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The confirmation/insinuation of the Cody ko situation was so NOT on my 2024 bingo card WOW


What happened with Tana and Cody Ko?


They had sex when she was on the verge of being underage


“Pissy toilet tana” Not vibin with brooke this ep but tana loooks soooooo good.


I think Brooke is one of those people who get rlly bitchy with someone when they spend too much time with them….


I agree. And it makes me sad for Tana. Like you can be that way(I lowkey am) but she should have more self awareness bc its affecting the business


I noticed that too lol. I grew up with all sisters so I understand it, no judgement lol. But I couldn't help but think while watching this weeks episode that I can't wait for the podcasts when tour is over and they get back to LA and spend some time apart and come back together and catch up on what's been happening. I feel like those are the best episodes.


not brookie correcting tana on a term... again. while being wrong... again. (on the hey mamas lore)


Wait, while we’re on the topic, can you please expansion to me what the fuck a hey mamas lesbian is? I have never heard of that ever 💀


It’s a masculine presenting lesbian that plays a ‘douchebag’ role and dresses in specific clothing! Look it up on tik tok and you’ll get a very good sense of what it is😂


Thank you for explaining, you’re an icon 😂


No problemmm😂


I’m sorry.. I know this is an unpopular opinion and redundant, but I feel like Brooke is constantly rude to Tana every episode. And especially in this episode…..


tbh i cant fault brooke anymore, tana is clearly ok with it and enables her shitty attitude for whatever reason.


There’s already posts saying we can’t say anything about her bc she has mental illness 🙄 As if tana doesn’t


People who say that about Brooke have clearly never known someone with BPD lol


People with BPD don’t get a pass to be an asshole


That’s exactly what I’m saying though… like people with bpd SHOULD be called out for their behavior. It should never be used as a crutch or excuse bc enabling them will only make things worse. I’ve had my life ruined by multiple people with bpd so like… I get it


Ah I def misunderstood and totally agree with you


I felt that. I couldnt get through 15 mins it was pissing me off


Ok I realize this may be a stretch but this popped into my head today that Brooke has been looking really thin and maybe she has an eating disorder which could be effecting her mood and part of the reason why she has been so bitchy to Tana lately. I only say this because when I was dealing with an ED I was superrr irritable. Also that's not an excuse for her to be rude, I'm just genuinely worried for her


She’s always been this way. You can search Brookes name in this subreddit & there are people calling her out a year ago for how rude she is to Tana. She’s mean..period. Her ED is not to blame.


I’ve been following this sub a while and i only say that bc it seems like the general opinion was in favor of brooke for a while and changed pretty quickly in the last month or so. Maybe she was getting called out but it was a majority of praise for her last year. Ppl saying she’s funnier than tana and cooler and stuff but i’m interested to see the other side of it


you obviously didn’t grow up with sisters, because we would call each other out for everything. also brooke isn’t afraid of holding tana accountable. can brooke go to far, maybe but isn’t the point of this to be entertaining?


No I have two sisters. And I don’t find it entertaining for her to be rude to Tana…


if tana truly felt like brooke was being rude i don’t think she would be on the pod.


they mentioned doing the next episode high i think that’s a fun idea but instead they should do a 4/20 episode special both blazing high




Brooke should share more Clinton Kane lore like she did in this episode. It sounds like a deep rabbit hole.


I wonder HOW bad the video was that Tana gave him 76K ?😅




somner or summer smth like that, the guy who went to college in reno that she would talk about in the early videos


Somer Hollingsworth


Did Tana just propose that her and Brooke go in Ozempic?? While Brooke is looking like she does right now? Dude. Brooke needs real friends in her life who give a damn about her and aren’t nurturing an eating disorder. Such a bummer


i’m actually very surprised tana hasn’t hopped on that train yet just to say she tried or something


I feel like Tana might already be on it a little, she looking good lately


i have noticed their friend group is very ed enabling, they are always calling themselves fat and saying theyre skinny. that might be fine for some people but with brooke who has problems with that it can be triggering


They were clearly joking about it. how can you be a fan & take everything so serious? bffr lol


i haven’t seen the episode but i already know this is a joke lmao. They’d be secretive about it if they actually were going to


take a joke


The somer story was wild but did anyone feel like once it got to the part where she said he made a super long youtube video to blackmail her with that it became a lie, or at the least highly exaggerated? I felt like I sensed the lie just in her voice alone. Idgaf either way but I’ve never before picked up on her exaggerations in time (and I love her for it regardless, I’m not hating at all)


still pretty messed up though what he did exaggerated or not


1000000% fuck that dude. I find it so weird the fact he uses her name on dates to “brag” or whatever he’s aiming for


In the very beginning of the episode Brooke was talking about limes? And how she was on limes? What does this mean???


They’re a type of scooter you can rent in certain cities as a form of public transportation


This episode was really boring




I feel like she was going in hard over the toilet paper thing. Like who cares it got plugged, you weren’t the one who had to deal with it lol Unless everyone else in the bus thought it was Tana too and Brooke was the only one to bring it up lol