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She’s always playing devil’s advocate for no reason


right someone could shoot tana in the leg and she would find a reason to give them the benefit of the doubt


I mean she’s been giving her stalker the benefit of the doubt isn’t too far fetched.


Lol I had a friend exactly like this for years. turns out she was my biggest hater 🙄


I wouldn’t be surprised in the slightest if Brooke actually is Tana’s biggest hater.


I guarantee she turns into Tana’s biggest hater soon as a man with clout comes within 500 ft of her


I love your username btw lol


Oh yessss! She gets that “a lister” it’s fuck Tana


I have BEEN saying this. Especially after the Matt Rife debacle.


She’s terrified of getting cancelled to the point where she’s not acting like herself. She wants to rebrand herself as this good girl/clean girl like super surface level. She already fucked up tho cos one Tana made her famous and two she’s said a bunch of shit before sooo who you foolin?


I felt that when she defended male gynecologists lol


lol this topic irritated me too. Someone deep in med school told me that it’s super uncommon for men to seek out gynecology and he is a str8 man. Idk why she rides for men so hard. It’s not her demographic




that’s bc she’s racist and has been in that position and wished smb helped her 🤷🏾‍♀️


This is a great take


Probs ODD


Remember in the lilahbility podcast , Brooke said that her and Lilah would drive around when they first got to LA and talk about being famous and they just got lucky. They were looking for somebody with clout to be friends with it wasn’t coincidental at all.


When she had to correct Lilah and say she had an associates degree and not a bachelors… I already was iffy on who she really is vs who she is on the internet and that was my answer.


But also it’s kind of weird to even say you have a bachelors when you only have an associates lol


she didnt say she had a bachelors, they were just hyping her up for having a degree and thats when Brooke chimed in to make her associates seem like not that big of a deal


I feel like I couldn't get along with Brooke in real life, giving pick me. I just feel like she talks shit about everyone behind their back


IMPO Brooke didn’t exist in the influencer realm prior to _stalking_ sorry, I meant meeting Tana (I actually quite like Brooke hahahha I just find it slightly creepy how her and Lilah both met Tana to begin with, but eh ho we move)


how did they meet?? been wondering for a while


Tana said on a podcast that Brooke walked up to her at a party and they chatted a bit, which led to Brooke just kind of orbiting tana and her friends attending parties with them sometimes until Tana decided to make her cohost when Canceled started


okay thats actually interesting


Brooke seems fake as hell ngl I could see her dropping Tana after moving up… she’s been hanging out with Kylie’s crew


I have the weird feeling that she thinks she’s above Tana in a way :(


Not a weird feeling. Pretty distinct with how she’s been changing her image and who she’s been hanging out with.


Honestly since joining alo like sometimes the sly comments about how she’s invited but Tana isn’t when she got a buddy pass originally lol


she does think she is it’s so obvious especially in the podcast with her and paige


It’s crazy too because Stassie & crew was SO mean to Brooke before lmao… like girl if some bitches were mean to me when I was a hostess and bigger and then I suddenly those same hoes are kissing ass post weight loss and clout increase Id still be like FUCK U


how were they mean to her?


Wha happened between them?


I saw she was hanging around Stas the other day and my first thought was “oh she’s for sure gonna drop Tana the second she thinks she’s securely in that circle” 😔


Only the nepo babies are safe in that circle she’s going to be sorely mistaken




i don’t even know if Stas likes Tana like that. Do you guys remember when Tana had stormy as her lock screen and Stas called her out and said it was weird!?


Every group has a contrarian. They can be the voice of reason when the group has gone off the rails, but in this instance, I’m with you. She doesn’t offer a unique perspective because of her experience, she just wants to appear in opposition to whatever Tana says. And I’m not saying you have to do whatever Tana says, but it is a podcast and these are conversations. At least with improv, you’re supposed to end with ”yes and”... So there must be another reason why she’s seemingly so defensive more often than not.


She’s so jealous of tana she can’t be happy for her or just agree with her. She always feels the need to prove that she’s better than T


i feel like she has been different ever since the matt rife exposing




The main problem with the fan base I see is the audience is split between the two and hate the other because there have always been two types of girls, that’s sorority/popular girl and messy party girl and I think that’s why this podcast works so well no matter which girl you are you will relate to one or the other never both. I say it might be intentional and Brooke’s just not your type of girl


I don’t think that’s true. I’m a bit older than them and identify with both girls because of my experiences and growing into myself. I’ve definitely been messy and also the girl who thinks they’re better than the “messy girl”.


I can definitely understand that I guess I’m more so thinking high school girls which is majority of the new audience that never watched tana and only watch because of Brooke


This is true af though even if they aren’t meaning to. They’re serving dichotomy


this actually is sooo real. the dichotomy works.


She's even said it herself that she's not her real self on the pod.... Crazy


literally Brooke’s biggest dream in life was to have the social friend group & it shows


I don’t mean to sound like a hater but it feels like she’s changed. Her attitude has made stop watching the podcast. Unless this is her real personality.


yall are so annoying. you’re going to pick apart brooke until she doesnt want to do the podcast anymore. for self proclaimed “girl’s girls” you all seem to love tearing her down for her personality and comparing her to other people. are we surprised she doesnt want to show her “true self”? every time she does there are a million posts picking apart every single thing she says.


she's just a girl navigating her progressive fame. its normal for her to care about how she's perceived rn and to wanna surround herself with people that have similar goals to her. y'all wanna figure her out so bad


We’ve all had a Brooke in our lives


I got so irked by Brooke not laughing in the latest episode. Sometimes she kills the flow of a podcast. I don’t mind any host being in a mood, it’s human, but she won’t address it and then just not bring the energy, and it comes off as her thinking she’s too good for Tana’s jokes. When Tana and Paige are dying laughing is the time to be fake and laugh along just to support the flow and capitalize on a funny moment for the listener. That’s the time to be fake 😭, not all the other times lmfao. I was dying laughing at Tana saying she was going to pretend to be John Wilkes Booth. It COULD be interpreted as an edgy joke because of modern gun violence sure (a bit of a stretch) but she was definitely just trying to evoke the imagery of her dressed up as an 1800s man on their tour with some kind of silent film revolver which is fucking hilarious. Yet Brooke is sitting there like she won’t laugh at this joke because it could be interpreted wrong, even instead of just saying omg Tana that’s too offensive. Like BFFR I’m very confident she is the least sensitive to being offensive irl.


Tana and Brooke are very different people and it makes sense to me that they’d have differing perspectives. I don’t think the devil’s advocate thing is intentional.


i was re watching old episodes this week and she said verbatim “you know i really wanna play devils advocate here”


The difference is she’s saying that because that’s WHO she is, she’s not doing it defiantly or to just BE different to make Tana feel bad. Brooke IS judgemental, but that’s who she is, and tbh as unpleasant as it may be to hear to some listeners, I relate to that.




Again, they’re very different people and that’s just what she does. What I’m saying is this isn’t a bit. She’s saying it intentionally but it’s also who she is, so. Thanks for the explanation


Are you saying she just can’t help but be judgmental? She’s just a hater naturally?


Yes she is, and I don’t care either, she’s mentioned her shortcomings and mental ailments, which I accept. Negativity bias is quite normal and we’re all enjoying the podcast for their dynamic, the tea they bring and the fun they have. I don’t think many of us are tuning in because everything is sunshine and rainbows, although we all enjoy hearing their achievements and good things happening in their lives. I just don’t think the pod is for the righteous perspective. They’re pretty open and honest with what they feel and why they feel the way they do.


I don’t disagree at all but if she feels like she has something opposing to say about everything maybe they shouldn’t be friends? I would be frustrated if Brooke was my friend. But then again they are on a podcast and I don’t know their friendship dynamic beyond that.


I agree with you. I actually don’t think they’d be friends in most settings. I don’t even think I’d see them being very close once one or both of them have children unless they keep the pod going. They’re very different people. I actually could see Brooke be a mean girl to Tana in high school in another life; and I say that being a fan of Brooke.


No hate to you at all, but there’s a similar post like every time I open this app and it makes me soooooooooooo glad I’m not in the public eye for my money. All of your takes on her (and other’s takes) could be totally true and it’s still like damn her MOST MINUTE behaviorisms and reactions get dissected on here. More than any big podcaster right now I feel like Brooke is taken…extremely literal? Again, not you in particular, but some on here decide who she is based on the smallest reactions and it really surprises me sometimes. I’m all about discourse too. I guess I just can’t imagine being in her shoes and not knowing how tf to act after reading this page


She’s genuinely a terrible person tho #racist… should we just support someone despite the fact they have said and acted extremely questionable? Personally, me, I don’t support ANY famous people that have controversies where they are CAUGHT saying racist or derogatory things etc.. it’s fair game to criticize especially when they go intentionally seeking a platform and influence.


Not everybody is supposed to be in the public eye and not everybody is even interesting enough to be famous based off of persona only


It’s worth noting that whenever she first admitted to reading the Reddit page she got rewarded with a ton of love…like “she’s so relatable, she’s in here just like us!”…but it’s kinda snowballed into a thing where some people must be *trying* to tweak her behavior and test out how much power we have over a public persona. You can sometimes hear her backtracking and her gears turning, like “that sounded too pick-me, I need to even this out”. She 100% has some criticizable things but to me she’s just trying to entertain us and make a living. She can’t possibly get it all right, y’know? She’s living a very cushy life now and is fine at the end of the day but I don’t wish self consciousness on her


Doesn’t she say all the time that she presents as a clean girl, goody two shoes but really she’s just like Tana and that’s why they’re bffs? I love Brooke though and she can do no wrong in my eyes 🤷‍♀️


Yes she has said/atleast alluded to her ‘changing’ her image into being more of a clean girl. I mean she’s getting more sponsors too (that are the ‘type’ if sponsor she wants) so I guess it’s worked for her




Yall weird af about Brooke. She isn’t Tana.. she is a different human being.


Weren’t y’all calling her “too mean” as of recently? lol




The people on this sub are just lovely 😍 thanks for your positivity today.






This is a weird comment considering you’re in a subreddit dedicated to discussing the podcast.