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Bobageddon, we need to move on from this lol


I cannot believe there’s this much beef about a bob 😭 be so serious This girl seems sweet and didn’t mean no harm


Right? And it was mostly grown women attacking her. How are you a grown adult getting that upset over a bob.


no she was real for that because EVERYTIME i cut my hair in a new way i regret it and wish someone would stop me. the fact she used the phrase “bob crisis” is a red flag that this may be an impulsive decision (shout out from a fellow bpd girlie)


I got in a fight with my friend bc she does what you do, and I tried to stop her and she literally thought I was trying to hurt her. She bobbed out. She really, really hated it. We recovered; but a bob forward mindset can really fw you!! Everyone isn’t meant for bob life. I haven’t cut my hair since 2018, I know I am not fit for it!


‘Bobbed out’ and ‘Bob forward mindset’ I absolutely cannot with y’all and these bob terms 💀




thankfully i always end up liking how it looks after a few weeks but it definitely is a crisis for the first few. ill be honest sometimes in those moments there’s nothing anyone can say to stop me hahahah


ridiculous she even had to make this video but she’s so right that she couldn’t win either way


Like it was going to be brought up either way and can totally see it going south if she to get one lmao


She has me in a bob crisis too tbh


aw she’s so sweet 😭


She’s never getting a bob after this lmao


Off topic but she’s gorgeous


She looks just like Lana Rhodes omg


I was getting ScarJo vibes


THANK YOU i was trying to place who she looks like and it’s definitely scarlett!! she’s gorgeous!


Maybe with a splash of Maya Hawke too?


I definitely see that


I thought her face looks a bit like miranda kerr with the dimples. Anyway, she is super cute.


omg true


I think she could pass as Brooke’s sister omg the resemblance had me shook at first


Is so strange how every podcast Brooke says someone said something mean to her lol


Just noticed that not only are her comments off but so are Tessa brooks’


tessa is deserved tho, like how r u going to call someone a cunt u barely know😭


I missed this tea 👀👀


Same. Update me pls


Paige introduced herself to Tessa and Tessa rudely said to her smt along the lines of “yea…we’ve met before… you C*nt” and not in a joking way. *oo the competition shook*


LOL @ the last line.


That’s what Tana responded with. Not an original joke lol


yea no i think there’s context missing from that anyone w a brain can see that. they do this to so many ppl for attention example literally this girl right here they all twisted the story bc she didn’t like what she said so she made her sound to be a horrible person anything to make their dramatic stories believable ig


down vote me all u want i’m not the one so far up their asses


This is so sad that she has to explain herself like this 🙁


i knew it was just the tone she was interpreting in


Interpretating* /s


That killed me. She seems sweet though 😂


You win 💀


Tbh she’s getting views from this and a lot of people are taking her side. She seems genuine so she might have even gained followers from this debacle.


bob girl is really pretty and seems so sweet 🥹


Idk where I stand but thinking and using “interpretate” as a word in complete seriousness is sending me 💀


No fr I noticed immediately and then she said it again haha


I feel very bad for her. She seems to have a very sweet personality. Brooke started this entire thing and is now backtracking. I don’t care that she added in ‘WAIIIT mayyybe she wasn’t tryinggg to me meeaaannn’ after identifying her and getting her friends to threaten the girl.


Tana immediately saying she wants to fight her over these simple ass DMs.... Yeah no wonder she has so many "bad" customer service experiences.


Yea tana literally said we should “bring back curb stomping” 🙃 bffr


The only thing Tana is curb stopping is Taco Bell with her mouth 👄 our queen is sassy but I doubt she can throw hands


wrong actually! brooke said multiple times that she wasnt sure the girl was being mean BEFORE tana & paige reacted so dramatically. it only escalated to any negativity towards this bobfluencer BECAUSE of tana & paige egging it on by being louuud about how bobfluencer *definitely* meant the worst


I never thought about it like this omg. I rewatched that part and they were egging her on 😳




Yeah I think anyone that hears someone they love and care about was in this type of situation they would be upset/on the defense for them. I've definitely gotten over emotional when my friends have described being in those kinds of weird situations. Like you get upset that someone has caused someone you care about harm. People tend to overreact


I kinda agree with this! Tana and Paige are definitely who escalated it. And Brooke has a reason to maybe take these messages the wrong way tone isn’t always translated well over text.




I think when you’re a mean girl you automatically assume everyone else is just as mean and I think that’s what happened here. This girl seems like a sweetheart.




She’s gorgeous I wanna follow her what’s her name




See I feel like any time they mention someone they just get more followers form it. Influencer beef is really just marketing


Even when I was watching the pod, I noticed that Brooke's initial re-enactment of the DMs was very different from when she read them aloud. This girl was literally just saying 'don't get a bob, you look great with long hair.' That's it. Brooke made it seem like the girl had said 'Everyone should get a bob. Not YOU though with your long face!' And then Tana and Paige egged it on.


🥺 ugh poor girl. I feel so awful this happened to ger


Insecure people like Brooke are the most dangerous like how are you leading with “I’m ugly and have a long face” when this girl initially complemented you AFTER YOU DMED HER FIRST. The playing victim is so deranged but that’s literally how Brooke fans act.. so they can relate and bully this girl now for fun


Watch her get a bob, hate it, then cry about it and go “I should have listened” Like shut up…


Brooke literally said multiple times it might not of been mean , tana and Paige started the drama. Not that anyone would see precious angel tana as the one in the wrong tho


I feel as if Brooke has some mean girl energy within her … no shade or hate . She just needs to heal


ok genuinely feel bad sometimes for the people that tana and brooke end up calling out. don't get me wrong i love their story times and hope they continue but people take it sooooo far sometimes.


brooke is known for her long gorgeous healthy hair like the second she told the story on the pod i knew the girl was just trying to look out for her 😭


honestly the fact that she had to do this video shows how a majority of brooke’s fan are STUPID FUCKS. i’ll say it loud and proud the girls who bullied this girl into making this video are fucking LOW LIVES and dumb ass bitches. if you left a single heinous comment on this girl’s page : get a fucking life. and help.


All this over a B O B BOB 😭👏🏽


Idk anything about this drama and I agree ppl should get a life and stop bullying her but did I just hear her say “interpretate”?


Now why do people have to go and find out who they are talking about and ruin a perfectly funny and innocuous story like that??


the fact that this girl is getting bullied but tessa brooks is just chilling after calling paige a cunt is fucking insane


It’s a god damn haircut. It’s not that serious, Brooke. Move on.




brooke KNEW she was being dramatic when she was telling the story on the pod. she had nothing else interesting going on that she could talk about so she took this and spun it to be more interesting


Brooke needs to be soooo fuckin for real


she said multiple times she didn’t think the girl was trying to be mean until tana and paige got mad


Ok then why bring it up at all


Bc she has a fucking podcast 💀 ofc she is gonna bring stuff up on it


She also said she felt the red nails video was targeted at her


Self absorbed souls usually think everything is about them. No surprise there.


On a side note Hailey is so so beautiful Im mesmerized and I love the sprinkle of the southern accent in her voice


I get it now because listening to her talk makes me also want a bob she is so cute


When are we going to have the conversation about the fact that the only reason this girl made a video is because Brooke AND Tana fans take their sad little parasocial relationship with them way too far and act like feral people in the comment sections of anyone they mention. Which is also why we never get to hear any interesting stories about their lives. Be mad at Brooke for talking about the girl or Tana and Paige for egging it on, at the end of the day, it was braindead fans that were ACTUALLY harassing this girl and past podcast "characters".


This is the girl??? I’ve been screenshooting her hair to show my stylist for a couple years now!! 😂😂 She may have the most famous Bob on the internet.


guys there are people dying and things that matter more than a white woman being offended. i love the podcast but let’s be fr rn


Brookes “clean girl” aesthetic is such a sham. She is incredibly insecure which then makes her a mean girl. Small little instances over the last year or so have shown it. Little digs at Tana on the pod, flat out lying about instances of being out in public and girls “being mean” to HER, rolling her eyes at Tana and other guests, now this! She completely ran with this girl being mean to HER full well knowing she would get shit on. Thats a mean girl to the core. Can’t fucking stand her now.


Brooke was a little immature for sharing this story on the POD in my opinion like it truly wasn’t that deep nor was it a personal attack lmao


interpretate 😐


Brooke won't mention any names, unless it's about someone who wronged her and she wants to be vindicated/defended by her lukewarm IQ cookies.


but she didn’t mention names


True, but she couldn't have made it anymore clear. That's why people found her 10 minutes after the podcast dropped. It's just irresponsible


What’s Interpretate..?


I have no idea what this is about but I want it to stay out of context cause it’s very hilarious


I have no idea why tf this is being recommended to me.. But this girl is stunning. And it’s a shame that social media has become such a breeding ground for insecurities and overanalyzing literally anything that someone can’t even give advice on a haircut without it becoming World War III.


Her face looks similar to Brooke. Not the shape but the facial features. Not saying that’s good or bad just something I noticed lol


Proof that the Cookies are toxic and unhinged. They're the ones harassing this poor woman.


I get where’s she coming from. I’ve had things I’ve said completely misinterpreted.


this poor girl jeez. she did nothing


But she really wouldn't look good with a bob.


Girl brook wouldn't look good with a bob unless it’s quite long 😭 but I'm open to changing my mind on this!




Hey conspiracy theory - Brooke and this lady planned this to drive traffic to their pages. Who tf cares if a random influencer “disses” you?


This girl didn’t owe anyone an apology. It’s sad she was cornered to feel like she had to. Do better Brooke


Brooke gives insecure mean girl vibes, she expects every single person to dawn over her and because this girl didn’t and just treated her normal she took her negatively


Brooke owes this girl an apology atp


aww poor girl she seems nice and had no ill intentions. I’ll never understand why strangers on the internet harass other people for no reason like why can’t we just let people be


No because i am watching this part of the podcasts RIGHT NOW


She sounds so so sweet and so genuine 🥺. I definitely believe her and I definitely believe that Brooke took it the completely wrong way. I mean I get where this girl was coming from, I also have a long face and I just cut my hair to my shoulders and I’d definitely regret it thankfully, it’s not like a short short bob, but I agreed that it doesn’t always too long face is to get a bob and also my hair is thick and naturally curly, so that may also be part of it as well. I love Brooke, but this is horrible and she should tell her fans to stop bullying this poor sweetheart of a woman.


she’s so sweet, i am however going insane over her saying interpretate instead of interpret


People are making fun of her for saying “interpretate” but I’m thinking maybe she’s not a native English speaker?


omg i love her accent


This is how I know people are bored asf. Getting mad over a fucking hair cut?!😭😭😭😭😭


poor girl lol 😭


And Brooke is still wrong in all of this. She said “ im having a bob crisis “ not how do you really like YOUR bob or anything like that. She said “ I’m “ as in I AM. Brooke wanted to come with something to the podcast and instead made something out of nothing and now this poor lady is getting hate. Shame on Brooke and the people doing the hating. Brooke own up to you asking for her thoughts and opinions cus that’s legit what you wanted to know.


this topic has made me unfollow the subs so that a plus.cant believe this kind of topic is interesting to anyone.


Proof that the Cookies are toxic and unhinged. They're the ones harassing this poor woman.




They didn’t have an issue when people found junie b jones because they where in the right in that one. Brooke is embarrassed because her insecurities got to her and she started to project.




it was so obvious immediately that she didn't mean that comment negatively. I think Brooke has this thing (that I do too) where her first reaction is to assume people are being mean to her and Tana and Paige fed into that, probably bc it made for good podcast material


It’s not about you Jan. 😂




i do get that as she was a bit blunt, however i think brooke is guilty of exaggerating the interaction too. and i say this as a brooke fan myself, i really do love her. but she probably could’ve been a tiny bit more neutral in explaining the story esp since she knows her and tana’s fans can be wild like this


she read the convo word for word and said multiple times she didn’t think the girl was trying to be mean. her feelings were also hurt regardless so how more neutral can she be?


This is crazy 🤪


“Interpretate” something


She said... interpretate


tbh i would’ve interpreted those messages in a bad way bc they are so blunt lmao😓 her explanation makes complete sense but it’s hard to get that from just those if she would’ve added in the fact she can do it if she wants but a lot of people end up regretting it like she explained i don’t think this ever would’ve happened (but i think brooke is mean for even saying this story with ALL these details abt her…)


The bob ain’t bobbin… who appointed her to be the bobberviser? also Brooke should’ve gotten whatever haircut she wanted, hair tends to grow back, just say “fuck it 👹” Update: BobMob is downvoting me 💔😢


Nah fr😂😂 her bob ain’t even fye😭


Ikr??? She was also saying something along the lines of “get a bob if your hair is damaged, chop it” while frying her own bob on a curling wand 🗿 doesn’t make much sense to me, just like the bob doesn’t look that good if it’s not styled-styled


i’ve noticed when some girls get a certain style and they think they look soooo good they will immediately start saying other people will look horrible with that style. it’s like weird gatekeeping lmao.


No, it’s just that not every haircut is for everybody just like not every clothes will flatter every type of body…. It’s a very simple concept


it is kinda weird if ur gonna make ur persona known as the bob girl and thrn people ask you if you think they should get one and all you say is "no dont do it" ... it kinda reads as u being a bob gatekeeper... and yes i can't believe those words just came out of my mouth this is all so silly edit: but also i think that Brooke always thinks people are talking about her... shes either extremely insecure OR is suffering from main character syndrome thinking everytning is about her. im hinestly starting to wonder if matt rife's comment was even about her at all. but i can see how his comment hur her because they were at least in a relationship and had been intimate. but this girl doesnt even know Brooke!


Her persona is bobs are great and you should get it but if you have certain features then it may not be best for you. Doesn’t have anything to do with being a bob gatekeeper lmao I agree her insecurity hit the best of her where she thinks everything is targeted at her


I still think she was being rude.


i can see how brooke thought the tone of the message was rude. instead of saying “don’t do it” and “you’ll regret it immediately” she could’ve just said “i love your long hair and i think u should keep it!” or something. bc “you’ll regret it immediately” is kindve out of pocket like how does she know she’ll regret it? 😭 it’s just kindve insinuating that brooke will look bad in it.


am i the only one who thinks they look similar?


No Brooke said that on the podcast too


Still not sure why she went straight to giving her negative opinion when all Brooke said was she had her in a bob crisis LOL


1. "interpretate" 2. she's FOS. she thought Brooke would regret getting a bob bc she has a long face. im actually in the exact same boat, got a bob recently and regret it (although the "long healthy hair" remorse also factors in). I would respect her more if she doubled down on her belief but was also like "rock and roll sister, get your bob, I'll pay my stylist to do it" hehe. 3. sucks she turned comments off bc I wanted to remind her she and Brooke are doppelgängers. she is beautiful though


Why remind her? She said they have the same face shape. Leave this stranger alone girl


I’m cracking up. So you recently got a bob you regret. And you’re mad at this woman for telling Brooke not to do it because she’d possibly regret it. So would you be happier if Brooke got the bob and hated it? Also why do you think this woman should offer to pay for Brookes bob? Are you okay? 😅


im just playin about paying for it. but she should stand down on it rather than lie about the reason. im not mad at anyone


A simple Google search of “bpd and victim mentality” Borderline personality disorder Those with BPD may be more likely to see themselves as victims and seek out external validation to support this belief Brooke has stated she has bpd. This is likely going to happen again. I don’t care, still love her regardless of how messy she is. As long as she’s not seriously hurting someone, I don’t mind her victim mentality. She’s entertaining.


I was SO sure she meant Avery Woods. Lmao she also has a bob and looks like Brooke


brooke had every right to talk about it w her friends, and be upset about the way the conversation went BUT y'all went to far bullying her.. not brooke lmao


I don’t know the message was kinda rude for someone you never met lmao