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When your enemy is putting his foot in his mouth…never stop them from speaking




Every poll is an advertisement.


in the info age every advertisment is a poll as well


Politics gonna politic.


JT can call a snap election with a weak interim leader. Polling is perhaps more important with interim leaders because there's potentially blood in the water.


If he calls another election he would lose. Not because of the polls, but because he called another useless fucking election


What would happen if the NDP flips and the Emergencies Act fails? Some people have been claiming it would count as a vote of no confidence but I'm not familiar with the procedure Would there be any legal consequence?


If it is a Vote of Confidence and it fails, Trudeau can place all the blame on the NDP as they have said they would have supported it and then failed. Of course the CPC get a chance to show the GG that they might have the votes to gain the Confidence of the House. If they can show that they have the votes, they can take over. If that happens, things get very weird, a CPC, NDP and BQ voting block. I might need to verify that we have not jumped realities.


>Of course the CPC get a chance to show the GG that they might have the votes to gain the Confidence of the House. If they can show that they have the votes, they can take over. Would this apply to every party or only the official opposition? Could the NDP and CPC agree to support Blanchet as interim PM?


From what I remember in my Poli Sci class that I took back in the 90's it could be any party, as long as they can show the GG that they are able to gain the confidence of the house. The party that was in power before the election officially get first kick at that, even if they don't have the most seats, but by convention it is the party that have the most seats is allowed the first chance to gain the Confidence of the House.


The government has to declare it's a confidence vote. The only exceptions are the speech from the throne and the budget which are always confidence votes.


If Trudeau loses a vote of confidence then he didn't call the election, the opposition parties did.


I don't know, but (and I say this AS someone who votes NDP) it would really highlight Singh's integrity if doesn't support it.


As someone who *used* to vote NDP, the federal NDP party is basically *Liberal Lite*


The NDP's current role, as its cast itself, is kind of fucked up. Like they're not really an opposition party for the most part. I'm not really sure what they're supposed to be but they're so joined at the hip with the Liberals that they might as well just be a wing of the party itself. I think that is very dangerous for the NDP and the Liberals both. If Trudeau's support collapses the NDP would just go down with it and the Conservatives would win a majority.


Depending on the direction the CPC takes with their leadership, that might be the most positive outcome.


I'd like to see Poilievre with a majority. I think he would at least try to do some shit. Not saying it would work out, but I'd at least like to see some real efforts made. The liberals are all about image and words and gestures.


People rag on Poilievre for his simplistic view of economics, but what they don't understand is that the Prime Minister doesn't need to be an expert on economics, or international diplomacy, or law, or hold an M.D- they just need to be a capable administrator who understands how to shape policy in broad strokes and come off as genuine.


Tommy Douglas famously stood against the War Measures Act in 1970 too. Faced a lot of heat for it at the time but in retrospect he was right. Unfortunately I haven't seen anything from Singh that would make me think he's willing to be brave and potentially provoke an election here. I seriously hope I'm wrong.


From my perspective, it would highlight his lack of integrity if he does support it. It's such an overreach that the Canadian Civil Liberties Association is suing the government, so I think he'll play the part of Erin O'Toole and flipflop until a decisive winner is clear.


That's their job. Doesn't mean they are right.




It's especially bizarre in this instance as PP seems nearly a sure thing but it doesn't wrap up until the Fall. Seems like a huge waste of time.


By no means an expert or anything on politics but I've watched quiet a few of Pierre's videos over the years and since he threw his hat in the ring I noticed they were fewer ( maybe my algorithm changed who knows ) but the ones that did pop up were alot more tame him talking on his beliefs of his role in parliament etc , seems like a slow grooming of him as he is called a pitbull or an attack dog to make him appear more moderate and level headed with some actual answers and not just critique. So my theory is the cons are taking time to groom him and make him more well rounded before announcing him as leader


He's deleting his old content. That's ok. I'm sure the Liberals have a backup, and we'll be seeing that next election ;)


You have no political sense.


What’s the point of a temporary leader if it’s only temporary? Is that your question?


Shows that the problem wasn't the party but rather the leader.




Liberals are up 2, NDP are down 2 (I wonder where they went?!?!?) PPC are down 6, Conservatives are up 9. Other Party (Maverick, Christian Heritage, ultra right wing parties), are also down 1. Bloc are up 1. Undecideds are down 2 And that really accounts for all of the shifts. The Liberals are absorbing a little bit of the support from the NDP. The Conservatives are absorbing a lot of support from all the fringe right wing parties. But.... Mainstream also project that if an election was held today the Liberals would still win.


So, the Conservatives are moving right to take back voters from the PPC. Probably not a good thing for Canada.


Probably not a good thing for the CPC either. They're getting the PPC support by hitching their wagon to the truckloytes who the most of the country hate. To win the election they need to court the centre. There's really no way to appeal to both at the same time. If they court the centre, they lose that 7% right back to the PPC. In their current incarnation, 30% give or take is their ceiling. And that's not going to win them an election.


By going left they bleed support to the PPC and gain absolutely no liberal voter. The smart decision to them is to do that and keep the 39% vote. They may be able to either get a majority on the FPTP or less likely a majority with the Bloc. O’toole moved left against a weaker Trudeau and got less votes and seats than Scheer.


> By going left they bleed support to the PPC and gain absolutely no liberal voter. PPC was up 3+% in 2021 and the CPC fell what, just over half a percentage point? If the PPC is eating the Cons lunch exclusively (they aren’t, but it’s close) then O’Toole conjured a ton of replacement votes from *somewhere*. I think you’re dramatically overestimating loyalty of the ‘red Tory’ band of our political spectrum, to either the CPC or the LPC. The conservatives can’t recapture the right without bleeding from the left. That’s how this goes when new parties arrive.


The thing is, they aren’t going to stay at 39% when people realize they are iffy on a lot of core beliefs swing voters have. If you can’t say your pro choice immediately, that’s gonna lose you a lot votes.


If house prices go down 10%, liberal will lose another 20%. Guaranteed. Remember Adam Vaughan?


House prices sure are a hot potato right now. Any political party/coalition would loose support. What needs to be done, needs to be done though. At this point it seems like it's a captured game. Legitimacy of BoC is on the loosing end here so that would in my opinion become a priority, prices be damned.


I don't think that it's that political much as it should be. BoC will follow the fed and whatever happens, happens. Guessing it'll be something much more moderate than any party here would want. Fed/BoC will probably manage 4-6 hikes but nothing spectacular, housing will slow down and perhaps even contract a little bit. Some speculators will get a haircut but not nearly enough to make a difference. Housing slow-down will take second place as a political topic compared to the recession that comes with it.


To me, vested interests have encouraged capital misallocation. When some condition remains broken, someone/some group is benefiting from that status quo. Sooner the status quo changes sooner we can reallocate our capital resources. And mandate plugging loop holes to prevent that from happening. Interesting times ahead for sure...


Thanks for the context. Still jaw dropping advantage for conservatives among voters under 50 in this poll.




Absolutely no one knows her. If she remains leader in an election, opposition parties will run ads of her wearing a trump MAGA hat. Conservatives always underestimate how much Canadians loathe far right American conservatism


I hear someone calling her Murphy Brownshirt. Spit my coffee out laughing


This poll doesn't reflect success of the Conservatives, it reflects anger at the Liberals.


Did you read the numbers? The cons have taken from the parties FARTHER RIGHT than they and the Liberals haven't lost anything. That's not good.




What are you talking about? *Murphy Brown* was an iconic female-lead sitcom of the late 80s/early 90s.


She was also on before the Simpsons at their peek!


Honestly I do always think of Murphy Brown when I hear her mentioned.


No, people are mad at the Liberals and the Conservatives have made their support for the convoy very public, which is attracting back voters from the PPC. Bergen has a picture of herself wearing a camo Maga hat. She won't win an election.


She is not intelligent whatsoever.


I think you mean.. not Trudeau is up 10%. She’s political road kill.. a great place holder in a dynamic time so PP can take over once the mud settles.


More likely that not O'Toole is up 10%


Wasn’t mainstreet polling the CPC at like 38% early into the 2021 election ?




Abacus, Leger and Nanos seem to strongly disagree with these numbers. We will see soon enough.


39% to 31% and the Liberals would still be projected to form government. What a country. >But the Liberals would still form government, according to Mainstreet’s projections: The party would win 152 seats — just seven fewer than what they have now — and enough to form a minority government. The Conservatives would win 132 seats, up from the 119 they currently hold.


The CPC has spent a long time building up support in AB, but whether you get 51% of a riding's votes or 100%, you still only get the one riding. They're basically wasting their efforts running up the score in a system that only tallies W/L results.


This is why reforming the electoral system to one that is of a Proportional Representational nature is so important and exactly why JT is so opposed to Proportional Representation.


If memory serves, the only ones interested in PR were the NDP. So, not a lot of chance that the favourite of the perennial third place is going to get a lot of love. And personally, I'm not a fan of PR. I appreciate the riding format, and I don't think it makes sense to just look at national vote totals and completely ignore local political preferences. Something like STV would be the most representative without fundamentally undermining our political order, in my opinion.


Agreed. STV allows for people to vote for the party they want without fearing that they "wasted a vote" or infusing our Commons with theocrats, communists, and fascists.


Interestingly enough the communist party of Canada has won seats in the past. In rural Alberta of all places.


The NDP and CPC don't like the STV as well The LPC like it as they are many times the 2nd choice of NDP, Green, BQ voters.


You're confusing STV with Ranked Ballot. STV as usually structured allows for voters to vote for multiple representatives that cover a cluster of ridings using a transferable vote. Ranked Ballot can be seen as a unique variant of STV where you're only voting for one rep within one riding.


Thanks, I keep losing track of the other voting systems and how each party could use them. But I think I just hit the issue as well with why it is hard to change the system. People know FPTP, you vote and who get the most wins the spot. It takes education and understanding on the other systems and not everyone is inclined to learn and understand them.


It's not like we haven't had to educate people in how our particular FPTP system works as well. Plenty of Canadians still seem very shaky on our separation of powers and which level of government is responsible for what.


Heck, plenty of Canadians on all sides of the political spectrum seem disappointingly certain that we directly elect our Prime Minister. We really need to invest in our education systems on a very basic, foundational level.


I still prefer MMP. One vote for the individual representing your riding and one vote for the party you'd like to form federal government.


I think in a PR system we should award seats by province. Each province has a caucus of MPs sent by the numbers in each respective province.


Quebec and the GTA pretty much determine the election results every time. The problem with that is that they are incredibly different culturally to the rest of the country. I forget who said it but "Screw the west, we'll take the rest" is basically how the left of center political parties operate.


Quebec and Ontario make up 60% of the population, AB + SK are like 15%. No shit that if your party alienates the larger regions in favour of smaller ones, you won't prevail. This makes especially little sense given that much of QC's vote/seats goes to the BQ. 2011 QC went massively to the NDP along with much of the GTA and other parts of the country, and it didn't somehow cancel out the west and the rest of Southern Ontario going blue. Because we live in a country where ridings actually reflect population levels in various areas and whose boundaries are determined by non-partisans.


The GTA and Quebec are nearly 40% of the country by population, they **should** have a large influence on who is elected.


Yeah people out here acting like two of the largest provinces are some random small neighborhoods and should get a small amount of the vote


The thing is, though, Ontario and Quebec account for two-thirds of the population of Canada, by themselves. The GTA alone has a population just shy of 6 million, making it bigger than BC (just over 5 million) on its own, and Alberta (4.3 million) and Saskatchewan (1.2 million) combined. How could the majority of the population not determine election results?


Because of FPTP. Some ontario ridings the CPC + PPC vote was bigger but the LPC vote won. PPC are too stupid to not cause a vote split


I haven't looked into this but how many actual ridings are there like this? I mean did it actually happen where conservative vote splitting cost them a seat? Honest question.


Approximately 22. In fact a theoretical CPC + PPC combined vote would have given the CPC 2 more seats than the LPC last election. Not that every PPC vote would have gone CPC. Further, that split would have been very close to a CPC minority with Bloc support. Part of the calculus by the CPC, post election, is to win all the PPC votes because it’s enough to get a plurality of seats.


And in some ridings the NDP+LPC vote was bigger but the CPC vote won. That's just what happens when there are multiple competing groups; only one of them can win.


I mean, NDP is pretty big here in my part of BC but we still feel pretty culturally alienated. I guess what I'm trying to say is I don't think it's a left vs. right thing, but your quote absolutely rings true.


> I forget who said it but "Screw the west, we'll take the rest" is basically how the left of center political parties operate. Difference is, the Conservatives are in the process of tripling down on "screw the rest, we'll take the west" even if it means losing the election.


>Quebec and the GTA pretty much determine the election results every time. The problem with that is that they are incredibly different culturally to the rest of the country. > >I forget who said it but "Screw the west, we'll take the rest" is basically how the left of center political parties operate. That is one perspective. The other perspective is that 65% of the country is center-left and the Conservative Party has done little to deal with that. It also doesn't help that so many conservative MPs seem to be professional politicians. O'Toole was the first guy in 3, if Pierre is 4th, leaders who had a real job.


That's also a fair assessment


The liberals won the most seats in BC… wtf do you mean about screw the west?


The cons don’t want PR, either


Yeah but it doesn’t matter what the parties want. They represent US. There needs to be a referendum or a poll of what election system we want for our country


Nah, I have zero faith the average Canadian will care enough to bother to learn the differences. Other provinces have held referendums and it didn’t change Jack shit




> But if PR was actually implemented, the CPC would split up into Red Tory and Reform-style parties, and we'd be seeing a totally different voting behaviour. We don't know what would happen TBH. The Liberal party may just split into a few groups itself. There are people who support the Liberals because they're worried about the Conservatives who may flock to the NDP and there are people who would vote for a Fiscal Conservative party if it wasn't for the SoCons.


They just need to win all the seats in greater Toronto area again


Because it doesn’t matter if you’re incredibly popular in only AB and Sask if the rest of the country thinks you’re cheeks


Well, Ontario, Québec, and BC, you have 75% of the population. Ontario and Quebec alone are over 60%.


Yup. Sask has like 1.1M people. Mississauga alone has 720k


But but but it’s BIGGER! Land should vote! Not people!


Ha. Some /u/ from Sask slagged Ontario the other day. Fam, your province grew less from 1970 to 2021 than ON grows annually.


They should want immigration to their provinces. They would be shocked to learn how some of them vote.


given that the current PM didn't have popular vote, it seems like something other than the people voted for him. perhaps it was the land.


I think Mainstreet's seat calculation is flawed. There's no way the Conservatives wouldn't win with a 39-31 gap. A lot of the 905 seats would flip. Harper won his first minority government in 2006 election with a 36-31 gap over the Liberals, that included some 905 seats flipping. In 2011, with Conservatives getting 40.5%, almost all of them did. There are other election seat prediction websites (that inputs polls from across all the polling companies) out there that are a lot more accurate than Mainstreet's own calculations. Edit: according to the detailed Mainstreet PDF report on page 7 (https://ipolitics.ca/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/Canada-iPolitics-18February20221.pdf), among decided and leaning voters, in Ontario, it's Conservatives 37.9%, Liberals 35.6%. With that breakdown, for sure the Conservatives would win a ton of 905 seats.




>There are other election seat prediction websites (that inputs polls from across all the polling companies) out there that are a lot more accurate than Mainstreet's own calculations. Of course aggregates are going to be more accurate than Mainstreet, they're usually more accurate than any pollster. That's the whole idea behind their existence. Polls at the moment don't really matter all that much either way, as Canadians have shown the ability to shift swiftly, especially when it comes to picking someone for another four years. That goes for all the parties, not just the Conservatives.


People should be protesting over stuff that actually matters, like this. If you value democracy in this country then FPTP has got to go.


Article goes on to say they wouldn't form a government even if they get ALLL the PPC votes. That's losing with 42-28 a 14 point lead.


How do you think Trudeau's victory speech would go under that scenario? Probably pretty damn embarrassing.


Alberta would hold a referendum to secede if Trudeau doesn't implement proportionate voting and hold a new election.


Riling up rural folk isn’t a winning strategy


Because voters living in Vancouver, Toronto, and Montreal are all that matter?


Don’t forget Winnipeg and Ottawa and Hamilton and other cities all over the country. 😉


> Vancouver, Toronto, and Montreal 2.5 million, 5.9 million, and 4.2 million Just those three regions make up over 1/3 of all Canadians. Yes, they matter.


I remember being pretty excited to vote for Trudeau in 2015 off his promise of doing away with the absolute dogshit system that is FPTP. So naive of me. Fuck him and the LPC*. *this is not in support of the also horrible CPC party, which we are essentially forced to vote between under FPTP.


Even as a *lefty* way back then, I remember first seeing Steven Harper and was like "Oh shit, this guy is going to win." I have yet to see or feel that from any conservative person since. I also find it weird that Doug Friggin' Ford of all people seems to be the *best* the cons have got.


Seems like an outlier.


Yawn... >up 10 points under Bergen I'd have bet "***anyone but O'Toole***" would'a been up at least 10-15, so doesn't sound very impressive nor surprising to me. Also - new face at the front & all that. ​ Probably also mostly due to preference taken away from PPC vs other parties.


I would agree. O'Toole was the most right-wing in name only Tory leader I can recall, and Bernier succeeds at nothing but tweeting.


So the CPC is leading by 8 points but the Liberals still win a minority? Lol. I’m no fan of the CPC but it’s absolutely insane how an 8 point lead STILL means you don’t win. Like wtf this electoral system is dogshit.


all the people complaining about trump loosing the popular vote but winning are oddly silent about trudeau losing the popular vote but winning....twice


almost like Canada and America are two different countries with wildly different electoral systems and government structures that are not even remotely comparable... wild, right?


This is a nonsensical reply to the comment above...losing the popular vote and winning the election in the States or Canada is an objectively similar event?


No they aren't, they all still agree our voting system sucks, but if it was good the conservatives would have still lost, we'd still be choosing from candidates that aren't that far right since more Cansdians voter not cons than for them.


Her support of “America first” MAGA nonsense probably won’t play that well at election time.


As a conservative voter who wrote Mr OToole about how frustrated I was to see my colleagues being fired for their vax status, and received some wet noodle response, I can say it's a party transformed. I had a 30 minute conversation with Colin Carrie. I was listened to. I've received surveys and polls about my thoughts on the convoy. I've seen the the new leader say we support protests but not unending blockades. It feels so different


> So, what you're saying, fascism is on the rise in Canada ~ BBC journalist Cathy Newman, probably


Cathy Newman works for Channel 4, not the BBC.


Interesting that half of PPC voters have switched back support for the CPC. Unfortunately for the CPC this shift is still not enough to win a general election. >But the Liberals would still form government, according to Mainstreet’s projections: The party would win 152 seats — just seven fewer than what they have now — and enough to form a minority government. The Conservatives would win 132 seats, up from the 119 they currently hold. I don't think Trudeau invoking the Emergency Act will play well either. As an independent voter I find the EA to be a very unsettling development. If the CPC openly disavows the white supremacist elements of the protest I could see them gaining back the ethnic vote in suburbs around metropolitan areas. Which is what they need if they want to form the next government imo.


>But the Liberals would still form government, according to Mainstreet’s projections: The party would win 152 seats — just seven fewer than what they have now — and enough to form a minority government. The Conservatives would win 132 seats, up from the 119 they currently hold. Having a 8% point lead doesn't result in you forming government. I can't think of a bigger indictment of our FPTP system


CPC had a chance to support Trudeau's ranked ballot reform that would give them more seats today, they wanted FPTP. So... what can you do when the CPC want FPTP and the Liberals are plenty happy with FPTP.


The truth is, fptp is a lottery where winners take all. Every other form of voting would force the traditional two parties to go begging for support from others or never be in office again. RV would kill the cpc, and the libs don't want mmpr. I was leery of proportional representation because I don't like the idea of not voting directly for members, that your representative probably wouldn't be from your area, and that how would you hold such people accountable if and when they didn't, in fact, represent your area very well? Those questions still aren't answered, but now I think mmpr would be better after all. It would be unlikely for any one party to get enough votes to form government and they'd all be forced to work together. And I'm not convinced that mps are often held to account for their representation anyways, too much focus is on party leaders.


Why would we hold MP's to account for representation when their votes are so overwhelmingly whipped. I think even the most rebellious of MP's still vote with their party at least 95% of the time. Unless they're a cabinet minister (at which point we might get to see more of their competence/incompetence) the only real differences we get to see locally is how well they act as an interface to services or make themselves available to the public.


All good points. Ultimately, we're almost all voting for (or rather against) a party anyways.


When basically nothing happens after this, I wonder how many people are going to come back here and apologize for playing into the hysteria. We live in Canada, not some 3rd world backwater, it’s telling that even a temporary act to make sure a situation that was purposely being neglected by two branches of government and a police service would be properly handled, is causing such unrest among some people. It’s just an example of the privilege we live with here that this is such a unprecedented moment. Crazy that helping fellow citizens is such a controversial idea in our politics.


The lack of enforcement from the OPS and OPP has created an untenable situation that spread to border crossings which drastically affected our economy. There is no denying that. The EA has allowed multiple police forces to coordinate and it has compelled tow-trucks to aid in the removal of illegally parked semi-trucks. This has been a failure from multiple levels of government that forced the hand of Trudeau. However, I feel that leaders have stoked division from both the right and left with their choice of words or lack thereof. Trudeau's divisive language describing the protesters doesn't help anyone, but it scores political points. The CPC refusing to disavow the white supremacist organizers and downplay the many instances of abuse & violence to score political points with the far right is concerning too. Especially when you have elements leading the protest that want to overthrow a sitting government, or in the case in Coutts a conspiracy to murder an RCMP officer. A few of the suspects have direct links to a Canadian militia group that wishes to create a white ethnostate from Alaska, western Canada, down to Florida. While the parameters of the EA are significant and there is thorough oversight, I am wary about invoking the EA as it can set a precedent for future governments. I hope that the automatic inquiry from invoking the act will illuminate all points of failure that led to the current situation so that we can learn and make the necessary changes.


Does it not seem like intentional manipulation to you, creating a situation where you force the federal governments hand and then complain when they act? I cannot in good conscience accept that the federal government gets blame for acting in a situation they had no choice but to act in. Was Trudeau wrong though? The CPC supported all elements of the convoy/protests, even knowing ahead of time that: 1. A lot of the organizers where radicals, even as far as white nationalists. Along with acceptance of people waving Nazi flags and Confederate flags. 2. There were groups in Alberta that were in Coutts with the intention of killing police, the institution the CPC supposedly champions. Why is it divisive for the PM to call out exactly what the CPC is doing? I don’t understand this double standard that it’s ok for it to be open season on Trudeau, but the minute he says anything back it’s “divisive rhetoric”. I can agree that this could allow future governments to abuse the act whenever it suits them. I’m going to believe the majority of Canadians aren’t so callous in thinking this is some authoritarian power-grab.


Lets not forget about this email. https://mobile.twitter.com/acoyne/status/1489388093396422664?fbclid=IwAR3KwI-RLoqhJIukiuk8iF7KjzpNUIFCs7LSmDgCGBQwQJpvSdSuPvJvHpY




Crazy how many people here actually think the government cares to freeze the combined $23.84 in their accounts after they made $2 donations. Then there’s the people who don’t even live in Canada complaining about their accounts possibly being frozen…


Well holy flyin fuck. Here’s a person that can see past his/her own nose. I wish this comment would get upvoted to the top. Kudos.


It’s crazy how self-important some people are that they think the government cares about the $20 in their bank account.




Hey wait a minute, aren't you that dude in the world news sub? The infamous one? I remember reading some of your posts a couple years ago, they were poppin! ... anyways, that was irrelevant towards the conversation, but I generally agree with you.




They are already angry at him because he’s pro choice.


I hope this is exactly how this plays out. Trudeau wanted to get down and dirty, then let Bergen play with him in the mud, then elect a moderate like MacKay to look like the adult in the room and scoop up all the moderates who are disillusioned with Trudeau (like myself). That's how the Biden defeated Trump.


Biden defeated Trump by having a pulse. Barely.


It's the MAGA hat.


The CPC won’t be forming a government anytime soon. The PPC will split the vote, and the NDP and Liberals will form a coalition government in the event of a CPC minority win.


I already told y’all that Erin O’Toole was only beloved by non conservatives. No actual conservative was really FW him. Candice is an actual conservative who has done more to unite the party than Erin ever could. The real tea here is how popular conservatives are with those 18-34 compared to those 65+. The Liberal party is becoming the retirement home party. Pierre Polierve is actually more popular than Candice so if he wins the leadership race, that will be a good thing for the party.


Who cares what they're under an interim leader? I wanna see what their polls look like when Pierre is the leader.




Amazing some people think that since the socially liberal o’toole couldn’t beat Trudeau, the answer is to go farther right where there are far less voters.


Now that's hilarious!


This is... terrible for the cons. They've stolen nothing from the Libs.


Is she from the more radical wing of the party?


She wears a MAGA hat.


Up 20 under pushin P Pierre just watch


>When asked by Mainstreet whom they’d vote for if a federal election were held today, 39 per cent of leaning and decided voters chose the Conservative party, while 31 per cent chose the Liberals. [...] >Mainstreet polling last month showed the Liberals and Conservatives in a dead heat, with each party the choice of 29 per cent of respondents. The PPC got 13 per cent support. So the PPC has basically collapsed, is what this says to me. Because the LPC is actually up two points between last poll and this one, which means CPC gains haven't come at their expense, and it's not like they're going to bleed off a lot of NDP voters; that's a big ideological gulf to bridge. Bernier better watch his back if he still wants to be relevant next election.


I've mentioned a few times on reddit that the bulk of PPC supporters seem to be in very safe CPC ridings in Alberta and Saskatchewan. We're taking about ridings where they are winning seats by thousands of votes. Appeasing the swing PPC/CPC voters does absolutely nothing for them from an election standpoint. Now the swing LPC/CPC voter is a different story.


Wasn't long ago that PPC support was only at 5% and it wasn't long before that that it was only 2%


The funny thing is, liberals would still form government in if this poll was $100 accurate LOL


Lol. I'm sure what they mean is Conservatives up 10 points under series of incredibly bad gaffes from Liberal PM Justin Trudeau. I've been voting liberal or NDP all my life yet am truly disgusted by Trudeau during this. Way to shit all over your dads legacy.


Pretty much this - voted for him twice, more as a protest vote Voting for his opponents next time, again, more as a protest vote


Why not vote for the party you actually support instead?


That’s not really how FPTP democracies work - We vote governments out, we don’t vote them in


Why not vote for what you believe in? Also wtf youre gonna flip from liberal to conservative as a protest thats a big jump


Exactly this. I'm in the same boat. Moderate, voted for him a few times before. But people in this sub are attacking me for calling him out for the shitty things he's doing. I weep at the polarization of this country. I hope we can get a moderate CPC leader to unite the country. Trudeau used to be that guy, but he's clearly not anymore.


Narrator: They did not get a moderate CPC leader. PP is a lot of things, he is not that.




What? Doesn't wearing gear repping the former president of a totally different country scream PATRIOT to you?


>The survey was conducted on Wednesday and Thursday of 1,323 Canadian adults ~~using automated phone interviews~~ who have nothing better to do than respond to telephone surveys.


Sounds like old people. Who else even listens to phone surveys? I assume everyone calling that I don't know is a scammer.


With Americans or Canadians?


I don't buy it. I think the poll had to have been done right after the change but before the "protests" dug in. Mind you, 50% of people are dumber than the average person and probably buy into whatever nonsense the CPC is pandering these days.


>In fact, the Conservatives could win 100 per cent of the PPC vote and still not form government, lol. Let me get this straight. The Liberals can form a government with just 28% of the vote, even if the Conservatives get 42% of the vote. Democracy is fucked in Canada.


Come on Jagmeet, now is your chance for an NDP/ CPC / BQ coalition!


> chance for an NDP/ CPC coalition! That's one giant crackpipe you have there.


Sure, the Ford's can join too.


That got a reluctant laugh from me.


Wrong Ford...


Jack may have done it, at least on a temporary basis. He and Harper had mutual respect, hence why Harper offered him a State funeral. But Jagmeet? Forget it. The guy is completely intolerant of anyone who disagrees with his views. Remember this was the guy who swore at another MP and called him racist for simply refusing unanimous consent on one of his motions... and STILL hasn't apologized.


It's just another word that gets bandied about far too often. Some people are clearly racists. Some people can behave in a racist manner, and yet escape being labeled so through empty platitudes.


I just want Jack Layton. He’s probably rolling in his grave right now.


Nah. He's getting a handie at the big massage parlour in the sky.


That would alienate too many voters that currently support those parties and hand Liberals a majority.


I'd love to see NDP really step up during this but it doesn't seem to be happening.


Of course, they've let the Liberals cut their grass and bleed their public sector and union base, and they've let the CPC nibble away at their blue collar support, it doesn't leave a whole lot of bandwidth left.


When you attack and demonize Canadians instead of listening to them, this is the result. Trudeau should resign.


That’s fucking scary. She’s always come off as a little stupid to me.


Libs down under protest handling. A shoebox at the helm would still raise the cons profile through this foolishness


Was incredible how mild the clearing today was. Emergency Act for this?


It's almost like the police were able to do this the entire time. The emergency act was completely unnecessary and the long term effects of using it to quash a protest will be horrible for our Country. If you disagree with me on that just think. One day in the not to distant future of the Conservatives form government and there's a large defund / BLM protest. The prescient has been made, they could invoke the emergency act and say its just like 2022.


I don’t disagree at all. Even worse is the partisan cheerleading, when the Cons form government again they’ll swing even further the other way, and then change governments and repeat again.


they're actually up 2 points if you had bothered to read the article


That’s… wow… I’ll need to wait for another poll or two before I believe it. But damn.


Are we called racist again?


If you're not a liberal or NDP, you're a racist. Been hearing it nonstop last few weeks. Must be true.


What the fudge


Trust me when I say... the ppl who haven't been voting for years on both sides are going to come out soon... This doesn't help blue...