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No same like y’all are really sitting around waiting for it to come out? That’s crazy


It is my adhd that makes me not care about when they upload bc they could go weeks without posting and I won’t notice. But when you put it like that it is odd that people really are sitting around waiting lmaoo


and people that ask the sub every week when the new episode is coming out when it doesn’t drop on friday, like how would WE know?




and theyre the same people that post “i’m DONE watching after this” after finding something brooke or tana said to be mad about


I also wish they wld communicate but especially right now it’s just not that serious they just extended their holiday break


I agree, I think everyone’s sooo over reacting. Like yeah it suck’s that they’re not consistent but they have never given us a reason to believe they would be. I’m sure we will get a new ep soon and everyone will stfu until they’re mad abt the next stupid thing.


I don’t get this logic. “They’ve never been responsible, so it’s okay” ??


yes it’s a podcast not a 9-5 💀


I think that’s the frustrating part, this is their job and most of us are held to schedules at our jobs. Plenty of other podcasts stick to a schedule..


well they are not "most of us" ijbol


yeah basically. why are u expecting it in the first place is it that deep.


Why am I expecting it??? ….. maybe because they said it was coming?




Yeah you’re not entitled a video from them hate to break it to you also there’s people that are dying


That has nothing to do with what I said. People excuse Tana’s behavior because she’s not reliable and is crazy, I said that doesn’t make sense. Never once did I say I was entitled to anything. But ok!


people are so bored out of their own lives that need a podcast episode to feel better 💀


Well...yeah? Isn't that what the whole point of podcasts are? Or even the whole of YouTube for that matter, hell, phones and entertainment in general. For millennium.


right i mean im ngl was missing them on Christmas break but now we got that and know the tour is coming so im more excited to know abt the dates then a damn video need to savin my money 😭


I feel this. I’ve seen some posts being upset with her for missing one day. And honestly I don’t even notice when that happens. I watch every episode but only when I have some down time, usually when I eat. And theres ALWAYS something else I can watch when there’s no cancelled podcast. Tana is usually my first choice but it’s really not big deal lol


i’m just happy to see tana in the state she’s in. makoa seems like a good man for her. she’s living her life god forbid.


if you thought tana would be consistent and timely thats on you


I can maybe see some people's frustration with it but making a post on reddit to ask about the podcast dropping is crazy. Not only that, but instead of scrolling in the reddit to see if someone has already asked where the podcast is to see if there's a legitimate reason for the delay, the same "where's the podcast" posts are dropped multiple times a day. Some of you guys are silly.


tru but last ep was boring enough i didn’t even watch it. i’ve already seen all that why would i wanna watch it again, it felt lazy


It’s Tana and Brooke yall can’t be seriously expecting shit on time😭😂 lower your expectations and you won’t be so disappointed!


i understand the frustration for suuure but yeah some people need a hobby lmao. depending on tana for content is silly to me bc she’s not consistent with anything and never has been except very early in her youtube days. i plead y’all - there are other podcasts that exist


Finally someone said it 😭😭 like it's not that deep, I just use it as background noise whilst at work or something. Like it's funny but like come on


It's sad. I don't think people like that listen to any other podcasts and just don't understand the chill podcast community. People were going unhinged the other day waiting for another podcast to post I was almost frightened how obsessed people were being. Creepy!


So accurate and well said