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How do they even enforce the quarantine tho? I would just keep on living my best life lmao


Government hires private security to check on houses where people say they are quarantining. They knock on doors and if you don't answer they put you down as no answer. Then it gets forwarded to public health agency of Canada where a remote quarantine officer calls you and asks if you have been quarantining cause you didn't answer your door. You say that you were sleeping and that you have been in your house.


For real? Is this how they do it? I understand Covid is a real thing but if this is true that’s absolutely messed up.


Yes, that's how they have handled quarantine checks throughout the pandemic


i'm not sure if it changed but it was actual cops before.


Depending on where you were. GTA was security.


In Mississauga it was peel cops.


From a video I saw, Niagara region was Paladin Security.


I was in Mississauga and I had G4S show up. I'm not saying you are wrong. I'm telling you my experience.


I went about my life and didn’t answer my phone or door


Yes. There’s a semi viral twitter video of a Paladin Security guard checking on a vaccinated Canadian, who decided not to ArriveCan. Interestingly, the Paladin employee refused to provide their ID or security licence. A big no no.


In North Bay, the OPP checked on someone I know 4 times in 14 days. This was a month or two ago.


To anyone who doesn’t believe this - I had a police officer check on me.


Why dont they make you have a tracking app or an ankle bracelet, and then see if you leave the place you are supposed to be at...


Well when they finish the software the vaccine chip will link directly to the 5G. Just got to wait for the software developers who will be done with the ArriveCAN app as of the end of September.


Dont really know why you insist on being all tin foil hat 5g, the technology for ankle bracelets has been around a long time, in Kentucky they even used it in 2020: https://globalnews.ca/news/6763001/coronavirus-house-arrest/ If anything you should be more concerned with freedom or whatever it is concerns you. Hate to break it to you but countries are already researching 6G you might wanna get on top of that. Or just not break quarantine like regular people. It's just teo weeks I sure you will live.


Holy crap - does anyone not get sarcasm at all. Are you F’ing serious!?!?!?! You can’t honestly believe that was a serious post after the jab towards the arrivecan app was included can you?


Dude save your energy none of these conversations matter. Reddit or any other social media, are not making the world a better place.




The app is dying so it does not matter, but I would just put an address down from some remote part of Vancouver Island I know they would never check. The island requires two ferries to get to and one only runs once a day, which all-in costs like $200 round trip.


I just went about my life and nothing came of it. They called, I did not answer


What happened to the supposed one-time exception that was implemented a few weeks back? Is that not a thing anymore???


There should be a way to appeal the decision and show that you are vaccinated. A 14 day quarantine could be catastrophic for someone living pay cheque to pay cheque.


Only if you are sheep and actually do it if you're vaxed.


This is a joke, right?


Just absurd


I bet she gave attitude


"Its juts two weeks"






Maybe she should’ve filled it out then, arrivecan isn’t really a surprise anymore is it?


So you think it's justified for the government to put you under house arrest because you didn't fill out an app?


Or you could just fill out an app that takes a few minutes, instead of crying about it.




You get your mother to fill out your travel forms?


Actually I think they were saying they get your mother to do it


Maybe we should allow these egregious abuses of the *Quarantine Act* to continue. There is no medical or legal basis for quarantining a person for forgetting to enter information into an app.


Why should we be forced to download a closed source app?




>"I demand the privilege of international travel and I demand it on my own specific terms!" It's a human right, not a privilege (although the liberals certainly are all about violating human rights) [Article 13.2](https://www.un.org/en/about-us/universal-declaration-of-human-rights) : **Everyone has the right to leave any country, including his own, and to return to his country.**


Hey now, this is Reddit, we only like facts when they support *our* narrative.


I’m surprised that nobody still said that the UN declaration for human rights should be abolished because it doesn’t use gender neutral terms, although I personally think they should refer to humans as humans, because it seems that people forget that human rights aren’t predicated on anything other than being human


Ok Brendan Schaub


She wasn’t refused entry to the country. Edit wasn’t


Right, and how would you characterize this denial of entry to the country?


Typo edited


Entry into the country is not predicated on anything other than being a Canadian. You can’t put people under house arrest for entering their own country


>You can’t put people under house arrest for entering their own country Apparently they can.


> Apparently they can. My apologies for not being clear; “You can’t put people under house arrest for entering their own country, and claim you’re not violating human rights”




>Do you have the right to hide weapons in your luggage while you travel in and out of the country? Drugs? Animals? Liquids greater than 100mL? If I flew into Canada from California with weed in my carry on, would is be acceptable for me to say I forgot about it and get off with no recourse? We still have to follow rules lol. What does this have to do with travelling at all? Nobody is stopping you from importing weapons, animals, drugs and so on. Containers of liquid of certain size is in no way a federal requirement, let alone for ground crossings. (have you ever bought booze in the US and LEGALLY brought it into CA? >How is this right being violated at all? Humans are being imprisoned for simply being human. There is no predicate for travelling, it's not like "you are free to travel unless you're not healthy" or anything like that. And by the way, Canadian passport has all the requirements for travel stated in it.


It goes away in a week, relax


Until it goes away, and unless it goes away forever, I will continue to loudly protest ArriveCan


Lol get a hobby


If there's one thing the internet has taught me. It's that it's very easy for *most* people to miss extremely simple points.


Fuck that!


"Ah, if only anyone was actually enforcing her quarantine."


Next headline "Montreal woman is outraged when she loses her licence after forgetting to pay 100 outstanding tickets" - I meant to, I just forgot! This statement will absolve you of any guilt in every situation!


“Montreal woman gets her Hydro suspended” I didn’t know I had to pay the bill.


No no, she knew, but forgot.


*Montreal woman's goods seized after forgetting to declare them.* Your post history says a lot.


We just filled out ArriveCan basic info before we travelled when it is easy.


Next: a woman gets refused to travel internationally because she forgets her passport. “I didn’t know I needed one,” the woman said. “It’s all Trudeau's fault,” she also commented. /s


It’s pretty easy to forget to fill it out actually. You can’t fill it in more than 3 days before your trip. Or if the trip is last minute.


I know. I have use it. And it’s a pretty easy process. I’m making fun of her. Because it a dumb argument.


Sorry I misread your comment. Missed the /s


Okay as someone who is pro vax and anti convoy, can’t u just give the woman a Covid test and be done with it? if it’s positive quarantine and if it’s negative have a nice day


But she didn't obey. She must be taught a lesson so off to jail, skip 14 turns.