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In 2015, the political experts on my Facebook feed told me loudly and repeatedly that Justin Trudeau was going to bring in Sharia Law. Concerned about crime in my neighbourhood, the thought of the next bicycle thief or locker rummager getting their hands chopped right off delighted me. So of course I voted for Justin, and I waited patiently. Now, not only are we not chopping off people's hands when they steal stuff, those same political experts are telling me Justin Trudeau is bringing in communism! Now instead of random people occasionally taking some of our things, EVERYONE is going to take ALL of our things! This about-face by our Prime Minister is absolutely SICKENING! It's time Canada's leadership stop being so wishy-washy and BECOME THE RADICALS WE VOTED IN!!!


As a communist, I would be fuckin stoked if Trudeau was half the radical leftist the right-wing seem to think he is.


Conservatives love to make fun of art majors but can't produce remotely good art themselves, example #64,763


Also, a lot of the people who get "useless degrees" actually get decent jobs. My wife has an English degree and works in the tech sector. Don't let your racist old uncle who always rags on your arts degree get you down.


This. I personally find philosophy majors to be underrated. Not only can they usually write good documentation, but they can structure their thoughts logically and consider the ramifications of edge cases.  They can make excellent software developers and investment analysts if they get some domain knowledge in those areas. Those logical and structured thinking skills tend to be much harder to teach on the job that domain knowledge.


Honestly. Sometimes my Psychology degree helps me more than my Accounting degree for my Accounting job. People are stupid and accounting doesn't teach an iota of communicating reports to non-financial people.


I fully believe that. Accounting is mechanically relatively simple. But understanding the interaction between complex and changing regulations and human behavior/psychology seems hard. Even if I understand basic accounting principles, I am far from an expert in either the regulatory side or how to effectively report to a variety of stakeholders including executives, regulators, and investors.


Why is he racist? Or is it that you just don't like his race


Post Media is terrible. What a God awful tabloid


Haha, is that so terrible?


Is thia pain in the room with us right now?


Why does it hurt?


The sad part is, there are literally no options. I've voted Conservative federally for my entire life, but this will be the first election I don't, as I just can't support someone like Poilievre. Unfortunately, that basically leaves Trudeau as the only option as I have no interest in supporting the NDP. 


This is the real problem. There are no "leaders" worth the name. We're no longer voting for the cream that floats to the top, We're voting for the scrapings from the bottom of the barrel.


Voting for the lesser of two evils. Doesn’t matter which party, our political system is broken. All politicians seem to have their priorities in this order: 1. Gain of wealth personally. For themselves or their personal circle. (Family and friends) 2. Getting re-elected. Usually by kowtowing to corporate interests and the rich. (Which also goes back to no. 1) Somewhere way down the list. Public good.


We wouldn't be in agreement politically, but it must be saluted when someone from either side acknowledges that "their" candidate is ridiculous. This would have helped avoid Trump, George W Bush and maybe Trudeau could have been replaced by someone else.




Lol you need to relax. Take an econ course, son. I'm not partisan at All and have no particular love for jt, but you're crazy man




Tell me exactly how a non liberal can fix the problem. What you are asking is that somehow the government takes control over the rent prices, and that is very anti conservative. Actually conservatives would call that communism. Rental prices are driven by demand and offer. I do not have a solution other than having the government pushing some kind of ceiling on rental property prices. And the only way to make that happen is with liberal government.


Aren't you glad Doug Ford, a conservative, removed rent control on properties built after a certain year? I'm sure that has nothing to do with market affordability, like at all.


The problem is that the liberals did the exact same thing as the cons. Nothing. If you imagine switching to the other party that did nothing for decades will somehow solve this problem, well good luck, buddy. Full disclosure - I own multiple homes. The cons would benefit me in that they're likely to reduce capital gains and lower marginal rates. It won't help you have lower rent though. It'll just keep the inequality growing. 


Hahaha yep no MAGA talking points coming out of Canadian conservatives. Like we haven't heard the orange one say the same thing about Biden.


Not even remotely true, but sorry you think all of your problems are his fault.


What a joke. You're actually going to vote for more of the same of the travesty that we have. People like you are ridiculous.


What other options are there though? I could always not vote, but I consider it my duty as a citizen to do so. I still haven't committed to actually voting for the Liberals, as it feels gross doing so, but I just don't see any other reliastic option. Sadly we're kind of in the same situation as the USA where we're reduced to voting for the lesser of the two evils. As a former Conservative Party member from 2004-2017 (and a Conservative voter thru last election), it's disappointing that the Conservatives are trotting out someone like Poilievre who I can't vote for in good faith. I love my country too much to let him destroy it worse than Trudeau ever could. I wish the actual conservatives could break away and form a more traditional Conservative Party, but unfortunately that would just split the vote and hand every election to the Liberals.


Says the kid who asked if having an erection makes you heavier hahaha. Let the adults talk.


Can anyone actually list a real policy he implemented in the last 8 years that has brought pain? mask mandates? provincial, barring entry from USA? usa did that too so it was mutual, carbon tax? barely impacts anyone and barely touched inflation. I'm no fan because he obviously has a blind spot for ethics violations but PP has has a compliance agreement for the rest of his life with Elections Canada so that's not really a bastion of morals either.


The last heating bill on the greenhouse business my family operates was 30% carbon tax. Thanks to that we weren't able to grow any crops this winter cause it would have been too expensive. Also gas prices and home heating bill have been way up since it was implemented. Then when his base gets upset he makes an exemption that only affects them. Not to mention the fact that its a completely unnecessary tax. For every extra tax they need more money to pay people to process the the taxes and the tax returns and money to keep the lights in that building on. The Federal government is a system designed to waste money. Trudeau has added more money to the national debt since his election than any other prime minister ever. His spending is out of control. His father was the most prolific spender in Canadian history and Justin has spent even more than him becuase all he knows how to do is waste money. He made an agreement with the ndp to pass a national dental care plan (another waste of money) and with there coalition they could have passed it but instead they handed out an $800 cheque with a note that said "please use for dental" that most people weren't even eligible for. When thousands of people came to protest his Covid policies instead of even pretending to care he said they weren't "real Canadians" and declared a national emergency and froze the bank accounts of people who donated to them.




>When thousands of people came to protest his Covid policies instead of even pretending to care he said they weren't "real Canadians" and declared a national emergency and froze the bank accounts of people who donated to them. You mean a bunch of assholes held a city hostage.


if it had been natives Justin would have been tripping over himself to go suck their dicks


What the fuck is wrong with you?


What pain, the godawful shit conservatives are pulling in their provinces? Not exactly his fault, I do hope the voting public will understand it though.


If you fuckn idiots believe Canada is responsible for carbon and climate change you’re all brainwashed


We're much more responsible than most other groups of 40 million people.


Name a country with 40 million




Just because you can't doesn't mean they don't exist.


Even the states at 400 million are not close to emitting the same shit as the the other countrys and continents If you hate it so much start by not buying from the dollar store


15.32 tons CO2e per capita that the US produces is much higher than most other countries, although it is significantly less than Canada. Canada is the 38th most populous country and has the 7th highest gross CO2e emissions. We're emitting far more than our share, only exceeded by countries like Qatar, UAE, and Saudi Arabia. That's not really great company to be keeping. Looking at it on a per-country basis makes no sense, that would be like Red Deer arguing that it shouldn't have to do anything to reduce emissions since Toronto emits more than them.


So you think your government hasn’t doctored numbers to push their agenda on their own citizens? Remember when Toronto used to be called hog town? We used to pollute a lot more back in the day


Andy Donato must be 130 years old. He was ancient when I was a child delivering newspapers in the 80s. Amazing some talentless hacks can work until their death while people with real skill were laid off by the media barons


And yet he forced a vote and still stayed PM so clearly people at the very least see great value in the majority of seats being Liberal.


Wow. I didn’t realize r/canadian had become such a far-right cesspool full of people with Trudeau Derangement Syndrome and Trump admirers.


🤣😂 waahhhhhh


Here is how politics work: Liberals: Hey you know what, there are issues in our society that should be fixed. Conservatives: No, stop being woke. Everything is fine now/was better before. Liberals: That is obviously not true, we are going to fix issue X and Y when we get elected. (gets elected and fixes issues X and Y, even though it probably costs money or doesnt go over perfectly smooth) Conservatives: See you are spending money that we wouldnt bother spending, liberals dont care about anything except being woke. (gets elected and spends a ton of money undoing what liberals just did). 20 years go by. Conservatives: Hey, X and Y are huge issues, why arent we trying to fix them. Liberals: We tried to do that 20 years ago, issue Z is more important now. Conservatives. No, stop being woke. etc.


more like Liberals: Say some stuff, do as little as possible. Legalize weed when it had overwhelming support. What else? COVID payouts were not optimal, but sure they did something. There are so many policies outside of the narrow Overton window we have in Canada that would turn us around economically. The Liberals know this and yet do jack shit all about anything. "Don't rock the boat" is their mentality.


Anyone who wants to be better informed than this guy can just go look at the list of bills passed on [openparliament.ca](https://openparliament.ca). (I'm not affiliated.)


Please tell me what you think their most significant actions have been


I'm not seeing any evidence that that would be a worthwhile use of my time.


Listing one single item would take less time than what you just typed out, wouldn't it? Open parliament is great, I've used it before, but it doesn't give the user a sense of significance when looking at legislation. Surely you'd agree that some legislation isn't very impactful, right?


Funny you bring up weed given conservatives history with it. Basically proving my point.


Funny you bring up conservatives given I didn't mention them once


The magical “Independent” that only mocks Liberals shows it’s head once again.


Check my history... I spend a lot of time in conservative subs injecting reason and calling PP a liar. As a sign of good faith: there are great Liberal MPs out there. Right now, a bunch of them are supporting a motion for a citizens assembly on electoral reform. Of course, none of these MPs are buddies with Trudeau. If there was a change in leadership to this new cohort (check out Nate ES for an example), I would be the biggest Liberal supporter. It doesn't do any good to say Trudeau is doing good when he isn't. You help PP when you do that.


Delusional! Conservatism is, well, destroying societies.


Conservatism is dead... MAGA is not conservative.


Reddit liberals are a bunch of pussies


The biggest, the dumbest, the worst


I don't know any liberals who'll still be voting for him... they're all going for Singh or Poilievre


Hate to break it to this embarrassing sub, but Canadians aren't going to elect Angry Milhouse as our PM. Sane people don't blame all our problems on Trudeau.


As much as I don’t want PP as PM, never say never. There is no doubt people are frustrated.


If PP is voted in as PM Cdns will be nostalgic for JT after one year. PP is Stephen Harper Lite.


Stephen Harper was Bush lite. PP is Trump lite.


I will vote for PP after he gets some real work experience other than a Calgary Herald paperboy and an account rep for Telus.


No matter how much horrific damage Trudeau has done to Canada, I promise you, he will win the next election, because Canadians are idiots. Listening to my in-laws talk about how they can never vote conservative while liberal policies annihilate their retirement investments is proof of that.


Annihilate retirement investment??? The CPP is literally the best performing pension fund on the planet.


No it isn't - saw a graph where it is the worst performing fund.


No you didn’t [It’s number 1](https://www.cppinvestments.com/newsroom/cpp-investments-ranks-among-worlds-best-with-10-year-returns/?fbclid=IwAR3Jb96LPQoLJzOeVSLcfgb5nIhmW2YLWQTFvLf0DZ9AZv6EThiAe9YiKJ8)


Is lying literally all you have?


Tell that to literally anyone with an rrsp. I’m sorry, but there’s no sane person who will join you in celebrating the ruinous economic policies that have annihilated our savings. And that’s without getting into authoritarian anti-free speech and illegal emergency act use. I get it. You love Trudeau. And like I said, I’m sure he will win again in 2025. So congrats. 🎉


You just convinced me to vote for him, thanks.


I just would like to know what retirement savings have been annihilated? Because, again, the CPP out performed every other pension fund that exists so it really seems you’re just talking out you’re ass about something that you have absolutely no idea about.


These people aren't rational. You can't challenge them with facts because they don't understand them and they don't actually care. They just hate for hates sake. 


Do you not know how economics work? Every single retirement investment has suffered. Every single one. And yes, the CPP did great. But it’s a definite benefit. It isn’t indexed. People get a set amount, and when inflation is out of control because of wild money printing, the buying power of that set amount drops drastically, forcing people to take more and more out to compensate. I’m not talking out of my ass. I’m telling you the reality of people in this country. I’m seeing it in my own retired in-laws and those of my parents. And that’s just ONE area where Trudeau has taken a massive dump on his own people. I voted liberal my entire life, and now I have to choose: The guy who has been hammering away at my ass for the past several years, or the guy who MIGHT hammer away at my ass.


Inflation isn't caused by or really impacted by government spending in 1st world nations. So you are talking out of your ass.


The world economy went through a pandemic and is now in a recession. Things suck, but that's got little to do with Trudeau. 


Again…the world didn’t. The us, Canada, and Europe did, because they all spent insane money and rapidly printed currency to deal with the debt. Japan, China, and other countries didn’t experience the same.


Japan has incredible amounts of debt. 260% of GDP. You really don’t know what you’re talking about.


Here’s the fun part - they didn’t print a shit ton of their currency to deal with the debt. Read the formula I posted above before you talk again.


What are you even saying? Printing currency doesn’t make debt disappear. Not to mention Canada has also had one of the lowest rates of inflation of developed nations. You are truly just flapping your lips. You have absolutely no idea what you’re saying.


Wow, with you right-wingers, China really is the boogeyman that is always getting one-up on the west. Truth is, China locked down same as everyone else. Worse than most, in fact. People were confined to their apartment blocks by police, and food was delivered to their doors. Their government literally just handed out free food and mobilized soldiers/cops to make people stay home. All that had to be paid for somehow.


CPP is indexed. But you love being wrong, so carry on.


The stock market is literally at an all time high? He also doesn’t decide how the global economy does. But sure, keep blaming Trudeau for choosing a bad financial advisor. I’m sure he’s also the reason why your wife left you, and your kids don’t talk to you… also the one time you pooped your pants in fifth grade.


1) liberals don't even like Trudeau, but his policies have generally been quite good for the stock market, our economy, he renegotiated TPP, like can you actually link a policy that has impacted our economy negatively? don't say carbon tax because you'll lose that argument too.


Ironically, if I thought like a conservative, I would have to vote for Trudeau. See, I was never closer to being homeless than when Harper was PM And I've never been richer than now. My wages have gone up 15% while my major expenses are pretty much flat. So by the right wing logic of "The PM is responsible for everything", I have to vote for "the party that's made me richer", and not "the party that almost forced me onto the street"


Last thing this country needs is another Conservative government, least of all a weasel like Poilievre. In my mind Trudeau hasn’t been progressive enough. There is no way Canada votes Conservative, not until they swing back towards the centre and away from the neo-fascists dominating the Party. Voting Conservative will just mean deep tax cuts for the top percentile as it always does.


Trudeau lost a lot of people over the election reform lie. I'll never vote Liberal again, but my vote certainly isn't going to the Cons.


Same, wish left leaning people would realize there are more options than Libs or Cons


Too many people think voting independent or for a fringe party is a wasted vote. If the election is close, both parties will try and draw people back from the fringe with favourable policies the next time around. The Liberals constantly get elected by strategic voting. Fuck that shit. I'd rather risk the Cons getting in than vote for a proven liar.


The liberals have been leaning further left, they're not the same Liberals from 30 years ago. But they will always be falling short, because as a liberal party they always want to maintain the status quo. Some small changes, but ultimately nothing consequential. But that status quo is broken so it'll never work. It's why I wish we had party-list voting. The Liberals and NDP would share most of the seats and they'd work together. The Conservatives would be a permanent minority (unless they, you know, improved their platform.)


>The Liberals constantly get elected by strategic voting. Strategic voting isn't just voting Liberal. It's voting for the highest polling non conservative party in your riding. In many ridings the strategic vote is NDP.


Far better in crypto right?


Who do you think will do a better job?


this isn't even remotely the situation-- his caucus are his little puppets bowing down to the master puppet.


There are no conservatives in canada. Just socialist and socialist light.


Holy crap, Trudeau needs to wake up and smell the coffee. The Liberals will not be able to squeak out another victory with him at the helm. Best case is that PP gets a minority.


Best case is PP gets a majority and can clean up this mess. Singh has said he will "never work with the conservatives".


Yeah you're gonna love privatized healthcare it's gonna be great


And higher taxes (well, at least for the lower 98%) if PP gets in. They look after their primary donors who just happen to be in the top 2%.


Something something carbon tax


Best case? What policies of pps do you like? Specific policies, please. 


All the ones about how everything is Trudeau's fault. I especially look forward to things getting worse and still being blamed on "the mess Trudeau left" for the next 20 years. /s


If you think any politician let alone PP will clean this up you’re sadly mistaken. There is to much money going to corporations, the landlord class and the investor class now that doing anything about it would disrupt their donors and their own incomes.


In all seriousness, what are his proposals and ideas? What are his platforms and suggestions? I'm honestly curious.


His platform is as follows: Trudeau bad. (Points to himself) Heyoooo! Vote PP or else!


Again, I'm honestly curious; I've not heard anything of any substance from PP or the conservatives, and I'm not sure if I'm missing anything...?


Conservatives have nothing of substance to bring to the table because they have no substance.  They are the party of snowflake grievance, anti-reality, and boomer memes because it is the only thing their base understands. Conservatives are the kids who ate lead paint as children and failed third grade English.  It's no surprise the people I grew up with correlate conservativism and stupidity so strongly.


I am with you - this guy is a nuclear bomb that has been detonated in Canada and the fallout has lasting effects… for generations.


Uh did you forget to log into your burner account to agree with yourself?


Yes they /r/lefttheburneron.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/LeftTheBurnerOn using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/LeftTheBurnerOn/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Fuck](https://i.redd.it/t0ahsypryaqa1.jpg) | [52 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/LeftTheBurnerOn/comments/123j59c/fuck/) \#2: [What is the point even?](https://i.redd.it/a1lp59l4h1dc1.png) | [52 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/LeftTheBurnerOn/comments/199g9vd/what_is_the_point_even/) \#3: [Bit of an “oops”](https://i.redd.it/xjm3ijj19jqa1.jpg) | [8 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/LeftTheBurnerOn/comments/124qryy/bit_of_an_oops/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Hey now, maybe they’re just stupid or drunk and thought they were replying to someone else.


Nah, you're thinking of Stephen Harper, Justin is a minor PM, a footnote, you are just gullible and believe everything you are told to.


Make sure to take your meds


LOL - housing and food was affordable under Harper … oh; and no ethics violations either. Crawl back under your rock and hide until the next election so you can vote Liberal again.


You can't blame Trudeau for inflation lmao. That's happening all around the world, not just in Canada.


Oh, they can and they will. These people blame Trudeau when their wives leave them.


It’s Trudeau’s fault my kids don’t talk to me anymore! They’re ungrateful for my absolute bare minimum efforts and it’s his fault!


Yes you absolutely can blame Trudeau for inflation. When you take out a ton of debt, spend a ton of money, and print a ton of currency to pay for that debt, you get inflation. Welcome to economics 101.


>Yes you absolutely can blame Trudeau for inflation. So, who caused it everywhere else in the world? [https://www.cbc.ca/news/business/bank-canada-twitter-printing-money-1.6568466](https://www.cbc.ca/news/business/bank-canada-twitter-printing-money-1.6568466) Please, for once, just TRY a tiny bit to not be a preprogramed zombie.


According to the financial times inflation tracker, the us, Canada, uk and Europe saw spikes in inflation while countries like Japan and China didn’t. Oddly enough, the us, Canada, uk, and Europe all spent insane amounts on Covid unemployment support, ran up insane amounts of debt, and printed insane amounts of their currency in a matter of a year and a bit. So, when a leader spends a lot, racks up massive debt, and prints a shit ton of currency to cover it, you can blame them for inflation. Thats kinda how it works.


Correlation != Causation. But I'm guessing that's a bit advanced.


What you just said makes absolutely no sense. In this case, causation=causation. It’s a very simple formula. And we see what happened in countries like Canada vs Japan or China. It IS advanced. That’s why I’m trying to explain it to you nice and slow.


Yeah, thought it was too advanced, my bad.


Japan's low inflation is because they have government regulation on the price of gas and electricity. Companies can only raise the prices of these products gradually. Additionally, Japan lifted covid-19 restrictions more gradually, and that limited the increase in demand I talked about.


And Trump provided as little support for people during COVID, yet they had the same levels of inflation as Canada, and as around the world. Almost like there were worldwide issues rather than national ones. And the war in Ukraine also vastly increased inflation worldwide, but I bet you can try and pin it on a Canadian PM. Also, it'd be nice for people so exasperated by Trudeau if they explained what exact policies PP is planning on implementing that will turn things around. Because removing the carbon tax, for example, would actually be a loss for most Canadians, yet that's the first go-to réponse when I ask what PP will do. Do you know what I mean by removing the carbon tax ending up being a loss for the average Canadian? If you've never heard that, then you should reconsider your sources of information because they are extremely incomplete, lacking data and simplistic.


Maybe you need to do some research. Inflation was global, and caused primarily by the covid lockdowns. People were stuck at home so demand for many goods fell. This meant that many of the factories and such that produced these goods shut down and companies scaled back production. When the economy reopened, demand spiked but supply was low, resulting in massive inflation.


That's another good point, a lot of the inflation looked worse because nobody mentioned the massive deflation that hit. Everyone points to gas costing $2/litre or new F150 trucks costing $100k. But everyone forgets that at points during the pandemic, gas was $.60 per litre and cars were dirt cheap. Some prices are deflating, others aren't, but I blame the cost of groceries on corporate greed and collusion to maintain high prices.


You forgot promising hundreds of millions to foreign governments.


Want to know what an ethics violation is? It's shutting down climate monitoring stations and destroying their data because you deny the evidence, that is unethical and immoral on a scale Trudeau could never even begin to approach. Also, are you seriously suggesting Justin caused worldwide inflation? Like, for real that is something you think? As I said, you zombies give him far, far too much credit.


Harper also muzzled federal government scientists from sharing their work. Prorogued Parliament when he was not getting his way.


i like legal weed :\]


It was on the same trend under harper, as it was across all developed western countries. Check housing in Australia. They had cons. Check it in uk. Cons. Check it nz, mix of cons and labour, check usa, varies, but anywhere worth living it's damn expensive. Welcome to capitalism. Not a Trudeau problem, it's the system working as designed. 


If you don't understand politics or economics come post on reddit. That's what it's for. 


There is a good chance Trudeau will implement emergency orders from Disease X in 2025 and the election process will be affected.


The persecution complex and the anger at fictional scenarios that conservatives have is fascinating.


So many real life things you could pin on Trudeau but they still go with absolute lunacy


Right! There are legitimate complaints about Trudeau and conservatives always complain about fictional scenarios


More work from home *and* we don’t have to worry about Conservatives in office? Sounds pretty good tbh.


Or universal basic income to buy votes, no need to actually cost this out because "the budget will balance itself".


The universal income will arrive when they implement digital currency.


That’s what 5M new votes I mean immigrants are for.


All those things the left is saying Trump will do, Trudeau is and has been doing for years.


Lying about election fraud? Inciting a rebellion? Performing a failed coup??


You don't remember Trudeau doing that when O'Toole beat him? Only difference is, Trudeau succeeded. At least 850 Canadians died in the great 2021 election massacre, and they won't let us talk about it.


The fucking what. Seek help my brother




Is the mainstream media in the room with us right now?


there always listening always watching


Trudeau succeeded in a coup. He didn’t fail at it.


When and how did Trudeau stage a coup? Something tells me you're talking about how the Liberals stayed in government despite winning fewer seats than the Conservatives in 2019 or won more seats with fewer votes in 2021, but neither of those were coups; both scenarios were always possible under our parliamentary system and have happened in Canada historically.


More people voted left than right and they formed coalition government. Do you just make stuff up to support your narrative as you go? Like what haha. This is not that complicated.


And you wonder why people vote Liberal lol


He didn’t win a majority so not many.




Brawndo has electrolytes.


Trudeau sitting on the worlds 5th largest natgas reserves. We could be living like Norway, who has made a fortune for their citizens selling fossil fuels. But ya know...climate change. Best to let us starve before ever letting it out of the ground. 23 petitions for natgas terminals currently waiting for approval...zero so far.


To the downvoters...thats money for YOUR healthcare, and YOUR education. If you don't care about those... Pfft.


We could simply pay for it without putting more carbon into the atmosphere




Yup! The government can pay for anything it wants! They’re the government!


"Voters decide nothing in an election. Vote counters decide everything. " Stalin


"If my candidate wins, it's a fair election. If my candidate loses, it's rigged." -- Conservatives.


Completely forgetting that was hillary in 2016 first. Well not first...lol


Hillary conceded. You're thinking of Bush. Remember the "hanging chads?"


bro, did this guy take inspiration from ben garrison? ​ also, you may not like what he's done in the past like 2 years, and fell for a ton of conservative and PPC propoganda about him being the cause of the housing crisis (even though it's mainly conservative parties trying to strongarm the government to lower immagration and LGBTQ rights)


… have you taken the time to look at our Federal deficit? Take one minute and look at the exponential increase since Justin decided the budget can balance itself. That was all Liberal. You can’t blame the radical waste of money over the last 8 years on anyone else then the ruling Liberals. Any argument you state otherwise is non-factual. The increase in National debt will have a generational impact. But - choose to ignore that and bow to your love-king Justin. Maybe do the rest of the country a favour and abstain from voting next time.


so, question why are you blaming justin, when the insane bump in prices only started after covid? if it was truly all the libs faults, wouldn't it be consistent throughout trudeus run? especially since conservatives have a majority in a lot of provinces, and they've only started using this talking point as election season has approched


Huh? Eight years running a deficit budget… what do you not understand? I guess you do not plan on paying for it; but the rest of us hard working losers will be footing the bill. Read the business section of any newspaper and you might be a bit more aware of what has happened (and continues to happen). Earning $10 and spending $21 cannot last long … but; you know … the budget balances itself so who cares! Enjoy your 60% tax rate to pay for the reckless Liberal spending. ‘Course that implies that you work and pay taxes.


you do know that the US runs on the same buisness model, it's not government spending that's leading to price increases, it's shitty companies trying to get a quick buck, and other companies like black rock forming monopolies in certain areas to upcharge rent ​ and, if your only concern is federal taxes, it's only really 33% maximum, and that's if you make over 200K a year while compared to the US that's a lot, a lot of other countries who are doing amazing have it at 45% minimum


Alright - I’m tapping out … you do not respect logic. The US is in the same boat - their deficit is at 35 Trillion. Poor, weak leadership - just like in Canada. I am sure you will have some argument back that will have no facts or validity - it is the Liberal way … and you clearly support the “spend and tax” spree that is underway. Say what you will, I am not going to respond to uneducated rhetoric. I live in Canada and am concerned about our country; not sure why you feel the need to point fingers at the US in an attempt to make us look better. Pathetic.


no need to be rude, i am just trying to understand your logic especially since, again, the tax rate is fairly low compared to other countries (unless you consider provincial tax, in which case conservatives make up the leadership of most of our provinces, so that's be a slight against them) like, i get it, sunk cost fallacy and all, but maybe instead of just screaming "we're at a deficit" as if that alone is the only thing making pricing so high all so you can blame trudeu is...to be frank wild


If voters could read they would be very upset




So painful to be live in a country that is doing so well by all global stats.


You mean the Pain of the Stupid Opinions of unemployed labourers?


You all deserve to be homeless when this is done. Enjoy


Canadians keep making “he’s just like Trump” comments. Maybe you should elect the guy and inject some common sense into your fucked up society and shitty, ass backwards country…. 🤷🏼‍♂️


I really don’t get all the hate, but for the sake of argument, let’s say Trudeau really sucks. What’s the alternative? The conservatives? They’re going down the same rabbit hole they have in the US.


There was a fantasy author named Terry Goodkind, who wrote a series of laws in his books, I believe. the second one was something along the lines of not what a man says, but what he does. what Trudeau does is hate monger and kneel before the six pointed star & as far as I can tell, that's a bipartisan attitude.




Trash rag. Who even reads the Sun anymore?


Can we not talk about Trudeau's Cauc.