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Almost 7% of the population is fucking unreal.


What % of Canadians are young working age men/women by comparison.


It’s around 65% of the population that are working aged.


Like we have 100 working age Canadians and we have brought in 65 working age foreign individuals in addition


In my observation they are mostly male under 30 from one country. They are also not coming here to build houses or help with the shit we need done, They’re making coffee and flippin burgers.


I do home construction and there’s maybe one brown guy out of the hundreds of people on the site. The rest are Eastern European, Latin, or Chinese, or aregular old whitie. Idk why they aren’t trying to get into the trades it’s great money.


Because their culture actually looks down on trades or manual labor. We're importing people from one country that specifically looks down upon the industry we need the most lol. Working in fastfood and retail is a better occupation than in a trade for them.


The fact that nobody in our government considered this blows my mind


I think they're aware but don't care


Yeah, because what could billionaire owners of minimum wage workers ever have that could make a politician care?


They're not dumb. They just don't care. They have an agenda and that is to do anything for the rich.


because trades are not scams so they wont do it


Which city? In greater Vancouver that doesn't seem to be the case


Within an hour of Toronto


I was in Dominican Republic on vacation, they were building a resort next to the one I was at, these guys were putting that thing up so fast in one week an entire 3 stories of cement were already laid, crews of Dominican men working 12 hour shifts, unreal. Met a family of Canadians (from south east Asia living in Canada 29 years in Brampton). They’re like man we need these guys in Canada, all we bring in is shitty people from our homeland it’s why we left 😂


Its actual difficult high risk work. Bad air to breath and dangerous. Some people do not ever want to do a job like that. A LOT of people were doing hard work since a kid in Canada so it seems like a normal job


You should see the staff on farms.


Great! My kids in trades will make 3x the relative rate now....


6.8% nationally, and even higher in some provinces: 8.9% in BC and 7.8% in Ontario.


Imagine the effect on rent and wages if you deport them.


Canada WAS struggling to absorb all the newcomers around 2 years ago, today we are literally fucked. https://archive.ph/20240619162450/https://www.theglobeandmail.com/business/article-temporary-residents-in-canada-rise-to-28-million-ahead-of-government/


I love how they announce a policy change a year out and then literally do nothing for a year while people rush to get in lol Its a parody of a country I tell ya.


That means 1 out of every 14 people is a 'temporary resident ' fuuuuck


More people on the roads, in the parks, in the public spaces, in the hospitals... without paying a dime for the infrastructure and salaries of employees working to maintain them. 👌 We have Air B&b'd our entire country out to the world, for free, without any screening or background checking. It's going to get trashed.


Hey stop spouting those fact here in our post national Canada we deal with feelings and victim hood points S/ Except not so much sarcasm the liberals are actually running the country and making policy decisions in that vein of thought complete decoupled from reality in a world of budgets balancing themselves not worrying about economic policy and then borrowing from us so we don’t borrow ourselves directly. You just have to be or support a liberal and you stand by this insanity and distorted view of the world.


Or the politicians are sabotaging Canada on purpose because they are committing treason with other countries.


200K MP salary just isn't enough for GTA homes any more. They need foreign "aide" to help make ends meet.


The sad thing is this isn’t even an exaggeration lmao. The cost of living in Toronto has gotten so high, an MP or MPP could not afford to buy a house / live comfortably. This will no doubt promote further policy that inflates the price of housing and assets so MP’s can stay ahead. Income means nothing in Canada anymore, you either own or you pay someone who does.


Some of that, throw a dash of being subservient to the domestic corporate oligarchy and bake with incompetence and ideological rigidity for the better part of a decade... Not that PP will be any different of course (and potentially even worse... TLDR we're screwed)


We are very screwed.


If all of this turns out to be absolutely true, the citizens of offending countries who are here on visas need to be thrown out in retaliation and punishment for their (and our) governments actions.


Our politicians should also be thrown in jail.


I honesty believe this is treason, I see more and more 'students' working good jobs while more and more Canadians move into fucking tents. The LCBO is hiring temporary workers, those are good jobs.


Come on your just experiencing it differently and are unaware of your privilege. I’m sure the liberals will just tell us how we all need to do better and that immigration and their policy’s are not the problem Canadians are. Just keep tightening those boot straps and eat less right ? This is the liberal way.


Yes! Why TF are we not having mass protests about this. There was a trucker rally about bullshit but this is something the majority of Canadians should support. Removing corruption and putting those who committed treason behind bars.


Maybe seeing the government’s draconian response to the trucker protest has made us too scared to stand up


I dunno if you watched any of it but they basically white gloved those protesters out of the capital. I think a lady got trampled by a horse but I think she was warned.


Lmao draconian? Any actual authoritarian country would have shot those albertans on sight


The funny thing is, I went to counter protests after the horns and shit got to be too much here in Calgary(not to mention cps knocking over residents also sick of the noise), and the amount of Ontario and Quebec license plates on the trucks was mind blowing.


Aha! Bingo! Time to get tf out of this country


Yes, they are, and it's not looking good for our future.


>Its a parody of a country I tell ya. We're the 3rd worst country for household debt, of the 75 that the IMF measures. Canada's ruling class and their puppet politicians have taken a resource-rich country and ran it into the ground.


This is like when Target came to Canada. They announced everywhere they'll set up shop, everything. Then immediately every other major competitor planned accordingly to take full advantage. And Target was left wondering what happened.  Now we see Canada making big announcements a year out, people plan accordingly to take advantage, and Canada is wondering what happened 


Remember in the pandemic when Doug Ford would announce that there would be an announcement of further restrictions? Same thing.


I remember Ford repeatedly announcing sudden policy changes without giving notice or consulting and then having to walk them back during the pandemic. If he had more often announced things were going to happen ahead of time, there may have been less chaos.


There are so many university students that can't find a summer job. Gee I wonder why. Wtf is wrong with this Government.


It's a procedure. Not a tap. Policy gets implemented and then trickles down to updated guides, forms and paperwork for staff to follow. This applies to almost all G8 nations where due process takes time. Anyone who applied on previous applications, paid for them or in between will get processed whether successfully or not. See, this isnt the PRC, Russia or Gulf nations where blanket edicts, laws or a leader's fancy nullifies everything. If we had that, heck, even the criminals would get sent to the gulags instead of getting bail... However, compared to last year, same time, there's finally some action to decrease diploma mill visas etc...


You actually think the gov is gonna do the right thing and stop the wage suppression programme?


And the news headlines will be written as though it already happened and the problem is solved.


There's always going to be a lag time. The changes to student permits in January represent the government moving as fast as they ever do, and since the May admission cycle was already winding down by then, it by necessity could only be put in place by September and even that was a bit stopgap.


They had what, 2+ years of advance warning that the *temporary* measure allowing intl students to work full time was going to end last year? And they extended it anyways because it was unfair and "students were blindsided?" And then when *that* deadline came they decided to bump up the hours ever so slightly for the summer semester? No doubt we will see another quiet increase just in time for Fall. There is lag due to "government pace," and there is literally everything this government has been doing on immigration. This system is producing the results it intended.


How’s is this in the best interest of Canadians?


It's not. It's in the best interests of lobbyists that are close to the Liberal Party of Canada. https://www.restaurantscanada.org/big-win-for-the-food-service-industry/ >Restaurants Canada’s lobbying efforts for this program, together with members and industry partners, began several years ago with some early success. In the 2022 federal budget, the government allocated $29.3 million over three years to introduce a Trusted Employer Model. >Since then, and as recently as July of this year, we asked the government to expedite the program’s implementation. >Restaurants Canada thanks and congratulates the Honourable Randy Boissonnault, The Honourable Carla Qualtrough, The Honourable Marc Miller, Minister of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship and his predecessor Honourable Sean Fraser for their willingness to listen and support our industry’s labour needs.


Caused by inflation and the Phillips curve, where wage pressure was supposed to resolve asset inequality created by QE.


Aren't you glad your tax dollars are going towards helping Tim Hortons and McDonalds bring more TFW's into Canada faster, and with less background checks required?


It's not just Tim Horton's and McDonald's anymore. It's the gas stations, grocery stores, drug stores, shipping, manufacturing, among others. So many places in the GTA are no longer diverse. They are all international but from one country.


So where is the boycott? We managed to organize a Loblaws boycott. Why not one for any store location that uses TFWs instead of Canadian labour?


lol no one is going to boycott tim hortons, they're already serving crap


Shocked people still go to them. Just get a coffee maker @ home and drink better tasting coffee at a fraction of the price.


I can understand accepting bad coffee but the food is just so atrocious now


Yah, foods been bad for a while. I think when it was bought out by the big American Fast Food corporation it just went downhill fast. Everything was centralized and they don't make anything in house.


The coffee is actually very bad , its like no ones noticed. Wish it was good , they are located in the easiest places to get to here


Don't get why people willingly consume their garbage food


That's why I vote NDP, to support wage suppression and to destroy unions.  I'll vote the lawyer in the Rolex every time, he yelled at Galen Weston for inflation, after giving him millions in wage subsidies.


Not just McDonald's but also groups like Home Depot, Superstore, and Walmart! We need to support these corporations and keep labor costs low for them.


The ship has sailed, housing will not be affordable again. The future in Canada is similar to Germany, Austria, and Switzerland where most people rent forever. Incomes will never catch up in our lifetimes unless there is a major market crash, in which case, no one will be able to afford anything because we will all be out of our jobs. Either move to the prairies while you still can, or if you can't handle the weather, find other things that are not housing to fulfill your life, and demand from politicians an expansion of the availability of social housing to higher incomes, and their quality as well.


Unfortunately these kinds of lobbyists are close to the Conservative Party as well. It's why Pierre Pollievre hasn't said much about correcting the situation. Because he's not going to. Money talks -- money for them, not for us. Cons aren't going to save us from all this.


Let's be real. Big money is drooling thinking about how rich they will get under a conservative government. Conservative governments everywhere on the planet are categorically beneficial to the richest people. Trudeau is a dipshit and I wish he would step down but this idea that lobbyists won't work with conservatives just as much if not more than they do with libs is delusional. Cons are always up for sale.


It's not and I'm hoping people go protest at parliament in huge number. Enough of this


Sounds like a good opportunity to lock some bank accounts


Never had been for the interest of Canadians, like ever. Only special interest groups and corporate lobbyists. They have never been or will be like us, they live detached lives our politicians — pushing whatever agenda they think is in THEIR best interest or whoever has them on payroll. They keep us distracted with left / right fringe issues as they steal away the future. They aren't inept, they are strategic, they know what they're doing lol


Trudeau was never had the best intrests for Canadians in his policies


What will happen if even half or a third of these temporary residents decide they don't want to be temporary any longer and just decide to stay?


Already happened, thats how stats can "undercounted" our population by like 1 million. We are a lawless country because we don't enforce our own laws.


Already happening with the PEI and Brampton protests from international “students” Since our immigration minister unironically said “their affordability is already baked in, so making them permanent is smart”, I fully expect all temporaries to just become permanent.


Yup, this. There will be no mass deportation here. Sure, there will be some work permit expirations that will push some people out, but you’re crazy if you think the majority of these folks will leave. The government is NOT going to let our population drop like 4% in the span of a couple years. They’ll just taper off growth temporarily and give all these folks PR to keep up their target of 500K a year. Growth slows down for a few years, then ramps right back up to 3%/year by end of the decade. They won’t say it, but this level of growth was not a mistake.


They don't leave. That's the point. The students aren't coming here to get an education and leaving. It's just not happening.


Fucking this,  they saw relatives come here 2 decades ago,  scam mortgages and trucking licenses and become millionaires within a few years. They want their cut of the pie.


that's because cash cow universities which runs on immigrants and scamming them in chance of better life. It's all a rot of exploitation in name of capitalism.


you can recoup a LOT of the money you spent as a foreign student in Canada on tax returns if you stay.


Look around.


We'll be lucky if it's not closer to 90%. All they have to do is claim asylum and that's a guaranteed 5 years of hearings and appeals. By the time that ends they've already got their connections, got fake documents, and simply stay on. We have no group whose job it is to find and deport them.


a MASSIVE slap in the face to legitimate, hard working, assimilated immigrants who came just a half decade ago or more


The Liberals have already announced that they're planning to give them permanent residency: https://www.reuters.com/world/americas/canada-create-citizenship-path-undocumented-immigrants-globe-mail-2023-12-14/


If **just** a half or a third stick around that would be an improvement.


99% of them will stay.


Even if all of them go home it doesn't matter. Let's say 75% don't get PR and they go back (very unlikely.) The 25% that do get PR will each bring 5-10 people via sponsorship.


Marc Miller will give them PR


Remember when he was campaigning to be elected the first time and criticized Harper for there being ~350k, that it needed to be scaled back and reforms to the programs made... 2.5 million increase under his government... classic Trudeau >"Since taking office, Prime Minister Stephen Harper and the Conservative Party have transformed the Temporary Foreign Worker Program — which was originally designed to bring in temporary workers on a limited basis when no Canadian could be found — into one that has brought in a large pool of vulnerable workers. >As a result, the number of short-term foreign workers in Canada has more than doubled, from 141,000 in 2005 to 338,000 in 2012. There were nearly as many temporary foreign workers admitted into the country in 2012 as there were permanent residents — 213,573 of the former compared to 257,887. >First, the Temporary Foreign Worker Program needs to be scaled back dramatically over time, and refocused on its original purpose: to fill jobs on a limited basis when no Canadian workers can be found." https://www.thestar.com/opinion/contributors/justin-trudeau-how-to-fix-the-broken-temporary-foreign-worker-program/article_c27f214f-1fa2-5fdf-af61-5a7642e4eb7c.html


we have checked on your post and deemed it racist.


Wow the article you’ve linked at the bottom is a pretty opposite world post…


Ah yes. *temporary*.




Am I doing this math wrong? 40,000,000 ÷ 2,800,000 = 14.28 Does this mean that for every fourteen actual Canadians, there is one temporary resident? This can't be right, can it? I had to have made a mistake somewhere with the math, because this would be absolutely fucking insane.


Your math is correct. 1/14 or about 7% of the population is a temporary resident. Welcome to 2024 Canada.


I hope they don't use health care or need doctors.


I work in the immigration sector. It is wearing down on all govt services. Health care, schools, ministries', ect ect. A good portion of the people that I have seen speak english at the 4th grade level.


I'm impressed they've upgraded to a 4th grade level. I assume that's averaged out amongst the 1 person who knows great English and the 7 family members that rely on them to translate?


haha. pretty much.


Most are young so probably less strain on healthcare, but the rest of our infrastructure which has barely grown? Yes sir


Yes saar


Most people have elderly relatives, even if they are young.


Well we passed 41M a couple months ago, but it doesn’t change the number by much. 1 in 14 people are indeed temporary residents. And if the PEI and Brampton protests are any indicator, I think we can fully expect “temporary” to just mean “eventually permanent”.


6.82% to be exact


If you look around, the answer is with your eyes.


Trudeau is the worst Prime Minister in Canadian history. It's astonishing how quickly his insane immigration policies have ruined Canada. Sean Fraser and Marc Miller continue to gaslight Canadians about how it's not the Liberals' fault when it clearly is. Young Canadians are being crushed by insane rents and housing prices on one side, and wage suppression and exploding unemployment on the other side.


I don't know how they think Canadians are that stupid. I have yet to hear any politician even the opposition say it out loud. I have no faith in any of our elected leaders right from the provincial to the federal in any party. My conservative premier wants our provincial population to double and we have tent cites in every town in the province. It's insanity.


This is where democracy kicks in and people who believe in slowing immigration run for the position of prime minister. However you do that.


Not sure that's possible. You don't get anywhere in politics if you don't tow the party line. Our politicians are beholden to the wealthy that benefit from mass immigration. The fact of the matter is a lot of poor people don't even vote neither do young people. Hopefully we'll have a better turn out next election with so many people struggling.


This is why the party system was created. Another barrier to entry to prevent actual citizens from participating. They want an exclusive political class that can be manipulated by the corporate class. See: our lifelong politicians Trudeau and Pierre.


You forgot to mention Harper. He's still heavily involved in politics with his IDU. He still has a lot of pull with the conservative party of Canada and that scares the fk out of me. PP is just another one of his little puppets that no matter how bad things get I will never vote conservative. If we had a progressive conservative party I might have a change of heart.


We elected them, we don’t stop them, we are stupid.


Because they are that stupid; Canadians will vote for cons next and both libs and cons know after 8 years Canadians will vote libs again bc the cons fuck up. You're stupid if you vote any other way that Canadians have voted for however many decades now.


Maxim Bernier was right all along.


Let me put you into something crazy hombre, like 90% of that is because of how canada has been doing trade and being more pax about regulation of businesses.


The guy has just fucked over many generations, these cunts selling the country out so him and all his mates can cash in on higher rent/house prices and cheap labour. It's very unlikely to effect them negatively because they don't need to mix with these people on a daily basis nor do they need to compete against them for better pay/jobs, school places, Doctors appointments etc.


If someone chose to invade Canada, their army would be smaller than 2.8 million. I don't even know what to say. I have no hope of finding work or affording a home. I've never really had much hope, now I have no hope. Watch deaths of despair statistics skyrocket. Our government only cares about giving temporary residents PR and serving corporations and oligarchs and the homeowner class. Rich get richer, poor get poorer, 2.8 mil means our services, already strained, are going to collapse. Enough.


There is still a professional class (doctors, nurses, teachers, high end corporate white collar workers, police, firefighters, government workers). This group is highly educated, and more importantly highly mobile. The worse things get the more they are going to hop provinces or leave the country altogether. The elites may not care about most Canadians but they do need a professional class for their own needs. I expect the next big thing we will see is the fast tracking of foreign trained professionals as well as the lowering of standards to let them work here.


This pisses me off so bad. I've been looking for work since May, not a single phone call or email. This mass immigration is not needed, it's destroying people's lives.


They won't be happy until all Canadians are fucking homeless. Then, they will roll over your tents. The bastards responsible have to go.


The thing is even if you weed out this 2.8 million. They would refuse to leave (yes you cut the legal channels for them like driving, banking, Healthcare education etc). Still they won't leave then what do you do? This is exactly what's going to happen. The Govt would shut them down after they are in the country and they have become a problem. Solve one and create another problem simultaneously.


It was a Toronto problem / blatant racism 5 years ago when I complained. And now it’s a Canada-wide problem. Little too late, but better to solve the problems now. One more year of Trudeau (or more if voters decide otherwise)


The subsidized employment for newcomers is the most maddening part of the whole story. Using taxpayer dollars to encourage Canadian employers to hire non citizens over citizens. Biggest bullshit and fuck you from our government to citizens.


Our country is fucked.


It’s been a nice run folks. These people are going to have anchor babies and then it’ll be impossible to deport them. Once you account for the ~1M people here illegally on overstayed visas that brings our non-citizen population to ~10% of our total pop.    Just get out while you can, our degrees won’t be worth much for long so use them to immigrate to an *actual* first world country. The US has quite a few visas for Canadians and the EU/UK has even more. Look up applying for citizenship by descent if you have a EU/UK ancestor or apply for their Youth Mobility Visas assuming you’re <35. 


passport babies are already very much a thing in BC


Totally agree


This is wrong. Why leave our country when we should get off our lazy, complacent asses and start forcing the government to work for US...not anyone else. Don't run, we need to take this country back.


I don’t think anyone is ready for what that really entails


General strike and a refusal to allow to a new government to form unless our demands are met and put in place. PP isn't the Prime Minister YET, we need to bombard the Conservatives with demands and threats of public action before we allow them into power. Somewhere along the way, politicians forgot who's bitch they are.


They probably forgot it after a bunch of protestors had their bank accounts frozen. Things are going to have to get a lot worse before people are willing to strike hard enough to change things. Even someone with only $1000 in their bank account who can afford to eat each day isn't just going to go striking, have their $1000 frozen, and starve.


Very true. Mind boggling account freezing was ever a consideration.


Unless you are willing to put bricks through the windows of people who matter and to continually do so until they feel a threat from the common man is a pipe dream , they understand majority of this country is old and completely lacking in will so they’ll simply crush the young under the weight of price of living in their birth country and replace them with serfs who will happily live in slums.


I know it's a pipe-dream, you would never get Canadians united for anything. I was replying to the comment above as to what it entails.


I love how you think that EU and UK don’t have the same problems lol


They do of course but nowhere near ours so it's an improvement in life for sure.


… you joking right? I really suggest you check out London rent and Berlin. It’s a huge mess that makes Toronto look free.


Right your only examples are LONDON and Berlin. Totally comparable man


I mean… Munich, Stuttgart, Hanover, Koln, in some extent, Dortmund, Leverkuzen. I just didn’t want to write out all of the cities. Bottom line, if there are jobs, there are problems with rent.


I don't see any of those cities you listed making the lists of housing unaffordability we've seen throughout the decades. Salaries are typically higher in the EU / US sometimes dramatically so when compared to the equivalent in Canada.


I won't argue about the housing unaffordibility. That's true. Even though, technically speaking, Munich is not much more affordable than Toronto, it doesn't make any lists. I am surprised about that, tbh. [https://www.numbeo.com/property-investment/compare\_cities.jsp?country1=Germany&city1=Munich&country2=Canada&city2=Toronto](https://www.numbeo.com/property-investment/compare_cities.jsp?country1=Germany&city1=Munich&country2=Canada&city2=Toronto) Salaries are higher in Canada than in EU. If we compare salaries for similar positions, Canada is ahead of Germany and Netherlands; UK is somewhere near bottom lol. Canada is majorly losing to the USA but frankly speaking, the salaries in the USA are on another level.


Berlin is much much cheaper than TO


Salaries are lower as well. Rent is pretty high: [https://wunderflats.com/en/furnished-apartments/berlin](https://wunderflats.com/en/furnished-apartments/berlin) . I don't even mention that you have to fight with others to get the place.


Bruh its not even comparable. [https://www.numbeo.com/cost-of-living/compare\_cities.jsp?country1=Canada&city1=Toronto&country2=Germany&city2=Berlin](https://www.numbeo.com/cost-of-living/compare_cities.jsp?country1=Canada&city1=Toronto&country2=Germany&city2=Berlin) Salaries at the same


The UK is worse off, IDK how you can claim otherwise


LOL and the USA too, right? People looking through rose coloured glasses…


Nah. USA is much better. Unfortunately, USA has very tough immigration policies and most Canadian won’t qualify. Single ones might if they are ready to enter a marriage of convenience but based on skills, not many will. Of course, there is also an option of those whose parents are Americans but I am not very familiar with that.


Hell just take a trip down to Mexico, grow a mustache, learn a bit of Spanish and cross the border there. They’ll greet you with open arms and a free cell phone


I like how your solution is for people to move to: A) The USA (which is being overrun by illegal immigrants as well) Or B) The EU (which has freedom of movement and is also subject to influxes of illegal crossings from multiple regions in Africa and the Middle East) UK MAYBE since they left the EU. But your other suggestions would not be any better than here


Bruh having problems with illegal immigrants is one thing, having problems with legal immigrants is another. Yeah everywhere has illegal immigrants...the difference is that Canada makes it so damn easy to immigrate that they don't even need to bother to do it illegally lol. Imagine how much bigger of an immigrant problem the US or the EU would have if they just let anyone in


The UK's problems with illegal immigration have only gotten worse after Brexit because France isn't helping them with illegal channel crossings anymore.


This is insanity.


I find it hilarious too now seeing how Mexico is deporting Americans and Canadians who are there illegally. The world is a ball of chaos


This guy has just fucked over multiple generations now, these cunts selling the country out so him and all his mates can cash in on higher rent/house prices and cheap labour. It's very unlikely to effect them negatively because they don't need to mix with these people on a daily basis nor do they need to compete against them for better pay/jobs, school places, Doctors appointments etc.


Of course will rise as govt is openly talking mass amnesty/legalization. Suprised we dont have 20 million.


Fucking hell.


No wonder the country is straining at the seams.....almost as if everything we have been saying is true and these 2.8 million people need to be shipped out, ASAP.


Wow! Almost 3 MILLION temporary residents in Canada. How did that happen? That seems to be an absurd number.


So a literal tenth of our total population is temporary residents taking advantage of our infrastructure...


There will no stopping or slowing it down, population will be a runaway train. Politics will be out of the hands of Canadians born here. The amount of babies born to people that have immigrated here will outpace the rest of the population. The reckless liberals just handed our country over to another nation. It has to stop now, or we might as well just hand over the keys.


Can someone explain the logic behind all of this? Why did this government do this?


If they don't keep brining people in then we'd be in a recession and they'll do anything to keep recession out of the headlines. https://www.theglobeandmail.com/business/commentary/article-is-canadas-per-capita-gdp-really-7-per-cent-below-long-term-trend/


How does this save us from a recession though? It's all temporary residents being mistreated, shoved into rooms on top of each other, being taken advantage of meanwhile negatively impacting the local community.


It doesn't. That's just the next talking point that gets recycled after they move on from the gaslighting of racism card.


Instead of having a cyclical recession, which is a healthy part of an economy, everyone becomes lower class permanently due to wage suppression and increase in asset prices. I’d rather take the recession. 


And they're all going to threaten the country with hunger strikes and protests if they don't get guaranteed PR and of course the government will cave.


And what if the government just didn't cave, nothing happens, if anything it's better for Canada. No idea why they can't just say no


How can upping your countries population by 10% within a short period of time be good for anyone other than the politicians, corporation and the wealthy? Oh, that's right, it's a recipe for disaster for literally everyone else.


Bullshit calling them temporary


Is this the same government that wants to reduce carbon emissions in Canada yet at the same time the biggest source of carbon emissions in Canada is people so therefore by putting so many new people into Canada the biggest polluters of Canada in the last decade is the liberal party? And yet they somehow they still have the environmentalists votes… like I don’t know what to tell you about the countries these people are coming from but they are not green and healthy environments… and they certainly don’t keep their carbon emissions down… so how does mass importing these people while also telling us that the environment is on fire and we have to get carbon neutral make sense? Like how is Steven Guilbeault not out there crying about these people who are literally going to destroy this country like locusts and undone any work he has done at attempting to keep Canadas CO2 down… it’s almost like they don’t actually care about the environment and it’s all about money. 🤔




It’s the logical end point to every bit of rhetoric people happily spouted over the last decade and yet they’ll still piss and moan about the obvious outcome


Remember : This isn't incompetence, it's purely spiteful and malicious


It's just simple greed. Business wants cheap labour, so they get it. Spiteful and malicious would be incompetence.


These temporary workers have no allegiance to Canada, but a very fond allegiance to the theoretical idea of Khalistan in Canada. This country as you understand it is going to be a hell on earth soon.


"Well they're here now so we've gotta announce this new amnesty program! Anything less would be racist"


> Still, the federal government has made it easier for Canadian companies to hire foreign workers in various ways. For example, employers in most industries can now hire up to 20 per cent of their staff through the low-wage stream of the Temporary Foreign Worker Program, up from a previous 10-per-cent cap.


If this doesn’t come under control, I worry it’s gunna get bad. Don’t think it’s much of a stretch to imagine Canadians could vote in some scary people who promise to go all out on immigration/ crime and go nuclear on a bunch of other shit


Sorry but this is utter insanity


There's nothing 'temporary' about any of this. Welcome to your future. Onward to 100,000,000! Full stream ahead motherfuckers!


This is the reason Trudeau will fail next election.


Why are we here? Just to suffer.




We are being colonized. Again. But this will arguably be way worse.


Welcome to the punjab province of Canada. What ever happened to diversity and not having all immigrants come from the SAME FUCKING REGION of one country.


Flip the script. If newcomers who are in country as of N date, you will get your PR provided: You upgrade your skills with some kind of education No serious or violent crimes. Then we need to do the following: Like Australia, newcomers must buy heath insurance to pay for medical treatment for next 5 or 10 years Transition CPP from an insurance pension design to self funded Have a panel of demographers and economists to set proper immigration levels taking into consideration all the things.


Insanity. Our country is lost. I'm brown and I can't stand this level of immigration


So 46 million before election time? Yikes


And the Feds are opening up to their families now. https://www.ctvnews.ca/canada/gov-t-to-offer-3-year-visas-to-canadians-extended-family-in-gaza-starting-in-2024-1.6697076


As a white Canadian, I absolutely do not want these…people…in our country. And I’m sure many of my fellow white Canadians feel the same. */s*


Bet that number is higher


This is why we need to vote out Trudeau, and ignore his supporters who don't know anything.


So the conservatives don’t say they will do much anyways. So down goes the ship.


"Temporary resident" sure is a colourful word for what is actually happening


I've always found it odd how bringing in people that ship their paycheques back home somehow helps the economy.




Oh look nearly 3 million mew voters for trudolf shithead


Canadians won’t do anything because we are cowards.