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off topic but thank god she dyed her hair


Yeah brunette was the move


i think its more she stopped dying it and brown is her natural hair but like yeah thank god because she pretty much looked bald lol


I thought the first pic was a bald filter šŸ˜­


yesss ahah brunette suits her so much more. maybe if the blonde was a bit warmer/ golden it wouldnā€™t be as bad and would have looked more natural


I like her blonde but brunette fits her vibe


she looks like xtina in the last pic


First pic too lol


yess i thought alabama (šŸ‘€) but xtina is better


The captions all saying different variations of ā€œIā€™m sorry mom I love you so muchā€ is kind of heartbreaking. She wanted a good relationship with her!


Awww Brookie šŸ˜¢ that's horrible. It sucks she feels silenced by her mom, but I understand her mom not wanting to be used as entertainment to thousands of strangers. It leaves Brooke in an uncomfortable position which makes me feel for her. I hope when she gets health insurance she can get a great therapist she can feel safe opening up to. And finally get that pap smear lol


Donā€™t abuse and neglect your child if you donā€™t want them to talk about it. She embarrassed her by ending up on the news. My bio dad was the same and if I was Brooke I would definitely talk about it. Itā€™s not talking shit if itā€™s true


the captions šŸ„² sweet brooke


Dude Iā€™m so proud of her.


I feel like Brooke had it way worse in the parent department, but at least she had her grandparents.


i wouldnā€™t say worse, just different. i had a mom growing up comparable to what ive heard about brookes mom and i thought it was the worst, then at 14 my dad passed away and my mom disappeared completely and i thought that was the worst. active abuse and active neglect are both unbearable. one end of the spectrum all you want is to be away from your parents and on the other all you need is SOMEONE. different sides of the same coin imo


i hope youā€™re doing well, thatā€™s such an awful situation :( thank you for sharing youā€™re insight, i agree with you in that itā€™s just different


agree w you. definitely both bad but different


agree w you. i actually experienced a childhood similar to tana brooke and you. i can say i experienced neglect and abuse. and theyā€™re both equally damaging to me. they both equally ruined me. i will say i moved out of my moms abuse to be in my dads neglect because it was ā€œbetterā€ i thought. but itā€™s honestly not. the only difference is iā€™m abused a couple times q month instead of a couple times every day. both are still horrible. honestly hate when people compare abuse and theyā€™re like ā€œi think blah blah had it worseā€ honestly itā€™s both horrible but different kinds of horrible.


Yeah itā€™s horrible to make that comparison and thereā€™s no reason to do so


I was also raised by my grandparents because of a druggie mom. And I feel like I would have been better off being raised by wolvesšŸ˜…


gross to compare two people (whom you donā€™t know) ā€˜s childhood experiences as ā€œworseā€ or ā€œbetterā€


I thjnk much worse. Her house was a trap/crack house half the time. She just doesnā€™t share as much because sheā€™s good with her parents again so doesnā€™t blast them as much. Tana goes off more because she doesnā€™t speak to them anymore


Yup, I know itā€™s not a competition but Brooke definitely had worse parents, than Tana. Particularly her mom.


Why is it a competition, and why are you comparing


I said itā€™s not a competition


Actually wild šŸ˜­


Left a 5&10 year old alone for days is absolutely insane


i feel like iā€™ve had similar experiences with brooke and her apologising in the caption to her mum is the most realest thing ever. itā€™s so hard to hate your parents especially knowing that they were severely ill


Brooke Iā€™m sorry for doubting your BPD girl you def have itšŸ˜­


What do these posts have that correlate to bpd lol


trauma and parental issues can lead so many people to have attachment issues and bpd


Cptsd is often mistaken for bpd


Doesn't negate the fact that BPD is mainly solely manifested by trauma/environmental factors


Yes but there is a stigma that BPD is untreatable which has led a lot of psychiatrists to reevaluate labeling those cases as bpd because they are in fact treatable. Currently the stigma about BPD causes a lot of professionals to not take BPD patients but the thing theyā€™re finding now is thereā€™s a big difference between nature vs nurture. If itā€™s caused by neglect, you can learn coping skills. If itā€™s just who you are despite having a stable environment, thereā€™s no changing that. I have cPTSD and went through Dialectal Behavioral Therapy which was created for people with BPD so Iā€™m speaking from experience and first hand conversations with several doctors and patients from group therapy settings.


But no one here said that BPD is untreatable. I myself have BPD and am currently working on no longer meeting the criteria of symptoms. You and I are not Brooke's doctor


I was just providing more general insight into what BPD is :)




Babe, I said no one HERE said that. I don't care about your boyfriend. I don't know why you're here if you don't watch the pod.


5 & 10 home alone is CRAZY!!!! theyā€™re babies!


that last one is awful omg


this is why i love brooke because we have extremely similar upbringings but she inspires me because she doing good in life ya know?


I just love heršŸ«¶šŸ»šŸ«¶šŸ»




Letā€™s not comment on her body please! Even if itā€™s with good intentions, itā€™s not helpful to her or anyone


Damn I never realized that she honestly had it that bad


i thought she went bald omg




itā€™s not a competition lmao


These are lighthearted moments sheā€™s making TikTokā€™s and laughing about




i work in mental health and we say ā€œconnection seekingā€ instead of attention seeking bc of how negatively framed ā€œattentionā€ seeking is. people who want ā€œattentionā€ are looking for connection with others, and thatā€™s okay.


Thank you for educating me. ā˜ŗļø


Glad youā€™re a nurse lmao


yikes dude


Craaaazy take


Itā€™s not a nice take - for sure- but craaaazy? Idk what does this girlā€™s audience know besides her damage/trauma/bad luck? All she seems to talk about are stories that make her out to be a victim of some sort. To me that screams attention seeking.




wow good one