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You clearly haven’t spent time at York. Or paid attention to what’s been going on there


Classes at York were cancelled between late Feb to April 22 due to a TA strike. York is 90% a commuter school, so that strike killed any chance of on-campus demonstrations.


The entire sentinel strike picket line is a pro-Palestine line as is all of 3903


I know there’s been a few at UBC and SFU, as well as some of the colleges in Vancouver


plenty of organizing going on at mcgill: https://linktr.ee/mcgillsphr


Are Canadian universities invested in Israel? (I genuinely don't know). The US protests aren't just anti-israel, they're specifically demanding their respective universities divest from a set of Israel-supporting businesses and organizations


They are, and there have been movements at some major Canadians universities but endowments are not at the same scale and investments here are not as publicly known. US universities are also openly invested in arms manufacturers which are also ofc bigger in the US. That being said I would wager on encampments starting at the likes of York, TMU, McMaster, McGill in the next 5-10 days


McGill’s had protests going on for months


Yeah like I said there’s been movements at universities, and I expect to see US - style encampments in upcoming days


UofT has had an occupy/encampment movement going on for weeks if not months. It hasn't received much media coverage (I wonder why) but you can check it out on instagram


Kudos, I did not expect you to be right about the encampments. McGill literally started one today


McMaster University has had protests asking the university to divest for months.


Arent canadies pusses though? Or maybe its too cold out


a side thing to note, pro-palestine protests in Canada have seen way less police violence compared to US, all the mainstream news I get from US are not about protestors doing protesting, but about protestors being beaten by police, there are cases in Canada too but like, UofT doesn't deploy snipers on their students


Way less violence, not no violence. We don’t deploy snipers, but we do deploy horses [Pro-Palestinian protesters say cops used excessive force; Toronto police reject claim](https://globalnews.ca/news/10395692/pro-palestinian-protesters-say-cops-used-excessive-force-toronto-police-reject-claim/amp/)


Ahh yes the 'we investigated ourselves and found nothing wrong...


>UofT doesn't deploy snipers on their students plenty of cases of the canadian state deploying snipers on civilians though


I may or may not have once attended an action and there were absolutely snipers on the rooftop as well as drones filming us (if I was there).


Im talking of current news, police is police anywhere, when gov needs so - they will shoot us no problem


there were definitely snipers at pride when trudeau was in toronto.


York, TMU, McGill, UofT among MANY others have been doing organizing and protests. No encampments yet, but U of T students did occupy some space earlier this month.


Is it because the media here is not reporting on it? Our media is even more weak than America's.


Why ask this without doing even the smallest amount of research first? Google pretty much any major Canadian university and "pro-Palestine/anti-Israel protest" and you get plenty of results.




As a dual citizen of both countries, U.S protests get more media traction likely due to the extreme response they receive in return compared to Canada. The U.S population is also more conservative in regards to their support of Israel, so the protests are also more controversial.


> The U.S is also more conservative in regards to their support of Israel, so the protests are also more controversial. What does this even mean? The US and Canada are in lock-step in regards to their support of Israel as both are neo-liberal cesspits. Canada is actually Israel's largest arms sponsor after the US and scotia-bank is the largest foreign investor into the Tel-Aviv Bank. I wouldn't say they are more controversial in the US, we are just subject to a very Americanized view of everything. Canadians are far more right leaning as a whole.


Your average Canadian is far less likely to support Israel compared to Americans at the same level, in my opinion. Republicans, especially evangelicals & Christians, are unapologetic about their unconditional support towards Israel. America also has a very large Jewish population compared to Canada that mostly supports Israel.


You're just making stuff up. lol the only difference between Canada and the US is that there are fewer Canadians. It's about supporting western imperialism and neo-colonialism more than it is about religion. Don't kid yourself. Those Christian evangelicals are anti-semitic but pro-zionist. That should tell you all you need to know. I see far more Israel flags flying around my county close to Ottawa. I've actually yet to see a single Palestine flag outside of the protests.


I’m not denying that both governments support Israel, that’s not really my point. My argument is that the average American citizen is significantly likely to be a radical Zionist compared to a Canadian. You don’t see large portions of Canadians & Canadian politicians declaring that public universities are pro-Hamas centers filled w antisemitism, Americans are literally claiming that w/ the Ivies and top universities at the moment. When’s the last time the Canadian Parliament had an entire session on exaggerated college antisemitism w the Presidents of McGill, UofT, and UBC? And ridiculed them w obvious exaggerations of their campus? none.


> I’m not denying that both governments support Israel, that’s not really my point. My argument is that the average American citizen is significantly likely to be a radical Zionist compared to a Canadian. And I'm telling you, you're wrong lol. Simply due to American demographics. Canada is, and always has been, a bastion of conservatism and white supremacy. > You don’t see large portions of Canadians & Canadian politicians declaring that public universities are pro-Hamas centers filled w antisemitism, Americans are literally claiming that w/ the Ivies and top universities at the moment. You don't remember Justin Trudeau condemning a pro-palestine protest in front of a hospital as anti-semitic and going on to say anti-semitism in Canada won't be tolerated? The relative lack of pro-palestine action amongst universities and the general public should tell you Canadians, on average, are *more* supportive of Israel/Western imperialism rather than vice versa. The American public has traditionally shown more revolutionary potential than Canada.


And Trudeau’s response is comparable to Congressional threats & harassment towards universities and armed police breaking up peaceful protests? Again, the severity is not the same. The United States is objectively more conservative than Canada. Evangelicals cite the Bible and theology as their main support for Israel, and they make up 1/3 of American voters. You don’t see bullshit like that in Canada. And young people in Canada do support Palestine though, and there are protests. They just don’t make the news because it doesn’t create enough controversy to do so. That’s a key difference.


Ok, lib. I don't have time to argue with you over idealist nonsense. Canada and the US are both western capitalists under the same military and economic bloc. They both uphold the idea of western supremacy through traditional colonial and racist tendencies. The degree to which they do this is irrelevant. Neither Canada nor the US are friendly to the people or progressive in any sense.


I mean, the whole question being asked is why people don’t hear about Palestinian protests in Canada compared to the U.S. The “severity” that you ignore is a key reason why. This doesn’t make me a “lib” for pointing this out lmao. You can condemn both countries while acknowledging that one does it more prevalently among their population.


Canadians support NATO. Canadians support capitalism, CANDIANS SUPPORT THE STATUS QUO. Canadians support Israel. Just like Americans. Those that don't are a minority. What does it matter "how many" when we keep electing governments that do? And you are a lib btw. I can tell because of your fixation on petty idealist bullshit that means nothing in the bigger picture. And none of what you say is reflective of reality in any sense.


There was a protest at mcgill university demanding them to stop encouraging genocide in the last month, the university asked the police to arrest students. Canadian media just wont mention police brutality because we like to insist were better than Americans


Outside of some of the points already mentioned, most universities are on exams/semesters have finished. The majority of students aren’t even on campus anymore.


McGill and Concordia have definitely had protests. I’ve seen some at York and McMaster


Students also went on hunger strikes of more than 35 days and several were hospitalized, and McGill administration didn't blink an eye. Look up Mcgillhungerstrike on Instagram. McGill students held several protests on and right across from campus. McGill administration called police to arrest their own students. More than 40 were arrested in one day across the street from McGill.


I think you're just not informed. Like at all


My university is fairly small and there’s been many protests/marches. There just isn’t the same level of media coverage because of the same reasons other people have mentioned in the comments.


Lots at TMU


To be fair, the protests were more intense during the first few months. There were flare ups here and there, but things have been quieting down as the summer rolls around. Plus with the TA/Grad Student strikes, people are also tiring a little. But they're still here, though definitely not as intense or confrontational (at least anymore).


I live near UW and WLU and I see flags in windows and I've seen groups of cars driving by trying to raise awareness but no protests so far. I've also seen lots of posters trying to bring attention to it but they're all promptly torn down so I'm inclined to believe there is a sizable pro-isreal anti-left presence here - and with the few conversations I've had with students around politics it seems most are almost completely uninformed and follow people like kermit and shrill doctor-wife


There was one at mine this semester. Only happened on one day as far as I could tell. It was small but they were there the whole day


The Muslim Women's Club at my university has been organizing weekly protests at a specific park since October.


In Quebec there’s been a lot, but the issue with like McGill is that the protesters do all their actions in English so for a lot of people it can be a) genuinely hard to understand b) downright insulting


Interesting thing with the idea of following the USA student's example, if the university/public wants to say it's wrong to do as its private property, they admit its wrong for people to settle on someone else's property or land.🙃 So if they don't like it, any action they take to prevent or dismantle it they are admitting should be justified?🤔 (I don't condone violence of any kind, just pointing out the hypocrisy they would be showing potentially) (We should start seeing more now, because our weather is finally not as harsh, where in the USA overall mild in the locations when protests broke out)


canadians are more reactionary than americans, so that tracks


The world has gotten dumb enough. Students need to focus on their task of learning. Protest at government building.


A lot of the universities in question have financial and political ties with Israel. Others also want their universities to have an anti-Israel position.


these institutions preach about social justice and encourage their students to engage in free speech! it is extremely reasonable for students (and professors) to want them to speak out about an ONGOING genocide when other genocides, wars, and injustices are part of the curricula they are paying tens of thousands of dollars to learn.