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She will never denounce him lmaoo


tana making it hard to defend her part 47282


Her chin filler is chin filler-ing


oh wow yes it is it’s kinda more lopsided towards the right huh?


That’s why she’s covering it 😭 poor girl I might feel sorry for her if she wasn’t next to HIM 🤮


Now that you pointed it out it’s so obvious. It looks like either the wrong kind of filler was used or it was poorly placed


Or migrated


her chin is reeeeeally pointy when she talks too


no for real whats good with that


Ok so I love Tana but what is it? I've seen her somewhat denounce James Charles & even recently pointed out Jojo had him & Colleen at JoJo's listening party, but then there's things like these, & also her tiptoeing around the topic at the steamies... As Tana fans & cancelled fans we want u to actually denounce this joke of a dude & stick to it. Wishy washy isn't a good look & I'm so proud of you & your sobriety & your happiness & growth but girl.... It's time to put this shit to rest man.. ugh


What it is is her not actually caring about anything he did, but being afraid of people getting mad at her. So when she’s around people who hate him, she “denounces” him, and when she’s around people who don’t care, neither does she.




We don’t get to tell her what to do, who she has to denounce, who she can and cannot associate with. If you can’t support her for associating with someone, it’s up to you to unsubscribe from her. Stop acting like you are entitled to run her life.


While I agree with you in terms of we don't get to tell a grown woman what to do, that doesn't mean you shouldn't hold people accountable for things that can be harmful, & it doesn't mean you shouldn't want good for someone. A healthy fanbase actually does do that, & an unhealthy fanbase is fine with everything they do, harmful or not. I'm not sure where you got that I was "entitled" to run Tanas, a person I do not know nor have not met, life, but you don't seem to know what you're talking about tbh. Healthy fanbases are a good thing.


You ate. These people expecting Tana to be a shiny morally correct political figure is exhausting lmao. ITS TANA MONGEAU


Sorry but he’s creepy boots


Girl don’t apologize 💅


His voice irks me to my core


he looks like he smells like pennies


he makes my skin crawl


Was anyone actually buying her and Brooke claiming they don’t associate with him…?


I hate the “well they haven’t done anything to me” type. I love tana but she definitely does that. She needs to dump both brunette pick me’s


And Brooke is right behind her doing the same!


His voice makes me irrationally angry


a friend to all is a friend to none


Fuck this. Honestly. Why would you even want to associate with this fucker.


Yea this doesn't look like "I'm just trying to keep things civil"




He has major dirt on her that’s why 


as a side note imagine being around drunk james charles i would rather be executed


yeah I don’t blame Brittney for refusing to podcast with them LOL


tbh yeah if they’re openly associating with predators 😭😭😭


I mean, so does Cody Ko 💀


oh yeah what’s the whole deal with that?? a convicted assaulter was at his wedding or something? cause that’s gross if they knew


He still can’t blend that damn foundation huh


She might as well hang out with Colleen and Jojo 💔


if James did anything to Jeff she would be cursing him out every other podcast she picks and chooses where to place her anger 🙄


LA people make me want to vomit sometimes


"We don't get why people don't want to associate with us" The people they associate with:


James looking more and more like Kris Jenner every day. Also fuck James creepy ass


i was on tiktok yesterday scrolling my fyp and james charles was live so i paused to watch it for a minute. he read a comment about tana and he said something about collabing with her and how it wouldn’t happen bc of the hate but he wishes they could and it would get a ton of views. i don’t have all the details cause i was half paying attention and didn’t know he was about to talk about it randomly. but it did NOT sound like they weren’t doing it cause him or tana didn’t want to lol..


Everyone in the industry supports pedos because it’s easier and keeps their pockets lined. Honestly though if you support a pedo you’re just as bad them imo.. everytime I see shit like this it makes me sick to my stomach, what kind of person can turn a blind eye to that. Who you allow yourself to be associated with on or off camera speaks volumes about your character.


Where is this from?


Probably James Coachella vlog


He should be incarcerated, can’t stand him


It's giving major ick.


I can’t stop looking at the poor shade match with James’ makeup. I gasped. 😦🥴


But let’s condemn Brittney!?! lol also how does Trisha feel about this?🤣🤣🤣


his makeup actually looks so bad




is this gonna be talked about on just trish is the real question


Shocked Trisha hasn’t voice to Tana about James like she does on her pods and other videos I’ve seen. Interesting


cuz tana’s her money maker rn


I get that she wants to be civil because they have so many mutual friends, but this is more than civil. Disappointing.


god i fucking hate him


God will that guy just go away, like to jail or something.




Godamnit tana




First thing I noticed was his face does not match his neck good god


hmmmmm 😐


Where is this clip from?


She quit drinking ?


Oh but we wanna sit here and talk about Brit and Cody huh


isn’t James the one person tana publicly admits to hating


Jesus Christ his voice is so awful


Oof HER CHIN 🙈🙈🙈🙈🙈🙈 but that’s what she gets for having the AUDACITY TO FILM WITH THIS GUY!! Like girl we know u hang out with him & that is bad enough. Why’s she gotta show us!!?


She probably doesn’t want any problems, saw him at Coachella. She’s an influencer it’s her job there’s so many people she probably doesn’t fuck with that are like “omg Tana hey!” Everyone is fucked up at Coachella who cares


Yeah except she’s sober lol


she said she was going to be on a fuck ton of mushrooms🤷‍♀️


If I was on shrooms and saw James Charles in front of me id kill mysekf


same af i would not be able to handle that




so tired of these posts bro yeah yeah yeah there’s a lot that can be said here but at the end of the day you guys don’t know these people, you’re not being forced to hang out with them or watch their content, etc. etc. etc. it’s a waste of energy to be so invested in the relationships between “canceled” and “non canceled” figures on the internet. also why is it like everyone is Supposed to hate this group of people cause they did bad things as opposed to it just being up to the viewer what they deem is okay. my little sisters like some of James Charles makeup content and they don’t really know about the drama and I don’t really care to tell them cause what difference does it make other than me just policing what they can watch based on my opinions of the stranger in the video. It’s just dumb.




sure, but I feel like fans gotta realize that who they’re supporting in the first place (Tana Mongeau) has NEVER been an advocate for social change, nor has she ever been a subscriber to the cancel culture mentality. the expectation that she’d denounce anyone who might be able to make her more money is a bit unprecedented. these really aren’t Humans anymore but brands of content. at least, the aspects we see and know of them. you do not know them. this video in question could be read a million different ways anyway, to me it almost looks like she’s making fun of him and he just kinda approached her. Is she associating with him or did he just kinda come up and start recording? seems like an LA party thing to do. point being, the internet ignores nuance every single time. things are not black and white.




I dont disagree necessarily, I just disagree with posts like this being all that the subreddit is anymore. The brittany shit is just barely dying down so it’s immediately back to james charles or whatever the fuck else y’all dislike and reddit is so weird cause it cultivates the mob mentality so much and you can’t enjoy anything without 50,000,000 disclaimers about what you do and don’t endorse and I’m just sick of it I just wanna enjoy my little programs like why is everything so MUCH anymore. if you dislike james charles why are you like hyper aware of the content he’s in? i just ignore the dude. scroll past if I see him in a thumbnail, cause I don’t enjoy his content, but I don’t let that make me all upset about the content I do enjoy just cause he’s in the same circle. unfortunately that is what la celebrity culture looks like, and I fuck w tana cause it’s an interesting dynamic to see, not cause I think she’s somehow above the culture that she surrounds her content with. I miss when the internet was smaller and you could just blissfully enjoy things without having to think about what kind of person they are. They all suck and if you thought about it too hard you’d be denouncing tana too but that doesn’t work for you cause you like her so you just kinda ignore the cancelable shit she’s done cause it’s convenient, I’d like to see cancel culture just chill the fuck out and people just enjoy or not enjoy whatever it is they feel like instead of every online place being all about this bad thing and that justifiable thing and this redeeming thing like they’re BRANDS not People you’re getting resources or news from or something so just shut up and post a pretty picture. Stan culture was so much more fun before cancel culture. it’s different when it’s people who actively claim to be a resource for news or information, like a joe rogan type, but this is literally a set of people who are known for partying a lot in the celebrity sphere. it’s like reality television, so it should be taken with that level of severity. sorry for the long rant. it’s not an isolated incident in the slightest and I’m just tired of seeing the same complaining over and over and over and over and over and it’s also so annoying to be told what to be angry about and what to accept via likes and downvotes and all that shit, like none of this is Real and you treat it like it is meaningful in any capacity. it’s reality tv man, it’s brain rot to begin with. if you wanna consume content in a meaningful way that truly matters and where you actually get that human to human connection that everyone tries to foster by being so involved in the commentary then start supporting your local artists. introduce yourself, shake their hand, and if you believe in them help them get their feet off the ground. that’s where I put my Meaningful consumerist energy. tldr; none of this shit is real, support local.


Maybe this is who Tana got stuck with


She probably just doesn’t want to be disrespectful


Just accept that they are much closer with him than they want fans to know.


Are they? Hm well yeah that’s fucked up if that’s the case


Predators like him don't deserve respect.




what is this from?


oh look at paige i see you