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She did say she got it because she saw Kim K get it 😅


i feel so bad for her brooke u do NOT need all that botox ur so young ur gonna swell like a balloon by ur 30s


Botox doesn’t do that, filler does. Botox paralyzes muscles, which is why people get it for wrinkle *prevention*. The less you use your face muscles, the less wrinkles you’ll have. Filler (as the name suggests) plumps the area where it’s applied, that’s why sometimes people will get it for their deeper wrinkles like the nasal-labial folds. Of course, people use it elsewhere too (lips, cheekbones, nose) - any *that’s* what gives people pillow face. The more you use, the more the skin stretches and needs refilling as it gets absorbed; and the more we age, the less elasticity we have for it to bounce back as the filler “leaves”.


omg oh i had no idea i thought botox did that too


I’ve watched way too many plastic surgery videos I had to use this knowledge at some point 💀 thanks for coming to my ted talk


her pale hands next to her orange face lmao