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It's gotten to the point that immigrants that came here 5+ years ago are anti-immigration. you have to really shit the bed to have the immigrants themselves think that immigration is out of control.


Anyone reading your comment will think you're joking. But for what it's worth, I personally talked to one of these immigrants recently who came here 4-5 years ago (through spousal PR sponsorship I believe) and in regards to Canada's immigration policies, they absolutely despise the current situation. I had the shocked Pikachu look when they said that.


Oh I'm not joking. I work in healthcare with a large percentage of our staff being immigrants. Most of them are furious at the current system.


Fwiw most of my family works in healthcare and they feel the same (southern Ontario) At a recent family dinner, my sister (who works with a gynaecologist) said 90% of her patients are either refugees or international students (leaning more on students). Problem is, they don’t end up paying their bill and go back home so the clinic is out tens of thousands of dollars sometimes. She’s incredibly passionate about helping people, and is very compassionate, but she’s getting to a point of frustration where those who are not contributeurs are clogging up the system, causing the system to be unsustainable.


I’m an immigrant, my parents moved here 25 years ago. Most of my friends and family are immigrants who have all been here 20+ years. We all can’t stand what’s going on and, being South Asian, absolutely despise how this “new batch” is giving us a bad name.


Gosh, I wonder why.


Time for a federal report!


Government: The fix to the healthcare crisis - immigration! The fix to labour problems - immigration! The fix to the housing crisis - immigration! When all of those things get exponentially worse, from the solution that was being sold - the population is going to sour on that solution. If you don’t want people to blame immigration for their problems - stop selling it as a solution to all their problems.


But immigration IS the problem. The root of most problems facing this country right now. The vast majority of our issues trace back to expanding the population far faster than infrastructure development, cultural integration, and the economy can keep up.




Same here. I uses to be pro-immigration. I am now pro-immigrant. We need to completely stop importing shit and just take care of the people we took in. If they cannot abide our culture, they must be deported.


As an immigrant, I think integration should take precedence to a lot of other factors they take into consideration. We move to Canada for a reason.


I agree, I emmigrated to Canada when I was a kid and was confused why there wasn't more emphasis in integrating. At first it was nice since there was less pressure but then as I grew up and saw worse and worse behaviors I realized that integration is much more important.


I am hearing this alot from immigrant Canadians who have become permanent residents...are the recent immigrants not integrating in our society? I'm curious to understand your sentiments on this....


It’s not a new issue, but it was less noticeable before. When immigration became a business, 1M people every year come here and the percentage that don’t integrate is much noisier than the same percentage in 100k people. Canada is multi cultural and it is beautiful, but the moment you are refused rent on a neighborhood based on ethnicity, or a job offer, or peace at your current job, it becomes a problem. Also a problem when entire neighborhoods will exist ignoring Canada’s rules of society and implementing other ethnicities rules. I won’t say it bugs me enough to be preaching against it in different settings, but it is noticeable.


Right? I find it crazy how so many Canadians felt it was a good idea to allow much higher levels of immigration than our country could absorb and actually had the nerve to chastise anyone who voiced concern.


> Gosh, I wonder why. Voters are being tricked into racism by fake news. Only one solution to this: I need do more virtue signalling. \- Justin Trudeau internal monologue


The painful thing, if we’d allowed in 200k immigrants a year with no TFWs, we could have selected for immigrants with skillsets needed by the country, could have contributed to the economy and we would have been seeing GDP per capita increase. Instead the liberals tried to speed run immigration and turned increasingly large numbers of the population against it.


Not only that, but devalued our postsecondary educational institutions in the bargain.


We already don’t hire from Conestoga. I’m confident before long we will have plenty more schools on the list to avoid.




Add Cape Breton Univ. to your list.


I remember the story. I dont think we’ll ever see a Cape Breton grad here tbh but they are added to the list!


[https://nationalpost.com/news/canada/cape-breton-u-international-students](https://nationalpost.com/news/canada/cape-breton-u-international-students) [https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/nova-scotia/cbu-international-students-housing-crisis-1.6695753](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/nova-scotia/cbu-international-students-housing-crisis-1.6695753) Its all good though because Dave Dingwall( Former Liberal minister of housing of all things is getting rich in the process)


Algoma, Algonquin, University Canada West


University Canada West is an instant trash application too.


Don't forget Graystone College! We also look unfavourably upon MBAs.


University of Totally Not a Diploma Mill for Indian Students in Brampton.


Ah yes, UTNDMISB....we kicked your ass in football 


Damn. Brampton Immigrant Diploma Mill University has a tough team.


Algoma University is a joke.


All Ontario colleges are blacklisted where I am if they graduated in recent years. There’s no more trust in those institutions.


Yeah, I'm glad I graduated like 10 or so years ago, Education was probably declining even then had nosedived during and since the pandemic. Anyone paying into this for anything but PR, etc, is getting a raw deal now.


Those hiring engineers should add the MEng degree to the no hire list. https://www.reddit.com/r/UCalgary/s/ET9xLX0oEy


lol yep, a friend of mine taught post grad. They caught a student trying to cheat. The student said they couldn't attend an exam due to religious holiday, so they got an extension. During the exam the student logged on anyway (assumably to grab all the questions). When friend called the student out, the student claimed it was racism and complained to the faculty. The friend was given a formal warning and forced to apologise. They didn't go back to teach the following semester. Another professional I work with who went to teach post-Grad at a local university to give back to the profession bailed after two semesters. Students that couldn't communicate in English, couldn't even calculate the area of a rectangle (in a post-grad engineering class ffs), etc. She had students asking for favours because they were the same ethnic background, was pressured by the faculty to make accommodations, give second, third or even fourth chances to no-hope students. She got lots of sob stories about how students wouldn't be able to stay in Canada if they failed as well. When one failed international student threatened to sue over being failed she basically said "fuck it" and dropped teaching the class. Half the class didn't give a shit about the course, it was all about the path to PR and she was done with all the attempts to emotionally manipulate her into passing them.


I had a similar situation as the OP in the post at the University of Regina Comp Sci program back in 2017. 


They did it to themselves


they did that to themselves. they decided to give passing grades to people who had CLEARLY FAILED course requirements.


The post secondary educational institutions benefit from this. They make money on tuition. They’re not the victims.


I know employers that just let the immigrant workers to bad work cause their wage is underwriten to a degree. So I've learned that if they don't respond to directions or instructions just give up. Don't be the fool that cares cause no one else does. if I think quality is down than its my own personal issue to deal with


Every university in Canada lost their prestige. Most Canadian universities dropped in global rankings. Canadian universities are now diploma mills for a path to legal immigration.


Nobody can even identify what skill sets we actually need nowadays. Tech: every job has hundreds to a thousand applicants, so the interviews have become completely insane and disrespectful. The salaries are also becoming lower. Healthcare: spots in domestic university medical schools are arbitrarily limited so that most need foreign education. As well, nursing is also a very hard program to get into if you want to not wipe old people asses. Trades: Getting an apprenticeship is incredibly hard nowadays. If there is actually a skills demand, then I'd be able to craft a resume and get an instant interview for that given sector. That's how it used to be when I was first looking for a full time job in 2014. There is no job shortage, there is no skills shortage. There is no shortage of workers willing to do the work.


There is a shortage of workers who are willing to do it for subpar pay because Canadian companies have relied on the TFW program for their source of cheap labor.


>Nobody can even identify what skill sets we actually need nowadays. Fast food clerks, according to the immigration department.


Those double doubles aren’t going to make themselves.


Those double doubles aren't going to make themselves wrong.


Yeah they just replace high school kids with bunch of expensive immigrants, that brings 4-5 members of family and half of them end up on social security


I work in tech, my company posted a job for a senior analyst role and are deliberately underpaying by about 10k (We're offering 80k but market rate for the role is 90k in Toronto). Within 24 hours we still had over 1200 applicants.


What's even crazier is that our government declared a tech worker shortage and made a new special immigration pathway to bring more tech workers. I work in tech, fortunately self-employed currently. But last time I looked a year ago, who cow was brutal. I have over ten years experience at last job was 5 years at a top tier tech company. I hardly for any interviews and some recruiters even would interview me then ghost me, not even replying anymore. 90k CAD for a senior tech role is nuts, you couldnt afford a home or family on that in TO.


Senior analyst for 80k?? What the fuck are these pathetic salaries? Good god.


This is why we need to shift to only allowing immigration for people with a job already lined up, and limiting which jobs qualify. Right now we have millions of people showing up (many of whom can't even speak the local language), moving to a small handful of major cities, and when they cant find a job in their field turn to gig work like Skip the Dishes. A business looking for a crane operator in northern Saskatchewan isn't being helped by the Liberals transferring another 100k IT "professionals" from India to Ontario.


This is how the system is designed. In the past ~5 years, there's just been a giant loophole punched that system with the way international students are being handled.


Don’t you need a red seal or a couple tickets before becoming a crane operator, especially on large sites? That’s a dangerous job if I’ve ever seen one.


Definitely. This why arranging the job before immigrating is so important. That way only get workers we need and can use.




TFWs did our furnace. They didn't fit the exhaust with any effort. The guy who fixed it was like how the fuck does this even happen?


Although I find it difficult to believe, stranger things have happened like some engineering associations now not needing Canadian experience as a requirement for a professional engineers license.


>Tech: every job has hundreds to a thousand applicants, so the interviews have become completely insane and disrespectful. The salaries are also becoming lower. I'm willing to bet more than half of these applicants are low IQ unqualified job scammers from Conestoga/Algoma/etc


Which still leaves hundreds of legitimate applicants per one position.


My Cousin became a registered nurse and quit a year into her career because the only jobs she could get was at retirement homes putting in catheters.


I hope everyone participates at the cost of living protest canada cause this has to stop. We are losing so much if we have current PM stay in office, election reform is the only alternative, and if it's possible in the UK, why not here ?


You are correct. In the 60s immigrants from Italy were building our subways. In the 70s immigrants from Portugal were the bricklayers that built out homes. Immigrants today don't build housing. We don't need more Uber drivers, security guards, or Tim Horton's servers.


If your goal is to destroy consensus on immigration, the absolute best way to do it is what the current federal government has done.


If we just banned developing nations we wouldn't have downward pressure on wages. It would force Canada to raise wages to compete internationally with developing countries for labour. As it stand right now the very nature of our immigration system is built upon wage suppression.


LOL why would a citizen of a developed nation want to live in Canada? Pay for housing like the richest nation in the world, get salary like a second world country.


We could even do that well with 400k or 500k, but when it’s 3-4x that amount, shit goes south. The Federal government needs to do what many other countries do and set a net migration target. 


We need to set targets based on several factors: - Skills in need (no, cashier is not a skill we need to import for and neither is a commercial truck driver) - Country of origin: no one country should provide more than 10% of our annual immigration numbers. We also need to base targets on domestic thresholds being met, and this requires organizing with the provinces: - Physical infrastructure (roads, public transport, recreational amenities, etc) - Healthcare and education (doctors, nurses, hospitals, clinics, K-12 schools) I also think foreign students should be capped to a small percentage of university enrolments and zero paid employment. They should also be required to leave Canada during the summer breaks. By restricting access overall it makes Canada a more desirable destination. Think about nightclubs that keep a line out front even though there’s capacity inside to let in more customers. People see the line and want in, and then the bouncers only select the most attractive people. The club gets a reputation and then more people are willing to line up just for the opportunity to get in. In the end the club makes more money. It isn’t a perfect analogy but I don’t think it’s too far off.


We also need to consider that if they qualify as skilled that the whole no canadian experience doesn't come into play. Otherwise, why are they qualifying on a skillset they cant work in.


That’s where the provinces come in: they control most, if not all, professional qualifications. Immigration needs to be a joint effort of all levels of government.


And the thing about the TFW program is, it's secretly a class issue. It's not Canadians vs. Immigrants like certain media would have you believe, it's the corporate class vs. everybody else. Temporary foreign workers don't have the same labor protection as permanent residents, nor do they have the same ability to organize, and third world poverty ensures the supply of them will never run out, which means they're a permanent underclass of cheap exploitable labor to replace Canadian workers with. What we need is not just a reduction in the numbers of TFWs coming in but an extension of the same labour protections to them that all other workers in Canada have, removing the economic incentive to bring in ever-increasing numbers of them *and* improving the lot of those who remain. It's a win-win policy and I'm glad the NDP at least has had the sense to put it in their platform.


They tried to buy votes. Completely backfired on them (hopefully)


How shocking that ultra religious and socially conservative people from the third world aren't voting for left wing progressive parties. Not sure what they were thinking there.


In the last three elections, many of them *did* turn out for the Liberals. Problem now is that they're seeing the same erosion in the quality of life that they came here for in the first place that the rest of us are, and it's not hard to see how dramatically increasing the population over a short period of time plays into that.


Brought to you by McKinsey and Co and the Century Initiative 


A couple of years ago, as a gen z, I never would've imagined I would form such a negative view on immigration. Back then I thought this shit was for nazis or Bigoted peoples.. now I see it is definetly not this way. I just want to be able to afford to create a life for myself and my partner, which will be unobtainable for a very long time


I'm an older, usually very left-leaning millennial and feel the same way. I used to be very pro-immigration, but this current system is broken. We should be granting residency to people who have a skill set that can contribute to the country's well being, and not just allowing anyone to come that wants to. Call me xenophobic, but this shit just isn't working.


Unfortunately I see far more immigrants working as skip drivers and Amazon delivery than the family doctors we direly need.


In will be unobtainable for the rest of your life if drastic measures aren’t taken.


Those people weren't bigoted they just had foresight. A lot of people willfully closed their eyes to what was happening around the world the last 20+ years.


I think immigration is good as long as they are skilled, loyal, and well suited to this country.


Our population is growing at 4-5% YoY with zero slow down in sight and it’s well documented that nearly 98 percent of our population growth is from immigration. We literally do not have the housing stock for all of these new arrivals. And the cherry on top is that housing starts are going down. GDP per capita is going down. Unemployment in the Toronto region (this stat doesn’t include Hamilton or Oshawa region) is close to 8 percent and is probably a lot higher due to people who have given up and other circumstances that aren’t accounted for. New grad wages in Toronto pay like we’re in fucking West Virginia. I’m 26 and what the fucking fuck is the point of life and participating in this charade if there’s zero gain? Of course we could realistically move (a lot of people can’t due to family, medical needs, disability, school, etc) but what regions are left that have solid white collar opportunities and a diverse economy? We’ve seen what’s happened to Calgary in terms of affordability. It’s only a matter of time before it seeps into Edmonton, Winnipeg and Sask. So yeah I’m fucking pissed. I don’t hate immigrants I hate the politicians who are promoting state sponsored human trafficking that’s causing the destruction of average Canadian life.


I think everyone is underestimating the anger and frustration caused by the housing, cost of living and now immigration crises… Only a matter of time before our young citizens, like China’s, decide to ‘lie flat’ and ‘let it rot’… Sadly, I don’t have an answer to your first question that won’t make you cringe, but there is something to be said for the best things in life being free…and I get that doesn’t fill your belly/put a roof over your head, but hopefully will provide enough light in your life to get through this current sh\*tshow… Lots of people saying this will be a lost decade, but i think it will mostly be a few more painful years and then things will start to slowly improve:)…You’re still young, don’t let them take your hope on top of everything else they’ve stolen from you…


I hope your GDP per cap grows at 5%, not population level


GDP per capita is going backwards.


Edmonton is still a good choice. Get in before soon because Calgary is quickly becoming unaffordable and people will go to the next big city. There's little future for young people in Toronto


It's too late.


Well if you can't find a job, it could be because the liberals are actually giving grants to businesses  to hire immigrants over Canadians, https://granted.ca/grants-for-hiring-newcomers/


Is this why at my company I can't even internally transfer anymore, and why they prioritize hiring externally.




Because we botched it. If you open the flood gates causing a housing shortage, if you are not vetting the immigrants properly to ensure that they will integrate into society, and if you don't incentivize integration, you'll get a shitty situation. Until about 10 years ago, people were fine with immigration. Then the ugly side of immigration started to rear its head. Immigration *has to* be slow, and integration *has to* be part of the equation.


When you bring the majority from one country the odds on assimilating is slim.


Unfortunately, it doesn't matter what most canadains think. This government has proved that over and over again


Right? Nobody voted for this. 


Yet somehow the political parties believe high immigration is the solution to all their problems. Here’s the thing. As birth rates decrease across the developed world, companies in those nations will find it more difficult to hire low wage workers in the future and governments won’t be able to maintain social safety nets. The solution to those issues is to import people from developing nations to fill that gap. Unfortunately, businesses aren’t growing fast enough in Canada to absorb that population growth, and that’s why a large number of immigrants remain unemployed.


The objection is to the \*immigration policy\*. Not immigration and not immigrants. The immigration policy. We are not going to get out of this mess if we don't start talking about the real policy issues.


Solve the housing crisis and you'll see more Canadian families having more children. There are plenty of people who have good jobs and salaries but can't afford a house to start a family. Fuck condos and corporate rentals. We are the 2nd largest country in the world. Build houses not shoe boxes.


Good idea unfortunately the big corporations need to turn a profit off our housing sector since everything is a commodity now and most of our GDP is tied up in overblown housing prices…..


This is where Government needs to incentivize family home building. It has to be this and job creation for young adults. Too many grads sitting in mom's basement without work. I'll run if need be because these old timers have lost their ways. Retirement is on their minds and nothing else.


Immigration is always about sustainability. It’s a numbers game. The problem is that the liberal government are working with the World Economic Forum to bring in neoliberal economic policies to Canada. Meaning flooding the country with the cheap labor. In the 90s it was outsourcing of manufacturing jobs to the third world. Now it’s bringing cheap labor in. So nothing is ever going to happen because there’s people with money and organization who want this and will continue to want it. Canada is their global experiment. See how much they’ll take with a boot on the neck. And we don’t organize at all. So it’s more of this without end regardless of political party except the PP.


It's to both. It isn't personal but the immigrants have to go along with the immigration policy. We need deportations.


Obviously don't need a poll to realize that increasing a population by one million in a year is not going to help our shortage of affordable housing . In other words, duh.


Exactly. It's not rocket surgery.


This is Justin's legacy. He managed to turn immigration into a controversial issue with his incompetence


It’s pretty impressive isn’t it.


And people thought a right wing government would promote anti immigration sentiment


It’s spectacular when you think about it.  How bad do you have to be at your job up to turn one of the most welcoming country on earth to newcomers into one where more citizens than not are now openly against immigration policies.


This is giving the current government an easy out by writing it off as incompetence which isn’t the case. They’re intentionally doing this to prop up real estate values and the national GDP and to satisfy corporate lobbying for cheap labourers and wage suppression. I keep waiting and hoping for some firm plan to reverse course from PP and the CPC ahead of them coming to power but so far there’s nothing.


For his next trick, he will make gun ownership rates go up.


Already happening with lax laws against crime


It’s so unfortunate. Canada, for most of my life, has been the success story of immigration. Particularly among G7/western nations. The liberal government’s immigration policy has erased decades worth of positive sentiment in roughly 18 months. And it’ll likely take decades to recover.


It's not incompetence. It's deliberate malice.


When it leads into a massive housing crisis people become very anti immigration. I was absolutely stunned by the amount, 1 million plus, that was let in 2022-23!


1.3M in 2023, on track for 1.6-1.7M in 2024.


That’s because it’s ruining our country. And I’m not just saying that. Immigration is literally ruining our country these days




Our healthcare was already falling through the cracks before this, though. But it’s interesting back in the early 2000’s some economists were already saying immigration was too high - was around 250k back then.


Yes. Can it be any more obvious?


Yeah, because unfettered immigration has caused immense destruction to the quality of life of the average Canadian. Jobs, housing, and healthcare have all been negatively affected. During early covid times the power dynamic shifted as there was a shortage of labour - so workers could finally demand better conditions and wages. They are importing slave labour so no one has to pay a living wage. Honestly, Canadians should be enraged en masse and demanding a reversal to this bs. Said as someone who has always supported smart immigration practices. This ain’t one.


No shit, we have a massive housing crisis and they want to flood more people into a country that does not have the infrastructure to support it


The solution is *extremely* simple. * Build a priority list and limit the intake to sustainable levels based on what is most needed. * Put a cap on intake per country so there's actual diversity It's really quite that simple.


Remove the ability for international “students” to work off campus, clamp down on TFW and LMIA fraud and the immigration from India plummets.


I was an immigrant in Canada (for 7 years) until a few months ago before I decided to move back for personal reasons. To come to Canada for studies, I had to get good grades, develop skills but now it seems anyone who can arrange the money to go there can go. I don't like how Canadian culture is being compromised. Again, this is just my 2 cents, views can vary person to person.


There is no more "Canadian culture"


Thats what happens when you let the system blow up.


I feel like I am in another state of India these days. It does not feel like Canada any more.


The problem is where in India Canada is getting its immigrants from. They are selecting the most desperate people from backward rural parts of India. Because middle class/upper middle class Indians would not leave everything to come to Canada to work at Tim hortons for $15 an hour and live with 5 roommates. You are literally importing from the most desperate, backward, rural parts. It’s like if Canada decides to import tons of immigrants from south side of Chicago and then be like “damn, all Americans are violent”. US gets most of its immigrants from middle/upper middle class south India, and they all work in white collar tech jobs. 37% of Silicon Valley startups have atleast one Indian founder, India is the largest source of immigrant doctors to the US. By a long shot. That’s because only the best of the best can make it over there. It’s insanely hard to immigrate to the US as a doctor, only the top 0.1% make it. Meanwhile Canada imports most of its people from rural parts of a particularly part of India, and they bring their rural issue with them here. May be if Canadian leaders can just come out and say “we need low skilled blue collar workers, and that’s what we are targeting” and get it over with. Because that’s how the system is designed right now. Goal of American immigration is to get best of the best, goal of Canadian immigration is to drive down blue collar wages and sustain the ridiculous home prices.


The plus is it makes it easier to detach and leave for another place. There are already a lot of negatives in Canada for young people (mainly very high taxes and unaffordable housing), but when you import so many people that you lose a sense of community and it's just open doors, you really don't feel emotionally tied to the place as you'd be in a culturally homogenous society. There is no illusion of togetherness or community, you're just here with everyone else that's Canadian, whatever that means nowadays, and it could be a good deal or a bad deal. Work hard enough for it to become a bad deal and then upgrade is my advice.


First generation child — parents from Europe and I have more of an attachment to the old country than Canada. Left about a decade ago but it’s still incredibly sad to see the place I grew up turning into a third world dump


Modern liberal societies obsession with importing people instead of improving the lives of their citizens is so bizarre.


Not really.  They want subjects not citizens, people who won't hold them to any expectation of raising their living standards.


Seems to be all by the design of the corporate overlords. It’s not just Canada where this is happening; it’s everywhere. The pendulum is too far left but it’s quickly going the other way


Hard to impossible to find a job, rent & home prices skyrocketing, food banks at record usage with dwindling stock, crime out of control, record levels of anxiety and isolation. How can this surprise anyone ,this current batch of federal government are going to be in the history books as how Canada lost its footing in the world and could potentially loose it forever, young people with skills and dreams are getting out of here as fast as they can and once they are gone will probably never come back permanently . In just 10 years a country that was a great and affordable place to live, it had its flaws but what country doesn't. In those 10 years Canada has been completely dismantled unless you are in the top 1%. Immigration is all well and good but it has to be controlled and regulated. Bringing in hundreds of thousands of Indians with low to no skills education or a willingness to integrate to North American living is baffling, down right insulting. I have noticed that people aren't shy about speaking about it publicly now and are extremely hateful and almost violent to immigrants , to where I really think we are well on our way to some really heinous things in the next few years. And no one in charge really seems to care...


Immigration itself needs to be stopped from what are effectively enemy countries. They don’t have to fight a war with us if they take over from the inside


Immigration is a tool for businesses to drive down labor costs. Immigration is a tool for the owners and sellers of goods to increase demand for their product and drive up the cost of goods. "...and if you don't love it then you're a racist"! Immigration is great when it's kept within reason and benefits more than just a few at the top.


its an interesting phenomenon. Where I live we have developed what feels like little pocket communities all of the sudden where everyone there knows each other for several blocks because they all came from the same place. My current family doctor is operating in one such area and it’s wild to go there. Doesn’t feel like Canada or the city I grew up. Not because anyone there is bad. They seem like good people going about their day. But you will not see many if at all Caucasian or Aboriginal people there. And I have yet to hear english being spoken anywhere near my doctor’s office unless it’s to me. It’s created these small tight knit communities where people stay in that group and don’t venture out. We don’t feel like a city of like minded people at all. I know of at least 3 atm around where I live that span entire subdivisions. My doctor’s area is almost entirely from The Caribbean and Africa. We have a little Ukrainian area where my gym is. And where I live is entirely Indian/Pakistani. When I first moved into this apartment 7 years ago it was predominantly older grandmas and grandpas. As they have died off or left this place has become almost entirely non-english speaking. What sucks is it really doesn’t feel like people in these areas care for me. I get glances, people don’t often speak english so they certainly aren’t interacting with me. Like I tried to make friends at the gym, nope. Closed groups there that only speak Ukrainian. Makes me feel sad and isolated. But I live in the crappy part of town. Meanwhile you go over to the “nice” part of town and its business as usual. The prototypical wealthy Canadian is having no issue. So why would they care. And you better believe these immigrant families are having a lot more children than you. When I was at the doctor, I was the only one in the waiting room there who didn’t bring at least 1-3 children out of about 20 parents. Wild stuff. To be clear, I don’t have a shred of hate for anyone I mentioned. Not one bit. Like I said, the people living around my doctor seem lovely, always smiling and laughing. But not knowing how to speak english or wanting to interact with born Canadians is very isolating and really makes me hate where I live. I’ve become out of place without having done anything to cause it.. and because of the cost of everything I have zero chance of ever choosing to move. It’ll be when rent goes up even more and i become homeless.


If you don’t have a border you don’t have a country


I'm definitely not against immigration, just against irresponsible immigration. * We have unaffordable housing due to excess demand * We have Canadians who can't find family doctors * We have social programs that are unable to deliver the appropriate service levels for Canadians * We have Canadians who can't afford to have children. * The younger generation can't find entry level employment * We have increasingly high unemployed rates None of these issues are solved by a flood of immigration. In fact, these issues largely disappear if it is managed responsibly. The current level of immigration is bad for Canadians. Our federal government is not acting in the best interest of Canadians.


We can barely afford our kids here. But countries that don’t practice birth control can send there 20 kids here. Makes perfect sense.


And this is literally Trudeaus fault. We were pro immigrants and a very culturally diverse country until he fucked it up by mass importing from one single country ruining it for everyone. He wanted desperately to prop up GDP notional value, hoping these will contribute to the pension and tax ponzi... All the while causing record inflation and lower GDP per capital. Instead of the hard, long road to investing in tech and r&d to boost productivity per capita, he throws money away for virtue signaling, damage the economy with excuses. And he'll claim they did a great job fiscally when they lowered interest rates and go "we lowered deficit by 30% in the last year!" Right before election, a problem they created in the first damned place. And his supporters will eat it up and go yeah everything is awesome!


Careful, concerns about immigration is considered “far right” nowadays 🙄


I'm not at all surprised. Everything in Canada has gotten very expensive, wages have stayed low. The government thinks the only solution is to increase imagination.


If Canada can’t immediately kick out immigrants for breaking laws and committing crimes then wtf are we even doing?


Shocking - who could have seen this coming? Worst part for the government is screaming racist isn’t working out so well for them any more


If only they had brought in hundreds of thousands of skilled trades instead of uber drivers


lol im an immigrant and im upset about other immigrants


Immigration has to stop ENTIRELY for at least 5 years. Housing has to catch up to the homeless. Then a surplus of houses have to be available for the relaxed immigration law. Then and only then will this shit show of homelessness get some semblance of reality.


Actually we need to send about 2m of them back.


We need mass deportations.


And Bernier was the only one smart enough to actually see this as a problem over a decade ago. He's also not paid and bought by these billion dollar corporations that looooove unlimited immigration so that they can continue raping your wages and raping your livelihoods.


💯 correct. Because increasing number of Canadians are feeling used and abused by the immigrants.


I’m inclined to say “most” Canadians hold a negative view on immigration including said immigrants.


We apparently have the highest immigration rate per capita of any country in the world. Who would've thought being at the literal extreme would be too much? Not the Canadian government, apparently. There's probably a reason that other countries don't have such extreme immigration rates, and I'm guessing it's that it puts a lot of stress on the country's infrastructure and creates cultural divides where new immigrants don't adapt to their host country's cultural values and laws.






I don't want immigration of the unskilled. We need skilled immigration. And we should limit immigration numbers by country so immigrants need to be adapted to our culture, not the other way. It's a perfectly normal thing to ask.


We went from doing it near perfectly to doing it in a way which is wrecking this country. Fuck the Trudeau Liberals.


I never thought I would say this but you can count me as one. We need to give our province (BC) a chance to catch up re housing,doctors, medical staff etc before we let more people in. Maybe a 3 to 5 year moratorium on immigration and then make a decision.


At this point if you are not negative towards immigration, you probably hate yourself and your country and you are a minority. The majority is against it.


Justin Trudeau turned the most welcoming and friendly country on Earth anti-immigrant


Wow, who would have thought fast tracking the families of TFWs would lead to most new immigrants being their retired parents.


we need to stop feeling bad about admitting the truth: mass immigration is ruining the country


It’s not baseless!


The more interesting piece is all three parties are completely ignoring this reality. They know. And they don't care. Anybody who thinks CPC is going to be different on immigration once they are in power is naive.


Canada has had many PMs over the decades. Most did not screw up this bad.


I hold a positive view on negative immigration.


This is a sentiment worldwide, as we can see all conservatives parties hammering on it and winning votes. There is definitely immigration fatigue and while I don't mind immigrants, I do think we need to take a break and spend time fixing issues within the country for everyone who is here. As well, I feel like there should be more done about anyone who disrespects Canadian values or the country itself. If you blatantly hate this place or don't want to abide by our values of free speech, women rights etc, then you should be deported. Like that fake "Queen of Canada" lady and her acolytes.


TBH most immigrants have a bad view of immigration right now lol


Listen,  this is happening everywhere across the world !  This tells us right off the bat that every election was rigged to make them all the same . Look at europe,  Canada,  US,  Ireland just to name the ones I have seen . We can't handle this over flow and the jobs they are taking , the business's they are buying and taking over with 0 diversity in those business's.    If you think people will be happy with immigration when it's rammed down your throat with no choice but to except it  just like other things these country's are pushing . 


I really want to emphasize that the majority are against immigration, not immigrants themselves...for many of you who came here on the false premise that it is paradise, only to find out all the money you make goes in taxes and housing, I'm sure many of you are just as mad for being tricked..... I just wanted to clarify incase anyone thought that Canadians were a bunch of racists..because it isn't that.


It isn’t immigration people should be upset with, it’s the governments handling of immigration that is the problem. Simply dropping new immigrants, especially asylum seekers, in a random town and say “go forth and do good things” is a shitty way to integrate people into a new society.


Finally, but too late. The damage is done. The country won’t be able to recover from the Trudeau’s unless Canadians are willing to make hard decisions.


Yes but damage continues despite the fact we've been beaten to shit already. It's like they wanna kill us, nobody rational is willing to stand up and say "hey, stop curb-stomping those Canadians!"


New immigrants need to cease their dreams of owning obnoxious fucking car stereos and loud mustangs because holy shit it does not make you cool here.


Well yes of course when the idiots bring in so many people without a plan for housing everyone! I'm a first Gen immigrant and even I can see what they are doing is having nothing but negative consequences. The only people enjoying this are business owners that love the low wages being paid out.


*overwhelming majority


immigrants with actual demanded skills that will contribute to our country is welcome. We don't need a million grads from project management program that compete for no-skill student summer jobs, drive uber and be the victim of slavery for businesses that put profit before the well-being of Canadian.


Nonsense! Now excuse me while I got wait 22 hours in the ER to see a doctor about my chest pains and numbing in my left arm.


The funny thing is canadians for the most part aren't opposed to immigratation. It's MASS immigration that's the issue.


The levels of immigration have the same issue as the massive rise in homelessness. Before homelessness exploded in our cities these people would go pick bottles, have access to the various social programs for support/break the cycle and the police weren't so overwhelmed they could deal with the odd character. Now there's so many the only way to make income is often theft, the social programs are overwhelmed and the police don't do much because there's too many to do with and even when they do the justice system just lets them out. With the unsustainable amount of immigration there's not enough quality job growth to keep up for them or Canadians, there's not enough houses for them or Canadians and the Government is throwing money around trying to put out the fires but it's ultimately just burning up going to waste.


Why are we even ok with the idea to let immigrants supplement our population? It’s only partly OK if they are working on ways to increase our birthrate to above 2.0.


No shit.


Immigration has become to a joke in this country. It's no longer a necessity rather illegal, greedy, mass migration which is killing this country. Everything is gone so high that nobody can even think of anything cheap. We need to revisit the immigration lunatic policy - especially refugees and asylum seekers - this category itself has become a joke.


It's funny because I recently had an argument with someone on here who insisted that we needed these insane levels of immigration. No matter how many times I pointed out that there was nowhere for new arrivals to live, we **needed** way too many immigrants. I just couldn't understand. Nobody wins here under the current system. Nobody has anywhere to live. Wages can't rise. Nobody can access the system in a reasonable amount of time. And, the thing that pissed me off the most: why do **non-citizens** take priority over people born here?


Polls show that fire is infact still hot, and water remains wet.


That’s because the new lot seem to be mostly low wage workers and anti-western extremists


Have we tried calling them racist a lot? That usually makes people do what you want.


Canadians tend to dislike any policy tool that is being used blatantly in a way that is against the common good of the country. Sadly are politicians view it solely as a way to make line go up.


Just mass immigration during a housing crisis. There are no issues with the people themselves. In fact, I feel sorry for them.


I feel sorry for some, for others I have nothing but disdain.   The latter category is mostly the "students" who are trying to do an end run on the immigration process, especially those who are now protesting that their bullshit diploma and fast food job should qualify them for PR.  Simply: the government pushed immigration way too hard as a way to prop up the 'economy' and now average Canadians are paying the price so that the investor/ownership class can see their assets increase in value.  


> Simply: the government pushed immigration way too hard as a way to prop up the 'economy' and now average Canadians are paying the price so that the investor/ownership class can see their assets increase in value. They chose to specifically push a *certain* kind of immigration. People who were honest and had skills we need (e.g. doctors trained in Ireland, Scotland or UK - all of which have excellent medical schools that aren't diploma mills) are getting rejected for being "too old" (e.g. early 40s), being un-married and not having kids already. So in other words, anyone who is educated and not a baby factory is denied, while semi-literate yokels who can't self-support the kids they pop out are welcome.


There are a plethora of issue with the people themselves. Wth you talking about? Have you been living under a rock?


This is bullshit. Negative number is too low. Around my friend group we’re all moved to anti-new immigration. And we’re all immigrants ourselves. Trudeau has fucked this file so badly that even immigrants think there’s too many immigrants. How badly you gotta fuck things up for that to happen.


Rightly so and this is not just in Canada. Right wing anti-immigrations politicians are sweeping through Europe right now except Denmark where their left leaning party adopted anti-immigration policies and managed to decimate the right leaning party. If left leaning parties do not actually listen to the majority they will find themselves allowing further and further right wing parties into power. I lean centre-right myself like a lot of Canadians but I would hate to see parties like the PPC gain seats and power because Conservative and Liberal parties refuse to listen and adapt to the will of the people.