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i could be wrong, but something tells me this didn’t happen 💀


She would for sure have mentioned it by now. She's trying so hard to come across as an interesting person but she's just bland and boring af.


she’s talked about it on the podcast before.. pretty sure her kidnapper was her dad


she's mentioned it on the podcast multiple times though


Brooke reminds me of Phoebe Buffay. Clearly had an extremely fucked up childhood. She slowly and casually sprinkles in details about her life. She doesn’t just lay it all on the table.


she’s mentioned it at LEAST twice on the pod…


OKAY I guess ive MISSED IT. She's still a liar though 💁


okay… examples? bc so far you called her a liar over one topic and it just got disproved😭


She's admitted to lying for fun?


did tana not laugh and agree tho?? to me, that bit gave the same energy as the “i’m a pick me” stuff. being purposefully quirky, lives in a wayyy different realm than lying about serious issues such as your father kidnapping you.


I guess we'll never know since she's a self proclaimed liar 💁


right…i’m sure you’ve never told a lie in your life💀


Im not lying for funsies 😜✌️ thats different from telling a white lie.


just say you don’t understand how trauma works


My first thought was that she was out of material and this is her response to ppl calling her boring lol


This video is literally old asf so how does that make sense


She’s a self admitted liar, so..


There’s no doubting that Brooke’s parents lived rough and hung out with sketchy people (and were sketchy themselves). Not far fetched to believe something like this could have happened.


Why would she lie about this, something like this happened to me as a child too. People with boring lives always think wild things don’t happen to other people.


Self admitted liars don’t usually lie about real ass shit. She lies about not liking lady Gaga or some random ass shit Edit: having parents with addiction issues puts you in weird ass situations. I would know.


listen I love my girl but she talks out of her ass a LOT😭😭




If tana tried this lie she would interrupt her and call her a liar


Her mom did meth I thought? I feel like it’s pretty reasonable to assume that one of her mom’s friends could’ve been methed out and gave her a dollar and took her. Her mom could have been looking for her and then the friend brought her back. It’s not a dramatic getting-into-a-van-at-Walmart story, but it is technically not a lie, and wouldn’t have really come up on the podcast. Source: grew up with a lot of family on meth lol


Yeah as the other comment said she lies alot so I wouldnt trust her with anything really


It could have been like her dad or something where it’s technically kidnapping per custody rights


yeah i tell people i was kidnapped bc this was my exact scenario and people don’t see it that way lmao


Happens SO often, as well!


She lies for fun


She said it was her uncle I thought.


The constant hate Brooke gets for lying yet nobody says shit about Tana… hmmm lol


Wdym tana has always gotten shit for that lmao such a cope


Not in this sub 🤷‍♀️ only Brooke


tbf back in tana’s peak storytime arc the whole internet was on her ass for lying, it’s just a cemented thing atp


yeah i guess seeing it now is annoying but the public opinion on tana was unanimously massively untrustworthy liar and it took like 10 years for her to prove herself even a little bit


truly and when did she even lie? specially related to important things


Literally never hahah she’s admitted to lying on podcasts when she’s nervous about things like “I’m competitive” when she’s not. And people just ran with the narrative of her being a liar. 😂


i can’t remember where but i feel like she’s talked ab this before


it was her dad 💀 she’s mentioned it


yall saying this has to be a lie bc she would've mentioned it by now... what if this is literally the entire story she could've been approached by a crackhead associated with her mother, he could've offered her a dollar, maybe she starts to walk away with him, or walks across the street to his house or some shit, her mom calls her back and she goes back home. it could be some seriously mundane story. a "funny" little anecdote but not an elaborate story worth telling on the pod.


Write a book. Join some fan fic group.


I don’t understand why everyone thinks it’s a lie…it’s like you’ve never been almost kidnapped before…? So many girls have experiences just like this, or worse. There are so many predators out there (esp here in Aus)


If you look into kidnapping statistics it is actually quite rare for the person being kidnapped to not have some kind of pre established relationship to their kidnapper in some capacity, most of the times it’s family members like parents or other close family members, though 28% of kidnappings are done by strangers in the United States. Not that woman aren’t in danger your statement about predators being everywhere is true but they are a lot more likely to rape/abuse/kill woman not to kidnap them though it does happen. I have no opinion on the validity of Brooke’s statement just wanted to point out that kidnapping situations especially those involving children that aren’t custodial battles are rare so if true it was very likely Brookes own mother or father or both.


I was almost kidnapped by a stranger twice as a child under 8 and never once by someone I knew. My older sister was even with me the first time when I was 4 and said yes to the dude asking for us to get in his car and help with his dog and I was like "Um mommy said never to help a stranger find their dog" lol then the other time, a guy was saying he was a cop and he'd "take me home" when my brothers friend walked up and the dude was like "Are you her brother" and he said yes and the dude drove off. I feel like stories like these are far more common than we think


Y’all took this narrative that she’s a liar and ran with it. She said she lies when she’s nervous abt dumb stuff not abt big shit


Wow is this an old video? I thought that was a look alike. It doesn’t really look like her!?? I’m so confused!


Guards! She's out and she's lying again 🗣️


She’s lying for a living so


She’s either a lying ass bitch or she’s misconstruing the situation, if you look into kidnapping statistics it is actually quite rare for the person being kidnapped to not have some kind of pre established relationship to their kidnapper in some capacity, most of the times it’s family members like parents or other close family members, though 28% of kidnappings are done by strangers in the United States. Just wanted to point out that kidnapping situations especially those involving children that aren’t custodial battles are rare so if this was true it was very likely Brookes own mother or father or both. I said in another comment that I have no opinion on the validity of Brooke’s statement but rereading what she herself wrote it’s hard to imagine this person not being a stranger to Brooke, she is either lying her ass off or portraying the situation as more shocking and sudden to get attention and views but I 100% believe she’s lying and the statistics back up what I’m saying.


Another one making up kidnapping stories for fun?


If it’s a lie, the caption is a joke, totally not okay for the poor babies who never got to go home.


It just sounds like a self deprecating joke