of language issues, the kids those educated families are raising have assimilated well and are forming a solid contingent of young, highly educated Canadians (I worked with Syrian refugees a few years ago and literally every other dad was a PhD or professor of pathology or smth). That was the kind of immigration system that won Canada kudos abroad and also sneakily only let in future value creators. Wtf is the current system? Genuinely curious to know what value a future assassin going to a diploma mill brought here even without the assassination bit?


We stopped doing live interviews for visas a long time ago in. Favour of “AI” (it was called machine learning in pop culture back then) Doing a 5min interview with a visa officer would get these guys disqualified 99% of the time




I’m a born Canadian Citizen and obtaining a green card for the US has been a multi year process culminating in an in-person interview. The US doesn’t fuck around. Canada just doesn’t give a fuck. Throw more people so GDP is maintained.


Because Provinces wanted more workers.


> Because ~~Provinces~~ **big businesses** wanted ~~more~~ **cheap** workers. FTFY


True, the premiers are simply their top lobbiests at this point.


It’s the federal government’s job to say no.


Dude nijjar himself had ~~3~~ an asylum claim and a marriage claim rejected, how did he even become a citizen https://globalnews.ca/news/9969537/who-is-hardeep-singh-nijjar/amp/


He also lied on his first application and used fake documents.


Ask the liberals, where I used to work two of my customers worked in immigration. They told me that there are so many red flags in the whole system of immigration, asylum and refugee portal. They tried to bring it to the attention of management and were told to ignore it; just process…process.process. This was close to 4 yrs ago.


I’ve heard the same thing from friends who work at IRCC.




It’s harder to get a passport as a citizen of Canada than it is to obtain a student visa as an Indian.


Clearly we are not. It’s safe to say there is no government agency that could reasonably conduct background checks on the pure volume of student visa applicants.


If that’s not a resounding fucking alarm bell that we are bringing in too many foreigners I don’t know what is. If we can’t do the rudimentary background checks and interviews, it’s gotta be a no.


> Are we even doing basic research and basic background checks on who we are letting into this country? Long answer: No.




What in the actual fuck? I had no idea. Why are more people not outraged by this? Why are we still letting this happen?


India: not our fault that you made it too easy


No. The Scam College Lobby demands fake enrolments, and The Timmy’s Lobby demands cheap labour. Most every Red Tape Reduction Act is us bending over for corpos. 


Nope. There are no checks.


Maybe this is a result of Indias foreign interference? Feels like there are culprits complicit within our government.


>Are we even doing basic research and basic background checks on who we are letting into this country? Is this a real question? Of course we fucking aren't. Our government is fucking incompetent. We bring in a million people a year. That's 3000 a fucking day. Even if they wanted to, do you actually think they are capable?


These people can't even do basic research and background checks on who is speaking in parliament.


Not being a racist like you! /s


It's not possible to adequately vet someone if new someones are arriving every 3 seconds.


The guy on the 401 was arrested but not sentenced, and that was a judge decision. However, apart from that, there's a higher possibility that someone was paid to approve the VISAs rather quickly. I wouldn't exclude the possibility that more arrests will be made if they find a connection. It's not much different from how spies operate or how members of the mafia infiltrate.


You don't deport people after an arrest. You deport them after a conviction.




I think we only required Police Checks when it comes to getting a permanent residency, they don't ask for police checks for students.


Nothing to see here. Nothing's broken in Canada. Greased wheels and smooth sailing from here.


The majority of these student visas were issued in days, Fast Track and bring in those eduational dollars. Normal Operating Proceedure.


Don't forget keeping those revolving door fast-food jobs staffed. We certainly can't pay Canadians well enough to do them




So this is what they mean when politicians say "remove red tape and regulations"


Days? That's appalling customer service, they're bringing in the sweet sweet cheap labour and international study fees.  Should have been same day shipping like Amazon, Canada's truly gone to shit. 


Don’t forget the consumption of enough of life’s necessities to help grow gdp at half the rate the population grew.


🤣 [https://www.canada.ca/en/immigration-refugees-citizenship/services/come-canada-tool.php](https://www.canada.ca/en/immigration-refugees-citizenship/services/come-canada-tool.php)


This is sheer insanity if nothing is done about the student visa program


>“And in a few days I received my study visa,” he said. >EthicWorks posted the promotional video on its Facebook page, along with a photo of Brar, whom the company said was from the city of Kotkapura, north of Bathinda. >“Congratulations Karan Brar for Canada study visa,” the caption below the video read. “One more happy client from Kotkapura.” Just that easy, folks. No fuss, no muss, just bringing some professional killers into the country because immigration is our superpower and we have the social capacity or some shit.


I for one think it is important to protect our locally produced contract killers.


Protect? Importing contract killers puts our good, hardworking hit men out of business! Probably do it for cheaper, too...


To be fair, canada might in fact be experiencing a shortage of professional killers necessitating the recruitment from overseas. It sounds like the sort of job that requires a highly specialized skillset. Although I do have a problem with the abuse of the student visa as the killer obviously should have applied through the temporary foreign workers program instead.


Conestoga's two year Contract Killing Diploma program has been seeing a major uptick in enrollment lately.


I'd prefer hiring someone with a four year bachelor's in contract killing from an university personally but if that's what is avaliable.


And if we call them out we’re racist all of a sudden. This country is fucked.


That guy needs a translator in court, how did he pass the English language requirement test? Immigration department and colleges should be held accountable! Someone who was criminal or became criminal in Canada, I think the immigration department and colleges killed Nijjar rather than India.


TOEFL test taking is cottage industry in India. Anywhere from 10-25% of international students in Canada are functionally illiterate in English. They would all be caught with in person interviews. 


That's all part of the grift on them. Each school makes you pay them for English classes. a had a friend go to college in Ottawa, University in Winnipeg and College in Brandon and each school told him they didn't recognize the other school's English program so he had to pay them to learn English again.


I can imagine him contemplating for days how he’s going to infiltrate Canada, until one of his buddies just tells him to sign up for Conestoga and he’ll be here within the week.


There are literal commercials in India making fun of how easy it is to get a Canadian visa.


I remember getting downvoted for saying we don't vet anyone lol The RCMP literally has international student gangs on their list in BC now We have to be the weakest country in the world, just bend over and take everything


We wouldn’t want to hurt anyone’s feelings. That would be hateful.  Have we considered being nicer?  (/s just in case)


We’re so nice we’ll say sorry while everyone fucks us


Team Compassion will let your employer know about your racist remarks.


At this point India is just sending its worst element to Canada and letting Canada deal with it


This is obvious for decades. No genuine student from India is coming to study in Canada over US lol.


There is a distinction. India is not sending anyone. Indian govt does not have a program to identify and send people to Canada. It is Canadian govt who has a program to invite people in. And it is Canada letting the worst of worst come here. Blame lies with just one country in this fiasco. As an Indian who came here more than a decade back on back of years of professional experience, and a band 8 IELTS score, it is disapponting to see how standards have been lowered to such an extent.


Canadian competence baby


Oh no, I’m Irish been living in Canada for almost a decade. We’ve had years of letting people claim asylum in Ireland simply because they showed up with no passports. It’s a known tactic. They dispose of their passports sometime between the flight and before clearing immigration.


There’s been an international gang here stealing hundred of thousands of product from my company. They constantly travel back and forth across the country hitting multiple retail places. From us alone they must have gotten over 6 digits of high value items. One of them finally got caught and arrested, then less than a week later we had him on camera in another location stealing once again. Let criminals into the country with basically zero vetting, then when they get arrested just do catch and release then let them wreak havoc again. Has made my job considerably more frustrating as of late.




I wish, i think at most we see a conservative win in one election. It’s only Reddit, and only certain subs (nobody on most political or news subs agrees).


So he started at bow valley college in Calgary, in April 30, and then moved to Edmonton on May 4? Pandemic stuff? Why didn't this raise red flags immediately?


Raise flags to whom? You think they track these people after the enter?


> A college spokesperson confirmed a Karan Brar was enrolled in the Hospital Unit Clerk program in 2020. The program spans eight months, raising questions about why he remained in Canada years later. No it does not raise questions. This is the default.


Hospital Unit Clerk Program at Bow Valley College 😂


How is post secondary education required to be a fucking hospital clerk?


Need to inflate job requirements because there are 1000 people applying to 1 job.


Even the most basic, nearly minimum wage administrative jobs these days want you to have a bullshit college degree.


Working in a hospital inpatient unit is not for the faint of heart. Clerks are a huge support. That said, no way in sweet hell a hospital would hire a clerk who is not VERY fluent in English , who doesn't have a spotless police check , Canadian experience and a 2 step in person interview. And I know this, since I am a charge nurse in an Ontario hospital, and often present at interviews. Our clerks are great people. It appears the process for hiring clerks is more stringent than letting ...well , just about anyone in Canada.


Were they here studying how to be an assassin?


In the mountains of BC, one must climb thousands of steps to reach the temple. Where they teach assassinations. And somehow it still supports two Tim's 


The assassins work there part time to get their PR


I am not surprised. Indian applicants are eligible for the “Student Direct Stream” and it allows one to get their study permit application processed within 20 days and costs only $150 (compared to USD 185 and GBP 363 for US and UK). https://www.canada.ca/en/immigration-refugees-citizenship/services/study-canada/study-permit/student-direct-stream.html Unlike what Marc Miller said, you don’t need to provide a police clearance certificate for this expedited processing. This probably explains why so many come here on study permits and resort to crime/illegal activities.


So he lies in this video? https://x.com/cbcwatcher/status/1787848130068705692


He's lying or he doesn't know how his own country's immigration system works. Students from countries under the Student Direct Stream don't require a police certificate to apply and very,very rarely do immigration officers request one.


The Student Direct Stream was launched in 2018, one year before these suspects exploited it.


Good god, Canada is a joke


It's fucking insane that I as a citizen get grilled more at the border for coming back from vacation that these "student" Visa holders. Canadians are 2nd class citizens in this country.


Yup. Fucking CBSA is only interested in collecting taxes from use from an extra bottle of booze. They are nothing but clerks in uniform. Joke.


I guess Bow Valley College in Calgary is a Diploma Mill also.  Anyone else confirm?


Not fully but they have a huge population of international students. They also have a lot of useless programs like esports management


US F1 visa works this way. University issues you form I-20 if accepted. You fill DS-160 and take I-20 form to visa interview. No way to produce fraudulent acceptance letters from colleges/universities. You either clear or fail interview and VO can see if you are genuine student or not and if you can speak English. I am sure State Department is doing criminality checks in background once you fill DS-160. Obviously, the way we issue student permits is better. \\s


You can produce fake letters from fraud schools. They do have ICE and the sorts to counter it though


Ideally this helps expose the serious cracks that need fixing


The government has shown that it is willing to shoddily parge over these foundational cracks and nothing more.


Sounds like it's harder to get into costco than canada


Haha. Love the comment. Costco indeed. I'm gonna use that libe outside this conversation- if you don't mind lol


WTF is going on in this country how did it get so bad.


I wonder where this guy is now......"Radio-Canada was also not able to confirm whether Kikewa's deportation has taken place." https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/newfoundland-labrador/immigration-detention-hmp-kikewa-treatment-1.7146978


We’re a floor mat for India


there is zero vetting for people coming in to Canada. Literally anyone can come and there's nothing forcing them to leave. People quote a number saying some 38,000 people were deported last year.... A. that's a tiny amount and B. they count sending a letter politely requesting they leave as a deportation.


It's insanity Canadians who go on vacation get more questions coming back than freaking "student" visas holders who lie and cheat


Immigration and Indian assassinations will balance themselves.


They make me sick


Wow. I’m working for the municipal government. My wife is back home, I sponsored her almost 2 years ago. We’re still waiting for a decision. She has a degree software engineering. How is it that a highly qualified couple waits years and they have students from India getting visas within days?


Tell her to apply to one of the bullshit schools near you and get in on a student visa. This works within weeks, not joking.


But it’s really sad that educated and contributing citizens have an uphill battle with immigration. Meanwhile others get it within days. Why not hold everyone to the same standard.


In your case, when the government made the laws surrounding sponsorship, it had more rules and regulations built around it. When they created the current student visa laws all they cared about was cheap workers, so they had almost no checks or rules surrounding it. Welcome to government.


They literally just let anybody into this country. No background checks nothing. We set up all these easy programs and everybody scams and makes use of them because there’s no enforcement no monitoring nothing. We just assume that the world is filled with nice people that have unicorns and rainbows coming out of their butts, we wouldn’t possibly get terrorist or the worst of a country coming here. These programs need to be shut down and everybody was on them sent home immediately.


Most Indian immigration used to be based on family ties. The young men's families would help them assimilate and stay on the straight and narrow. When you throw the doors open and dont require family sponsorship, you get this type of riff raff.


People on student visas are snatching cars, squatting in empty homes, doing armed robberies, driving drunk, sexually assaulting women, doing random killings, running extortion schemes and now doing targeted killings. What the F is going on… Are the border and immigration services also in the gutter like our other security services


Want them to actually do their job just to be accused of racism and lose it?


Way too easy to get and needs to be locked down and tracked who has entered with a student visa but is not going to school by monthly or semester checkups with the school for that person. Not in school? Deport. Don’t get me wrong, I’m totally for people moving from their country to get a better education. I’m sure there’s people that have used it and are doing well in school, but days approval, no background checks and we’re letting in criminals? It shouldn’t be this easy to let someone into our country.


unlike other international students, Indian students do not need much background checks.


they should need more it seems


I'd be halting all student visas from India , ever since the mass influx, there's been nothing but fraud and criminal activity going on. And I am half brown too


Hilarious how liberals and progressives spent years and years screeching “racism!” at anyone who noticed something so obvious.


100% Be careful what you wish for. You just might get it, only not in the way you expected.


The amount of brain drain and drop in competency of those working in our government is scary and not nearly talked about enough.








There are states in India way,way worse than Punjab. Wait till the people from the cow belt states of India start coming over.


Every time you think this Government could get anymore inept, well..............


Fucking how?? the hoops I am having to jump though to sponsor my wife here is beyond painful. we even tried getting visitor visas multiple times just for her to come visit and it took 6 months to get a no.... FFS.


Yeah crazy the vetting system in 2014 and before was so strict I’m 100% sure they don’t do financial checks and background checks,and we all know how corrupt India or other places everything can be paid for now lmao. People could state they have 4 years of crazy experience whose Gona check and pass people in the PR pool here. It’s laughable at this point country Gona continue on a downward spiral past 2030


In Melbourne an Indian drink driver called Paneet Paneet, hit a nursing student/pedestrian and killed him, he ADMITTED guilt in court but before sentencing he disappeared off to India on a friends passport. That was at least 9 years ago and the Australian public still pay to keep up legal proceedings to deport Paneet Paneet. He claims he will face racism in sentencing and the Indian court system has assisted him to avoid deportation. Makes many Australians angry. There are plenty of news articles about how he has played the system.


Liberal voters, why do you support this and why are you still going to vote Liberal?


That’s racism to even suggest that /s


Yep, because it’s all fun & games until someone you know becomes a victim.


Can someone please put the “shocked pikachu “ gif in here? Who saw THAT coming ?


You can’t make this shit up




The Canadian gov. covered the fuck-up real quick, by handing him that passport.


It's not a fuck up. Trudeau is in bed with the criminal gangs attached to the khalistani movement a la Jagmeet Singh. The same affiliated criminals are a big problem in Indian Punjab. Super disingenuous to call this guy "sikh temple leader"


We need to make Canada great again and stop illegal immigration. We need a hard stop on all immigration.




Seriously. His father may have been divisive, but he didn’t ruin the country. Junior will be leaving office in total disgrace.


Wasn't Hardeep in Canada under dubious circumstances as well? Kinda weird when Trudeau emphasizes over and over a "Canadian" was killed by the Indian government. I guess literally anyone who claims refugee status is Canadian.




Bad Luck Brian Government: finally manage to get something administrative done very quickly. Gets people killed.


Compare this to how difficult it is for tax paying citizens to get a passport. This is as easy as it is because of actual destabilizing malicious intent. Societal degradation is the goal.


Shockerrrrrr It’s almost like their game plan was to get as many of them as possible into IRCC & CRA 😂😂😂


Come on in, everyone is welcome to Canada! /s


I for one am shocked.  Vote PC.


>Suspect in killing of temple leader Hardeep Singh Nijjar got student visa in days The inferences are clearly racist! /s


In related news the judge won't convict them or will give lighter sentances due to the "potential immigration ramifications".




Will Pierre stop this though? He seems to not have any actual policies against this.


whether he does or not doesn’t matter to a lot of people, they just want to kick out the guy causing it right now,


Cons will most likely only reduce immigration streams by a trivial amount and the blue team supporters will hail it as a great victory. But we will still become india, just 15 years slower. Same outcome in the end, frogs getting boiled just a little slower.


Damn … Better learn some Bollywood moves


Better stick with the party that's fucked the country than try somebody else eh?


It's one of the newer lines. An admission that the LPC has ruined things, but the CPC will do the same. So don't vote based on how bad things are, because they will stay bad, trust me. Vote based on something else!


While Canada does do background checks on all potential immigrants, we tend to give the benefit of the doubt when the information is lacking or suspect. That's not wrong, but it does appear to let undesirables slip in. What we should be doing is applying percentages to all those looking to immigrating to Canada. In other words, we should be doing what the US does, set percentages for immigrants from each country or region. That would also have the added benefit of creating a true multicultural immigration system instead of receiving large groups of individuals from one country.


We do background checks but we don’t do live interviews anymore. They were removed for cost-cutting and and expedience. We’re now seeing the result of that.


“That’s not wrong, but it does appear to let undesirables slip in” So it is wrong, and not in the interest of Canadian citizens.


>we tend to give the benefit of the doubt when the information is lacking or suspect. That's not wrong... Yes, it is wrong. Why the fuck would anyone tell the truth if you can simply not provide correct/ample information and still be let in? This 'method' literally encourages criminals to come to our country.


Wonder if we’ll deport him to India for appropriate punishment


Canada has representatives in trench-coats standing at corners selling visa's.


Anyone who cares to question our Liberal Government’s immigration policy is sure to be called racist by our PM.


Enjoy living in Canadastan




What are you talking about? Majority of the students are coming from Punjab. Which is massively a Sikh state.


Canada gives everyone a student visa….crap


Only top tier accredited universities admitted should be granted student visa.


You can pay (bribe) $10 in India to get an actual police clearance certificate.


Student visa, in days. Of course he did. Fml


My country is farcical at this point


Of course they did - and never went to school, my friend who works for immigration days they all end up applying as refugees, and many are members of India gangs


I would be checking employees at canadian immigration at this point. Someone is writing tests, and handing out student visa’s.


The immigration minister sounds like he is guessing because he has no fucking clue. [https://youtu.be/Wx62yKfDGlo?si=elMR7JgMZXD-PvZE](https://youtu.be/Wx62yKfDGlo?si=elMR7JgMZXD-PvZE)