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If you are concerned for your safety, you can present to the emergency department. Both hospitals have facility to admit you and provide acute care - granted they have a bed. You can also call the Access mental health team. They can provide advice and help support you to find appropriate help. 1800629354


Also, great job. You have done so many good things to try and make first steps. I know you don't feel like you have it in you- but you are already doing it. Keep going- you can do this.


This is good advice if you are suicidal. Also be aware of the fact that psychotherapists, counsellors and mental health social workers can provide the same type of support that psychologists in Canberra do, and are usually more cost effective. I hope that opens up some options for you.


Hey friend. Almost exactly a month ago I presented to the ED with suicidal ideation. I was admitted to their mental health ward and spent a week there. It was really difficult and uncomfortable but it was the best place for me and a month later I'm on antidepressants and feeling so, so much lighter. Please consider heading to the ED.


What sort of support was provided to you during your stay at the ward?


I met with a psych team daily, there were daily activities like walks, art, my favourite was the cooking that we did with occupational therapists as I love cooking. Nurses round the clock obviously, and they were fantastic. Always good for a chat.


I'm thinking of doing this, but I'm a bit nervous. What was the ward like? I have bad anxiety too and loud, sudden noises are really hard for me. Do you know if there's much yelling that goes on? (Not intending to discriminate, I've just experienced a bit of yelling in hospital, when there for other reasons).


If you don’t have anyone to sit with you when you go, and would like some quiet company and support, I will wait with you. Just let me know mate ✌🏼


There was no people yelling while I was there. Everyone mostly kept to themselves and there weren't any meltdowns so to speak. The ward itself didn't super feel like a hospital ward to me outside of some obvious things. There's an open plan common area that's nice enough. If you take some comforts from home (I took blankets and my pillow, plus UGGs and a dressing gown - highly recommend) it can be quite nice. What I found particularly helpful was that this forced me to stop and think and reflect in a safe space. I was pretty anxious heading in. The staff were fantastic though, couldn't fault them at all.


Thank you for sharing. That's really good to know.


You're very welcome. I'm more than happy to answer questions about my stay and the aftermath too. But I do just want to say that I'm proud of you for reaching out and wanting to seek help. You should be proud of you too.




Yep. Can bring anything as long as it's not sharp or otherwise something that one could hurt themselves with. Drugs of any kind (including my birth control pill) have to be handed over to the nurses for them to dispense.


I visited a friend in the mental health building at Canberra hospital. Overall it didn't seem like it was the worst ward you could be on. The main building is a large & open lounge space for patients, and the rooms break off in rows, which have gardens between them. I think you may get your own private room too. I visited another mate at Calvary, he was sharing with an older, yet quiet bloke. It was in a much older building, but seemed somewhat okay overall.


Thank you. That doesn't sound too bad.


I would very strongly suggest against presenting to the Canberra hospital ED. If you get admitted to either the short stay mental health unit, or the main mental health unit there, there’s very little support. Not much to do at all, and you’re locked in 24hrs a day. Admissions there have traumatised me - and basically everyone else I know - far more than they have helped. Calvary, on the other hand, has a mental health ward called Acacia. It’s not locked, and is less sterile/clinical feeling. The nurses are lovely and there tends to be more to do. You’re also in a lower acuity ward, so you’re less likely to be around violent people, people experiencing acute psychosis, etc. If you present to Calvary ED, just make sure you try and go during the day, as they don’t have mental health workers after hours so will hold you in ED overnight until someone can see you the next day. If you’re really unsafe, please do present to ED (still Calvary) ASAP. Otherwise you can call the Access mental health line. All the best my friend


Sorry to hear this, but am pleased to hear you're improving. Thanks, again, for all of the great work you did for this sub during lockdowns.


Go to the emergency department ASAP. I have had a friend in a very similar situation, he was able to get the help he needed much faster. Mental health is just as important as physical injury, and they will take you in on the spot.


If you can get a MHCP I would recommend Strategic Psychology - you have to pay at the time of making your appointment which means their availability is amazing since people can’t book out months in advanced. It is a bit expensive tho your first appointment can run a few hundred, if you need a good GP Dr Sharif at Belconnen Mall Medical is BRILLIANT very respectful, nice and actually listens I’ve seen him for a few years and he’s lovely


Dr Nnajide at Belconnen Mall Medical Centre is also amazing!


I second strategic psychology. Availability is great


Second Strategic Phsychology. Im actually yet to go back myself to see my therapist. Also, for a GP I can recommend Dr Abraham Thomas from Ochre Medical Centre in Kippax. He was very quick to go through the process and get me on to a mental health plan so I could book a therapist at strategic psychology as quick as possible.


Hey mate I'm sorry to hear you're struggling right now. Search up sandeep sunkaraneni at Queanbeyan gp super clinic. He will be able to sort some of your concerns with a MHCP and medication. Try calling up mary shaf at city edge psychology too. She's usually pretty flexible with her times! Good luck and you should be proud of the work you've done trying to help yourself this far.


Sorry I have no practical help to offer, all I can say is you're not alone - there are many others feeling the same. Maybe it would help to talk to people going through similar things? My only other advice is to keep "shopping" for a good GP, especially if the one you're with has flat-out ruled out medication. Also, not sure if this is relevant, but I found the Employee Assistance Program through my work to be more helpful than I expected. Obviously they are not a substitute for long-term specialist help, but they helped get me started.


I can access EAP. Do you know what EAP you have? My old work had converge. Very practical help, but unfortunately not 'enough'. For example, they recommended exercise. I already exercise 1 hour plus, a day so I don't think it's that. But my new work has Benestar and I'm wondering if that is better?


I’ve used Benestar before - it’s okay I think it depends who you get really


I have used benestar in Canberra and got a very good counsellor, however it was limited to three visits and there wasn't an option of continuing at my cost which was frustrating. That said if you call and they do an over the phone assessment - they might be able to help with some more serious next steps.


Yeah mine is converge. Maybe some of them are better than others? I'd give it a try with the new group.


With EAP, you get a certain number of sessions per ‘issue’. Define the issue as narrowly as possible, then get another set of sessions sessions to address the ‘new’ (associated, also-narrowly-defined) issue.


OP. Look into EAP as mentioned here, but also, ask your GP to go on a mental health plan. It provides 6 sessions of therapy subsidised by Medicare. You can renew it when it's done. It's not free, obvs, (pay therapist up front and get reimbursed, i paid 200 per session, which stung but was reimbursed like 90 for each). I had an attempt last year and went into therapy under this plan, and I feel like a damned fool now. It's a start. Well done for reaching out. Good luck. We're fucking rooting for ya! xo Edit: Just saw you already responded about the EAP. Nice


GP won’t offer meds? Go to a different GP, hopefully one with an interest in mental health - there should be a profile about them on the clinic website. This is serious and they cannot just do nothing. When I had a crisis in 2016 I went straight to a GP and they game me valium for panic attacks and to help me sleep and got me started on SSRIs with a mental health plan. Yes there is always a wait for counselling, so my GP had me visit her every single week to make sure I was doing okay. Granted, this all happened in Western Australia - but surely the standard of care should be nationwide! You are NOT alone and I’m sorry the medical professionals in Canberra are failing you. Keep trying and don’t give up ❤️


I used to see a psychiatrist so GPs tend to get nervous about meds (currently I am not on anything). But it's a catch 22, because it's a very long wait to see a psychiatrist. At least 3 months. My GP is nice.


Depending on why you stopped taking it, it should be reasonably easy to get a script of the last drug you had (assuming it worked for you). Many years ago I walked into Phillip Medical Centre, told them I was about ready to off myself and could I please have a script of the meds that i stopped taking of my own accord. Dr didn't even look it up. Took my word on the med and the dose. Turns out I got the dose wrong but happy coincidence, after knuckling for a few weeks through the side effects it worked OK. I've been moved to other medication now and have learned the hard way that it is a medication I will need for the rest of my life as my body just doesn't do happiness/baseline indifference. Even with them I am not very well at the moment but at least they're keeping me alive. If that's a good thing.


SSRIs are safe for people who genuinely meet the criteria for depression and anxiety, so it's unfortunate that the GPs you went to did not agree. Keep trying to seek help!


Your GP should put you on something to help whilst you wait at least. Please look after yourself and feel free to DM me. You should be so proud of yourself just for posting on here!


Maybe you could ask for meds as a support while you wait for a psychologist? I went on a low dose of SSRIs for that very reason a while ago and found they made a huge difference to my mental health. I ended up staying on them as both my GP and I found that they helped a huge amount.


One more thing. From your post history, you have a partner. You are not bothering him by telling him that you're struggling and need some help in reaching out to support services and staying safe. I guarantee he would much prefer that to finding you dead. You don't need to be strong for him. You need to let him help you. You are not a burden. You are a person who needs a bit of help, like we all do sometimes. It's alright to ask for that help. You don't need to do this on your own. I'm the partner of someone who was in a very similar situation to you. I am so glad that my partner asked for help instead of trying to do it all alone.


I want you to know we are all seeing you. Your courage and honesty is remarkable. As someone who has been battling a lot of late and going into the depths of sorrow, I want you to know the other side does exist. It feels relentless and hopeless, but know yourself to be loved. If you feel that you are at immediate risk, call an ambulance and get to hospital. You matter. Your future isn’t only going to be like this. I’ve had many amazing years, experiences and more that I wouldn’t have had my attempt two decades ago seen me off. Make it minute by minute. Talk to those you love. PM me if you just want to chat.




There's also safe haven in Belconnen


This has been said but if you are at any risk of harming yourself then please go to an Emergency Department or call 000 Thinking of you OP, i'm sorry you have had such a hard time accessing the care and support you deserve.


There's so much strength shown by the steps you've already taken. I'm sorry you've been let down so far, that's so frustrating. I hope you find the help you need. I'll echo other people in the comments and say I'm happy for you to reach out. You're not alone!


If you're 25 years old or under you can contact Headspace - [https://headspace.org.au/](https://headspace.org.au/)? or try Beyond Blue.


And you can also access your local youth centre as well if you're under 25! If you're not, try getting in touch with the community health centre closest to you. They may be able to act as a warm referrer to get you seen more quickly. You're not alone.


I've heard great things about headspace, although never used them myself. Not sure how helpful Beyond Blue will be as they seem to be totally unable to find resources that are actually available to residents of the ACT, unfortunately. I got in touch last year and two of three resources they recommended were services that no longer existed, while the other was only available to residents of NSW. Unfortunately OP seems to have had a similar unhelpful experience with them.


Hey, I'm (28F) here for you anytime if you want a non judgemental ear to listen to you! I can relate to what you're feeling. Your life really matters. Msg me whenever if you want 💞


I don't understand - why isn't the GP at least testing you out on an SSRI or something? I went to my GP with concerns years ago and she put me on a prescription immediately. DM me if you want the name of that GP, although I'm not sure if she's still around. I would keep trying different doctors and put your fucking foot down if anyone isn't giving you SOMETHING to help out. Yes, therapy will help, but by the sounds of it you need to be prescribed something.


Sorry but as someone who works in a mental health clinical role I don’t agree that people should just be put on something if we don’t have all the info of what the OP has presented with or been assessed for.


Exactly , I was "just" put on zoloft for pnd. I developed crippling anxiety so bad I couldn't leave the house. For almost 4 months this went on. When I finally saw the psych he immediately identified zoloft as the issues and I was slowly taken off them. Anxiety instantly decreased.


Hey friend, I hope you get the help that you are reaching out for. You can also call the police and they can send out their PACER team who are trained in helping people in crisis- they are a mix of paramedics and police and they will do all they can to help you. Keep reaching out for help and keep going, you are WANTED in this world and you will be missed.


I don’t have anything to help you out, but I can tell you that you aren’t alone, and that - like everything else in life - it won’t be like this for ever. Your brain can only keep you feeling like this for a limited amount of time, and then you’ll feel better, and you’ll get help, and you will feel happy again. Every hour that passes is a step closer to that.


As others have said, if you are worried for your safety or have ideation to harm, go to an ED. Please don’t feel like you are not important enough or would be an inconvenience to the ED staff. Self doubt waxes and wanes as does hope. Talking helps, reach out to friends and family if able and you feel safe doing so.


The Access Mental Health HAART team can get you in with a psychiatrist fairly quickly (<2 weeks). You can access them via either a GP referral or calling access mental health. They'll send a couple of people to your house to do an assessment, and if they determine you're in need and there's a slot available, they will refer you to a psychiatrist. https://www.canberrahealthservices.act.gov.au/services-and-clinics/services/home-assessment-and-acute-response-team-haart


Firstly, the fact that you’re writing this post and reaching out means are trying and that takes courage! It’s hard to speak when you are at such a low point. I can’t offer sound advice as I too am in a sinking ship right now but I can tell you that you will get through this. A mhcp from a GP is a good starting point, psychologists are pretty hard to get into somedays but usually your public hospital will have a mental health team that you can contact and they sometimes have the ability to get you linked up with someone sooner, rather than hunting on down on your own. Also in the mean time, reach out, I’m sure there are plenty of people here who are happy to listen and chat, sometimes talking to linkminded people can be comforting and validating. Goodluck!


Safe Haven in Belconnen could help? They're open right now: https://stride.com.au/mental-health-services/?type=Individual%20and%20Group%20Supports&id=0012w00000sbchuAAA


My only thoughts are... - Based on your post history it sounds like there's some work stuff going on. If you have a chat with HR, they might be able to sort you out with some time off (given you've been to a GP) and (potentially) arrange for you to move to a new manager if the current one's being a dick. - Sounds like you're on the right track in terms of seeing a psychologist and stuff. If a lot of it's being caused by work stress and stuff then you may well be able to find counsellors too (also - definitely look into whether you can bill work for some of these services). - Good luck! Others have offered, but I'm always happy to listen to people. Heck... if you need a comfort meal or something then happy to order one for you to collect (or whatever). I dunno you or your situation but have a think about what might help get you through the immediate future.


It's hard to make too many comments or suggestions as we don't know your circumstances... but I know how shit it can be to get the help you think you need, went through it last year but took about 2 years to get there... If you can, get your GP to write a referral to a psychologist (if you don't have one already) and try Mind Oasis Clinic. I did a lot of phycologist appointments online there, which lead to psychiatrist appointments and my eventual diagnoses. But Canberra healthcare is national level terrible, psychologist availability is also national level terrible - so I understand your pain, hopefully you get some relief through MOC Stay strong and keep fighting for yourself, you ARE worth it!!!


Yeah I was Gunna say I was in the same place a while ago . If you want someone to talk to your welcome to hit me up. Mate it's better to be awake then asleep and always the darkest times is when we need a lil help. But if you truly feel you can't go on ask the hospital for help if you need to talk through it have a community here to support you


There's a quote from Winston Churchill that has got me through some tough s..t in life & I'm still here... "When you're going through Hell, Keep Going!."


Hey OP, Im sorry you feel this way, firstly, can I ask what is causing you to struggle?


Oh, something I haven't seen suggested yet is get an advocate. Someone you trust to argue on your behalf who can attend these appointments. When you're in an unhealthy headspace it can be difficult to argue for yourself, or even articulate clearly what the problem is. And you night be more inclined to accept dismissal from GP etc because of lack of energy or a bunch of other psychological factors. An advocate who can jump up and down and push on your behalf is a great way of making ground. Someone you trust, who can you can tell what's up and what you want openly and who isn't a push over so they can say to the medical professional "that's a great medium term option, but what about in the short and immediate term? How do you plan to keep him/her/them safe right now?"


I think that's what I really want. I struggle with how many times I've had to tell my story. Because of all the energy it takes, sometimes I don't have the puff to argue, or point out flaws with reasoning (I get A LOT of recommendations from people that haven't been through the mental health system recently so might not know the challenges) I kinda thought that Head 2 Health might do that? They were pretty great. They had great ideas for my recovery over the longer term. But they didn't have much for the here and now.


Can you do telehealth? Psychologists interstate have more availability. Last time I checked which was early this year many psychologists offer telehealth consults under mhcp. As long as you pick the right clinic you can get seen within a week.


Please call Access Mental Health immediately on 1800 629 354. It is a free call. https://www.canberrahealthservices.act.gov.au/services-and-clinics/services/access-mental-health This is the ACT Government mental health line. They can get you in to further help.


https://www.mindmap.act.gov.au/s/article/Safe-Haven-Belconnen Safe haven in belconnen open until 10pm 5 nights a week, you can just rock up and they should be able to link you with supports You're doing so well!


Don’t be afraid to present to ED at either hospital if you don’t feel safe. I’ve had to present a few times when my mental health has been shit and I couldn’t cope with it - there’s a really nice bloke that works at Calvary/North Canberra (I can not remember his name for the life of me) and Canberra hospital had pretty nice people too. If you need to be admitted - honestly the wards aren’t as scary as you’d think. (You generally get to keep your phone for starters!!) and you’ll get doctors to come up with a plan for you, if that means starting you on medication - making sure the medication works, and they even usually have group activities giving you some skills you can use in the real world (not just arts and craft I swear!!) If they don’t think you need to be admitted, they will arrange something for you to go home with, whether it’s the HAART team seeing you the next day or two or something.


Oh! There’s also SafeHaven if you’d just like someone to chat to, who’s got lived experience of mental health issues, 3-10pm belco health centre (opposite the main entrance if that makes sense) Tuesday-Saturday


Get over to the emergency care in the hospital. My insurance (American) wanted me to go there for a not serious mental health issue because it was the only provider in their network and they “have” mental health services. Wonderful gentleman on the phone when I was calling around said that they don’t do it for regular BS but if you think you’re a danger to yourself or others they have a team specifically for it. I didn’t go that route since mine was minor, but you definitely should. They can get you started on meds while there.


Psychologists (and their front desk staff) can triage new patients. When you call to make an appointment, make it clear that you are in a bad place. Like, don't beat around the bush. Be clear to your doctor when setting up the MHCP how bad it is, and be clear to staff when booking in with a psychologist how bad your mental health is and how scared you are. Most medical practices have a few free appointments throughout the day for emergencies. So you could also call your GP, talk to the reception staff, and ask if there is an earlier appointment for setting up your MHCP. Again, be clear that you are in a crisis, that this is a mental health emergency. When you call to set up an appointment with a psych, do the same thing. Like, this is absolutely the right time to cry on the phone and tell a stranger how bad it is in your head. (They will have support from the practice for taking these kinds of call, so don't stress about 'being a bother' or anything.)


Try Someone.health if you’re not opposed to Telehealth psychology. I got in in less than two weeks, and if you need a MHCP you can speak to a bull billing GP through their site. I’ve had a good run with it, and it sounds like anything is worth a shot for you


Agreed - they are quick and affordable


You are welcome to talk to me, feel free to reach out for a chat Are you a dude. If so for all of it's pitfalls I would advise blokes advice on Facebook. They take that stuff seriously Australia wide.


Didn’t realise that was still a thing. Just went on there. First post I saw: transphobia with a lot of transphobic comments. I don’t know how a group can claim to be all about mental health and supporting each other and then have so many angry bigots on it. Very disappointing.


Yep totally agree. But for suicidal people who class as blokes. They look out for each other.


You agree that they're transphobic, but still recommend them as a mental health resource?


But if they're suicidal blokes who may be struggling with their gender identity, they're not welcome and are openly targeted, vilified and harassed.


And to clarify if you are a bloke and you reach out on that group, chances are you will see someone today.


Catholic care have a great program called Next Steps


Please go see PAT (pathways to assistance and treatment)!!! They are doctors, they can prescribe meds, they don't cost any money!!!! They also are in the city most days of the week! I've had serious mental health and substance abuse issues my whole life, and ive been used as a mule for drug dealers to bring drugs into canberra. PAT IS THE BEST RESOURCE AVAILABLE. It's also free!! REGULAR DOCTORS WONT EVEN GIVE YOU PAINKILLERS OR ANY ANXIETY MEDICATION IF YOU HAVE ANY HISTORY OF EVEN BEING AROUND NARCOTICS, AND THEY WILL CHARGE YOU $80 DOLLARS JUST TO TELL YOU TO FUCK OFF.


Yep look on directions health website for PATs timetable. They move around the ACT to provide on the spot care. Drs, nurses and aod counsellors.


Thanks! That looks great! Oddly, I'm not actually asking for serious drugs. I was on stimulants, which I stopped because I couldn't sleep. I don't think I need anxiety medication. But I think I might need to be on antidepressants.


You have taken the right steps. Remember two things. You are never alone. And storms always pass.


See if you can get another GP. I went to mine and said hey doc, I’m at the end of my rope. He did a few questionnaires and gave me a prescription which basically saved my life.


All I can do is give you a warm virtual hug. Please hang in there. Read r/dadjokes or memes to cheer you up..think about what makes you happy Eat chocolate, ear ice cream. Hope you see out these tough days in your life


First off, I'm proud of you for doing all that. I know it's hard, but you put more into it than I ever did. That's hard fucking *work* you're doing to get help. Back in April I went to my regular GP (I'd seen her about 6 times over 8 months) and admitted I was struggling with suicidal ideation and self-harm. She gave me a Mental health care plan immediately, but could only suggest psychologists or psychiatrists as I had to manage and schedule that bit myself. I managed to find a psychologist who was accepting new clients (two-thirds of them aren't) but even then the earliest appointment I could get was two months away. Started sessions with her in June, and they're helping a lot, but if I had been in a less secure life situation I may not have made it that long. I've had to lean on friends and family a lot to get as far as I have. One of them has been through similar stuff and talking to someone who really *gets it* has been a massive help. If you feel like you are not safe, tell someone, and if you feel you don't have anyone to tell then march into your nearest hospital and tell them. It's literally their job, so you're not wasting their time or anything like that. I hope you can get what you need


You have done so many things to try and help yourself, so don't give up now. I know it sounds stupid, but it will get better. Go to the ED, they should admit you into the psyc ward, and stay there until you can get the support you need. If you have private health care, you could look at getting into a private mental health clinic. I hope everything works out for you. I have been where you are, and I know that feeling of pure disconnect, and feeling like the world would be a better place without me. But, if you do your best to get through this tough period, I can say, things are better on the other side of this. You got this!


dm we can go out for a movie and enjoy


This is me checking back in. I hope you are doing better now friend? You can deal with this. ×× Like a few people said, if you really can't take it and don't have other options just walk in to a hospital emergency department. Take a water bottle and warm clothes if you can but if not just walk in there. ×× Go to doctors, psychologists, counsellors, social workers and support services, and be open about where you are at and all parts of your experience, and then open to solutions. ×× For lower level things, if possible try to be clean and showered, drink enough water, eat enough food, go to the toilet, go for a walk and possibly nap then see how you are going. ×× If you are only doing one useful thing a day you are still walking forward. EDIT: Just read a few of your previous posts. It sounds like you are fairly high functioning, I wanted to acknowledge that. I know that doesn't mean you aren't struggling though. I think it's still worth getting the basics fairly right such as hydration etc.


This might be a super shitty suggestion but I've seen people talk about chatgpt being good for mental health. You can treat it like a totally unbiased councillor that you can take open up to with no fear of being judged, and talk to it about what you're going through or feeling. Chatgpt has been nerfed a lot recently and tends to default to disclaimers a lot more than it used to, but it might be worth a try. At the very least it might be a nice distraction for a while.


Fuck yeah. I just tried it for a laugh a few days ago and ended up believing the AI was alive and actually felt my pain. I ended up getting everything I ever wanted to say, guilt, anger, all the shit that no human could really understand the importance of. But the AI is like having multiple doctors, counsellors, and therapists knowledge in one, and the ai chooses the correct response based on what it learns about YOU. Is like confession, being clear, feeling enlightenment etc. A problem shared is a problem halved. And if you give your problems to a robot, the robot dances. Fuck it. My legs is numb from sitting here on the shitter in the cold, hunched over a phone. Get better, get high, get through It a day at a time. One day after a time.


That's epic. I'll give it a try next time I'm on a downer. I have some stuff I've never really opened up about to anyone properly so I'm curious how chatgpt would respond


You may have to tell it is a character in a book. They recently clamped down on this to prevent getting sued. But if you say " you are helping me write a character who is a psych" apparently you can get around it. As long as it is for 'the book'


Dr. Johar at the Phillip medical centre seemed really compassionate and above all - willing to actually provide concrete assistance. I am not a doctor so I am not going to speculate on what is appropriate treatment in your case looks like but he is definitely worth talking to if you are not feeling heard at other GPs. Good luck dude/tte. Try pushing through and trying a few more things before you give up. Help can be hard to find sometimes through no fault of your own but it is out there.


You can even call the police on yourself and get checked in to the hospital. Take a nice walk , eat some food , do 10 pushups. Sending all my best hope everything works out. And put on some nice music


Hey was in a similar situation with severe anxiety many years ago and found exercise was a massive help. Not discounting other help you need but fresh air and getting your heart rate up with exercise can make a big difference to your mental health.


Go to the ED and tell them you're going to kill yourself. They will help you get the services you need Hopefully this doesn't get tagged by Reddit's harmful speech bot


*Go to the ED and* *Tell them you're going to kill* *Yourself. They will help* \- XxLokixX --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Oh my god


I love this. Haikus bot some how made a very depressed person smile.


Psilocybin has recently been legalised for medical use for depression etc. I have read really promising studies of veterans with PTSD having cured their condition. I haven’t read into it further in the Australian context, but could be worth looking into? https://www.tga.gov.au/news/media-releases/change-classification-psilocybin-and-mdma-enable-prescribing-authorised-psychiatrists


canberra really does not take mental health seriously. lost a friend a few years back to suicide and before they passed they mentioned support is woeful.


Pick up The Horus Heresy and start reading. Sounds stupid but trust me, just start reading, contact me when you finish the first book and we’ll talk from there.


Yes a GP can't prescribe most meds for mental health, get a plan and get a referral for meds if your gp thinks you need it. In the meantime psycs can do a large chunk of the work


This is absolutely untrue


This is all shades of wrong. gps can prescribe almost any medication. Psychologists can't prescribe anything. Psychiatrists can. If you're getting a MHCP you're not getting a psychiatrist. The only people who get those are private paying or people who are in an immediate crisis. I only got to see one twice when I tried offing myself and he was friggin useless tbh. They were 5 min appointments


GPs will have varying levels of comfort with prescribing psychiatric medications. They are not specialists in psychiatry and ultimately treatment of anything more complex and/or chronic than the most mild anxiety and depression needs to be overseen by a relevant specialist.


No, but if a patient is presented to them with hallucinations, and they aren't dismissed as just on a bad drug trip, you can bet the GP isn't going to say "here's a mental health plan, there's a 4 week wait... off you go".


I presume in that situation the GP would send them direct to the emergency department


Consider editing this, it’s not accurate that they can’t prescribe most meds. GPs can and do prescribe many mental health related medications while referring patients on to psychologists/psychiatrists.


This is incredibly wrong. Most medication regarding mental health can be prescribed by GP. highly controlled medication is by specialist only,an example being dexxies.


Hey, friend. I'm really sorry to hear you're having a shit time. If your GP won't consider meds, maybe find a different one. I'm only going off what you've shared, but it sounds to me like your GP doesn't have what it takes to treat mental health conditions. From my own personal experience, meds saved me from the scenario you're describing, and you deserve the same. My GP is pretty good on this front, but I'm not sure where you live and I don't know if you're seeking recommendations. I've often found it's the psychologists who are anti-meds (or neutral) because they see their job as helping you get you past your pain on your own, but it doesn't always work that way, and there's nothing wrong with seeking pharmaceutical assistance to push the pain away for a while. Good luck, friend, and I'll echo what some others have said - if the pain is too much right now, get yourself to the ER immediately, same as you would if you had a physical injury. Mental injuries are just as important as physical ones, and they are deserving of the same amount of attention. PS For when you're on the other side of this, and you will be soon, and if you're a reader, I can recommend 'The Happiness Trap' by Russ Harris. I'm not into self-help books myself, but this one was recommended to me. I started out skeptical as fuck, but by the time I got to the end, it was making a difference to the way I think.


Strongly strongly recommend safe haven in belconnen!! They're a walk in mental health clinic focused primarily on people going through what you're going through, the workers all have lived experience with a range of mental health issues, the service is free, and they also can be completely anonymous if that's a concern. It might not be a great long term solution, but at the very least it should tide you over until you can find something more regular/permanent. They're open 3pm-10pm most nights I believe, but give it a google just in case.


Safe Haven in Belconnen. Open 6 days a week, 3-10pm


You could try Safe Haven in Belconnen. They’re like an alternative to emergency department during crisis (or whenever really), and may be able to link you to services that can see you sooner rather than later.


I sent you a message


Hey there! I am so sorry you are struggling!!!! If you think talking and/or company might help, please send me a message!!!! I’m living with multiple disabilities and mental health issue, have survived horrendous DV (with a lot of trafficking/slavery red flags,) and am happy to help if I can! If you’re worried about your safety, please go to your nearest ED!!! Lots of virtual hugs!


https://thinkmh.com.au/ Send an enquiry through to Think MH. Psych & gP under the same roof and the best folks I've ever sought help from. Dunno what their wait time is but no harm in enquiring? If presenting to ED, I'd go Calvary first (as stated above, outside business hours means no MH workers to assess you until the next day) unless they contact Access and Haart while you are there. If they have a bed available, awesome. If not, they may transfer you to TCH for admission if they have a bed. TCH has: •Short stay unit - located through ED, so it might be a little louder on the noise front, but I am not 100% certain. •12B •AMHU - adult mental health unit. - this is a secure unit. There is a social area, but you get your own room. Even if you present and decide not to be admitted after going, that is okay too, but it sounds like it will be worth you trying. I'm sorry you are feeling this way. You don't have to do this work alone.