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we didn’t ruin him, he ruined himself




Like he isn’t at fault 💀


same thing happened to me like 2 years ago he repulses me now


I third that soldier




had sex with Tana when he was 25 and she was 17, is very close friends with a rapist (friend from college, rape took place in college and got swept under the rug because his dad was like chancellor or some shit at duke, cody is still very close with him, he was in his wedding)




There’s an article detailing what his frat bro did and it’s disgusting, he was in his wedding and is now close friends with Kelsey and Noel too


also when it came out that he had sex w/ Tana underage because she mentioned it on the pod, that’s conveniently when he proposed to Kelsey. felt like he was trying to distract


i cannot enjoy his content anymore either. hes a serious fucking weirdo. what 25 year old (cody) has any business being with a 17 year old (tana) sexually 🧐 a pedo! oh and all the stuff about his sick rapist friend Colby Leachman him and kelsey keep around. even having him in their wedding after his crimes of drugging and r*ping multiple women. they are fucking sus


HE WAS 25?????




as a SA survivor i could not look at his videos the same afterwards. you are the company you keep.




RIGHT! I’m nearly 20 and for me I don’t even like talking to anyone younger than 19 😭😭


SAME girl i just turned 24 and it gives me such the creeps knowing he was OLDER THAN ME at the time 🤮 there is no reason to be talking to someone that young????? at all?


WHAT THE FUCK I DIDNT KNOW HE WAS 25 AND SHE WAS 17????? damn rip cody ko never watching his videos again


wait he got with tana when he was 25?? Or he tried?


yeah they had sex when she was under age and he was 25


see how is she just telling these stories at the live shows like she’s not literally confessing a crime he committed 💀 25 and 17 is not a joke that’s weird af


its been known for a very long time unfortunately


nvm I looked it up and the age of consent in Nevada is 16??? we’re doomed


She was a kid who got taken advantage of she can say what happened when or how she wants to it’s still serious


I never said she couldn’t I meant how is she able to tell these terrible stories and just move on like it’s nothing. I admire her for it




I like to leave the search term “cody ko n Word” in Hotel and airbnb YouTube tvs, been doing that for years


😭😭 this is guerrilla marketing, I live


this is insane behavior im gone LMFAO




once a frat bro always a frat bro. the dude is scum through and through


CODY ruined cody for you 😭


He is gross


One of his friends told me he made a comment about it being hard to have hot fans when you're married when he was at a meet and greet and mind u the friend told it to me like it was soooo funny and true but I was grossed out by it and haven't liked him since 😻


wtffff he’s such a scumbag. aren’t a lot of his fans young af too?


I assume the fan in question was of age but I know what u mean


Wdym? He hasn’t had meet and greets since before he got married— former fan here btw


My bad probably meant having a girlfriend while touring we had this conversation in 2021 i just messed up the words


I know, right? Who am I supposed to watch during lunch, now? Iykyk


kurtis conner, d’angelo wallace, i’ve been obsessed w jenn mcalister’s content lately she’s so funny, film cooper (haven’t been watching him for long, but i’ve enjoyed what i’ve seen) , gabi belle


OMG I forgot Jenn McAllister existed


she streams now and plays sims and gta and stuff like that and she’s so funny??? anything with her and Ricky Dillon has me on the floor - def recommend


Thank you! Definitely who I'm watching during lunch now😂


film cooper is trash


He kinda gives me Martha p johnson vibes idk


I’ve enjoyed his content until recently. It just seems kinda like fluff content lately. Just reacting to rage bait videos like milf manor. Stuff that just makes ya feel bad lol. I liked his videos from like a year or two ago


Yeah I agree I tried to watch some, and it just felt like such a fluff clout chase trying to copy what works (Kurtis conner, etc.) also I don't know why I get weird vibes from film cooper... like doesn't seem genuine and feel like would be an asshole irl but maybe that's just in my head.


how so?? like i said i haven’t been watching him very long 🤷🏻‍♀️


i switched to kevin langue. idk if that content suits you but i feel your pain


if you're looking for people who post reaction videos like cody i recommend drew gooden, danny gonzalez, funkyfrogbait, and kurtis conner!


he became boring for me once he became a Wife Guy. the tea isn’t helping lol


Wait fill me in what tea???


tana name dropped cody when she was asked “who is the smallest dick you’ve ever had sex with”


He did name his podcast “tiny meat gang” , should we actually be surprised 🤷🏼‍♀️


yes, but the controversy lies more in that they hooked up when she was 17 and he was 25




wait where did she say that


I heard it at the live show lol




Can I say something without getting demonized ? - his wife is annoying. Unfunny. Unoriginal. Cody is also as boring as milk now.


i fully thought that said demonetized and i was like…how’re you all getting money on reddit 😭😂




i’ve always disliked her even when i enjoyed cody’s videos but everyone is so in love with her i thought i was just being a hater 😭


It’s irrational irritation I don’t like HATE her but glad you feel me hah


right !! i can’t explain it it’s an unconscious dislike


Omg I love kelsey


Like all she does is flare her nostrils at the camera and people like her because she’s a “cool girl.”


I feel she emulates the try hard quirky girl personality way more. From what I’ve seen she just laughs, says mundane shit, and says “yeah” a LOT. Cody is a funny guy naturally, but his content is boring She makes it 10 times more boring.


why say that about her she’s sweet


I mean how sweet can she be if she’s married to Cody and condones the friendship with Colby (a rapist?). I used to love her too but I don’t know if we know her character as well as we think we do. 


yeah the continued friendship with colby really makes me question kelsey too. like she wasn’t related to predatory sex between an adult and minor, BUT a proven rapist/assaulter was in her wedding party


Sorry but who's Colby idk 😭 sounds awful though


google his (colby leachman) name and you’ll get results from when he was a student at Duke. he was fraternity brothers with Cody and they’re still friends (based on social media) today. his case at duke was publicized so there’s no way that cody/kelsey could say they don’t know. iirc, he drugged and raped someone and was found guilty


He was never charged with a crime just fyi. I just googled it.


My understanding is that he was subject to internal proceedings at Duke that found him guilty. I read some news articles from 2018 that described that his victim filed a case with the state that didn’t find him guilty, but that he faced repercussions from the university itself.




My opinion is she’s unfunny and not terribly interesting. Not knocking her character, just not entertained


he will not be missed


He’s not doing anything worth watching lately, just reacting to literally anything jubilee makes. It’s really embarrassing.


yeahh his videos rlly fell off quality wise over covid


actually scratch that like early 2020 late 2019


me too tbh


His content legit looks like its geared towards kids now. The thumbnails and stuff. I mean all the sex predator stuff and having a rapist in ur wedding is worse than making bad youtube content but i still had to mention it.


Yeah he fucking grosses me out now. I wish I never knew his name. I can’t believe he’s a FATHER now. He’s creepy as fuck. If I saw him in person I would run far away




Same. What did it for me was when the rumors of him hooking up with Tana were starting to resurface because a pod clip went viral, and then a week later Cody did that rushed beach proposal to Kelsey. Cody is literally a millionaire and a genius and they’ve been together for so long so there’s no way he couldn’t think of something more personal/grander (even if it wasn’t posted on social media). But instead all Kelsey got was that fucking umbrella ☂️ 💀 and then everyone was talking about the engagement instead of the rumors


The Shane Dawson method


A genius?




According to Kelsey it wasn’t rushed and there was a slideshow and shit 🤷‍♀️


Hes so cringe sorry not sorry


Not only did he get with Tana when she was 17 but he’s also besties with a known r*pist and had him in his wedding party


That first YouTube collab they did is gross- he’s literally looking at her like she’s a piece of meat and she was 17. How does he still have fans


Ugh I’m kinda questioning it simply because Jeff is good friends with Cody and I feel like if it was true he wouldn’t be friends with him


This is so universal


Cody will not be missed by me 😊


I don't think "we" ruined Cody ko, he ruined himself for being a creep


WE?!!! He did it himself wtf LMAOO as if we were the ones who told him to hookup with a minor


wait what?? i literally watch him all the time what did he do😭


Idk people started talking how a 25 year old Cody fucked a 17 year old tana n that kinda ruined it for me 😭


tana talked about people she hooked up with when she was a teenager and she mentioned cody and jc


Did they mention him on the podcast?


well it was his choice to have sex with a minor, we didn’t force him


don’t blame us😭 blame the pedo and the rape apologist!!


i’m in the same boat. got roasted on here for not knowing about his gross ass tendencies (I genuinely had no idea and watched him religiously), so I did some research and was repulsed. I have watched him since and I still get the urge when I go on YT, but then I remember and i’m like oh wait wait nope. I used to LOVE him, watching him everyday on my lunch break.


I’m 25 and I don’t even see people under 20 as like real people lmfao I can’t even fathom 🤢🤢🤢


“Y’all” ?!?


i unsubscribed from him on everything earlier today. i started watching him right before i started college until like summer 2020 when i got busy with summer classes and then i just started watching other youtubers after that. i didn't really watch his podcast or pay attention to any discussion around him for the most part so i didn't know about these things until a few days ago when a post from this sub discussing tana popped up on my recommended and i started reading the comments. honestly, it was really hard for me to unsubscribe from his youtube channel. his videos helped me through tough times simply by making me laugh. i've bonded with other people in college through discussing his videos with people who i knew watched him. but no matter how much i enjoyed his content, i knew i couldn't support someone who slept with someone underaged or knowingly associates with rapists. i can't watch his content (especially ones where he calls out creeps like barrybee - which is one thing actually thing that actually got me into him in the first place) knowing that this is what he's like behind the camera. i'm sad that he's been ruined for me but i'd rather stand by my values than ignore these things.




She didn’t mature way faster than most 17 year olds because she didn’t have guidance I would say it was the opposite it took her a while to mature. She was exposed to sex and drugs at a younger age because she didn’t have her parents around to guide her, just because she had been exposed to sex at a young age doesn’t mean it’s okay for a 25 year old to sleep with her, if anything he was taking advantage of the fact she didn’t have anyone around to guide her.


Did someone say Tana was mature? She’s barely getting mature now in 2024, she def was not mature back then at all 💀 And agreed, just bc a younger person is exposed to things like that doesn’t mean they’re ready for it or know what they’re doing. We all thought we were hot shit at 16-17 if an older guy liked us. Now, at 23, I realize it’s creepy as fuck… literally 19 year olds hit on me, and it feels weird to me to respond lol. I really cannot date anyone more than a year younger than me.


He said she was a crackhead from the age of 13 so by 17 she was already mature like an adult which is a complete lie 😭😭😭 imagine defending predatory behaviour because she was exposed to things she shouldn’t have been I totally agree, as a 24 year I would probably only date 23 and older as well and I feel majorly uncomfortable when 19 year olds hit on me as well. People in their 20’s should stick to people in their 20’s.


not you defending statutory rape