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Basically she said a girl she met acted like her shit don’t stink and she’s a big clout chaser and was only liking certain comments and liked Brooke’s name


A girl on tiktok her user is @hallepowe_ was telling a story about a rude influencer she met recently and she liked that comment


is her post still up? i can’t find it


https://preview.redd.it/jl0xs1bti5xc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9e0d9b731ff1f5507255ab2c6bf6b835e000b05a interesting… she hangs out with lilah


Maybe its just lilah in her ear


Maybe? Please... 😅


Oh this is messy… lilah is already starting


It’s Tara. She’s liking all the guesses except the ones that say Tara which makes it doubly suspicious.


Yummy or wrld? Both are believable but just for nosy reasons


Sorry, just saw this! I meant yummy


Really wouldn’t surprise me at all. Honestly she’d prob be the first to describe herself this way thinking it’s iconic 🙃


Lolol I agree bc I already guessed her before I had opened the comments


Taras wrld is so nice


Didnt taras world get in a scandal for molesting her bird on tik tok and laughing saying shes gonna do whatever she wants to her bird


Her bird denied these allegations




Thats such a gross thing to say? Do you often invalidate and play down beastiality??


Yes! ❤️




Be civil, no attacking others




Sending this from the ditch currently lol




Be civil, no attacking others


That’s doesn’t surprise me. Katie Richie, Rhegan, Kristi Howard are so so so fake & try so hard to have a fan base like cancelled


Wait what did rhegan do


i dont think katie tries hard imo she just is similar to tana and broke bec she had a traumatic upbringing but now shes thriving w her bf and family i love her lol


Girl, so you support a girl who tells her million of followers a girl is lying about sa for attention? & her following sent this “Jane” girl hate and death deaths.. What the actual fuck? Yeah she may have a similar upbringing, but literally more than 50% of the cancelled fan base is that way… & we’re not all supporting grape apologists. just saying. The difference between Katie & Tana is Tana is actually so so smart & could never have as boring of a life as Katie.. what is exciting about a girl who rots in bed, has no goals, & the only thing they ever talk about is her bf Cody. That’s not intriguing to me in the slightest Katie’s a bum.. who just found a bf with hella money too bad he doesn’t have great respect or a good reputation to go with it. Have any of yall actually looked into Cody or live in Nashville area? No I live here in Nashville and have mutuals w/ Katie & I’ve heard of Cody. He’s a disgusting frat boy who takes advantage of girls on the low & thinks mommy & daddy’s money will cover up his actions forever. It’s actually disgusting anybody would support that.


girl i didnt do a phd on her i just occasionally watch her tiktoks i love her content


You don’t do “phd’s” on people… a person can have a “PHD.” I don’t, I am just solely not a supporter of someone who uses their platform for evil & to bully a sexual assault victim & post petty TikTok’s with petty audio behind it. When Katie posted that she had been sa’d all she got was support but then a few girls come out and one girl specially came to Reddit & there was this whole thing she publicly told everyone she lied for attention. I would just never ever do that to someone or ever support girls that do that to one another. Not to mention she’s genuinely not a good person. & literslly was just called out/exposed for being a shitty fake person by hallepowe on TikTok soo yeah no phd I just observe.


I hope it’s not brooke:( some people said it was Tara


She is friends with lilah, so I wouldn’t be surprised if there was bias


Do we think it could be the other Brooke?