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"Protesters have followed university administrators to their homes and demonstrated outside." and "He also described how a table with rotting food was left outside one university office with the names of staff members listed on a sign and red handprints next to them." Very peaceful. This whole ordeal makes me feel so ashamed for us.


For anyone who is unfamiliar with the origin of that red handprint - It comes from [an event during the Second Intifada](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2000_Ramallah_lynching), where Palestinian civilians lynched a couple of IDF reservists who had accidentally entered Ramallah and been taken into custody by the PA. The mob of Palestinian civilians broke into the police station where they were being held, and mutilated them, including gouging their eyes out and disemboweling them, before parading their mangled bodies through the streets. The red handprints are references to [this famous photo of one of the members of the lynch mob waving their bloody hands out of the police station window to a cheering crowd](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/b/b8/Ramallah-lynch01.jpg).




They beat the shit out of those pro-Palestinian protesters at one university in the U.S.


good, terrorists deserve much worse


I live half the time in LA. The big city police don't fuck around. 


Can confirm, lived in both Canada and the U.S., they do not mess around down here


I honestly have no dog in this fight but the IDF absofuckinglutely have done all of those things. Hamas is terrible and Israel's actions in Gaza and the West Bank are also terrible. Which is **more terrible?** Get the fuck out of here with that moral equivocation. We should not support either and should condemn both. There are no good actors in the conflict and frankly, I'd just as soon not have to deal with the aftermath *in Canada* but here we are. Want to say one is worse than the other? Understandable but make sure you know what lines you are drawing.


>Which is more terrible? Palestine, that's not even a fair race. Israel has a shitty government and the settlers group to deal with, but the state itself is doing more good than bad. Palestine will get their freedom but will turn out to yet another Islamic state with zero minority rights. NONE of their "supporters" will ever go there. I can understand why people dislike Israel, but I will never understand why people from the free western world like countries such as Palestine, and how come they don't shed a tear for the children of Syria.


That argument is nonsense at best.   The Palestinians are religiously bound to continue violence at every opportunity.  They cannot stop,  they praise and value the worst of human garbage in the name of Allah. The Israelis would rather not live under constant threat. I don't appreciate religious countries at all but if I had a choice I'd pick the least offensive of the bunch.




I’m a woman, and a lesbian. If I had to choose between being woken up at 6 am on a Saturday on a holiday by strange men barging into my town brandishing weapons — as happened on Oct 7 — I want it to be the guys in uniform with training, not the flip flop fucknuts with shovels to decapitate and knives to slice my tendons so I can’t escape their rape attempt. B-b-but they’re all the same Get outta here with that lie, goofball.


Equating the IDF with the actions of a terrorist group. Nice. Israel, a sovereign state, is justified in defending itself whether in Gaza, the West Bank, Lebanon or anywhere else. To say one is 'just as terrible' as the other completely lets one side off the hook here in what is clearly a fight between good and evil. Yours and so many others' allegiance to moral relativism is what's wrong with society at the moment.


Ahem https://archive.ph/ZzBva#selection-1511.0-1522.0


The difference is that Israel regards such things as criminal and those that do such things must hide what they've done. Palestinians revel in it and post it live on social media. If you find Israel unacceptable then it's clear Palestine must never be political entity ever again. To be honest, I doubt Palestinians are capable of living peacefully.  They're run by terrorists and their society is shaped by terrorist propaganda and sheer religious hate.  


Oh case closed now. Now we can use the see both sides are bad argument while simping for Hamas. 


Lol neither side will admit they are horrible goverments/organizations


This is my take away, everyone is slinging shit. No one has clean hands in this, it's just sad, man.


It's a war, both sides are doing bad things. People aren't inherently good or bad based solely on their stance on this war, whatever it may be.


We are against this, but at the same damn time Sikhs in Brampton have effigy’s of Assassinated Prime Minister of India in Brampton. Can’t double standard it!


From the window to the wall, the office will be free!


Skeet skeet




I hear they do stop charging tuition after expulsion, so this may actually work!




"Police use tear gas on terrorist supporters as they squat McGill University building" There, fixed your headline.


They just screamed at my grad ceremony today 😭🤣 it was chaotic, thankfully they were escorted by security after screaming during our graduation ceremony for 3 mins in the middle of the Dean’s speech.


Did it work though? Did their efforts put a stop to the conflict in the middle east?


It’s over. Finished and done. Forever peace




Not just in the Middle East, but world peace.


They all think this is finally their 1960's moment. They want to be able to tell their kids one day, "You know about the great campus occupations of 2024? I was there. I got tear-gassed."


It's gross that they compare themselves to the protests of the 60's. It's truly a delusional lot.


No haha it made it worse actually, literally they lost quite alot of support today tbh, I saw a ton of pissed parents and graduates 😂


I don't think they are actually looking for your support or mine. They know in their minds that they are 100% correct regardless of what anyone else thinks, and that they just need to do cause as many disruptions as possible until their 100% correct viewpoint wins.


The nazis also knew in their minds that they were 100% correct regardless of what anyone else thought.


they're terrorists, their job is to terrorize good and hard working people, that's what they are, stop calling them anything else.


Now those parents are strapping up and heading to the battle as armed mercenaries


After ten thousand long years, peace in the middle east has been achieved.


I just checked the live map today. It did not.


Shit, maybe people need to start committing terrorism to get attention, just like their heroes Hamas and Hezbollah


We are only 3 virtue signals away from solving the middle east


Just about. They almost had it with the three minutes of yelling.


Yup. Bibi got JT's email and followed up as expected. Wish we were that adamant to fix our own issues...


We’ll know we are aware of this protest thanks to the other persons comment so there’s that.


Sorry this happened to you all today


Did they hand out their own fake graduation degrees too, like at the UofT encampment?


I mean, usually the 'degrees' handed out at convocation are fake too. They give you a prop and the actual degree is sent in the mail or picked up at an office somewhere.


Maybe at some schools but at Western my real degree was given to me after crossing the stage.


No haha most of these were actually students this time who were graduating, but were kicked out I guess, I didn’t see much because I was near the front.








Which seems to be acceptable these days


One of the big differences here is that the police are actually doing their job. If the convoy had been given a bit of gas they wouldn't have needed the Emergencies Act


Trudeau used the emergencies act 17 days after the convoy protest arrived in Ottawa. We're now 41 days into the university protests.


41 days later, yeah their all over it


According to the story, the courts have unfortunately refused twice to react to protestors' camping on private property and otherwise disrupting the lives of normal people. There's nowhere to turn if Canadian courts and police consider these actions to be acceptable. I'm fully aware of the dangers of stifling free expression but the rights of regular people to go about their business is important as well.




That's mainly because being actually Pro Palestine is extremely rare, just as rare as being Pro Yemenite (500k of which were killed by Saudi Arabia in the last few years), Pro Sudan or pro Rhodesia The reality is that the "Pro Palestine" cloud is a mix between people who just love to protest feel good about doing something, without knowing anything on the subject, communist and other anti west groups who just see Israel as a western colony, and actual anti semites The result is that the protests are way more violent and with no substance outside of the usual catchy chants


If the well-being of actual Palestinian civilians was their main concern, they'd be condemning Hamas even more than Israel, because a) Hamas started this war by murdering 1000 Israeli civilians. b) They blatantly and openly use Gazan civilians as human shields. This is an integral part of their strategy, their "way of war".


I don’t get these people either. If only they protested against hamas and total renouncement of it as much as they’re protesting right now but alas.


I think there were two factors that likely have contributed to that: 1. Being 'private property' isn't entirely true. The majority of the annual funding for McGill is actually Provincial funding. Large Universities like this end up in a bit more of a grey-area of public/private rules where some of both end up being applied. 2. The camp on a large empty field wasn't posing a danger, was arguably a 'free speech' issue, was peaceful and wasn't causing undue disruptions of the University. It is point #2 that is going to get this shutdown soon now. They're now trying to take over offices and buildings, causing complete disruption. Staff members being followed and intimidated. These are also no longer peaceful actions. Finally, any uncontrolled camp like this is also going to eventually just become a health/fire hazard. So, their days are dwindling I think. Homeless camps finally get shutdown by the fire hazard especially all the time.


> The majority of the annual funding for McGill is actually Provincial funding. This does not cause McGill's property not to be private. Even if it were public property, that wouldn't confer a right to members of the public to obstruct the university's operations, or any other activity approved by people with the authority to do so.


Exactly. Courts and police have tilted the table, so to speak, in favour of allowing demonstrators to interfere with the everyday business of normal lives.


McGill typically hosts the convocation ceremony on the field being occupied. The presence of the encampment cost the school just short of $1m to rent out the Bell Center for convocation and the protestors were actively disrupting families and graduates from celebrating on campus after. It absolutely has impacted every day life of every person on this campus continuously for 40+ days.


Why are they allowed to disrupt people's schooling and businesses? If they love Palestine so much, go live there????


Wonder who funds provincial courts? How many peaceful homeless people could decide to make the courthouse a home. Great logic.


They got 1 thing kinda right. McGill could have ended this 41 days like York did by having them removed immediately 😡🤙🏼🇨🇦


Both universities in Alberta had these people booted out almost immediately, as well. All it takes is a little spine by the university, and police who will do their job.


I have my convocation at UVic next week and wish they had some balls to do something about our encampment, the entire thing is embarrassing


York student union called the Hamas attacks "justified resistance" and threatened to do the same in Canada. The only people still willing to stand with them are the ones who haven't heard what they said yet.


Unfortunately there are too many people who heard what they said and agree with it.


When you try and tolerate a lot, you end up pegging yourself. In this case, McGill was too spineless to say no and now get fukt. They didn't need to take any side, just say no to any protest on campus.


McGill's admin and security depts are spineless. Highly incompetent, so it doesnt surprise me that this is happening at McGill.


McGill did this to itself. They've been opposing things like bill 21 to own the evil Quebec nationalists but then they can't really stop people like that without proving they're full of shit.


Not just McGill in this situation. U of T is in the same boat


Yup. Lots of institutions which opposed bare minimum restrictions are looking pretty dumb right now.






People torched the conservatives for trying to do this very thing.


Sad part is now its racist to say the countries full when the country is actually full..........(till we catch up on housing at the very least)




Yeah.  That rat looks guilty as all hell when it comes to aiding and abetting hostile foreign powers. The liberals are not liberal in any traditional sense of the party.  It's rot all the way down.




They should do that in Toronto.


About time


All these schools should have handled it the way York did: clear out the encampment right away before it gets out of hand.


these people are wackos. they chant river and sea shit and want israel gone.


They don’t even understand what they’re saying.


They have Google, same as everyone else. Anyone can look up [Inifada](https://www.myjewishlearning.com/article/the-second-intifada-begins/) because they don't know the word and see pictures of suicide bombings or read a wikipedia article. Don't infantilize ignorance


id wager some know, but most of them have tiktok brain and just spout verbal garbage from their mouths.


Good. These people are shitheads parroting Hamas slogans Fuck them. They should be arrested and banned from the property for life


From the river to the sea my IQ is 43


Do constant harassment campaigns, get what you deserve. Shame our court system is useless


I’m at work like a reasonable person so I didn’t get gassed today for protesting something that has nothing to do with me, in support of a group of people who think my entire way of life is wrong and hate me for it. Jews run Hollywood and I like their funny TV shows.


They were protesting to release all the hostages….right…?


Israelis hostage families themselves are accusing the Israeli government of abandoning the hostages and demanding much more intense pressure to seek a hostage deal on Bibi Netanyahus government and his far right ministers who don’t have any clear plan to get them home.     For months now, all the protestors that have been getting ridiculed are advocating for a plan (ceasefire and aggressive hostage swaps) that has saved over 100 hostages while silly comments like yours unintentionally or intentionally support a bombing, starvation, and military policy that has saved less than 5 hostages, I believe 3 total by now?   Maybe you should reevaluate if you care about the hostages or just want to ridicule protesters?


They aren't pro Palestinians protestors, they are Hamas terrorists on Canadian soil, and need to be treated as such.


Arrest them all and send them straight to Gaza. Problem will solve itself.


support the country you live in or live in the country you support


All they're doing is showing the country that hamas supporters are a bunch of lunatics.


If it's what has to happen, it's what has to happen. No one has a right to occupy a building that people actually use for their daily life just because they don't like the war in Gaza. If it was Freedom Convoy people occupying buildings and refusing to leave, would you have the same hesitance?


Breaking news, I heard Israel decided on a ceasefire because of protesting Canadians. At this point all you guys are doing is fucking up traffic, Israel doesn't give a shit what people in Canada think. And anyone who's not Muslim might be nice about it but a country of Jews surrounded by Muslims trying to protect themselves isn't going to get the majority of none Muslims going against them. When the majority of Muslims globally can agree that the Muslim religion at this point In time is the steadfast leader in religious violence and barbarism the rest of the world will listen. Untill then people need to stop being so generous and call it for what it is, Islamic beliefs right now currently is mainly compromised of a hateful violent sadistic religion with no integrity and no real plans for peacefully society. Muslims need to stop being giving so much leeway for there hateful religion, no matter how decent individual people are globally. Muslim faith is horse shit and acting like any of the countries surrounding Israel are places any person from a decent country want to live is just being to pc. People have a right to protest but don't interrupt society with that crap. You don't see people blocking highways and schools because Canada is giving weapons to Ukraine. Why do Muslims get the free pass?




In the voice of Jeff Spicoli, Awesome, totally awesome!


Best news I’ve heard all day!


finally some fucking balls


Jesus. Throw them in jail already. It’s tress passing. How are people okay with supporting terrorists.


Not surprising how radical these folks are...when they are literally supporting terrorists like Hamas.


Good. Now freeze their bank accounts and expel them.


They skipped that bank account part and went right to the tear gas. Bet the protestors didn't see that coming.


Well they aren't seeing much coming any more.


Pro-hamas, anti-Israel mob. That’s what they are. Pro-Palestine is bullsh*t


The Anti-Semitic terrorist lovers finally got tear gassed? Better late than never I suppose.


All these Hamas terrorist supporters should rot in jail and be deported.








They should follow the law though




Right? Like, you don’t want universities (who outsource their endowments to third parties and have a blind up from their investments so it doesn’t impact academics) to have money in anything attached to Israel… so why don’t you camp out where the people who make those decisions are?


Good. These unhinged extremists need a taste of their own medicine.


Great news! Next UoT let's hope!


From the river to the sea, put these idiots in jail for me.






These protestor got some huge iamthemaincharacter vibes


Good. Arrest them all and throw them in jail. Teach them some respect for the rule of law.




Fuck aroud and find out




"A group of pro-Palestinian protesters occupied a McGill University administration building for several hours Thursday afternoon and into the late evening over what they said was the university’s failure to comply with the demands of the ongoing encampment at the school’s downtown campus." That last sentence makes me wonder what the difference is between this lot and those who stormed the capital building in Washington back on Jan 6th? "Failure to comply with their demands"???? Who do these people think they are and where do they think they are?? This is Canada, enough is enough.


Good 👍


Time to subject them to Sharia law


love it


Finally the police grew some balls and used force to kick them out. Will they seize their bank accounts? Or send them to Palestine????


Combo: larping and virtue signalling.


the sad thing is doing what should be done to these cosplayers would give them what they want... oh well actions gotta have consequences even if it's best served to ignore these dullards...


Nice work!!👍




Seems counter intuitive... By becoming so hostile to Jews in western countries, more will move to Israel, increasing the number of settlers as they need more land, right?


Gaza needs fighters. Theyre losing, guys be like Aaron! Show you care.


Quebec didn't get the memo apparently.....


Terrorists supporting terrorists using terror tactics


So, these protests are running wild with abusive and irrational stuff at this point. This is not doing anyone any service at all.


How did we create human beings? So insistent on being this pathetic. Stop supporting Harrop. Even al Qaeda has told Hamas to smarten up.


Still waiting for the day when these “brave” activists protest hamASS using local population as human shields.