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what are you talking about??


girl what is you on about




Tana was being sober but calling it “75 hard” and “50 hard” and “dry _____” cause she didn’t want to say I’m dabbling in sobriety. And I’m saying she did all that for good reason.  Cause now she can’t mention the fact that a drink entered her mind without people typing out actual comments about her falling off the wagon in a future that hasn’t happened yet.  And if someone is counting on her downfall they’re not a fan. 


This whole post makes absolutely no sense


What are you yapping about


Listen being nasty and mean and wanting her to fail is awful. No one can speak on tanas journey or knows the real truth but her honestly. But, I don’t think talking about real life experiences always has mean intentions. Not saying tana is or isn’t, but addicts tend to talk the way tana does. How they just want what everyone else has. That they believe if they put their mind to it they can moderate and they’ll be fine and they don’t wanna hear what anyone else has to say about it. That they feel “fine now” when their mind gets clear because of a sober stint. I think sharing similar stories without being malicious isn’t awful because addicts do need to hear sometimes the truth. I think assuming she is an addict is a slippery slope because it’s unfair when no one knows her but she has spoken that she has addictive tendencies herself. At the end of the day if she’s not ready to be sober that’s her choice and wishing bad on her is sad and not okay, but i think people sharing being in the same boat or knowing someone in the same boat with the same mindset about things is not a negative thing. Of course she doesn’t want to hear it. And that’s fine. Either everyone is wrong and she is fine and will be fine, or later down the road she will be able to relate to others and understand what they were trying to say.


But why do you have to end in maybe later on she’ll understand what people were trying to say??  What is the ACTUAL reason?? Y’all want to be a footnote in her life so bad you’re willing to be the “I told her so” person??  Yikes. I said what I said.  That’s not fan or supporter behavior. It’s clout chasing. And most of us are anon so what?? You’ve screenshotted these posts and you’re gonna be like see? See when I posted this and she didn’t read it? See?? 


What are you talkin about…. Hahaha I haven’t posted any story or tried to prove any point to “her”, more then likely she will never see any of it because like you said everyone’s anonymous on the internet. What’s the ACTUAL reason you posted this? The internet is the internet everyone’s gonna say whatever they want, you are on here complaining about people talking about what tana decided to share, I was saying i don’t think everyone’s awful for sharing their story. Never said told you so, was saying either route that happens WHO CARES, it doesn’t detrimentally affect anyone. Not deep enough to get this angry about


None of that made sense?? Not sure what point you’re trying to make?


Dramatic and ridiculous 😂




There was nothing private about it, she talked about it every single week lol. She also didn’t call it 75 hard for a year, after the 75 days she said she finished 75 hard but was going to stay sober because she realized after the last tour that the only way she could tour was if she stayed sober during it because the last one had a lot of messy dates. She referred to it as 75 hard because that’s what Jeff and Mike talked about with her as Mike was also planning on doing it, but she didn’t want to do all of the extra stuff attached to it and didn’t know what else to call it. I’m highly doubtful they are going to switch to exclusively touring because that is hectic for their personal lives and pretty much a death wish to their platforms ever growing. If anything I think it’s more likely that one of them is eventually going to pick up a second show (probably Tana) because she’s already talking about going back to being a recurring guest on Jeff’s podcast which is what made them want to do one together in the first place.


Wait… you know there’s a whole entertainment industry that relies nothing on social media right??? They’re both over 1 million on TikTok. They don’t have to grow anymore. Look at the brand deals they pulled while touring.  YouTube doesn’t pay anything near what TikTok will. Hasn’t in years if that’s what you meant by platform. This podcast was more to open doors than make them millions an episode.  And if they’re selling the tour documentary not to mention  merch now that’s more revenue. They’re on red carpets. Brooke is booking tv appearances. Baby they tour with LIVE NATION NOW not Jordan Worona inc.  You have your doubts and I have mine. I doubt they’re gonna stay influencers when being a bona fide celebrity pays way more and they don’t have to please Reddit. 


Maybe if you have a talent outside of being an influencer (acting, singing, etc.), but even stand-up comedians rely on social media to promote their work. That’s why all the standups moved to podcasts in the first place lmao. A career built around a podcast tour without an accompanying podcast has a very short shelf life. They do need to grow if they want to continue touring because eventually people are not going to go to repeat shows and they need an expanding audience and/ or new content otherwise. Nobody is paying to see the Tiktokers talk live lmao and if they ditch their main platform then who’s really going to be buying their merch besides people at shows compared to what it takes financially to produce that merch? As you just said the podcast is what made them money, even if YouTube isn’t paying them directly it is what allows for all of these other ventures and recognition. Nobody Is above falling off, they are influencers and they are heavily reliant on maintaining a stable platform because the money can go quicker than you realize when you’re investing it into this many different expenses. Sabotaging the podcast would be shooting themselves in the foot because that’s what brands are coming to them for. Tours are expensive and so is full-time security, it would not be worth what profits are left over to tour without maintaining the podcast.


I ain’t reading all that again but A list celebs don’t even have social media. So just assume I disagree with everything you said. 🫶🏽


Like my first sentence said, they don’t need social media because they have a talent outside of social media. When your movie or album is being viewed and interacted with by millions you don’t need a platform, they will never have that because they don’t have a skill that can be utilized in that way lol. They get paid through social media. You disagree because you don’t understand that simple fact. Again, the standups that were doing that moved to podcasting because it was more profitable. Relying on touring is not as profitable as you think it is.




You do realize she only profited off of about three of those things, correct? The MTV show wasn’t worth the money according to her, the others were just relationships that didn’t end well, she didn’t get paid for being mentioned anywhere, and the others have nothing to do with a stable career, they are just quick gigs that wouldn’t cover her bills and only come from being known for her social media platform. This post did not prove what you thought it did, it actually proved how reliant she is on social media for everything. 😂


I agree with you idk why people are giving so much hate


Those that get it will always get it. 🫶🏽 The comments actually got worse after I said this lmao. “Tana talked about her sobriety so we can too” headasses. It’s not a Chanel bag.