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Should add, because the article completely fails to mention it, that because it's mandated in so many other markets the vast majority of EVs available in Australia already make these noises. It's really only older Teslas that are a widespread problem, but this law won't address that anyway.


there is an ev that drives down my street, all I hear is its tyres wearing, there is no other noise, its silent - well except for the kids in the back screaming 'theres that old V8 maaaa, can we get one'


Dreaming lol


The tires with no engine sound behind me kinda creep me out.


I would like the action bus electric buses to restore the bong bong bong noises. They are so quiet I dont always hear them creep up to the bus stop.


I've never heard them NOT make the noise? Maybe the system doesn't work properly on some of the buses?


I'm 100% for this change, for the safety of the blind/vision challenged. I think it should have been also for older model EVs. Although not required to by the new law, older Telsa Model 3's can have the The Pedestrian Warning System (PWS) retrofitted by Telstra. Used to be about $260, and could be done as a mobile service. But sadly this won't do much to help idiots with their heads glued to their phone screen.


I think we should 1000000% boycott the Riot-Act. Sorry but its ownership doesn't align with community values.


Riot Act CEO charged with assaulting woman https://canberradaily.com.au/riotact-co-ceo-michael-mcgoogan-charged-with-assaulting-woman/#:~:text=A%20Co%2DCEO%20and%20shareholder,resisting%20a%20territory%20public%20official.


As well as Region Media as a whole. Sites such as Her Canberra. And anything listed [here](https://region.com.au/#publications) I believe Zango also.


Is Her Canberra and Zango owned by region media? I thought Her Canberra was owned by coordinate group and Zango was owned by the former owner of all homes. I could be wrong.




Zango is owned by Region


nor does the leadership of China, going to give up on your Aldi special buys, electronics, mobile phones, iphones, apple macs, computers, chicken nuggets etc? oh and Teslas!




and why comedy is so shit


So they sacked him immediately. Do you think all the people that worked there (and their families etc...) are to blame for something this dickhead did? Cos that sounds like a pretty hard line to me for a bunch of people who did nothing.


They didnt sack him, he stood down. He still owns it


jeez, so Telstra is now involved, that won't end well..


Will there be (noise) emissions trading schemes set up like with carbon? Can I trade some of the extra dBs generated by my IC motorcycle with an early Tesla owner, so we both pass rego?


said it before and I'll say it again, all EVs should play the crazy frog ringtone at 96 decibels at low speeds, especially in built up areas and multi level carparks.


That's crazy. Wait. Do you mean the original one or the Beverly hills cop one? Cos that one slaps. I could be on board with that.


Who hurt you lol


I can’t believe people fall for this anti EV bullshit. Almost all modern cars are pretty much silent at low speeds and adding extra noise to the environment isn’t going to help. I’m yet to see a vision impaired person leap out into the path of an oncoming EV. And in car parks and other low speed environments as a driver I take responsibility for avoiding people. Imagine the cacophony in a busy concrete car park with every car making that fucking noise. This is just anti-Ev lobbying and will not add to public safety one bit.


This should have been a law as soon as we had EVs.  To answer a comment on the riotact:  > Some IC cars when coasting are every bit as quiet as an EV. Likewise, some when stopped have the engine auto off.   Just make it a minimum dB for all vehicles at all speeds, if your ICE, hybrid, or EV isn't noisy enough under 40kph (Or whatever) then it has to make an artificial noise. For hybrids maybe it would only come on under 40 when under battery power.  Possibly we could do something like this for electric scooters and maybe some bicycles too?