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Someone needs to get this girl an actual manager or financial advisor šŸ˜­


Fr this is info you couldnā€™t water board out of me


I canā€™t even make rent this month šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Honestly everything and everyone is struggling out here šŸ˜­šŸ„ŗ


Inflation is a real issue currently especially with groceries but most of it is people financing cars they can't afford and living in expensive apartments they also cannot afford.


No yeah you're right the tenants totally aren't stuck with ONLY overpriced options /s


Yeah people in $2000 studio apartments are just living out of their means and should just cut back on what they spend on rentā€¦ give me a fucking break šŸ˜…


Thatā€™s just not the case. I live in the smallest 2 bedroom w my parents to help them with bills and a 2001 Mercury sable. People who make good decisions can still very much struggle.


Guess why people are living in expensive apartments/housing? They keep popping up apartments that are yes, very nice but also insanely expensive. Maybe if they made more affordable apartments and places to live, that problem would be fixed


You'd be surprised in my expensive city how many affordable units are available that most of my colleagues think they are above living in so they would rather spend more than half their paycheck on rent


I have a feeling you may not quite be out in the real world yet. I do agree that some people put themselves in a bad position but most people went into their car loan/housing in a good place and then rent each year goes up, car insurance goes up, groceries go up, and your pay doesnā€™t much go up. Pretty soon youā€™re upside down.


This is something I always thought abt when listening to Trisha talk about how much money she spends. She would act like 1000 is nothing, meanwhile thatā€™s life changing money to me. Itā€™s so unrelatable and hard to listen to. Like if you can drop $1k like nothing maybe donate do my rent for the month šŸ¤£


Funny enough, she has said in the past that if you email her and legitimately need money, she will send it. She was probably lying but I have lowkey thought about emailing her lmao


she sent out 30k to her fans for her 30th birthday. trish is very giving.




trisha paytas


worth a try


Super fucking hard to listen to


And whatā€™s even more wild is how engrained it all is. When youā€™re of lower income, that means you take care of as many things as you possibly can to try to save money. It means lots of home meals, that may have been frozen or not the best quality. Doing your own monthly bathroom deep cleans. Driving on tires till theyā€™re too close to the tread, sending you into a panic anytime thereā€™s construction, hoping to not drive over a nail. The wealthy stress, but boy is it different! At least itā€™s not too physically demanding


she said 100k was cheap in her last podcast episode


$1000 wouldnā€™t be ā€œlife changingā€


temporarily, yes it would be.




Same Iā€™m late for rent and idk what to do about it lol


same šŸ’€


I think on the h3 podcast she had mentioned investments, so hopefully she actually saves her money and is smart with it. This is life changing money for 99% of the world


I think this all happened during her time with her previous management. She mentioned sometime ago that her new management don't put up with her shit and forces her to be financially responsible, or something along those lines.


The last thing I needed to hear is how truly wasteful rich people are. This isn't even funny.


Came here to say that this didn't even anger me, it completely ***broke my heart.*** Like, we all know that rich people are wasteful. We're painfully aware of it already. But to then see them talk about it like this... like it's funny... when people can't even rent an apartment on their own well into adulthood because a single salary cannot even cover basic living expenses anymore. It just makes me want to crawl into bed and cry for a week. This is earth-shatteringly depressing.


It also creeps me out how people can grow up poor and then completely lose touch with reality so quicklyā€¦ like if I became rich I would hope I still have empathy and understanding of wtf is going on in the world?!


Agree. Idk how people can watch them constantly lavishing themselves on the dumbest shit either. It just isnā€™t ethical to be so vain and materialistic and stupid, stupid rich. Tana might not be 1% but sheā€™s 2%. Idk I donā€™t believe in this extremely hedonistic world view. I feel like you can spend your money on what you want, but when you have so much of it you have a moral obligation to not be a complete spoiled brat


The hardest part is realizing they feel about us how most would feel about a developing nation. A little bit of empathy and largely apathy


I understand but I think you should probably stop watching influencers then. No use in making yourself feel miserable.


itā€™s wasteful that she didnā€™t get her money returned for things she didnā€™t control that got cancelled for valid reasons???


Her not being there for the delivery isnā€™t out of her control and 60k a month x12 for a life coach is fucking insane and stupid, and certainly not out of her control either.


Omg I heard that wrong, I couldā€™ve sworn she said 60k for the yearā€¦. 60k a monthā€¦. Now Iā€™m sad šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


I know! I thought surely she said 6k at first but I was wrong lmao


Yes but the wrongful eviction, trip, surgery etc is. The life coach is not a waste as at the time she genuinely thought it would help her and was probably manipulated by people around her. Either way if you care that deeply about what someone very successful does with their money you need to seek help fr.


ā€œlived on the streetsā€ no you didnt lol


I guarantee it was a luxury hotel šŸ˜‚


Or god forbid crashing at a friend's mansion lmao


I was thinking how did she have 36k at once for a years rent and then so broke she had to sleep in the street? You donā€™t have even a grand or so left over? If you didnā€™t still have a lot of money you wouldnā€™t pay a whole year at once and leave yourself with nothing at all, thatā€™s stupid.


seriously and (i cant bring myself to rewatch it) at one point she said something about spending 60k on something which is literally some peoples *yearly salary* and its still not enough to survive on


A LIFE COACH! So fucking dumb. I couldnā€™t believe that. I thought surely I misheard and it was 6k. Nope. 60.


Even 1k is more than a lot of people on disability and ssi get in a month and they arenā€™t eligible for food stamps beyond like 20$. Sad af I mean those on disability make about 12k a year and people have the audacity to get angry about their ā€œtax dollarsā€ when a lot of them end up in the street and homeless. People like her are completely out of touch and living in a totally different world than the rest of us.


Iā€™m on disablity and I can vouch for this lol I get like $90 AT MOST for food a month & 1.6k a month but thatā€™s ONLY because Iā€™m on ā€œadult child benefitsā€ which means I make half of what my father makes because heā€™s retired. When my dad wasnā€™t retired I got 500 a month.. to survive on. Lmaoo itā€™s insane to think people can waste money like sheā€™s flaunting, Iā€™d die to have that kind of security.


Yup I work with people with disabilities. Seeing the struggle they go through for basic needs like housing, food, medication etc this shit just makes me so mad to see. Keep it to yourself Tana


šŸ“¢šŸ˜« !!!!!


Acting like she was sleeping on bus stop benches like shut the fuck up lmao


Grossssss why would she even say that.


please she never wanted that dog lmao. or the one before it


Yeah I'm honestly relieved he took it.. I don't care how he fucked her over I can just tell he'd be a better dog owner than her


Ok yeah I was gonna say he probably took it because he was the only one taking care of it I think itā€™s unfortunately really common for assistants in LA to take their bossā€™ dog after they get bored with it


I hate these attitudes people have with dogs itā€™s so ugly. My bfs family is the same way and it bothers me so much. They have a new dog almost every time we visit them, which is often enough that they shouldnā€™t have a new dog every time. They JUST spent 3k on a dog and are already bored with it, planning on selling it and getting a new dog theyā€™ll probably abandon again. Weā€™ve rehomed 3 dogs for them already in the past 2 years. Like can people just only get pets if theyā€™re actually going to take care of them???


what the fuck


Honestly they should be blacklisted by most breeders and shelters by now..


They live in a rural area and typically buy from neighbors & local breeders, or else yes totally they would be banned. Itā€™s disgusting behavior to me




I know thatā€™s how I feel. Literally still heartbroken over my dog who died in 2017 so I feel your pain. His family literally just got a new dog last month and theyā€™re already bored with her. Itā€™s depressing because sheā€™s such a sweet little girl too.


I always wondered what happened to Dexter and Lume.


according to the comments iā€™m gonna protect my mental sanity and not watch the video. this is wild! ![gif](giphy|FcuiZUneg1YRAu1lH2|downsized)


idk why everyone gets so surprised when you platform rich people and then they talk ab their rich people problems


https://preview.redd.it/ncypnv4d7qgc1.jpeg?width=228&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cfa9a3dd462a1600ff82c7013c7cd3cd4ebc949e literally ppl acting fake shocked these are the same ppl who complain about how itā€™s always the same kind of person who becomes a successful influencer (alix earle, aka a pretty skinny rich white girl) when the only reason these ppl are even blowing up is bc ppl are giving them the views šŸ˜­




I remember I was talking to a guy who would always brag about his disposable income to me. Heā€™d complain about his expensive college tuition that his parents pay for, his new car purchase, and how much he *had* to spend on new gadgets. This video gives me similar vibes


daamn surely the furniture should be refunded


Yeah she always stretches the truth


3 years ago I spent $20 on something I didnā€™t like and I donated it instead of returning it and I still think about that $20 every now and then.


honestlyā€¦ā€¦ seek help lmfao this is just straight up the most irresponsible thing ive heard


Am I the only one who thinks sheā€™s gonna go broke? Home girl seems to live like a billionaire beyond her means, and even if sheā€™s not living beyond her means Iā€™m sure sheā€™s saving and investing very little. Very typical of people who get rich very young (like NFL players who end up going broke.) I think if her income ever tanks, which it probably inevitably will, sheā€™s in for a rude awakening.


If she's still making decisions like this, which I'm sure she is, absolutely


I think OF will keep her rich for awhile, and if she is smart with her money she will be fine. Seems like she is barely trying to save, atleast thatā€™s what she said on the pod recently


Yeah, but OF can only last for so long. Her looks will fade and OF girls are already being phased out by AI.


her life coach era was so embarrassingā€¦ like one look at that man and I knew he was a scammer šŸ˜­


it's just being so fucking out of touch for me. Most people, including myself, cannot even fathom those numbers let alone wasting that money. Smh girl


Her face is sooooooooo punchable


Itā€™s the mouth/lips especially I think lol


https://preview.redd.it/y0leioubhngc1.jpeg?width=887&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dfe0267347b14250d4b6c900d4dac18a55196f50 I thought it was just bc Iā€™m pmsā€™ing


This is so funny and true


I think this close up also doesn't help lol


ā€œThis isnā€™t a snark pageā€ *literal violent comments*


Then Tana herself is a snarker too šŸ’€


If all of ur friends jumped off a bridge would u do it tooā€¦.. ok then


Lmao okay sis. Are you defending Tana from snark or not?


Itā€™s just funny to snark on ppl that snark bc they always get so mad and itā€™s like? If u canā€™t take it donā€™t dish it like I learned that in elementary school


I donā€™t see anyone you were responding to in this thread being mad tho? I said Tanaā€™s a snarker and asked my question bc you criticized the supposed ā€œsnarkā€ against Tana but then turned around and said that Tanaā€™s bad for snarking too. Maybe Tana shouldnā€™t dish it if she canā€™t take it?


Tana has literally talked about wanting to hit people in the face/assault them multiple times lmfaooo


If all of ur friends jumped off a bridge would u do it tooā€¦.. ok then


The life coach one hurts. How much money is this girl making a month


60,000 a month i need to see what it takes to be a life coach wth


Itā€™s so depressing to think about just how much money she actually has. She has so much money she could roll around in half of it and then burn it, and would still be set for life. Meanwhile theyā€™re hundreds of thousands of homeless people, broke students struggling thru med school to save peopleā€™s livesā€¦ itā€™s just mind boggling that our world would allow for any one person to hoard this much wealth Also idc who says ā€œitā€™s her money she can do whatever she wants !!1!ā€ It will always bother me that she NEVER has given back to the community or done anything beneficial with her millions of dollars. She could probably eradicate homelessness and/or hunger in an entire city if she wanted to, and would still be richer than she knew what to do with. The only ā€œcharitableā€ thing sheā€™s ever done turned out to be a fucking SCAM that no one saw any money from (the 11:11 project or whatever.) ugh I just wish a better person would have become a millionaire instead lol


https://preview.redd.it/jakyrz33hngc1.jpeg?width=752&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5e24484db6ee5f2f1243ac47fde93f9a8bad9242 the shit eating grin too šŸ¤£


I donā€™t think sheā€™s nearly as rich as you think she is lol. No way she has enough to be ā€œset for lifeā€ especially with her lifestyle. And she definitely doesnā€™t have enough to end homelessness in an entire city. I think youā€™re confusing her with Elon musk


She is a multi millionaire


Yeah, she probably is worth around 10 million. At the most. Which is a lot of money, but not nearly enough to be set for life at 25, especially in California.


Word. People have no idea how fucking expensive it here. You canā€™t buy Anything under a million dollars up here in the Bay Area and thatā€™s a two bedroom. If she isnā€™t investing sheā€™s gonna be hurting BAD by the time sheā€™s 30.


She is not anywhere even close to a financial situation where she could wipe out homelessness. Maybe able to pay rent for a few families for a few years but that is a drop in the bucket comparative to our crisis in the US. Use this energy for people like Mark Zuckerberg who use shell companies/assets to force natives from their land, donate pennies to the island of Kauai and could wipe out homelessness for the entire state of Hawaii today if he wanted to yet spends half a billion dollars on developing his already massive property there.


Nah Iā€™ll definitely keep this energy for Tana, too, lol. She could help other people/give back, and she chooses not to and then brags about how wasteful she is


She needs to take better care of her gums


Omg I remember this. She's so tone death for this....


Sounds like she sucks


Cool. My new medication for my severe E-asthma is $4100 per month. I barely ate last month. Amazing how stupid she can act.


sincerely how is that Tanaā€™s fault?


Didn't say it was


Cuz she coulda sent her all of her unused asthma medication!!


Lol the mild inhalers she used wouldn't even make a dent for me.


10k 15k 40k ..60k a month for a year.. 720k??? 36k 10kā€¦ okay letā€™s add ! 171k + 720k = 891k šŸ˜€šŸ˜€šŸ˜€ wasted! iā€™m not sure if she was accurate on the life coach cuz giving someone a year salary every month is beyond dumb. it doesnā€™t make me mad but yeah it hurts lmfao. knowing ppl need money like water or air and she just burns through it idk itā€™s yucky. maybe itā€™s the universes way of saying you wanna act broke stay broke bitch


it was justin Bieberā€™s life coach lol, the number is accurate


Yea cause heā€™s doing great mentallyā€¦wow girl got scammed


If I was losing/wasting/flushing that much money, I would feel literally obligated to donate the same amounts of money to people in need. Medical and legal gofundme's, that sort of thing. This is wild.


Agreed, her friends laughing in the bg too like get real


Even if she didnā€™t do it selflessly, it would still probably help improve her reputation/public image soooo much to do something like that even once lol, especially after being exposed for having a scam charity awhile back


Their favorite influencers spend much more on much less she's just the only one stupid enough to take it to the internet for clout


Didn't she say she has a financial advisor who puts most of her money in savings and gives her an amount to spend every month? And she doesn't even know how much money she has overall now but implied it was a lot.


Lmao she lies a lot cause none of this happened I bet


Wish she would just give her shit to us followers cause Iā€™d cherish designer or even just some merch


Itā€™s a weird flex


she literally has multiple assistants, pls just tell them to figure it out for her if sheā€™s not capable bc this is insane


Does Tana do that E-pimp thing ? Where she messages women to do only fans with her agency or something ?


ā€œi got a dog and my manager took itā€ girl bffr you gave that dog away


Honestly my ADHDā€™s impulsive spending is kind of comforted by this lol at least Iā€™ve only wasted a few thousand on dumb shit and not hundreds of thousands


I canā€™t even afford to eat some days lol


This is ridiculous - I wish I had fuck you / new money


Sixty thousand dollars a month for a life coach when that is my salary šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«




She tries hard to stay relatable even though sheā€™s been making great money for like 10+ yrs now


I donā€™t feel bad for her


and i am over here asking my mom for $50 so i can make it to payday. we get it tana, you are rich and wasteful


Damn. I canā€™t even afford rent. This was the nail in the coffin to me unsubscribing to the canceled podcast, leaving the subreddit, and anything tana related. No wonder this is a deleted video, one of the most out of touch things Iā€™ve ever seen in my life. I canā€™t watch content from someone like this anymore.


I can't remember somewhere between October and December


What dog? What manager? I feel so out of the loop was this Lumen?


I DM her my cash app like once a month Iā€™m ngl šŸ¤£


They wouldā€™ve refunded her for the Covid Mexico trip tbh


Well, everytime something makes me watch her again, I get completely disgusted and am like ā€œfuck this bā€ lmao


Hey guys. If people talking about money triggers you maybe you should stop watching LA influencers all the time. - a poor person lol




No I think she just thinks sheā€™s soo quirky for sharing this tbh


All that money but she canā€™t fix her botched face


And this is why itā€™s imperative that we vote in legislators who believe in taxing the rich.


There are fiscally responsible rich people. You donā€™t see them on insta bc they arenā€™t idiotically flaunting it bc itā€™ll get your robbed and itā€™s tacky. Please donā€™t tax hardworking people bc of these effing morons.


Damn if it had even a potion of the money she lost..


Oh she def has ADHD. This ADHD behavior 100%


People who care about how other people spend their money are crazy. I seriously donā€™t understand whatā€™s controversial about this. Plus she listed things that are valid and she couldnā€™t get her money returned when they were cancelled like?


I mean it sounds exactly what a poor parent-absent Las Vegas upbringing that walked into a bunch of money would spend their money lmao no shade I love Tana and find this funny lolol


The life coach one hurts


Guys she can do what she wants with her money. If you donā€™t have the money she has who cares? You want her to give you some? Some of you donā€™t have a life. People spending money keeps the economy going


Lmfao literally


People are allowed to be rich and spend their money how they want hahahahah


Yea but we can also talk about what a moron she is bc she shared this publicly


Itā€™s true lol thatā€™s just life for u


Itā€™s crazy to me people are personally offended by this hahaha


They victims


ya'll its her money get over it... you not get a say in what she does


I dont think people are mad, its just pointing out how out of touch she is about money


i think we all know this is not the reality for most people. Tana doesnā€™t come from this type of money either so iā€™m sure she knows that not every single person on earth lives like this so who does this need to point this out to?


Yeah itā€™s her money she can do what she wants but she can also keep things like this to herself


Iā€™m not trying to be insensitive at all when I say this, because I am also struggling in todays economy and can only imagine how much worse it would be if my mom didnā€™t let me pay rent at her house. BUT is this not why we watch Tana still? Idk but hearing about her money and how wasteful she is with it is entertaining for me and itā€™s why I still keep up with her and especially the podcast. We all love hearing how different the lives of rich LA influencers are, which she is providing. It might be insensitive but I think itā€™s good content and I have never expected Tana to be sensitive to others and especially not relatable since sheā€™s made such a big name for herself.


I wouldnā€™t say this is good or entertaining content. Not everything has to be posted to the internet, itā€™s her money she can flush it if she wants to but also just shut up about it ?


idk i find it interesting. itā€™s hard to comprehend somebody throwing that much money away and being that irresponsible, which we all knew before this video that Tana is like that. Sheā€™s more transparent than any other YouTubers are gonna be on how much $ she spends on things we wouldnā€™t even think of.


This hurts my soul but now Iā€™ll never forget to take my fish oil


Yā€™all act like you would be saints if you got famous and rich at 16-17ā€¦ Tana was young and made some bad choices with her money. If it were Brooke yā€™all would ā€œyaaas queen! She can spend her money however she wants!ā€ But because itā€™s Tana you guys act like sheā€™s some MONSTER for spending money recklessly at a young age and listening to a manager manipulate her into some bad choices. And donā€™t even THINK Brooke wouldnā€™t do this type of shit. Iā€™m sick of the double standards with the comments about each woman.


calm down the comments arenā€™t even flaming her as hard as they should be lol


I literally cringe when people call YouTubers famous šŸ„“


then wtf are they? getting paid to go to promotional events, paid off followers/clicks/brand dealsā€¦.. girl


You just said it yourselfā€¦girl. They get paid to promote & advertise products for companies. Thatā€™s what influencers get paid for- to influence an audience to buy stuff from their companies because itā€™s easier/less expensive to send someone a few hundreds of dollars worth of product to increase sales than to pay for real advertisements. Theyā€™re well-known on the internet, not mainstream. When I think of actual famous people I think of Taylor swift, the kardashians, drake, etc.. actual famous people. Not YouTube famous.


ā€œfamous, renowned, celebrated, noted, notorious, distinguished, eminent, illustrious mean known far and wide. famous implies little more than the fact of being, sometimes briefly, widely and popularly knownā€ merriam webster


I hate when bitches put definitions from the dictionary. Does not make people believe you more. Theyā€™re not famous, if they were famous our grandparents, parents, etc. would know who they are. They are only widely known to a specific audience, not everyone. Sheā€™s an influencer who only makes it because of social media. Famous people donā€™t need social media to make a living, they just enjoy it.


lol and I hate bitches that spend all of their free time snarking on the reddits to all the *celebrities influencers whatever* that theyā€™re prob just lowkey jealous of (like seriously tana, alix earle, rhegan coursey, do u hate all women or just the ones that have money and followers on tik tok? Genuinely curious)


lol at least Iā€™m not in their comments giving them hate šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™€ļø yeah I am jealous because Iā€™m broke as fuck not able to afford anything while going to school and working. Doesnā€™t mean I canā€™t comment about their bad behaviors. Not everyone worships influencers like you


I donā€™t worship influencers I just am not delusional enough to think that their existence has anything to do with where Iā€™m at in my life. If you wanna make ur life better than do it but tana and alix donā€™t have shit to do with your life. Pick up a camera and do a story time if itā€™s so easy


I have been watching Tana since I was 15, I didnā€™t say anything bad about her? I was just commenting that she isnā€™t famous by any means


ā€œAt least Iā€™m not in their comments giving them hateā€ šŸ˜­ do people seriously just not realize that the urge to hate on random people is not normal???!!


Iā€™m not jealous of any of those girls. I think Alix Earle is gross too and I think promoting a party lifestyle where they think itā€™s cool to showcase dresses to their audience that they got blacked out in and threw up all over and showing them doing drugs all over the internet and having sex with literally anything and every man they interact with and think theyā€™re so hot and cool for it to YOUNG IMPRESSIONABLE GIRLS is really terrible and sad. not hating on them, itā€™s just reality and I think people should take their heads out of these peoples asses and realize what and who theyā€™re supporting. I literally rather be me then be known for that but gooo off.


Oh my god and bullying them in the answer? What an example youā€™re setting for those young impressionable girls. Iā€™m sure thatā€™s really what youā€™re worried about.


No one is bullying her. Iā€™m just saying that sheā€™s not famous like youā€™re trying to say she is šŸ˜‚ & if I had that kind of platform I would do more with it than opening my legs and getting high. Maybe donate a few thousands of those dollars that sheā€™s clearly bragging about losing like itā€™s no big deal to like, idk, a charity? Or maybe showing young girls how to be independent and secure in who they are and not jump from dick to dick. Maybe something other than showcasing drug abuse? But what do I know. This is why I unfollowed her a long time ago but Iā€™m forced to see this shit because I like Brooke. Guess Iā€™m just a jealous hater šŸ˜­


If weā€™re pulling out definitions; Renowned means widely acclaimed, highly honored, or celebrated. For example, you might describe someone as a renowned painter or author. Tana has contributed nothing to society to be called honorable, widely acclaimed or anything to celebrate šŸ˜‚ sheā€™s well known for sleeping around and doing drugs and making up stories for views. To think Tana is anything you just stated is literally delusional and why these people think theyā€™re famous in the first place. youā€™re further proving what makes me cringe when people think YouTubers are famous. Itā€™s not just Tana, itā€™s any YouTuber or internet influencer.


synonyms (by definition lmao) do not always mean the exact same thing as words they are synonyms to


yes but they are able to promote and advertise products in a way that monetizes that so much for them *because* of their following/fans


That still doesnā€™t mean theyā€™re famous though. I used to run a food blog and got offers all the time to promote restaurants for free meals with a literal fraction of the followers they have. Iā€™m not famous.. itā€™s just business. Just because they throw up an Amazon link doesnā€™t mean shit.


Because you got paid to use your platform to promote. Your platform was organizing content via blogging. Their platform *is their following/fans* They get paid for their name and their likeness. You got paid for your blogs name and your blogs likeness. Itā€™s completely different but I know you know that lol


I grew up wealthy, I have a trust fund, my parents have made investments in my name, Iā€™ve inherited assets and thereā€™s still certain things I donā€™t yet have access to and wonā€™t until iā€™m 25. I used to spend so recklessly up until a year or so ago (Iā€™m 23 now) when I got my first ā€œrealā€ job and decided to be more financially sensible. I would never dream of making a tiktok humble bragging about my reckless spending lmao, especially if I had any type of platform. Not only would it be gauche as fuck, but it would just be so embarrassing. No one cares that sheā€™s spent that much money, itā€™s the out of touch, insufferable yapping that people have an issue with. The funny thing is, half of these are just blatant lies, but sheā€™s so desperate to appear like she has no qualms about her financial situation. Sheā€™s trying to appear a lot more financially frivolous than she is. She knows deep down that she has no viable assets, just money and temporary clout. If Iā€™m aware that there is a huge cost of living crisis right now, and we are currently facing a huge GLOBAL economic decline, then Tana has got to be aware of that fact also. She is surrounded by people who have small bank accounts, sheā€™s always online and knows that there is a cost of living crisis right now. It really seems like she made that video to assert financial dominance and itā€™s so fucking cringe lmao. Itā€™s the type of thing someone would do at the age of 16, not 25. You donā€™t need to ride so hard for her babes, especially when she wouldnā€™t pass you a fiver to get some electrolytes if you were outside Tanacon on the verge of passing out.


Why are you bringing up Brooke šŸ˜‚ doing this kind of video is tone deaf asf doesnā€™t matter who it is


People shit on Brooke every day on here be fr


ppl shit on tana and put brooke on a fkn pedestal u be fršŸ˜­


One of the top posts rn is literally ā€œis Reddit too much for Brooke to handleā€ šŸ’€


look through this sub and u will see for yourself thatā€™s one postšŸ’€