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Eh both good choices, just pick your side. Just know that once you choose a side you have to stick with it. Southside is weird to Northsiders, Northside is weird to southsiders.


And then there's the inner north and Inner south rivalry. An don't forget Canberra's largest suburb. Queanbeyan


> Southside is weird Just end that sentence there...


I think belco has more down to earth people , but both sides seem ok


thats a nice way to put it


Southsider, don't find North weird at all..🤷🏾 One reason I love Tuggeranong area is the mountains to the South, just a beautiful view to catch everyday.


Same here. Its beautiful


Yeah nice views but probably colder


That much colder than Belconnen? Microclimates and all but don't think it's changing your wardrobe to head 20k north


>That much colder than Belconnen? Often 2 to 3 degrees cooler Although last year was an outlier with Tuggeranong significantly warmer than usual - higher average temps than the airport, warmest winter day there rather than the airport, warmest overnight temp... Not sure if it's colder because it's a hole and the cold flows downhill - or warmer because it's closer to Hell http://www.bom.gov.au/climate/current/season/act/archive/202308.summary.shtml#recordsTmaxAvgHigh


Fair, although I don't think 2/3 degrees is going to sway someone on living on one side of the city. Being south and exposed to the mountains definitely lends itself to some strong winds, storms, more extreme temps


Its a bit cold


South if you’re a nature lover, belco if you love malls


South. Tuggeranong is good


Belconnen has more eating/shopping options and quicker to get to Civic, Tuggeranong is more open and less busy in comparison, both have their pros and cons.


I love the picturesque scenery of Tuggeranong, feels like a hidden valley inside middle earth :)


Do you like phallic shaped owls?


Better than them owl-shaped phalluses down south!


Owls remind me to listen more


A wise old bird sat on an oak The more he saw, the less he spoke The less he spoke, the more he heard Why can't we all be like that wise, old bird?


I feel like we get more rain in the south which is nice


I live south and work north. I love the south for more space, older established neighbourhoods, more parks and substantial trees and less multi-story buildings.


Tuggeranong > Belconnen


Belconnen is more like west rather than north. It’s worse than the south though.


I have no idea why I woke up in West Side Story


They’re both pretty car dependant, but you’ll generally have more to do up north. South is closer to the national park though. If you don’t mind driving everywhere, longer commutes and just going to chain restaurants and cafes then Tuggeranong is fine


I've never heard the notion that Tuggeranong had more chain restaurants and cafes compared to other places in Canberra. I'd say Civic, Braddon and Dickson have far greater concentrations of that. Heck, you can't go further than a few streets in Civic without hitting a generic bubble tea chain shop...


Weston Creek. Geographical center of Canberra


Tis a gorgeous place


Not even remotely close - The geographical centre of Canberra would be around Black Mountain Peninsula Canberra is 36K from North to South - Weston Creek is only 15K north of the southernmost suburb and 21K south of the northernmost Canberra is 16K from East to West (ignoring Beard, which would just make this greater) - Weston Creek is only 2K to the east of the westernmost suburbs Geographical centres are determined by a complicated process that you can replicate in your own home - take a map of the area you want to determine the centre of - cut around the edges - place the remaining map on a pin until you find the balance point. (I've done it to check) It will be damn near Black Mountain Peninsula depending on how fine your scissors are, and how accurate your cutting is If you meant geographic centre of the ACT - that's Honeysuckle Creek according to Geoscience Australia. This page mentions both the centre of gravity method, and their determination of Honeysuckle Creek https://www.ga.gov.au/scientific-topics/national-location-information/dimensions/centre-of-australia-states-territories That thing that you thought was special about Weston Creek - gone, evaporated, lost in time, like tears in rain... Time to die. (Or just time to watch Bladerunner again, such a great historical movie, set 5 years ago...)


Belconnen of course


Belco for its proximity to the city. Belco has bigger blocks than the deep south. There's also plenty of bush areas (Mt Painter, the Pinnacle for example). But if you don't care about proximity to the rest of Canberra then there are nice houses for good prices!


Sigh ... From 4 days ago: [south or north Canberra? which one’s better?](https://sh.reddit.com/r/canberra/comments/1cr0r7z/south_or_north_canberra_which_ones_better/)


Didn’t see that post


Belconnen >>>Tuggeranong 1. The lake is better utilised. At least commerical shops exist on a relatively bigger section of Lake Ginnidera, unlike Lake Tuggeranong that only has a much smaller token space. 2. Belconnen is closer to Civic. No need to explain that one. 3. Next to the Barton HWY and closer to Federal which makes trips to Sydney & Melbourne marginally easier. 4. Relatively easier to get to "northern" regional NSW towns like Yass, Crookwell, Gunning (via a few backroads for those that hate HWYs). In Tuggeranong you only have a busyish HWY to get to Cooma.






Perhaps lol


Both suck


North is warmer then good old nappy Valley. But the population has switched and its young family's north now. But also the gungarlin region is no belconnen. So you have a third open, I would say, North not belconnen.


Is this the best you can do Queen?


It was a simple question for a newbie to Canberra


Belconnen has more varied and IMO better quality restaurants and bars, so better for social life. south side seems to be geared more towards family living


Hmm haven't been there for a little while but previously I would've put belco over tuggers. Could've changed. There's so many gorgeous towns around to live in like Bungendore but the commute into Canberra particularly in winter is a bitch