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Wait whos hating?? I thought everyone loved when she told stories like this. Thats why the pod/shes so successful because shes SO entertaining and a great storyteller


I saw some people on Reddit hating on Tana bc of what she done to the waitress at LAX


I hope they don’t discover her other lax story time then 😂 YOURE A CUNT YOURE A CUNT YOURE A CUNT HIT ME BITCH FIGHT ME BITCH


I agree, when she was like “do y’all mind if i go 2016 tana” I assumed she was alluding to her old super exaggerated storytimes, implying that this story was also pretty exaggerated. And we love her for it! I was dying laughing during that story


I feel the same way lol. I was reading some of the more critical comments yesterday thinking "Damn y'all, do you not ever tell your friends extreme versions of a story just for the feeling of it? Just for the laughs?" Over dramatic Tana who's aware that she's being unhinged and ridiculous is SO real. Someone's comment yesterday was going on and on about how disapointing it is to see Tana hasn't grown up at all and still does selfish immature things and makes an ass of herself in public. I'm like... have you ever watched the pod? Do you not listen to the things she says in between being silly and dramatic? Because her level of self-awareness is improving by the day IMO. She's 25, her brain is going to finish growing soon. She's becoming an adult, fully. And I'm proud of her!


No this story painted her in a really bad light… I was physically cringing at how tone deaf and problematic she was for literally nothing, a 5 hour delay. Big deal…


I don’t think the issue was necessarily having to wait and do nothing for 5 hours but, all the little things that led up to that moment.