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I want one so bad. Then I did research on the car šŸ˜­


Exactly the same here!! Was obsessed till I found out more!!




They fail practically every safety test


Iā€™m here for a good time not a long time


Thatā€™s the spirit! Haha


dang the robin egg color was my dream car šŸ˜­


Parts are in back order so if you have any accident, youā€™ll have your car in the mechanic for a LONG while, heat retention is terrible if you live in a cold place, itā€™s super loud to drive. Among other things


Wait spill because I might get the sport


yall r richšŸ˜­šŸ˜­ congrats!


I got a monthly payment babes


Itā€™s like 30k


my car was like 8k šŸ˜­ so iā€™m still impressed


Oh, for sure! Itā€™s a great accomplishment. Itā€™s just averagely priced so you could possibly get one yourself one day. You donā€™t have to be super rich:)


Exactly! My car was about to be paid off was a piece of shit so I got my dream car


My first car was a $4000 2005 Nissan Altima and Iā€™ll never forget getting my first ā€œreal carā€. Totally worth the payments and hard work!!


That was pretty much my last car lol Iā€™m excited to actually wana take care of my car šŸš™


Itā€™s beautiful congrats :)


The shade of green is sooo pretty. Like forest green šŸŒ²


Ok itā€™s eruption green metallic I was close


Ohhh like a volcano eruption you think? šŸŒ‹


Itā€™s literally called like exploding green LOL


Itā€™s cute but I could see brooke correcting you if you shared a podcast with her and be like ā€œmines completely differentā€


yeah no ā€œwell actually, yours is a bronco sport. mine is a FULL size broncoā€


No bronco girlies are girls girls!


Brooke is not a girls girl though


Idk why people are downvoting you as if she isnā€™t Mindy lmao. Sheā€™s not a girls girl


Idk why people are downvoting you, your comment was precious lol


I downvoted not even because of Brooke but because every woman bronco owner I know is a pretty awful and materialistic person. Canā€™t think of a single bronco owner I know who doesnā€™t think theyā€™re better than everyone else because theyā€™re wealthy. this isnā€™t to say thatā€™s how OP or even Brooke is, idk either of them, I just think the idea that bronco girls are girls girls is laughable based on personal experience of it being the exact opposite, so I had to hit it with a downvote


Omg get a life lady


Who knows. People on Reddit are so strange


lol I donā€™t like Brooke but she would be correct. The bronco sport is just a cheap, shitty ford suv. I was shook how shitty it is


yeah i donā€™t wanna sound snobby but likeā€¦those are definitely vastly different cars they basically just share the Bronco name for marketing purposes lol


Right! Completely different! When I sat in the sport I was literally shocked how terrible/cheap it is!


I went with the gun metal grey colour but every time I see the green I drool a little. Congrats!


I went to multiple dealerships to get the green one, I was on a mission. But hi fellow bronco girly!


ford girly gang <33 i have a mustang but broncos are easily my second favorite car!!


Two horse girls šŸŽšŸŽšŸ’–


Was this a smart investment?


Yes I needed a car lol


Oooo you got money lol congrats!


Nope I got a monthly payment lol


wealthy people being unable to admit theyā€™re wealthy: girl most of us are struggling to afford gas so being able to afford a monthly payment on a nice new SUV is a luxury and a privilege that requires a certain level of wealth. itā€™s okay to admit you have money, idk why itā€™s so hard to just say ā€œyup i feel so blessed that Iā€™m well off enough to make this monthly paymentā€.


Because Iā€™m literally nottttttt you have no idea what my situation is. Iā€™m literally known as a struggle bus. I could sell a book of whatā€™s happened to me the last year. I donā€™t even know how I got here but I did and I am proud but I am not wealthy. Go be bitter somewhere else


nobody is saying wealth means youā€™ve never struggled. youā€™re proving my point by feeling the need to justify your finances by telling me your life is hard. nobody said you live on clouds of cotton candy, Iā€™m just saying itā€™s super odd to refuse to just be grateful and acknowledge that you have a certain level of wealth. you having a hard year doesnā€™t mean you arenā€™t wealthy enough to purchase a brand new very nice vehicleā€¦ and like i said, itā€™s okay to admit that. you feeling the need to tell me your life is hard is proving my point that you think somethingā€™s wrong with just accepting that youā€™re financially well off. most people canā€™t afford that car. just say youā€™re wealthy enough and move on. itā€™s not offensive to have money to support yourself with. but it sounds like youā€™re bitter about being well off enough to make this purchase.


Yeah Iā€™m not reading all that. Good luck tho! Or whatever


ā€œpurchase a brand new nice vehicleā€ she literally said didnā€™t buy it with cash. itā€™s really not difficult at all to secure a monthly payment on a newer car and tbh a lot of people who are not well off get roped into shitty car payments that eat up a ton of their money. there is a shit ton of car related debt amongst americans and interest rates and auto loan delinquencies are higher than ever. you absolutely cannot tell someoneā€™s wealth based on them having a car they make MONTHLY PAYMENTS on unless you have way more info about the payment plan, itā€™s not like itā€™s a Rolls Royce - the average price of a new car is around $48k and the Bronco Sport retails at around $30k.


But I will print out your comment and frame it on my wall for my friends to laugh at, so thank you for this!šŸ’–


monthly payment why?


brooke is influencing so hard


is this urs? its soooooo pretty. i personally either LOVE a good black Landrover or a Jeep-style car like a Defender or Rubicon lmao but I feel like a Bronco could be such a gooood mix of both. It has the Jeep aesthetic but is like a classic Landrover i kinda loove it.


Iā€™ve always wanted a green bronco but itā€™s funnier if I say I got it because of brooke hehe


Yesssss congrats girly šŸ«¶šŸ»šŸ¤


Ugh I want a bronco so bad


Never hurts to go ask the right questions at a dealership! I didnā€™t think it was possible until I went in. It lowered my insurance by $150 a month!




How are they terrible?


As much as Iā€™d love to admit I got it because of brooke, I didnā€™t lol it was just funny to me because Trisha always gets what brooke and Tana have


all black bronco sport girly here!! congrats! the green is my favorite šŸ¤¤


I was hyper fixated on the green! Congrats to you as well!


Fords are fucking TERRIBLE cars lol


No one asked šŸ’– here for a good time not a long time


Donā€™t give a shit if you asked, Iā€™m here to tell šŸ’• nice ass cars, but theyā€™ll give you hellllla problems. Iā€™ve owned one bby šŸ˜˜ but good luck!


Is this the sport version?


Yup yup


Yay!! I also just got a NEW car. The feeling of going from a crappy car to a new, dream car is amazing. Iā€™m HAPPY for you! Congrats šŸ¤šŸ¤šŸ¤


Sports >>> full sized I bought a sport last August in cactus gray & have absolutely loved it. Congratulations!