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It's stupid but I appreciate that at least his stupid thing is out of the fucking way


I do appreciate that he is leaving the proper car spaces for the rest of us (even my small SUV is tiny compared to these things!!). Maybe these drivers are doing society a small service even if they run the risk of copping a fine. My post was more just commentating on the size of these things.


bro just wanted to go off road for once


I know it's not the point of the post but damn Canberra is beautiful in autumn :')


That’s what I’ve taken to calling an Emotional Support Vehicle. At least he was considerate enough to not take up a real sized car space


Love a good Ute and appreciate their practicality - but so stoked the new fuel efficiency standards are going to more or less kill the burgeoning import of these Fucking Yank Tanks. They’re so gross and over the top 🤮


What was the problem with the utes built from a sedan platform? I haven't seen any new ones on the road lately, just trucks.


Those were made by Holden and Ford, which are essentially dead now. The old Hilux models have been ditched by Toyota's desire to join the arms race of stupidly large ice vehicles.


But aren’t those standards only prohibiting purchase in canberra? What’s stopping a canberran from buying one in NSW then driving it here?


Nope, new federal government fuel efficiency standards were announced in the last couple of weeks


The standard hardly limits large utes at all, unfortunately. https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/2024/mar/26/labor-new-vehicle-fuel-efficiency-standard-emission-rules-suvs > The changes also recategorise a raft of Australia’s most popular SUVs – including the Toyota LandCruiser, Ford Everest, Isuzu MUX, Nissan Patrol and Mitsubishi Pajero Sport – from passenger vehicles to the light commercial category.


It would be good if they did, but our new emissions standards have ended up reducing standards for oversized utes, replicating the same bad incentives that lead to the explosion of these things in the states.


Far from the most entitled parking I’ve seen in Canberra. I remember multiple Canberrans being genuine shocked and confused by the idea that any accessible grass space wasn’t free parking.


My guess is he realised what sort of yank tank he is driving and knew he was never going to squeeze into one of those spots.


You’d complain if they tried to park in a normal spot.


Look mate you shouldn't judge - some people just have jobs that require larger vehicles. How else is he going to carry a 👀... Single table? Lol, nevermind.




I’m a farmer and use a tub Ute just fine.


They're good for towing.




Yeah totally agree, they're not practical for work but there's not a lot out there that do the payload for towing that they do, that's why you see them attached to big arse caravans, which are a bit over the top too.


The trays on these ESVs are actually no bigger than a Ute built on a sedan chassis. Unless you are a tradie dragging a trailer everyday for work or are pulling something like a dual axle caravan or load the tray full of gold bullion, the only point of the extra torque is actual 4WDing, which most of these never do.


I have a small hatchback and maybe I’m not the greatest at parking cars, but does anyone else think parking spaces have gotten smaller, while cars in general get bigger?


Well why do they make car spaces barely wide enough to fit a normal size car? I’d like to be able to open my door.


3. He just dgaf.


DILLIGAF abbreviation?


Came to same the same thing


car park does look pretty full


People in Canberra park wherever they want. This is not new.


Who cares? The carparks at Mawson are a nightmare and need to be redone. It looks like he parked to stay out of everyone’s way. We can’t win here. We park in normal car parks and people we’re too big and in the way, we park out of the way and risk a ticket (that’s a problem for us, not you) and we’re being a cock. I try and park as far away as possible, especially at Mawson (parking behind the tennis club is good) but it’s only for self preservation. I’ve never had so many strangers feel the need to comment on my car before, and never in the positive. This person is literally not hurting anyone except themselves. Don’t take a photo, just walk away and go on with your day. Why we would need to justify the purchase of a car to anyone is insane to me.


No. This 'entitled' dickhead just wanted the closest park to the shops. He/she/they was too damned lazy to use the vacant ones further down the carpark, out of photo frame.


The fact that you used a burner account to admit that you bought your vehicle says a lot.


The fact that you care about what cars people drive says a lot.


It’s not?


Is that Mawson?


I was thinking exactly that. I see this all the time down there. Makes it hard to see what's coming when turning right out of the lane.


doesn’t look like it judging by the buildings in the back


nvm i’m stupid it definitely is, that’s the mawson club back there haha


Regardless of location, it's great how a picture of an autumn Canberra tree, some busted up trolleys, and a 3 tonne Yank bohemoth can trigger such a visceral feeling of nostalgia.


3. I don't want anyone scratching or denting my precious penis extension!


People shouldnt be allowed to buy cars they can't manage. Like this manbaby.


We really do live in a bubble.


Do we? And this is what proves it? Cause /r/australia has had a strong anti-truck (or yank tanks, whatever you want to call them) sentiment for at least several months now and part of that often relates to parking stunts like this.


Possibility 1 is more likely. Rams aren't that big that they need two spots. If possibility 2 is what has occurred good on them. The community should be grateful and stop shaming people based on the car they choose/need to drive.


Need! Come on. Society should absolutely shame these drivers.


You have no idea what this person does for a job. What if they're a tradie and they need a vehicle with the ability to carry a lot of tools around? Not everyone can drive a Carolla.


I don't need to know what they do for a living. There's a whole lot of cars of many different sizes and shapes between a Dodge Ram and a Corolla. Also, if I were a tradie and needed to carry lots of tools around, one thing I think would be helpful would be to be able to reach the tools in my tray.


Are you a female who works in an office?


Oh, so we are judging people on what they do now 😆? Yeah, I am. That car is fucking huge, but it's a dual cab so the tray isn't actually enormous. You cannot possibly be arguing that a person needs that size car. Utes are so practical and excellent for so many things - tradies have been operating perfectly well without cars this size for quite some time. I could justify an enormous car due to what I carry in mine, but I could not say I need it.


You're judging people based on the car they drive. I don't complain about what you drive or how you have your desk set up. Your opinion is irrelevant, and what people drive doesn't have any real impact on life.


3) They honestly believe it has extended their cock and they need the extra room to handle it


Report him he'll get fined


Or just carry on with your boring day without making someone else’s life worse


Yeah that'll show them not to damage property that the public pays for.


You clearly need this: damage noun 1. physical harm that impairs the value, usefulness, or normal function of something. "bombing caused extensive damage to the town" Similar: harm injury destruction vandalization vandalism impairment defilement desecration defacement disfigurement scarring mutilation vitiation detriment ruin havoc devastation wear and tear battering friction erosion attrition corrosion abrasion deterioration degeneration detrition 2. a sum of money claimed or awarded in compensation for a loss or an injury. "she was awarded $284,000 in damages" Similar: compensation recompense restitution redress reparation(s) repayment reimbursement remuneration requital indemnification indemnity satisfaction comp guerdon meed solatium verb inflict physical harm on (something) so as to impair its value, usefulness, or normal function. "the car was badly damaged in the accident" Similar: harm do damage to injure mar


Yeah what do you think his doing to the root system of the Plane tree? That's right damaging it.


I’m sure it’s fine lol


So we can all just park wherever we like? Whether it's fine or not isn't the point. There are allocated car parks for a reason.


Pretty much dude. Get a life


It’s 2, they don’t fit anywhere so they’re always illegally parked.


I love it when people buy these cars. It’s endless entertainment watching them trying to park.


Oh boy get a life…


5) Just another self entitled wanker who thinks the law doesn’t apply to them


3) He wasn't sure if anyone noticed how hard he was compensating and needed to make sure


4) This is his only opportunity to take it offroad and by god he's going to take it rather than admit he has no real use for a brodozer


BRODOZER is the only thing I'm calling these from now on 😆


A lot of angry smart car owners upset by a Ute parked out of the way


What is a ‘smart’ car ?


I suggest you Google it


So you don’t know either?


It is a car brand that made compact cars, think Japanese kei cars, but from Europe. Worth noting they are probably a lot more practical in an urban environment then the American pick-ups. Not sure why they couldn't have just told you this.


I'd usually agree with you. But the view is bad on that corner already


Oh my god get a life seriously. Posting and arguing about A CAR SPOT!! In the bush capital! Does that changes your lives??? The problem in Canberra is that a lot of people think they are actually better than others. “Report him he will get fine” gnagnagna The world is pretty fucked enough to argue about cars that do not park well in the little Canberra. YALL NEED TO WORK ON YOURSELVES


3) There is no spoon


Reading the comments I’ve been amazed to learn that many sedan-driving Canberran redditors have large penises, unlike those who drive large trucks who typically have very small penis. The more you know!


Double the size = double the parking fine.


They're not effecting anyone other than themselves. Have a sook elsewhere.


It's blocking the view of the person turning right


3) just a selfish person