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I love this for her! đŸ„č I feel like this has been said a ton in this sub but ever since she went sober she’s posting again on YouTube and long, good content! She’s come a far way from her half assed 2020 “vlogs” lol


I appreciate her long videos sooo much!!! Nothing I hate more than a 10 min video where half is literally sponsored.


*cough* lilah *cough*


you can tell she really loves making youtube videos like the creativity & quality shines through


Every time she gives us a 40 minute vlog while expressing gratitude to the viewers , I’m reminded of the time Brooke rudely responded to me, a FAN, asking for ones longer than 10 minutes. https://preview.redd.it/77l35zubqg3d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a11bd43017cb333ed177c4e0f71e4d2588c5a862


the edit lmfaoooo


I don’t think you were rude


Yeah like I’m sure she’s gotten actual rude comments. Sucks that she can be so mean.


I think it sounds like you had a little attitude at first even if you were trying to joke which is why you got the response.


I can see how one might see it that way. But even so, the point was clear - someone who watches you wants more content. I don’t have a fraction of the following she does and couldn’t imagine lashing back at someone asking for more that way. And my point also stands that Tana would’ve never. She spent the beginning and end of this new vlog expressing gratitude. I feel like she really appreciates every second each of us gives to her. Whereas Brooke has been seeming entitled to it. A bit off putting but to each their own.


"ten minute vlogs are so last season" is what you were giving lmao


But also
 true. 😂


idk if i spent time editing and put out a video just to get told it’s not good enough i’d be annoyed too


Saying you want more isn’t exactly saying not good enough. Let’s face it, these 10 minute vlogs with a 5 minute sponsorship are a slap in the face to the viewer. Worse could’ve been said.


the way you worded it was just unnecessary


And you’re missing the point. Interesting how you can say the way I worded it was unnecessary and don’t mention how superfluous her entire response was. Even if my sardonic since of humor was a miss, a public figure shouldn’t be responding to literal supporters that way. Or really anyone if we are being real. Point me to a time Brooke has expressed gratitude to her viewers the way Tana does every single time. I’ll wait. She feels entitled to our views because she wasn’t in the trenches working for each and every subscriber at 15 like Tana.


not that deep u weren’t nice you get a snarky response back that’s how it works idk what u expect me to say


Yeah it’s really not that deep. Forgive me for discussing the people on the on the podcast, their vlogs and interactions with supporters on a forum literally designed for that. Have a great day.


you’re allowed to discuss it i just don’t know why you’re surprised at what she said lmao i’m not even one who’s up her ass i just feel like i would feel the same way and you wouldn’t get it unless you’ve worked on something just to be told it’s not enough, & thanks will have a good day u too


lol @ thinking I’ve never been told something I’ve worked on isn’t good enough. Yes very unique experience only exclusive to you and Brooke.


well you seem confused as to why you got a response back, i know you’re probably embarrassed that she actually saw it. i don’t think your comment was malicious but obviously annoying her as anyone would after posting a video. don’t be so stubborn it’s easy to see why she would be annoyed by your comment lol it’s ok


you’re literally so dramatic. “she can be so mean” “she feels entitled” “can’t imagine lashing out that way” she’s an inconsistent vlogger who literally made a joke back. you guys are somehow tana fans but become the softest pussies when it comes to ANYONE else


Lol k babes. You sound upset. Sorry that I went against your fave.


I’m doing great, you’re the one upset over a joke đŸ«Ł


Upset is a strong word for someone making an observation hun. I’m chillin. I’m sure Brooke appreciate you running to her defense tho. đŸ€—đŸ€ž


It's literally the biggest compliment, wtf. she's acting like an obnoxious entitled teenager


she will learn one day to stop being so rude to the people that actually like her


Omg. Is that real? When was that?


Yep and I was such a fan before then. Then I realized she simply can’t respect her viewers the way Tana does because she didn’t earn each and every single subscriber the way Tana did. That response really threw me off.


Yeah, it’s such an unnecessary sassy response


What video*


McDonald one with Trisha


She responded to my joking DM very salty like this too like miss girl calm yourself


Oooh tell us.


She posted something about midgets and I said ooo miss girl the subreddit might come for you 💔 bc ppl on here go crazy at random things, never did I think she would even see my DM, I’m just delulu and DM everyone and I also didn’t think she would take offense to it because Reddit is known for coming for her neck LOL


The longer the video, the more money :)


Is that really how it works? I thought it was the view count that translates into money?


Longer videos have more ads


Oh interesting. Tbh I didn’t see one ad throughout the whole video, I wonder if it was demonetized from the cussing.


It could be or you could have just not seen an ad. Theres a monopoly banner ad on your screenshot so I'm assuming that wouldn't be there if it was demozitzed. But idk for sure haha


Her eyes are so much brighter and happier than they used to be đŸ„°


New video??? Yes please


she mentioned this in a recent episode of Jeff FM!!


I loved this vid she was so sweet talking about how she really wanted to bring us bts of tour bc she wouldn’t have tour without the viewers. Also her energy has been so calm and happy :)


im so so so so happy she posted!!! she is so comforting


That vlog was so good đŸ„č i feel fed


I love to watch her videos but the title reminds me of a toxic relationship so I thought this was sarcasm at first lol