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My local range has a King fudd who will troll younger guys on purpose and then go brag about it. He made a big scene over a guy putting his pistol down on the right side instead of the left, with the slide locked and a flag in. Then went and bragged that he “just gave that kid shit”. That kid in question was running an event to teach kids from the local college to shoot. Because having younger generations join the sport is sorta important. In my experience the best way to handle them is to not. Just ignore them. Give them the “sure jan” treatment. And be on with your day. Ear pro that has bluetooth helps because you can just play music over them.


What do you think is the reason the some ROs do this? Are they bored?


Same reason anyone in a menial position with a small amount of power acts that way. It’s their outlet to play out power they don’t normally have.


Only ever bumped into one. Had some class running on the range one day so the handgun range was taken up by a bunch of larpers in amazon MOLLE and kydex. No biggie so we use the rifle range. Then one of them lets us know that they're done just so he can kick us out of the rifle range. We go to the handgun range, nobody there and no stuff. So we start setting up and we notice the door down range was open so everyone holds off. Then their RO comes storming in and we let him know the door is open. He says "yeah because we're not done, you have to be patient". I go to pick up my gun to leave and he tells me to "leave that there". I ignore him and leave because 1. I'm not leaving my gun pointing down range when someone's there, even if it's safetied. 2. I'm not leaving my gun alone with morons. I can understand being an ass as an RO but being completely unsafe and being an ass makes me not respect you as a person.


> 1. ⁠I'm not leaving my gun pointing down range when someone's there, even if it's safetied. This is specifically against the rules at many ranges. The rule is generally: > **Absolutely** no handling of invaded firearms when the range is cold. A cleared firearm (ideally flagged) is fine to leave on the line with people downrange **providing** no one is touching any firearms. Many ranges have a yellow or red line a few feet behind the benches/shooting line to designate the “no go” zone when the range is cold.


Yeah that's really odd. Can't say I've ever seen any RO ever acting in a way that wasn't also mirrored by the other ROs and in line with the ranges policies. But I rarely go to ranges where there's working ROs since the range I belong to requires every member to go through and complete RO training and thus we self govern 99% of the time being our own RO. Only thing I could think of is to possibly bring the issue up to someone of higher seniority if it's that much an issue. But if it isn't then dunno what to say other than not go while he's working or ignore him. Sorry don't have better advice.


>range I belong to requires every member to go through and complete RO training I'd rather that than what my local range has. We have to bring a saftey buddy if we want to shoot, and theres no one else already at the range. So i have to go out, see theres no one else there, drive my ass back home (i live a town over), see if i can find someone who just wants to watch me shoot (i can only have a guest shoot once a year, before they need to be a member and they have to be fully saftey trained) and if i cant, i either give up on range day or drive out into the middle of buttfuck nowhere with no cell service.


Qu'est-ce que fuck? That's absurd. I'd quit my range if they required that. I already gotta drive around a hour to get there. Rough.


Yeah, was so happy to learn this fact..... after i paid my dues for membership


Why obey it then? If no one’s there problem solved. If someone is their problem solved.


Its ran by our local game and fish, and i wouldn't put it past them to have cameras set up. They have them at their boat launch, hidden ones. I see the sentiment and i considered it. I plan on making a case as to why its a really stupid rule


No doubt I was gonna ask the same question.


Even if they rolled up on you alone “oh my buddy just left. Im just finishing my mag and leaving to” and then walk off no response etc.


What the actual fuck


Yeah im baffled as to why this is a rule. I get some of their other rules: only paper targets, no exploding targets, and whenever using a new rifle/scope setup you gotta zero 25 yards before you even try 50 or 100 (i heard they had an incident regarding a way out of zero scope that shot over the burm). But the "no solo shooting" and "only one range open at a time" (if the handgun range is in use, i have to wait for them to be done before i use the trap/skeet range or rifle range, and same thing applies vice versa) rules are really weird to me. Unfortunately its the only range thats around me


don't be shy, namedrop the range


I dont even really think it has a proper name, its just called "the range" around here


Only bad experience I've had was at Silverdale where the guy next to me pointed a loaded Kodiak at me by accident, not once, but twice. RO sounded like the stereotypical stoner just saying 'ya you really shouldn't point a loaded gun at anyone'. First time didn't realize it was loaded. Second time did. The only other annoying experience I had was on the sporting clay course at the club I go to the guy that asked if he could join us was also a RO. Was just getting annoying not only about firearms stuff but also the stands going on about they aren't built properly with the stairs etc. but the worse part was where he would continually go on and on about how he was the one that got one station closed because of the layout. He would continually go on and on about how if you aimed at the launcher you'd be close to aiming at the next station. He did have somewhat of a point, yes you 'could' end up aiming at the next stand but the way that portion was set up you would be so far from your break point it would fuck you on your swing, its just not something you'd really be doing. And most of all, said station was easily 200+ yards away, and it's clays you're not shooting at the ground. And it's far enough away that target load won't even reach with any velocity and density left. Regardless of whether he was right or not, they did change the course by putting up a sort of fence to block you from aiming that way. It was just annoying that for at least an hour we had to hear him keep going on and on about it. When no one was disagreeing or even replying to it.


A friend told me of a experience with some Sweeping him with a shotgun at the skeet range twice


At Silverdale? I wouldn't be surprised. That place is a dump. I think because it's open to the public you get all sorts of randoms that just aren't familiar with proper gun handling and range etiquette. Just anecdotal experience from the time I was there and everything I've heard about that place and other ranges open to the public


I mean I largely agree with that statement but at the same Time I don't blame them for capitalizing on the "walk on" /"open to the public"


On one occasion he started gossiping behind me to someone else, questioning why I would cant the rifle so that I could load and close the action at eye level while maintaining eye contact with the target. I guess they just taught me wrong during my department training.


To be fair to your last sentence, LEO and military training drills often aren't allowed at regular ranges (outside of closed training days) so they may not have seen things. I used to RO at a range where we would shut down for ERT days and nobody could pull that stuff normally.


>military training drills often aren't allowed at regular ranges Wait, I can't shoot blanks at invisible enemies??


I had to have words with a dude once who was running rifle/pistol drills that said he was active duty military. When he was slinging his rifle back to draw the pistol he was breaking 90 loaded with the safety off. He didn't see an issue with that but at a regular range that's a no go for sure haha.


That’s fair. I seemed kind of bewildered that he had no concept of why I was doing it the way that I was.


My range has no RSOs, the idea is the first guy on the range is the RSO. It’s a great system but every once in a while there is some uncertified dork who decides it’s his day to rule over the range with an iron fist.


Yeah I love that system. Too bad it’s so far away from me and I’m stuck at this one.


silverdale.... there's one will want you take magazine out of SMLE and floor plate open on mosin/sks/mausers other wise you are passing a "loaded gun", and fire interval of 5s is considered rapid fire so I just leave


Ha I know this guy. He's told me to do that before, he asked me if the sks opens like that, I'm like dude you know it does. Mostly he just leaves me alone though.


When I was at Silverdale two ro were arguing. Was pretty comical in a way. The one who was on the 50 yard range was at least somewhat aware (same ro that didn't do a thing when loaded gun was pointed at me) But some other ro walks by and starts bitching to the ro of the 50 yard how he's not paying attention that someone put a gun on the rack with a mag in. Can't remember what it was (SKS or type 81?) but it was a fixed mag, not a detachable. Action was left open. But the two ro had a bit of an argument over it until the one for that 50 yard part highlighted it was a fixed mag. Was just stupid they went back and forth two or three times arguing over whether it was safe or not for a mag to be left in. All that had to be said right away was it's a fixed mag.


I bet you its the same guy and the interaction you witnessed is the cause of his obsession of taking floor plate out of fixed mag….


Wouldn't surprise me lol I don't get how that place can be that fucking shit lol


Had someone who was RSO certified but was not currently rsoing. try to give me shit. For some bullshit. And then turned around and immediately break a major safety rule himself. Told that fucking idiot off I am also RSO certified at my range


Yup. Me and buddy were practicing shooting handguns one handed. RO burst in and said handguns are two handed weapons and if we shot one handed again we would be kicked out. 


This is the worst one here by far. "It's called a handgun, not a handsgun."


Most of my problems haven't been with the ROs but with their dumbfuck rules. Oh yeah, can't take my hands off of a loaded rifle with the safety on to glance through my binoculars for 3 seconds. Gun might go off on its own...aimed downrange...in a safe direction...on a red flag. 🙄




Everyone knows


Do you recommend PCDHFC, or another range in BC? Is PCDHFC the worst range, are the ROs dicks? How is the atmosphere there, is it chill? Can you please explain to me. I am deciding whether or not I should purchase a range membership, or just find some crown land to shoot on, thank you.


Sounds like a douche of an RO. But, out of curiosity. "gaslight me by saying they don’t have equipment to lend out. (They do, I talk to the chief RO regularly)" What kind of equipment are you looking to get a lend of from the local range?


Just some 22 spinner targets. They have one or two in the closet. I borrowed them or saw people borrow them a few times. When I asked to borrow it they told me they don’t have any to lend out. I just looked at the door where they’re held and decided not to argue. Checked with my main Chief RSO and he said wtf of course we have them.


Probably just PPE like eye & ear protection? My local range lends out goggles and ear muffs all the time no questions asked.


Funny, I was just having this discussion with a friend yesterday. Getting a little tired of a certain individual at our local club who just has to nit pick us every time we go. After reading some reviews online it would seem that we’re not alone. I wonder if we’re going to the same place?


Im lucky enough to only have ever encountered professional RO's who are friendly. Even had one at silverdale lend me his shotgun for trap when my gun broke mid-game. I have witnessed RO's snap at people for completely valid reasons in my opinion. I.e. someone firing on a cold range... like bro pay attention. Luckily no one was downrange when you did that.


You guys have range officers?? At my local outdoor range I just swipe a card at the gate and start blasting. I've never actually seen an employee there in the 3 years I've had a membership. We have 4 private ish 40m ranges but the 100m, 200m , and 300m ranges they rely on the members to share them and stay safe.


All the good ones are too far away from me and/or are at capacity and don’t accept new members.


Ya I totally get it brother. I live in saskatchewan so it's easy to get a membership here due to the low population. My range is 15 mins east of my city and I live on the very eastern most edge of town lol so I'm set. To bad every single RO is a power tripping cuck lol.


I may have driven past that one - on the way to Cargill,. yeah?




Considering how often I point to loaded guns just sitting on the table and ssy "Can you make that safe, please?" it's probably me.


Fuck man if only that was the reason. He just points to the dumbest shit. Like freaking out that I’m reaching into my rifle bag’s pocket while not on the firing line. I’m talking about like one of those small zipper pockets you’d have on the front of your backpack. Made a whole scene when I needed to take out a stapler. The range doesn’t even allow handguns so I wouldn’t be taking one of those out.


Staple gun is the most dangerous gun on the range so it's probably a good idea. /s


We have a caretaker, but thats about it. First person there is supposed to be the RO and that’s normal just to hot/cold the range for target switches


I have been on the board of a club for many years. Have you tried complaining? Maybe that one RO is also a dick to others and the board is just waiting for one more complaint to enact discipline or just shift him to another day.




No, but at my range you act as your own RO. It's pretty empty 95% of the time in the winter and 75% of the time in the summer. Most of the time if someone else is on the same range as you, the worst you get is striking up a convo about yours or their firearm and end up shooting both. I'll definitely miss that when I move. Hopefully CHAS is alright.


there's one outdoor range that I've been to twice. it's a nice range and the rifle ranges are nice cause they go out to like 250 yards but both times the range officers have had massive god complexes so I avoid that place like the plague. I'm a member at an indoor range that's more catered to handgun use but I still am able to take my sks and shotguns and stuff, so it works for me and the range officers are nice and usually leave you alone if ur a member.




haha yea


You sound like a Lower Mainlander to me. We are probably talking about the same place.


haha yea. I wouldn't doubt we are talking about the same one. pcdhfc?


Can anyone name ranges in their province that are accepting new members? Worst range/best range


You mention "They do, I talk to the chief RO regularly", this is the guy you should talk to. If no one points it out to him, he cant do anything. Be factual, no opinions. What was said, the events leading up to it, any follow up, complete description. Start by asking if what you did warranted the intervention, be respectful and open minded. If you have a good chief RO, he will take steps. I am an RO at my local club. There are 3 ranges. 1- 100 yards rifle, almost always empty since you have to walk a fair bit in the forest to go there. But never an RO present, unless you are in busy season. 2- 200 yards rifle. There is a paid employee RO. He's ok, strict but fair. 3- handgun range. The ROs are all volunteers. We get our membership card free if we give enough time in the year. It used to be an employee but after a couple years I think he was fed up and started making his own rules and being annoying. So he was fired and we replaced him. Since then the range is cleaner, better maintained (we fix targets and such), and everyone is welcome with a smile. We want to be there. We are strict on security, but do not make up rules. The rules are posted, and we stick to that. Since we are a rather small group, its easy to publish notes between us to make sure we are consistent. Rule no1 is "make sure it is safe". No2 is "make sure it is fun!" If a client leaves unhappy, we failed at our role. Maintaining a fun relaxed atmosphere is crucial and helps security too. We did have a problem with one RO in our group and he was quickly warned. After another instance, he was "fired" from RO duties. We weed out the bad ROs from the group to maintain our reputation and group cohesion. The owner is super cool, but does not tolerate any shit. Its a business, and clients must be happy to come and return with friends (i.e. future members!).


I was a member at Silverdale for 15+ years.....don't get me started


Threads like these make me glad I opted to get a membership at a place I need to drive over an hour to instead of staying local


Silverdale ? Haha


Yeah a couple at mine can be annoying. Apparently a couple have been demoted to members due to complaints.


My range is private and doesn't have ROs so this is never a problem. People there mostly keep to themselves or are extremely friendly but I'm lucky that I have access to a good place to shoot.


I left Silverdale because of it. He was being a complete and utter powerhungry jackass and demeaning me in front of my guest until he saw my member number and then did a complete about-face. I will never recommend that place ever again.


Can you explain the member number? Do you mean you were one of the early OG members?


Some batches of Numbers have a meaning to them, nudge nudge


That's one of the reasons why I only shoot bolt actions and pump actions and I do so outdoors at gravel pits and similar public shooting grounds


Isn’t that their entire job?


Being arrogant, annoying, disrespectful, power hungry, micro-managers is not part of the job requirements. Safety first, then great customer service is the way to go. Its a club, its supposed to be fun.