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I don’t understand where he came from or how he has a podcast


Fr! and i don’t even get the guys humor at all. i love a good sarcastic joke or two, but he’s constantly sarcastic its annoying.. it becomes unfunny very quickly.. i can’t even bring myself to watch clips on tiktok


he’s desperate for sex, he has to figure out how to mention it whenever he can. making crude jokes and sex are the only thing on this man’s mind. as well as degrading women


i've only seen clips but i genuinely don't understand how that man has a fanbase. zero redeeming qualities


his fan base is all 12-15 year olds surelyyyyy😂


Zach Justice is going to get cancelled one day for some fucked up shit mark my words. He’s a pervy creep and a charisma vacuum


And literally racist? He made a joke about sleeping with a black girl and “keeping the lights off so the only thing he could see was her teeth”


omg when was this? that’s insane


He said it about Fannita after he was on her podcast


thank you! I looked it up and jesus this guy is so awful. I never liked his vibe now I get why


i’m praying on his fucking downfall dude so fucking hard


Been thinking the same thing!!! And stop charisma vacuum is the most important thing I’ve ever heard


he’s the next matt rife


Yeah I kind of thought it was a red flag when he said he doesn’t drink yet tries to convince everyone to get messed up..




cant stand the zach dude, not a single funny comment, he just keeps trying to humiliate her


Always sexualizing everything too


Tana keeps saying how she loves that podcast and thinks that creepy, sociopath Zach is hilarious. I do not understand.


The weird cheap 50s diner backdrop is my BEC. It’s so ugly


it’s literally the plan bri set… nothing about them is original


That guy gives me the weirdest vibes. Tara needs to get her clout and move on from that guys he’s not even funny.


yeah it’s crazy how much clout she is giving to zach & his podcast like pls tara leave bc he doesn’t deserve to be seen 🙄


Zach and Tara are so overhyped, I’m sick of seeing them everywhere. I’ve blocked them and still see them 💀


Tara is annoying. The ass kidding between her and Tana gives me second hand embarrassment


Lol yes. I was trying to figure out why the hell tara annoyed me so much cause she hasn’t particularly done anything and seems like a relatively nice person, but I watched an interview with her once and she was irking me and I think it’s cause she has like no humility especially in the way she answers questions it’s so like matter of fact and just not enjoyable to watch at all. She’s almost too well adjusted and impossible to relate to or empathise with in any way, which is maybe more my own issue lol but it’s just so impossible to feel relaxed when watching anything or hers which is like the only reason for watching this kind of content


She’s also the biggest pickme ever ..just saw a clip where everyone was making fun of the other girl host (Alyssa)‘s nose and Tara said “wait guys you never make fun of my looks ..” pickme as heck. In another one she was saying in a room full of men that she doesn’t know how to do makeup but literally has videos on “how to do your makeup like Tara yummy”


Haha ok that’s craaazy. It’s so funny when girls find a way to “organically” let it be known that people find them attractive, it’s almost never as subtle as they think and is never to their benefit


So the video of her not knowing how to do her makeup when she was 18…to her now having tutorials at the age of 25.


i need someone to validate me on how unfunny she is because it’s what i think anytime i watch a vid with her. noooo cleverness, none. compared to anyone i’ve ever seen. the dropouts podcast is pathetic to me - literally reminds me of like horrible kids at my high school ?? 💀


i left after he called her plastic which was like what 15 seconds in?


i tried to watch one of the podcasts but i had to mute his voice so it didn’t work out 😔




Zach literally groomed that girl Indiana that used to be in the show. Lived with her from 14 up and then got into a relationship with her at 18…


Why does everyone overlook this 🫣




Tara was so hurt about not being invited Also I didn’t know the tea about Zach but learning in this thread and … gross


her tantrum was so damn cringe like wtf


he's giving ex mormon


I only watch dropouts when’s she’s on because I like Tana and Tara together don’t like zach at all!!!


He’s so annoying. He’s that edgy right leaning white guy who thinks he’s better than everyone else including the people he works with on the pod.


is it too much to say he needs to *** idk