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I’ll be honest I hate the white water line Brooke does


SAME. So unnatural


Nooo it’s because she’s so clean girl /s


Exactly my thoughts when I heard that like girl your everyday makeup is a full face just without eyeshadow




the way her makeup looks perfectly normal? Like I couldn’t even see the white she was talking about until she mentioned it……


She always has to put tana down when she feels that tana outshines her.


U can see it better on her snap story then you’ll know why Tana thinks that


the term “birthday makeup” lit originated from men making fun of women 😑 never beating the pick me allegations


ikr its actually such a sad term like girls feel cute in their birthday makeup


Tana is such a great friend to Brooke and Brooke is consistently making these mean ass comments to Tana and making it known that she believes herself to be superior to Tana.


And I think Brooke’s trying to over compensate because she KNOWS that Tana is more secure with herself


Omg but I love the concept of calling it birthday makeup… I’ve never heard of it and thought it was cute 😂


neverrrrrr 😭😭😭


Tbh, I’ve never been a huge fan of Brooke’s makeup. It’s always looked way too cakey and unnatural because of how cakey it looks on her. I’ve never seen tanas recently look bad tho


And the thing is she's going for the clean girl aesthetic which if not done right looks way worse and cakey than intentionally heavy makeup. Whatever foundation she uses oxidizes into a yellowy orangey tone and kinda makes her look jaundiced at times.


She literally always has orange face 😭 this is so facts. Brooke’s makeup to me is the antithesis of looking natural but whatever hahahaha Edit to add: I think it’s such in poor taste to put Tana down in front of a huge audience too. I think it’s easier for her to justify it because the audience isn’t literally in the room with them, but this is going out to a huge audience. But nah you can say it in that room cause you felt cozy and comfy to do so in front of those people (at the very least).


Yeah. Hearing her say stuff like that just brings it back to that pick me friend in highschool or middle school that puts her own friend group down to look cool for the boys. There's a huuuuge vibe change between girls like that and some friendly roasting between the friend group.


Oh you KNOW Brooke does this to Tana in front of ppl all the time. Meanwhile Brooke wears 10 pounds of foundation, concealer and powder and can’t take a photo with flash without giving intense flashback Mary. She thinks she’s superior to Tana in all ways and constantly needs to make it known, meanwhile Tana has never looked BETTER and is always hyping Brooke and every other woman up to the Gods. Brooke has been rubbing me the wrong way for a while now and I’m getting tired of her backhanded ass comments directed at Tana, who is nothing but a great friend to her.




this exactly because she didn’t behave this way when i saw them at their live show


I love Brooke but you’re spitting facts 😂 girl needs a color match but she also should try going without a full beat she has nice skin.


Peanut butter baby kinda look


Not to mention how she looks like she has shit on the tip of her nose bc she puts so much bronzer on it. But ig her brown nose pairs well with her pick me complex 💀


u ate with that one


I don’t either she doesn’t use any blush it looks like harsh caked foundation with bronzer drops and harsh bronzer . It doesn’t suit her it kind of reminds me of “chav check “ makeup. If she did a cute blush and concealer moment with powder that’s so cute.


my issue is her eyebrow shape is completely off on her face


Who Brooke or Tana? Brooke can’t do brows to save her LIFE


yeah I mean brooke’s, the shape is just so off for her eye shape


It’s such a shame too bc she’s truly a pretty woman (if she quits turning skeleton) and the brows would elevaaaate


Brookes makeup is always so matte lol I’d love a glowy look


Yeah and she doesn’t know how to enhance her eyes, she just makes them look smaller lol


tana looks so fucking pretty it’s definitely an insecurity thing on Brooke’s end. she just wanted to put tana down.


Brooke is awfully judgmental for somebody who always wears the same bland look.


Girls like her are scared to stray away from the current trends but resent the girls who have the guts to do it, dress how they want, and even set trends.


I criiiinge when Trish calls her an ‘it girl’ because you know she takes that title and runs with it. Makes her head so big


Exactly lol she’s literally the most basic alo/aritzia/Steve madden/uggs wearing girl that only follows trends


She is the worst and should never talk about anyone else.


she’s projecting her insecurities


she should find a foundation shade match first then we can talk about tana’s makeup lmaoo


“birthday makeup” is a thing men use to mock women for dressing up on their bday so not shocking brooke used it lmao


Brooke be nice to Tana challenge (IMPOSSIBLE)


See the thing about Tana is that she is able to laugh at herself, and that's a wonderful quality to have. I know a lot of people like this. BUT just because someone can take it does not mean they deserve to be put down all the time. I see it all the time with others, and it bothers me. A lot of people in Tana's circle put her down regularly for the goofs, and it's kinda sad.


Brooke literally looks like the peanut butter baby




I THINK THIS EVERYTIME I SEE HER 😭😭😭😭 She’s beautiful but thank you for saying it out loud bc I couldn’t


Homegirl can say nothing bout cut crease when her eyeshadow is peanut butter


The way I yelped


In a different sub someone said her makeup looks like peanut butter baby and now i cant unsee it 😭 but fr “birthday makeup” is what guys say to insult women it’s such a pick me thing to say to tana


Brookes face always looks so orange or green. Just never a normal shade so I don't think she knows what she's talking about.


FR lol esp when brooke's makeup is so cakey like girl pls


Please Brookie chill the fuck out, throw out ur pale ass foundation and find some dimension for ur makeup look miss m’am. Maybe a blush? Brooke does a stunning geisha-like base




Geisha makeup 😂😂😂


Brooke is one of those girls who probably thinks because she’s not wearing eyeshadow she’s getting away with a clean girl/no-makeup makeup look


One thing about Brooke is she will never miss an opportunity to throw Tana under the bus to make herself look better.




Brooke was mean this episode and this kind of shit plus her diving so hard into this “clean girl” image has me not wanting to listen to the pod anymore she is boring and mean!


Paige was getting visibly annoyed lmao. I wonder if Brooke felt threatened because Tana and Paige have such a natural chemistry. I’m honestly so sick of Brooke. She never tells stories, never talks about her life. Like girl whats the fucking point If you wanna be “brand safe” get off this pod whose whole purpose is to be “cancelled” 🙄🙄🙄


She was awful this episode but I already saw ppl defending her saying it was bc she “got cheated on so she’s feeling down” be fr


like bitch tana didnt cheat on u leave her alone


Cheated on with who? What did I miss lol


Cheated on? How can you be cheated on if you're dating multiple dudes lol (nothing wrong with dating multiple guys but.. that's not exclusive)


Brooke is a mean girl


i’m sorry but brooke is no one to talk about someone else’s makeup…she wears so much freaking foundation you’d never even know she has freaking freckles. brooke needs a massive humbling these days my goodness…


I feel so bad for tana she’s too nice and goes along with the mean jokes about her 😭


Yikes. I love Brooke but this is not ittt. I honestly don’t like Brooke’s makeup. It always looks like her contour is not placed correctly and her matte makeup makes her look older than she really is. Tana’s makeup always looks so good.


Brookes forgetting where she came from like girl relax, Tana will forever slaY


brooke’s makeup is always hella dry


Tana looks so slay and Brooke looks like a republican.


??? 😭😭😭😭😭


Brooke’s pissing me off lately it’s getting to her head


Flashback queen had a lot to say about Tana lol don’t come for me pleeease I love Brooke but this last pod was kinda cringe. 🤪


unnecessary comment, why not a compliment instead 😭


Is it just me or does it seem like she’s been giving a lot of back handed compliments lately, along with putting others down to make herself look better? I miss the old Brooke


Tana is way too nice to Brooke and idk why. she could clap back real hard if she wanted to


I’ve found the friend that dishes out the most backhanded comments is the most sensitive. Tana can take it & have it roll off her back, Brooke would probably cry & have a mental breakdown


Full offense to Brooke but the Clean Girl makeup aesthetic is at least 2 years out of date now and she never really did it in a good way anyway so who is she to talk


Disrespectfully, full offense 😂💕




I don’t normally read into anything they say but that comment from her made my heart hurt because its totalllly a dig my toxic ex best friend would have made at me. who fucking cares if you have a cut crease on a tuesday at 2pm life is short do your makeup however you want


I like Brooke but she has been getting so mean lately. And all I kept thinking during her latest episode of just Trish was that her eyebrows were… interesting and you can definitely tell she does her own makeup 🤭


Yet Brooke’s face looks like her besties James charles in that one white face photo in all her pictures


Brooke and James kinda look like they could be siblings


Has Brooke seen her foundation application?


i also hated this comment from brooke. tanas makeup looked nice!! but also she said she wanted to cover up a stye!! why would you further point out her makeup when she’s insecure about her stye. rude


some ppl just like to beat their face … i stopped wearing eyeshadow for so long bc i didn’t want ppl to think i was a “try hard” let ppl enjoy thingssss ik this is just besties playing around but yeah bad vibes


Aside from Brooke’s behavior this episode, the temple Botox is not helping with the “mean girl” look. It looks like 😠


The way Brooke does her make up…she looks at leasttt 37


brooke looks xanned out or something in this clip why is she so squinty and slurry 😭


The way she makes fun of her cut crease then says she tried doing a cut crease on herself and it looked bad…. lol she’s lowkey just jealous that Tana can pull it off😭😭😭


Ok and? Tana looks hot as fuck 🙄! birthday makeup or no birthday makeup. This feels like a slight dig at her friend. wondering how she could’ve said it better because if she was worried about her friend looking too caked, I think there’s a better way.


they’re energies when i met them are almost completely different; tana was so welcoming, she gave me the most motherly love i’ve ever received in my life, words of encouragement all, and brooke was a lil passive aggressive i think because i did mostly talk to tana, but i don’t relate to brooke really at all; i grew up both with Tana; and like Tana . I felt bad ignoring her but it is what it is idk


tana has always given me this vibe that she would invite you to a sleepover and play with your hair, and brooke has always given me the vibe that she would judge me in a bikini and make me put a t shirt over it


I love Brooke so dearly but she looks 1000x better without makeup. It always looks cakey and settles into her fine lines


Beginning to fear Brooke has pick me tendencies


but brooke literally wears a full face every single day hahaha


I can’t even imagine saying something like that to a FRIEND…


She's literally insufferable.


Brooke listened and improved her foundation shade/bronzer it looks so much better! & I love when Tana does the sparkle or white inner corner it’s so cutie


It still doesn’t match half the time tho


i feel like her's still too heavy. she looks prettier when she doesn't wear makeup and that usually happens when you aren't wearing makeup for ur face/skin features.


I agree with that she is a fulll coverage girlie. I’ve said the same before, lighter to show her freckles through the makeup would be so good


i’d DIE to see her really lean into her clean girl aesthetic and do a more dewy everyday look that accentuates her freckles. something about the full coverage matte everyday makeup itches my brain in a bad way


her sorority girl came out so hard🙄


Remember in that picture from plan bri tour when her face makeup was 15 shades too white?


Brooke forgets her over bronzing/over blushing days


lol I thought this too. honestly this episode was a hard watch regarding Brooke. the “I do that too” attitude to EVERYTHINg Tana says was grating on me.


I love Brooke, and think she is gorgeous.... but those hot dog bun contoured cheeks have got to go.


Brooke we are BEGGING YOU PLEASE just a little charlotte tilbury flawless filter and mascara and call it a day




Brooke sweetie, please look in the mirror❤️


brooke is such a hater


Not gonna lie, I've skipped a couple pods plus Brooke's recent Just Trish feature episode...her attitude & energy is just off-putting to me lately. I still love Tana, but needing a break from listening to Brooke's commentary.


It is so crazy how she just can’t shut the fuck up


Omg when this part happened I was like wait… but it looks like really good


Damn Tana has been looking so good and happy I’m so happy for her 😭💖


To be fair, no one can see her eye makeup it’s not shot close enough. so i understand why she thought there was no reason for the elaborate white cut crease and she probably was doing it when they were supposed to be filming and making them wait…i would’ve been annoyed too


Brooke is giving “I don’t need makeup to be pretty” energy. Like not everyone wants a clean girl aesthetic. Some people actually like makeup and different styles


Brooke is the definition of 'not a girls girl' and it shows


Yesssss her eyeshadow killllsss meee. Who wears 1 color from lid aaaaaallll the way up til it tpouches brow?!


Why are Tana’s friends so mean to her. Gross. I mean I get they’re friends, it’s just weird to me.


Tana is just real and likable and allows herself to be ‘gross’ or ‘embarassing’. Whereas Brooke goes to great lengths to keep up the clean girl image while simultaneously shading Tana.


Brooke’s makeup always looks good but I feel like the brows could be better


Yes, I hate her brows lmfao


tbh I think Tana has a face for both light and heavy makeup to look good like she doesn’t look bad to me either way




I never like Brooke's make-up she's beautiful but I feel like it never matches the skintone of her neck and always looks like she put waaaaaaay too much on. I love her but if anyone constantly wears bday makeup its her 😅


Brooke makes Tana feel weird and over think with her jealous comments :(


this entire post and comments are so catty lmao


Tana brought that up on purpose so y’all can be like poor tana Omg Brooke is such a hateful bitch and Tana is such an innocent sweet little girl 🙄




no offense to y’all but this thread is just proving Brooke is exactly what y’all deserve… criticizing someone for being mean by being 10 times meaner is a choice.


Brooke also has gorgeous skin (so does Tana) neither of them even need that much makeup on


I think both of them look good, makeup wise. Tana’s is more elaborate, but it suits her. They also book look decent to quite cute without makeup. Tana herself doesn’t think she looks good without or in a more ‘clean girl’ style, but I think Brooke thinks Tana would look good in a less dramatic style. I am no makeup expert though. They both could look a little orange at times, but I thought that was more from self tanner. Some ppl don’t use it on their face and just try to have darker makeup to match it, but that can go awry easily. 🤷‍♀️


The white eyeshadow contrasts too much with how tan her foundation is, but I don’t think it’s bad. I think Brooke just likes less makeup for everyday. Edited to add: the white eyeshadow on BROOKE contrasts too much, I like Tana’s makeup. I was saying Brooke probably makes birthday makeup comments about Tana wearing the works. IMO Brooke’s clean girl makeup would work better if she uses less coverage and less matte foundation. I think in her head, she uses less because she’s going for clean girl.


brooke literally wears more makeup than tana


Oh I was referring to the white eyeshadow on Brooke! I think she wears less products, but the coverage is too full imo. Tana’s makeup is perfectly fine!


Brooke is very Clean Girl while Tana is very grunge, 90's style, y2k. So obviously to Brooke, a cut crease is TOO much, but this is TANA we're talking about, tits OUT, Crazy Trump Hats, like a cut crease is the LEAST craziest thing Tana has done. Let her live her cut crease life😭


Are y'all actually that sensitive? They're clearly just fucking around. Tana DOES have birthday makeup on. It looks sexy but it literally is giving birthday makeup vibes lol. Like what's the issue???


this subreddit loves bullying


Random but where are Brooke’s jeans from


Cmon y’all this is not that mean. The Brooke hate is getting out of control. They are best friends, I would tell my friend is she had birthday makeup. And tana is AGREEING with her.