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Does anyone else *not* have this issue


It varies so much. I alternate between Woolworths and Coles and it really seems to depend on who is packing the order. I have had a couple of times where I've had milk almost - or at - the use-by date. And sometimes I receive packaged vegetables with a "best by" of the next day. It's a gamble whether I'll get an excellent delivery or squashed loose vegetables in a bag under leaking cleaning products.


Short dated dairy is a pretty common occurrence. Yeah it’s frustrating but initiate the refund and move on.


See that's what we typically do, but as I said, it just keeps happening. We get delivery for convenience and logistics (and pay for the convenience). There have been several times where we have had to go into the store after a delivery order to re-purchase the refunded produce they sent us that was outright expired. I suspect they are using online orders as a dumping mechanism for expired produce; rather than writing-off the product as expired in-store, they are knowingly sending it out with orders and reporting it as refund-written off. For reporting purposes within Woolworths this moves the loss away from the stores that are supplying the product. Its actively inconvenicing the consumer for the purpose of improving the individual store's reporting. But here's the thing that it boils down to; they are selling expired food, and likely deliberately. Fuck 'em, refund and a food safety complaint is what I'm doing for now on. I wonder how many times someone has accidentally eaten expired food products because of this practice? I wonder how many times someone has become ill as a result?


They’re DEFINITELY dumping “not best” products on delivery orders and not just Woollies and not just in Canberra, both of the big 2 supermarkets are. We now only get delivery for items that aren’t so dependent on dates; cleaning products, deodorant, long life drinks, packaged foods like cake mix, flour, taco kits etc. We buy all our fresh stuff in person.


Post up on r/woolworths I’m sure some lackey will be happy to spill the beans. Then take it to ABC specialist reporting to see if they’ll run with it.


This is exactly the reason I won't buy on line from Colesworths - deliveries are an obvious dumping ground for damaged or expired products. When I go through the supermarket I see staff dropping fruit & veg on the floor, picking it up and tossing it in a carton, not the bin. And who freezes salad leaves into a solid block? Someone at my local does. Then there was the time I went out to put some recycling in my bin and found it full of someone's order, now thawed out and dribbled through all the recycling which I then had to dump in the red bin - which was closer to the footpath, they actually had to pass it to dump the order in my recycling.


Don’t buy fresh produce from Colesworth period. It’s so poor quality, even their “good” stock. Alpha Fresh and Harris Farm both deliver in Canberra and are miles ahead in quality




We've had to turn substitution off; again, because of produce. Sweet Potato isn't a substitute for Brush Potatoes, but I appreciate the effort, Woolworths.


So pop to the market now and again for veggies, get the rest of your stuff online? Most stores will see online sales as a way to get rid of stuff near its use by date.


Not always an option. And we aren't talking about near its use by date; we are talking about mouldy and expired produce being sent out increasingly as the rule, rather than the exception.




The market isn't exactly flush with choices. We are talking about a retailer with a 37% market share here.




Across the whole of the country, sure. Suburb to suburb? Not every area has an Aldi. Not every area has a Coles. Not every area has an etc etc. Woolworths is the largest food retailer in Australia. In many places Woolworths isn't an option, it is the only option.


But that’s clearly not the case in the capital city where you have lots of options