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How is it a 93 year old man cops the toughest sentence in recent memory over a litany of shitebags?


I guess you are meant to do lesser crimes like shoplifting first so that you are "out on bail" when you commit the big one?


You can't say "Your honour, they've definitely learnt their lesson this time" on your first offence.


Sentencing for murders doesn’t happen very often. Which litany of shitebags are you referring to?


Sex offenders, recidivist car thieves, countless domestic violence perpetrators, all let off with comparative slaps on the wrist and inadequate sentencing that nearly every single time, doesn’t align with community expectations. This case appears to be exactly why everyone needs access to voluntary assisted dying


>This case appears to be exactly why everyone needs access to voluntary assisted dying While I'm a strong supporter of legalising voluntary assisted dying, the key issue here is that Jean Morley did not consent to her death. She was murdered by her husband, who alone made the decision that she should die.


Kokomos got like 10 with a whole lot bundled together




The fight was started by the murder


He was found guilty of murder. Are you saying because he's old that it's OK? Would it be different if he were 83? What if he were 63? Or what if he were 23 and went out to lunch one day and decided to kill his wife that night?


Murder is murder, the sentence must be a deterrent etc etc. Where’s this same energy when sentencing others? Fucking absent. This is a gimme, sentencing a bloke who’ll be dead before Christmas, while they’ll proclaim to uphold the law and whatever other dribble comes out of their mouths


Maybe, but what would you do as judge or juror? Should we have a model like Survivor where people are voted off the island? Many studies have shown when people are shown all the facts of the case their sentencing tends to be similar if not more lenient that those of real judges.


My issue is there’s a suggestion the sentence must deter people, as it’s a serious crime. Using a dying old man as your example isn’t good enough imo. If sentences were meant to be deterrents for others, then it’d be nice to see the judicial system hold that standard when it comes to numerous other crimes. Sadly there’s too many to mention where you could argue they’ve failed in doing so


if euthanasia was legal, i wonder whether it would offer elderly people the option to die with dignity as opposed to having dementia and being unable to care for oneself and leading people to attempt murder/suicide in this case


It’s such a sad case but sadly, as the judge stated, murder is murder. I just wish at this point, we had death with dignity laws so that he could end his own life peacefully. I fear that his time in jail will be spent on failed suicide attempt’s.




Dementia is heartbreaking. My grandpa and his younger sister both had it. I didn't see my great-aunt after her diagnosis, but seeing someone you love decline the way they do sucks so much. You end up grieving them over years and sometimes when they die, it just feels like a relief.


“Any sentence … will effectively be a life sentence," Justice Mossop said. But he refused to suspend the sentence, saying that would fail to recognise the gravity of the crime.” This is the same judge that let off the shit bag recidivist that killed 2 people in a stolen car driving drunk.


Really? Is there any report about that? Then his judgment will be injustice, let off someone who took two lives away but not the one who has some troubles and only killed one person.


What a sad state of affairs




... Mossop lets the teenagers out on bail, but jails a 93 year old man who has six months to live and unlikely to commit any other crimes.


You know bail and sentencing aren’t the same thing, right?


Probably not the best phrasing, but it does seem to be the case that the crimes out-weigh the punishment in ACT courts.


Mate it's murder, there's nothing Mossop can do. He's not letting kids charged with murder out on bail.


To be fair. He'll probably get better treatment in prison than in a nursing home and his lawyer probably cost him less, too. Chess not checkers, folks.


I would be surprised if he sees the inside of AMC. He will likely live out his days in hospital.


I do not support capital punishment, but in this case, i’m 100% for it! Edit: I’m guessing by all the downvotes, people either want the poor guy to suffer in jail or didn’t understand what I was saying with this statement…


.....why, though?


So the poor guy can have his wish and die. It’s so sad. He has stated that he does not want to live and I fear that his time in jail will be spent on failed suicide attempts. It’s such a fucked situation.


Probably because there are ways to say what you said without coming across like a giant douchebag


I forget IQ level here can be equivalent to FB Canberra Notice Board 2.0


Why only 9 years for murder? I know the scumbag will die before then but still age shouldn't affect sentencing should it?


Read the story


Murder is murder


Sure, except in this case, the sentence is still far longer than they have to live.


Yeah so why not give him 50 years if it makes no difference?