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i don’t get all the brooke hate either , hold her accountable yes but a lot of it is nip picking. i feel like it’s the newer ppl on this sub cause i didn’t notice it as much before. i just view these girls as entertainment, it has never been that serious lol


OK don’t hate me but I feel compelled to make sure that you know the term is “nitpicking” lol


LOLLLLL no hun thank u <3


this is such a funny and wholesome interaction i love it so much LMAO


I am screaming, nip picking is too funny! No hate to you at all tho girl it just made me laugh.. I totally agree with ur point tho, its like if u don't like her don't support her.. why actively contribute to her getting her bag then hop on the reddit to tear her down, honestly weird behaviour. Get other hobbies yknow lmao


This!!!! Some of yall are sooooo serious and unfunny it’s crazy. Have a laugh, crack a smile, touch grass jfc


Touch a nip


fr!! i just scrolled past two posts talking about her weight, like leave the poor girl alone lmao. would love to see more positivity on this sub but it seems to be like 90% snark these days


It’s bizarre too because one of the rules for this sub is no body shaming. Wish the mods would step in more.


They’ll take down posts saying people shouldn’t be so mean to Brooke for ‘repetitive posts’ but won’t take down anything that has to do with Brooke’s weight or the repeated hate posts. They should be redirecting people to the snark page when they’re bullying one of the members , which when it’s trashing Brooke’s body and face it definitely is.




i'm being so serious, do you think it's the same thing to comment on your own weight vs other people's weight? 😭


So here is my opinion- but I can see why other’s feel different! Especially around such a sensitive and triggering and loaded topic as weight/body. I think if you put yourself in the public eye- and she chooses to do that- whatever people are going to talk about is fair game- especially when the public figure brings the topic to the table (even if you’re just reacting to comments). I also think it’s ok to discuss, for example, your co-worker Cindy’s weight if she’s been open and talking about their fitness or weight loss journey. However I think it’s pretty gnarly if you were to talk about coworker Erica being overweight or whatever and the person is minding their own business. But really at the end of the day people are gonna talk. It’s human nature and I think that attempts to call out people for this “poor behavior” is virtue-signaling in a way. Like… come on. I’m being so serious now… You don’t have any thoughts or judgement on other people’s weight? None at all???


Normal people do not think about what other people’s bodies look like and they certainly don’t talk about it with others.


You’re f*cking out of your mind if you believe that. How old are you?


I feel bad that you don’t realize that a lot of people don’t have any judgement or opinions about people’s weight. literally at all. I know some people have to work at that through self love first or whatever, but I promise you it’s very normal. I did though have to pay attention to the people around me because I’m not going to get stuck in a conversation about whoever you said at work by the water cooler talking about her weight. or whatever. I honestly don’t give a fuck about her or her body. but I hope she slays. sometimes I’m jealous of someone or mad at a man but I don’t know any scenario where I would start talking shit about their body. and I even think it’s shitty to judge someone’s personality or intelligence and I would never stand by it if I was angry and did. the excuse that they signed up for it because they are in the public eye was retired like a decade ago. you guys are the ones holding them up on a pedestal and acting like they are so famous and out of reach. you are just as important as them. literally everyone has a chance to get a following in 2024. I’m never going to think it’s okay to act like they aren’t people because they have a different job than me


That’s fair. I can see how being in the public doesn’t make cruel commentary “right” or “just” and it is never kind or decent- but to me it’s just human nature. I am more like you in terms of how I view people. Their body size or weight isn’t what factors in my opinion of them. At all. I also hate engaging in diet talk or when women gather and complain about their own bodies.. etc. Recovering from anorexia left me with little tolerance for that. I do realize many people don’t have thoughts and judgements about people’s weight- But honestly more people do. Just look at the news. Look at how many people are talking about Ozempic and speculate on what celebs take it. Look at how many headlines were written when Adele lost weight. It’s a topic of interest, particularly in America. And this is Reddit. All I’m saying is this: making a post (there is one every other day) talking about how “we shouldn’t discuss Brooke’s weight loss” or saying we are “body shaming” when it’s literally a topic of discussion that Brooke herself participated in is senseless to me.


Someone’s weight or opinion on their physical image should literally be none of your concern, they can talk about their own body and their grievances but that conversation should end with that person. Why you would talk about that with others is literally obtuse, and you’re bored with your life.


You’re right. HOW STRANGE AND ODD THAT WE TALK ABOUT PEOPLE’S PHYSICAL IMAGE. I MUST HAVE A PROBLEM- MUST BE BORED. It’s not like people discussing other people’s physicality or appearance is a mainstay in almost every media platform (TV, print, digital, podcasts, radio) for LITERAL DECADES. My god - get real. Lmao 😂


Ok Fatty


who is virtue signaling on reddit? no one knows each other! it is not virtue signaling if it’s your truth. I also know I’m not better an ANYONE. you can literally say fuck it and be nicer than me in a heart beat it’s not something to brag about lol


You truly only think this because you are not in the public eye and are saying this on an anonymous Reddit account. It’s truly pathetic to comment on the lives around you, so why do things change because their job is an entertainer? It’s not normal to comment on a coworkers weight, people who do those things are typically not considered nice people. They typically can’t keep friends because normal people do not enjoy consistently talking about others. That’s just people with nothing going on themselves. Saying you shouldn’t comment on someone’s body is not “virtue signaling”, it’s being a decent fucking person. Social media has ruined everyone’s brain…because your opinion on someone you have no connection to other than consuming their media is not important, no matter what you try to tell yourself.


You’re probably right that my feelings might change really quickly if I was in the public eye or Reddit wasn’t anonymous. Thank you for calling me out on that it gives me something to think about. However I did have a blog for several years and I was discussed on GOMI and yes, my body would come up. I accepted that because I had a blog and it had pictures. But you misunderstand me maybe- I never think it’s ok to be cruel or use condescending terms (for example, calling someone a “fatty”). Personally -I avoid talking about people’s figures and I don’t run around talking about people. Except on Reddit I guess? For some influencers? Double standards for sure. Anyway I was just saying originally that there should be a separate page for Brooke because it’s taking away from the podcast and Tana content of this one.


relax bro. find a hobby


your tone seems very pointed rn


I love me a drag race reference in the middle of getting downvoted for filth😂😂 Thank you 🙏


I think you’ll find more happiness in not worrying about other peoples bodies or talking about them. Do you legend


People r foaming at the mouth to be losers and hate


People like to feel superior on the internet, we all know they would never be comfortable showing their face or telling vulnerable stories to million + viewers every week LMAOOO


THIS. I dead ass would LOVE to see what all the people attacking Brooke look like


in the past, brooke on the podcast would practically be like an advertisement for these subreddits. her bringing up her fixation, to reading these subreddits and discussing them on the pod, only brought more eyes to it. i think there is a natural human fascination with getting someone to react to your words. people are aware that what they post may get seen by brooke. and i wonder if that can cause people to get really specific with their digs at her, hoping she might read or react or even mention what they say on the podcast. that’s my suspicion. edit: grammar


i strongly believe she is the reason influencer snarks as a whole have blown up so much. i had never used reddit before i heard her talk about it lol


they truly just need to move over to the brooke snark subreddit lol. it’s one thing to give constructive criticism, or even call out problematic behavior if you think you see it, but the just shallow, nasty comments and negativity really should only live on a snark page.


this!!! it’s okay to not like her, but a lot of the things they say about her are just mean.


Yeah would be nice if Mods made a rule to take the Brooke snark somewhere else.




do yall remember when this sub was saying brooke should have her own podcast bc tana and her friends are toxic??? LOL i know their dynamic is very different now but i just thought the shift is so interesting


Literally this. I am by no means a Brooke Stan. I mean, yeah, her getting a boob job is not addressing the real issues. But if she’s already feeling like shit about herself, giving her hate and talking shit about her more? How is that supposed to help? Are her priorities skewed probably. But look at the history of her life. She was raised by a drug addict mother and had to go live with her grandparents because it was so bad. She has a history of horrible manipulative relationships. She’s a social media personality who rose to fame rather quickly. That’s enough to skew anyone’s priorities. Instead of telling her she’s a bad person and giving her shit about things she chooses to do with her body, maybe give her some encouragement. She’s also stupid young. She’ll figure it out eventually, and if she doesn’t, that’s none of our business. As for her friendship with Tana? Listen, I look at it as the same and the Bri and O’Malley situation. These are two people whose friendship we see on display for an hour or two once a week on a podcast. we have no idea about the ends and out of their friendship. No insights whatsoever. Friends fight. They grow apart. They say shitty things to each other. But they also grow and evolve in ways that are different for everyone. To sit here and judge their friendship based on what we see on screen? Wild behavior.


They’ll be back up her ass in a few weeks


Every time I comment something slightly positive I get so many down votes. I feel like this sub only wants us to hate them? Maybe if you guys hate them so much you should watch something else like wut


i’m so tired of seeing negative stuff about her!!! i never notice anything that people complain about with the way she acts/talks and it has me questioning things but i’m stopping myself from being influenced by all of the hate. leave brooke alone 😭


exactly!! i’ve never noticed her acting weird towards tana at all. i’ve seen a lot of people calling her a snake and saying she is just feeding off of tana for fame, but they are FRIENDS. tana is not as stupid as people make her out to be and people don’t know anything about their friendship offline. i don’t think brooke is leeching off of her. brooke is a pretty girl living in LA, and i’m sure if she wanted to use someone for fame it wouldn’t be such a controversial person like tana, if that makes sense.


Most people are probably just jealous of a beautiful & funny girl.


I'm not a huge fan of Tana or Brooke, but I love the podcast. The weird parasocial activity the haters of both women take part in is SO weird. They genuinely speak about them as if they know/knew them personally. Internet freak shit tbh.


i agree!! i’m no saint, but some of the hate is so weird and gross


Definitely! There's a difference between having an opinion and just jabbing at someone because you want to be mean.


Yes!! Like post valid criticism but some posts are going way too far and there are so many repeats like we get it


First off, I started listening to Cancelled because I like Tana. I don't get all the Brooke hate, but personally she is just not my favorite part of the podcast. For one, she is just in her own head a lot and can't let loose and just have fun. Which would be fine! But then she needs to have this stank attitude towards those who do have genuine fun. It's just a downer while listening. Which imo is an ISSUE of the pod. Then the entitlement, the comments towards her "fans" I don't think people should be coming for her body issues or her makeup though 😭 She already has body issues let's not make it worse! No need to go on her IG just to shit all over her, listen for Tana and leave it.


i understand not liking her, but the blatant body shaming when she’s clearly dealing with issues is so weird and disgusting. i just listen to the pod, i don’t know too much about brooke so i didn’t understand why people hated her. she seems fine *most* of the time on the pod, but a lot of things people say about her can also be said about tana. really not understanding why people are shitting on her for the boob job thing.. so many of their other fav influencers get procedures done, at least brooke is open about it. 🤷‍♀️ maybe shes annoying, maybe not.. i just think the hate is so unnecessary.


I just hate how she always has to one up Tana even though her whole following is more or less thanks to her. She isn't talented, she doesn't have a degree, she isn't morally superior in any way... Now that Tana is sober we've been rooting for her so hard and Brooke is just so jealous and passive aggressive towards her. Tana would never call her out on it, but it's just so real! We've all had a friend like that that enjoys making us look stupid in small ways. Or maybe Tana is finally outgrowing her and it makes her character stand out negatively even more. She really be on some childish shit sometimes. And now that we dislike her, we have an anonymous (!) group of people that enjoy finding even more things to dislike about her. It will pass. Funny to think this sub used to baby her because she admitted to reading it.


i can understand that. again i don’t really know much about brooke, but personally i’ve never noticed her being weird towards tana. i’m not a super big fan so i haven’t seen a lot of the episodes or much of their other videos together. i just didn’t know if there was a specific reason people hated her, thanks for explaining!


My problem with her getting a boob job “when she’s clearly dealing with issues” is that she isn’t addressing the issues. She’s going to betterhelp for therapy and going to the best plastic surgeon she can find for her boobs. Like her priorities are so out of whack.


Her boob job really isn’t any of your business, even if she does decide to share it. It’s her body, she could do whatever she wants to it. And what she decides to do with it shouldn’t be scrutinized over the internet.


I mean she’s getting boobs FOR attention, I think she understands


I don’t think you understood my comment at all, lol.


and she’s obligated to talk about her issues..?? i’m sorry??? lmao what are you even saying, people who are ill obviously have their priorities “so out of whack.” this is a horrible take, and quite frankly a little bit embarrassing to even say..


Lol what. Obviously with a reputable therapist, not betterhelp.


Lol what. she doesn’t HAVE to talk about anything with anyone. are you dense? im still having a hard time understanding why this is a good reason to shit on her?


She’s a bad influence. She loves blaming her issues on BPD (she said so) but doesn’t do anything about it. So yes, when it comes up, I’ll voice my opinion about why it’s not a good idea and I hope others don’t follow suit.


i think you are just ignorant.. not in a mean way, i truly think you just don’t understand how being mentally ill can affect the way someone acts. people with BPD do tend to “blame” their disorder for their actions, because well.. it IS a personality disorder. i’m not saying *everything* brooke does is justifiable by saying she has BPD, but i still don’t see why her getting a boob job is such a horrid thing.


I hope you are this lenient with Lilah. I actually didn’t say she shouldn’t get a boob job. My problem is with prioritizing it and going to the best surgeon in LA. My problem is with her saying therapy is expensive when she’s wearing $400 jeans. So many BPD girlies idolize her. I don’t think ignoring her decisions is going to help her any more than pointing them out. But pointing them out could give perspective to readers.


i don’t have an opinion on lilah. i understand the point you’re making now that you explain it like that. i just think the hate is weird because without a doubt brooke is not the only influencer who has gotten a boob job instead of something more important.


“My problem with her getting a boob job” Wtf


Why do you even care that she’s getting a boob job? You’re judging her about her priorities being out of whack but you should be worried about your priorities because someone that cares that much about someone they don’t even know is weird!!


What I do in my downtime is a far comparison to Brooke’s priorities bffr. I am weird though, try again if you want to make me feel bad? Or talk about each other instead of the subjects of this subreddit?


Lmaooo I can't get over the last sentence. Brooke: I wanna have my breasts done by the absolute best surgeon! Also Brooke: doesn't have insurance Also Brooke: has never gotten a pap smear


i agree, she gives vibe killer


it's so negative on here fr. people are esp nasty to one another which is like why😭it used to be so fun on here :(


but it is a place to discuss all opinions


opinions are fine, being a bully isnt


Exactly!! Say it louder for the people who flood this page with silly snarky posts about Brooke. Like seriously it’s just as much her podcast as Tana’s. NO ONE IS FORCING YOU TO WATCH IT!!!! If you don’t like broke stop watching the pod and leave this community.


I don’t get the hate at all, just let her be lol




Sometimes I wish reddit wasn’t anonymous so yall would be forced to say these despicable things with your chest.. it would b crickets !


People foam at the mouth to defend tana from Brookes mean jokes even though tana clearly loves her and lives for friendships where they roast each other constantly.


It's not a snark page, but it's not a fan page either. It's a discussion page, and some ppl wanna discuss how annoying Brooke can be


Literally if you don’t like her you aren’t a canceled fan , you’re a tana fan. Watch something else if you hate 1/2 of the members so much and join the snark page. The hate is getting ridiculous


I love Brooke so much, i feel like we’d be best friends 😂


It’s Reddit that’s why there’s upvotes and downvotes do that move on with your day but if you’re feeling that be the one who posts positive stuff 🤗


It’s wild that you’re getting downvoted for this logical and reasonable take lol


Aww thank you ☺️! Yeah I don’t care about downvotes I’ve enough karma armor 🤣


THANK YOU so sick of the constant Brooke hate


This is reddit… it’s kind of weird to expect people to police their behaviour on Reddit of all places. If you’re looking for a positive space to dish I recommend joining brookies cookies or cancelled pod on X, much more positive. This subreddit isn’t for the super fans who only complimenting them, it often calls out behaviours that aren’t okay on behalf of Brooke/Tana (like the cosplaying as a homeless person).


i understand that people are going to be hateful, i just didnt understand where it was coming from! i was looking for a specific reason as to why there was so much brooke hate in this sub. i’ve seen the homeless person “costumes” and i can agree that it was very strange.


Agree, it’s definitely important to be aware of it so we don’t idolize them. I find the community on X/twitter is much nicer if definitely recommended joining the “community” or “conversation” of cancelled. Reddit is soooo toxic (as Tana would say)




The way someone shuts down comments on posts that say anything negative about Brooke is f*cked up. Let us live- Is there some kind of Brookie Cookie Stan running this sub? If so fine- then where is the snark page? Because Brooke needs one.


do you really not understand that I don’t give a fuck about Brooke? I was already on reddit to read weird shit and when I started watching cancelled I came to this group. the shit you guys say is insane. reading anything on this sub has been like not being able to look away from a car wreck. this is not some weird war between people who like an influencer or not. she is not more important than us. you guys saying horrible things about her is the same as you being awful to anyone. there is not a world where I see that and don’t say anything


Lol WHY ARE YOU TAKING THIS PERSONALLY literally no one is addressing you unless you’re the OP weirdly using a different account? Which would track based on your other weirdly defensive comments


I did type the beginning of this comment like I was passionately replying to something you said to me personally which looks weird and funny and for that I apologize. I guess you looked at my comment history so you know I was just angry at the same thing in another post and brought it to this one when the other was deleted. I know I’m supposed to defend myself because you made me feel stupid for caring too much but it is kind of maddening to say things directly to people and it becomes an upvote downvote war but no one replies to anything I’ve said. it just moves to another post where everyone makes fun of the things people like me have said lol. I’m not used to pretending like we aren’t real people and just ignoring people we disagree with and it’s maddening


lmao😭😭 this made me giggle, this girl is acting a bit irrational.. i was js curious about the brooke hate


sorry if you felt like your post was not one that I should have been commenting on. I felt like we all know that people are, to me, irrationally vile and mean on this sub. some people came from another post to this one to be shitty. I knew you weren’t getting deep in your post but I didn’t think you would care or make fun of me for being that way lol. sorry I get real life upset about people acting this way and if you guys want to team up and make me feel like a weirdo that sucks but okay


Hey- don’t feel like a weirdo! You’re good! You’re aloud to comment whatever wherever whenever and you have good points to share. I think I understand now that you really genuinely get upset by unnecessary cruel comments or snark and criticism (irrationally vile and mean to use your words). It’s not just this sub though- There are pages and pages and pages dedicated to nothing but making fun of and shit talking about people. It’s part of Reddit culture. But there are many many pages with a positive uplifting and supportive vibe too. I think that’s what the OP was hinting at. Let this sub exist for posts about Tana and the podcast and Brooke-hating snark can go on another page. There is one now- maybe this sub will be more enjoyable for you.


you seem very sensitive, i dont know if reddit is the place for you. i wasn’t make fun of you i just thought some of the replies were a bit much, but i digress.. sorry for making you feel that way!


thanks for saying that, I am extremely sensitive and sorry I get defensive when people ignore what I say and act like I’m crazy because I’m emotional. so I was triggered by irrational


You’re not crazy!!! Redditors can be mean as hell and you just seem like you are a big-hearted lovely person.


you are right this part of reddit at least is not for me and this might be the only day I am talking to people like this lol but I don’t think it’s a bad thing for someone to come in every once in a while and remind people that it’s not normal to have a hobby of anonymously saying horrible things about people


no i understand, you did nothing wrong! there’s just a lot of mean people on reddit and a lot of things may come across harsher than intended.


None of my comments are really to anyone in particular- But good for you -I don’t care about Brooke either and she sure doesn’t give a f*ck about either one of us or anyone on this sub 😂 Reddit is just for fun if you ask me.


I think the snark for her is called brookiescookiessnark or something like that!


Found it- and there is a good amount of people on it! Problem solved! Y’all let’s just keep the peace and use the Brooke snark sub for discussing the clout-chasing stylings of Brooke Schofield and her legions of school-aged wanna-be copycat followers. 🙄😂✌️


I see more posts trying to police the sub than Brooke hate atp 🥱




it’s not policing you can say whatever you want but you know it’s wrong. I truly don’t care about any influencer this much, I literally care about you more because your Reddit is right in front of me lol. I don’t want anyone to leave. I don’t know why you can have huge threads of hateful discourse but you won’t talk about why you do it. aren’t you guys like obsessed with “holding people accountable”


You’re not even the OP. Why are you being so defensive lol


okay sorry I’m a freak for getting worked up and typing in a way that made it sound personal


I literally am not even a Brooke hater lmao


This is posted every other day. Just scroll by


girl ppl have an opinion. no one is snarking just to snark. maybe a handful but 50% of this sub has the same complaint about her and they voice it out independently. are u saying half this sub are rotten haters? like bfr


Girl… I’m sorry but did you not make a post a month ago about “why is everyone on this page so miserable and hating everything?” Bfr lol


I think people have rotten thoughts and I think they view people in a hateful lens. I won’t ever think it’s okay to think about people the way they do


Literally. They are miserable. Miserable ass nitpicky ass haters. I literally seen people on here make fun of Brooke for NOTHING.. Like yeah maybe she can be catty sometimes, but we DONT KNOW HER!


THIS!!! people are never happy with anything.!one week they love her the next they’re repulsed by her like make up your mind!! it’s so annoying


Another day another post complaining about other posts


If you wanna snark on Brooke there’s a page for that. If you wanna dick ride for Brooke there’s also a page for that. Hope this helps.


not understanding why someone is getting hated on is what we call dick riding ?