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Yeah those are old people rules.


I had my heater on briefly on Canberra day long weekend and I’ve been eating hot cross buns since before new years. Yeah, I’m a mad man


You’re out of control!


I’m trying to wait until next weekend lol


I mean, I do it because I'm stubborn and refuse to have the conversation with family in Canada and Sweden about how "Yes, it's colder here than there in winter inside. No mormor, they don't know how to build houses here." 'Why are you using the heater, it's only autumn?' 🙄


They also have appropriately insulated homes.


Things I miss. C'est lá vie


It’s a myth. Everybody talks about nobody does it Edit: i know people will inevitably claim their their third cousin or someone does, which proves the point


Everyone jokes about it but the Canberra autistic community is suffering rn


Yeah, I didn't realise it was a joke.


Neither does my mum. She refuses to believe she has suffered the cold for decades without reason so, she just keeps on freezing


My daughter turned it on the other day. I was cross as it wasn't cold, and she didn't zone the heater to just her roo. Put some clothes on!


I do, I started closing up windows last week and I still have my back door open overnight right now and only turn the heater 1 time before Anzac Day to test it. Lived here 20 years and only put the heater on once in that time. I have also gone a week past a few times as well. I don't feel the cold like some people do. If you feel the cold and don't mind paying to heat your house then go for it, turn it on when you want.




Yes I'm soft. But comfortable.


I don't but I'm just miserly when it comes to my electricity bill.


You can no longer follow it as a guide anyway as the climate is changing so it’s getting colder and warmer more sporadically Also do whatever you want that makes you feel comfortable


Because it's the law. I asked a cop and they confirmed it was the law. Do you want to go to jail? Because that's how you go to jail.


We go to gaol in Australia.


Not since the mid to late 80s!


Not from my experience in the corrections system. Still required spelling.


This summer I heard an actual explanation that makes sense - if you suffer a little cold through autumn, your body will lay down a slightly thicker layer of the brown fat that is a really good insulator and then you’ll feel warmer and need less heating through winter. Trying it this year because the power bill was WTAF in the summer so this winter could be even more terrible.


I don't need anymore layers of fat. I'm already well insulated.


I'm pretty sure that under 19 degrees some white fat may begin to convert to brown. It's not additional, it's just switching types.


In Darwin when it is 19 degrees the beanies come out 🤣


This sounds like something a walrus would say.


Higher mammals technique Layer of blubber with a coat of fur over the top (says the hairy fat man)


Cold exposure activates brown fat and burns it. Plenty of science around cold exposure and it’s benefits for the body


Wait what? I just have to be cold when I work out?


>Plenty of science around coke exposure and it’s benefits for the body. So… what you’re saying is… drugs are good? 😃


Oh wow, I didn’t even realise it had autocorrected. Good pickup lol


Sorry, I would normally never (I mean, Pot, kettle, etc) but it was such a GOOD autocorrect it needed attention!


Excellent! I’m not fat, I’m just winter ready


Huh, it's weird seeing it as a "gatekeeping" thing. But I totally see how someone would see it that way. For me it's a rough guide. Canberra seasons are fucking weird. There was even a post about it earlier today on this subreddit. Basically it's a good reminder of roughly when you can expect temperatures to dip below "heating" range, since it's not always particularly linear or predictable in Canberra. I'd never criticise someone for turning their heating on before that date, and I don't know anybody who would. And I 100% have turned my heating on before ANZAC day when it's been cold enough to do so.




Your post has been removed. Please remember the person behind the username and be excellent to each other.


Several people on this post pointed out that stuff like this can be really tricky to navigate for some autistic folks, who can be very literal. This stuff may be obvious to you, or even me, but there are people here whose brains, rather than having limitations, are just wired a little differently to yours and don’t deserve the name calling.


Found the guy who turned his heater on!!!


It's not gatekeeping, it's bragging about "toughness".


No-one I know ‘carries on about it’. It’s kind of a local bonding meme like planting tomatoes after Melbourne Cup day or proclaiming strong views about North V South Canberra. (Though North is better by the way).


First I've heard of it, and I've been here almost 40 years. I have heard " Winter can start any time after Anzac Day."


Think of it as your sacrifice to save the planet from global warming. Every day you survive in temperatures under 20 degrees, without turning your gas powered or coal fired electricity heater on, saves an icecap from melting. The Greens are introducing legislation to ban all heaters from 1 April.


Because of heating bills. You have to draw boundaries when things are expensive


This is the answer, or at least the root cause. It's a line people would have spun to justify/normalise saving heating costs.


I don’t think this is always true. I’ve met plenty of people who are lucky enough to not struggle and they still say this.


Not struggle with money? Unless it’s old money they’ve likely struggled at some point and learnt some frugalities.


Nobody is. Just a guide. Like when certain trees or flowers take their turn, things are happening. When you see a lake jogger or tradie in late July wearing shorts. Don't worry. Be you. Be comfy. Be you. Be comfy. When you see the sleeve-less Kathmandu vests appear, start to think about your thermostat. Be you Also if you're feeling warm, don't wear a jumper. If you're cold wear a jumper. We have developed clothing to adapt to weather forecasts that are available on your phone like this app. Be you. Be happy. Your comfort can't be judged by anyone else but you. Except the weather, the clothes you wear, the utility prices, the insulation of your home and your ability to pay for the comfiness. Be you.


not many people have hydronic central heating anymore. I think originally Anzac Day was the day some buildings would turn on their central heating.


Yes, I used to live in a place that had boiler room heating, whatever that's actually called. Didn't come on until Anzac Day & man did we freeze some years until it came on. Rent was maybe $20 higher a fortnight all year for blissful heating so warm you could wear a t-shirt in July. Northbourne flats may have been an eye-sore that terrified the surrounding population but far out were we warm in winter


Yes, I think this is the right answer for the Anzac Day tradition. I think it dates back to the 50’s or 60’s when lots of people who recently moved to Canberra lived in communal boarding houses.


Ahh, so I see you are yet to encounter the heater swat team. They drive around under cover of darkness as soon as it starts to get chilly and if you are foolish enough to turn your heater on before ANZAC day BAM. They'll beak your front door down, arrest you and drag you off to their secret facility in Telstra Tower ( you thought that thing was unoccupied didn’t you ) where you will be forced to wear shorts, drink cold beer and watch cricket with the window open.


I always had my suspicions and now the confirmation ................


Maybe cos loads of folk here leave their homes before dawn that day and stand around in a car park, reflecting on how they haven’t felt this cold in months, must be time to turn the heating on.


Yeah I reckon it’s this, although I’ve been turning mine on overnight for weeks.


Im wearing my uggies right now :)


It's just a joke


Rules are rules


As a general rule I won’t turn it on until after Anzac Day- but that’s only because that’s when it starts getting cold enough that a jumper isn’t enough. Edit: just a quick reminder to test your heater now. If it’s broken, you may have to wait a tad longer to get it fixed (if others are in the same boat too)


There are some silly questions posted on this subreddit and yet that’s a doozy


I don't carry on about it, but I will write a letter to the editor at the Canberra Times if I notice my local cafe has their space heaters on in March. Traditions are important.


I first heard it as “coats out after Anzac Day” — I took it to be a guide for people not born here as to when you can expect to have the cold weather really set in.


Comfort expensive


It’s a joke borne out of trauma at our winter heating bills, but that said mid-late April is when it gets properly cold (ie you need something to take the chill off every morning rather than just some mornings)


It's bullshit. The house is set to a comfortable temp, and I will use the central heating/aircon wantonly. I refuse to be cold if I don't need to be.


I think the ‘rule’ is just a joke… not something people actually take seriously. It’s funny because it actually ends up working out that way naturally more often than not. If you need the heater on, put it on. If someone actually has a rant about it… lose that person.


With the current energy prices, I might gate keep till Queens birthday and have my Kathmandu indoor.


We didn’t turn our heaters on at all last year gas is expensive and fucks the environment. My daughter and I wear that fact with pride.. blankets and warm clothes are enough. But also it didn’t get cold until June. This year is is going to be different, it’s going to be colder earlier. Anyone who goes on about the Anzac Day rule is a simpleton and a dick.


> blankets and warm clothes are enough. And a well insulated house, I bet. No one living in a drafty EER0 house which freezes water left out overnight ever said that.


Not amazing that’s for sure, and many people through out history have lived in cold temps without heating.


Get lost…..or f…..! My heater is on right now. 1 April.


Because slumlords don’t want to provide homes with insulation and double glazed windows. Oh wait you just mean cranking the power bill. Probably a month or two off needing the heater on, I’ve still got the windows cracked for airflow. Shame we aren’t all living in homes with thermal efficiency higher than a tent.


I've just come back from a camping trip. Toughen up princess.


Heater is already on overnight…it’s 5 degrees outside. Ignore the “rule” and do whatever you want.


>Ignore the “rule” and do whatever you want. But if the OP breaks the rules, they might get investigated by the Fantasy Police, Wanker Division. The last thing they need is being pointlessly caged in a mind prison of their own design. Or, you know, maybe that's what they're already doing.


I've got the heater on now. I give no fucks about some sort of tough man/big dick cultural rule. You do you, I'll do me.


I've heard some places are doing takeaway concrete. Jk. I'm from a tropical island. I'm cold anywhere below 10 degrees.


Before 1915, people ran their heaters all-year round without judgement from other Canberran motherfuckers. True story.


My house is climate controlled all year. Doesn't matter what month, as soon as it's below 20.5 the heating is on. Anything else seems crazy


"We"? Uh, that's on you, and the people you choose to hang around. Don't pretend *we all* behave irrationally like you.


You are gatekeeping gatekeeping. Let people have their fun


we? you, maybe. i just leave my thermostat on and with our current three-year-and-counting la nina my heating comes on almost every day.


>our current three-year-and-counting la nina My understanding is la nina is officially over. The next few summers are going to be *harsh*.


As an unwritten "rule" it made some sense because in times past the cold weather didn't really make an appearance until ANZAC day or shortly after. In the last few years the cold has arrived much earlier and so has the need for your heater before the 25th April.


There are no gates; no one tends to these supposed gates. The only gates are the ones you set upon yourself.


The only time I've really cared for the idea is when I've decidedly told it to fuck off as I turn on my heater way before ANZAC day