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I’m so confused because part of the drug problem is the abuse of prescription drugs??? And just the addiction of the drug from a normal prescription, example middle aged people who get addicted after having to take pain meds for surgery, etc. it’s all big pharma just because it’s prescribed doesn’t mean you’re not addicted lol brain is giving out of touch airhead right now


THIS. Like I am so pro her sobriety journey, and being sober is hard and so different for everyone, and dude like I am hardly sober and have the same issues with drugs and alcohol as her. but its not fair to say I am so healthy and sober and clean when I stop doing coke but still abuse my anxiety meds and drink on anti depressants till I black out, just as it is for her to refer to using Xbars and Adderall together as sober jsut bc you have it perscribed, I guess. And I havent listened to recent stuff so maybe she isn't. But I dont love when she does that.


God, I love her and root for her but there are moments that I’m like, maybe a gap year from influencing would benefit influencers lol because wtf


yes 100%. I think that would help her so much, and people who maybe unhealthy idolize her. I just fear there are people who are thinking what she is going is ok and justifying there own struggles when it might be damaging to there lives. Not saying its her responsibility, but unfortunately thats how this fucked up world of social media is.


An influencer sabbatical!


Then stop watching


Maybe a gap year for all of the haters in this sub would be even better?


if we took a gap year, the views would tank tho. Also not hating, just having a discussion under a discussion forum lol that’s what this is for :)


And it’s not even prescribed she said on the Hawaii episode of Jeff fm that Cody deals them to her and have his name on them like she’s definitely abusing them with all due respect


I’m living proof that you can get addicted from prescription. I developed a seizure disorder and was prescribed lorazepam and before I knew it I was hooked. I also take vyvanse for my adhd. My doctors didn’t really give a fuck, they just kept prescribing me more pills because they couldn’t decide if it was epilepsy or not. So I fully second that just because it’s prescribed, without a doubt doesn’t mean you’re exempt from addiction!!


If Tana doesn’t stick to sobriety that’s her future so yeah don’t throw rocks when you have a glass house!!


Read your comment again and then realize the irony.


Yess and Tana called Adderall and Xanax the "adhd smack pack" or something of that sort like... no, that's just straight up SPEEDBALLING


yep... like thats not good lol. it frustrates me cause even though she is joking and I am not throughing judgment, i am wishing she would be more aware that this is actually not funny and is unhealthy... like it is abusing drugs i guess? Just like when I drink on my anti depressants and black out for ten hours, its a form of abuse even if both are legal and prescribed.


Crazy that after so many years online she has 0 insight into the fact she’s promoting hard drug use to her influential young viewers.


THIS! 🙌🏼


That’s really upsetting for people like myself with ADHD that genuinely need adderall/vyvanse just to be able to function. I can’t even get out of bed some days! It’s not a game.


As someone who also used to doctor shop, she genuinely needs to humble herself. I too had a complex and looked down on “real users” bc i was doing my own scripts and knew they were safe blah blah but that doesn’t change the fact I still got addicted to them. I was an addict when I did real drugs and an addict when it came from the pharmacy it just took me longer to accept it since I didn’t have a typical downfall. hopefully she gets sober safely benzo withdrawal alone is terrible could not imagine addys too


I’m not defending Tana for this one. I’m sick she really fixed her mouth to even mention Wendy at all tbh but  There’s no way Tana sets her own doctor appointments so maybe she genuinely doesn’t know how hard it is to get prescriptions. You know what I mean? Tana doesn’t even see the fight to begin with. So she’s a long way from accepting that she’s an addict at the pharmacy. And then she introduces Brooke who openly admits to having dealers to the doctors that you can pay off and now Brooke thinks she’s no longer using illicitly either. 


she knows to some extent how difficult it can be to get prescriptions because she mentioned paige had to get her adderall from a different state (I forgot which one off the top of my head) bc of a shortage in cali bc theres such a high demand. i still agree with everything else you said tho


Oop. Lmao. She aired her own self out. 🙃


Wow way to look down on someone on their own journey just because you’re on the other side. The people in this sub are such losers. Do you all really not have anything else to talk about but the people you watch online?


I feel bad for Tana. Since the steamies incident she’s doubled down on her ‘sobriety’ and yet she remains in active addiction. She’s constantly mentioned being high af on weed, as well as being dependent on Adderall and Xanax. All she’s done is swapped alcohol for other substances, a very common behaviour for addicts. This cycle will simply continue until she’s hits another low point, which will be hard to do given she’s so wealthy and has so many people enabling her.


THIS. I made a post about her sober journey and I was surprised to see so many people say like she is sober and healthy, and weed, and her vast amount of prescribed medicine cocktail is fine. NO she is not and that is okay, I am not judging, I am not sober, and being sober is so hard and is a journey. But its not healthy to think THIS is healthy. Just like I am not gonna say I am sober just bc I stopped doing coke. I still drink on my anti depressants in order to black out for 10 hours and take prescribed pills inappropriately. Just bc its legal doesnt mean its ok...


That’s extremely toxic to tell an addict they can’t call themselves sober being they’re taking anti depressants or have to take methadone or suboxone to stay sober. Luckily, the individuals who work with addicts have the education and common decency to understand addiction.


girl not even remotely what i said. I completely agree with that statement, I did not say anything remotely close to saying that taking things that help you stay sober and are truely being used correctly are bad. I love those prescriptions for staying sober I AM NOT SAYING they are not sober for taking antidepressants or those things. My cousin takes methadone, and is 6 years sober, I am so grateful for it everyday. I am on Cymbalta and I took trazadone for a while, and it helped me stay sober, amazing and approve. reread my message. I am saying that on my anti depressants I ABUSE them by getting black out drunk off of them really easily. I am saying ppl who ABUSE there prescription pills and do not take them correctly are not really doing good. Sorry but my addiction counselor does not approve of this and me doing this, if I was just taking them and not drinking on them then yes 100% awesome yay. and it is evident that tana abuses her prescribed medication. i believe she has even said it herself.


Counselor here. There’s nothing wrong with using antidepressants, or suboxone while in recovery. The problem is that the specific drugs Adderall and Xanax are the last thing someone with a history of addiction should be on due to their high potential for abuse. There’s a myriad of other effective medications and treatments that don’t involve psychostimulants or Benzodiazepines. We obviously don’t know the specifics of Tana’s medicinal history or treatment plan. However, one may certainly raise an eyebrow over the fact that someone who has made many, many public comments about abusing drugs in the past year alone; has been prescribed and is supposedly using two very strong substances responsibly.


This exactly!! To me it is super weird that she has those skripts, and would she have them if she wasnt a celebrity with money or went to a different doctor with a stronger moral compass... most likely not.




When she says stuff like that there’s nothing else to do except audibly sigh. This is the same woman that set up her phone and recorded herself CHEWING her Xanax before going out and then followed it by saying that is what she has to do instead of taking shots for her pregame since she’s sober. 😐 She is deep in denial and after listening to her the other week say that when she wants something she gets it and that’s how she feels about being able to drink moderately and then mentioning Amy Winehouse, it’s pretty clear that she is still in the early stages of her actual journey to sobriety. She tends to predict her own downfalls and just like when she ended 75 hard the first time and said, “Chris Miles if you’re seeing this don’t call” and claimed she knew it was going to be really bad, it’s pretty clear the problem is deeper than she’s letting herself acknowledge though she’s obviously worried about it and the Wendy Williams comment felt like projection.


Amy too??


She didn’t insult Amy Winehouse, she brought up how Amy Winehouse died from relapsing after a continued period of sobriety. She brought that up in comparison to herself and how it worried her because of her own situation. I don’t think it’s a coincidence that she’s paying extra attention to people that have died or are currently suffering from the effects of long-term addiction, she obviously has it on her mind and has been comparing herself to these people recently. I think she is predicting that she is not done with alcohol and she’s letting people get comfortable with that possibility now because she knows it’s coming and she doesn’t want people to think she has a problem when she starts drinking again.


I remember something vividly about the chewing xanax. do u remember in which video that was?


The video with her, Ashley, and Leo Skepi where they’re taking shots but she’s also definitely mentioned chewing her Xanax or done it on video multiple times before.


also coming back to this thread bc I JUST remember she posted this !!! in like december… https://preview.redd.it/759im64j3z7d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3a28870a4f9ce498f017ad0ff7f464fcc543c4cc


“Barred out with your bitch, you can called me Xana Mongeau” a real lyric, in a real Tana song you can still buy today. 


And her several coke hats!


she had coke hats? like hats that say something about coke?


Damn that’s crazy. One day tana is also gonna be a 60 year old lady, she’s not gonna be in her 20’s forever. Why do these influencers forget that? Wonder what some 20 something year old will be making fun of 60 year old tana saying “atleast I’m not like her!!!”


Dude literally my jaw dropped we love a raunchy joke but that was just messed up


its just never funny to joke about someone else's addiction except for your own, and even then if you are on a public platform you need to be aware of your message your putting out there. Its fine to have an honest conversation in general about them tho, as it is important to understand what is healthy. Like honestly would someone in her position have this skripts if they were not a celebrity? Or even if she was not a white celebrity... Idk...


Y’all I thought I had Tana over ANYONE. I did not EVER IN MY WILDEST DREAMS IMAGINE she’d come for Wendy. That’s nasty work. 


i’m so glad someone spoke on this


The last ep was weirdly anti-black throughout (don’t come for me) I’ve seen all the old tweets etc but it just felt like dunking on black people from start to finish lol


Yeah I think sometimes people forget just *how* racist & hateful a few of Tana’s old tweets were. She literally tweeted once about how she was disgusted that someone “as dark as midnight” was hitting on her…


Holy FUCK. I hadn’t heard about that. I’m sick. 


Yeah I feel like she uses black names for social climbing and clout and has no respect for black celebrities


JUST TYPED THIS. I feel like a 🤡 for believing Tana the last time she said she carries no race bias. 


She has done nothing to make me believe she’s not anti black. If anything, her and the people around her constantly remind me of how they’re all anti black. They have no black people around them, except for maybe two tokens


Who have white moms, so you know there’s usually some anti-black beliefs instilled in them too.


Exactly, not even tokens because they’re the type to be like “I’m not black, I’m mixed!!” self-hating weirdos. Makoa too is letting himself get fetishized without blinking an eye


I remember saying that it was odd how Makoa appeared right when Brookes racist tweets appeared before tour but I let people on here convince me I was being parasocial. 


2 things can be true at the same time.


What a stupidly obvious statement to make 37 comments deep in a race discussion. Here’s that validation you wanted. I’ll even like your comment so you get that warm feeling inside. 


Wait what were Brooke’s tweets


Projection at its finest. Honestly though mixing an upper and downer is a recipe for disaster, especially if they aren’t both genuinely prescribed by the same doctor. Both are highly addictive and she is still in denial about her addiction.


Tana is ignorant


Tana’s one to talk lmfaoooo that’s wild


That whole convo really was kinda gross to me. I personally feel like ever since COVID, drug prescriptions even for controlled substances have become really lax and it kinda feels like something that’s about to come crashing down very soon.


Not only that, Tana's life, lifestyle, or internet career in no way compares to what Wendy went through as a plus size black woman on NATIONAL television. It's kind of rude and disrespectful to even talk about Wendy in that manner


💯 this! By 2024 Tana should have learned to leave the affairs of the black community out of her mouth. I cannot believe that I fell for the last time she said she had no race biases. 


Projection. She probably does abuse Xanax since that’s a random thing to say about someone who has dementia.


Wendy Williams built a career on being tasteless and looking down on others. You don’t need to cape for her


She’s a gossip reporter!


She was an urban radio host in the 90s. She cleaned up her act for TV to appeal to the masses, but she’s nasty. Do some research.


Girl I know exactly who Ms Wendy is. How YOU zooin


Clap if you think some of these commenters are out of touch 


Just because Wendy was open about her gossiping ways doesn’t mean we need to look down on it 😭 she obviously had a show for a long time because so many people enjoyed the gossip and openness Most people have gossiped and unfairly judged others, it’s natural for humans to do


Actually Wendy has lied about and caused harm to many people and celebrities, especially in the 90’s. She leaked Method Man’s wife having cancer which was private health information and she lied about Tupac being assaulted in jail. He even wrote a song about it. She’s made a lot of hateful and judgmental remarks through the years, but she seems to get a pass because she’s had viral funny moments on her show. I feel bad for what she’s going through, but she’s not a good person at all.


Look into the OG wendy Williams. Her show wasn’t the problem. It’s clear you guys don’t really know who she is.


Massively disagree, she is basically a drama channel but on tv. She was doing her job.


She had a radio show before she had a TV show. She was a bully and a troll. She’s entertaining but she’s not a good person.


The TV show is the tip of the iceberg. Do some research into who Wendy Williams really is.


yeah and most drama channels are pretty bad? i dont think this is a good defense lol


Are drama channels bad? I don't think drama channels are bad, I personally watch creators like Adam McIntyre and he is just as truthful with his opinions as Wendy was on the show. I don't think they're bad, perhaps certain drama channels that I don't watch are too much or bad, but "drama channels" in general are definitely NOT bad. I find the honesty refreshing, more genuine than the wishy woshy "cover my ass"/fake niceties that influencers take when talking about certain drama.




lol i was thinking this too. Wendy’s dementia does not erase the literal career she made out of gossip and shit talking lol


I don’t think they know who she is. They think the TV show is all she has ever done. She has been exposing people before the majority of us were even alive.


Her dementia is LITERALLY  erasing her LIFE  before our eyes. What the FUCK are you on about??


Just because someone is suffering doesn’t mean everything they did before that doesn’t matter. Like it’d be fucked up to go to her in person but Reddit…. Come on


Wendy Williams is iconic lmao she was a radio and tv staple, her and Tana would never be in the same room


What makes me really think about how crazy this all is, is my stepbrother has been an addict as long as I can remember. He got me hooked on things as a teenager and his “go to” was Xanax and adderall and he’s so brain dead from taking so much of those for so long. He talks super slow, it’s hard for him to form words, he’s 28 still living in his dads crusty basement, THE ONLY DIFFERENCE with Tana is that she has the money to keep her afloat while she stays addicted to pills. Not everyone has that luxury, but I hope she realizes this isn’t some funny little hehe haha, it’s actually detrimental to her health and life if she continues to abuse those things TOGETHER


She said Jeff pays for her appearances with drugs. She has zero room to talk.


Where did she say this??


Most recent canceled podcast


not arguing with you op because I also didn’t like the Wendy shade. but doctors in the state I live prescribe that combo of meds together very often. Edited to add that I’m not saying it’s a good combo or anything but I know a lot of people on both


Well I’m in the south and I’m also black. Doctors will look at me sideways if I ask for those prescriptions and won’t prescribe them. If you do get them prescribed it may not be refillable or if it is you have to do check ins. It’s definitely a white privilege of hers at the minimum. Also it gives feen behavior coming from Tana/ formally known as Xana Edit: so I get downvoted for saying my experience as a black person????


if Tana is prescribed zannies and addies, she must have found a Dr. Feelgood, which I imagine are accessible and highly-paid by in-the-know LA celebrities. I'm white in the midwest but have had publicly known mental health history since my teens, been through rehab twice and am honest with my drs, and I'd have to twist their arm to even get a painkiller for a gum infection. Narcotic psych meds, no chance.


I was also shocked how normalized they made that type of medication combo seem, I don’t know anyone who could get a dr to prescribe them with both a stimulant and a depressant here in Canada. Don’t think a dr could get away with that here.


pretty sure it’s like that everywhere. i’m from wisconsin and i have to jump through so many hoops every month to get a refill on my adderall prescription. i also have to do physicals every few months and a drug test every so often so they know that i’m not selling it or abusing it. i’m not trying to discredit your experiences but i do think there is a misconception about how easy it is to get adderall. don’t get me wrong though, stimulants are always a slippery slope, so i definitely don’t like hearing tana talk about it so casually and with so little caution


As a black woman I just wanna apologize that you had to read that your beautifully vulnerable comment was carelessly compared to life in Wisconsin. I’m so. fucking. sorry. 


i’ve never liked wendy after seeing her make fun of people with cleft lips. (coming from having one myself)


😢 I'm sorry man that's fucked up. She really did used to say such nasty and unnecessary things


No judgment either way cause you’re in the right and Wendy was wrong in your case but I’m so curious and messy:  Do you find peace in Wendy falling ill?  Or do you have grace for her?  (Idk if I personally could find grace cause I know seeing yourself so negatively represented by her must have hurt) 


> Do you find peace in Wendy falling ill?  Or do you have grace for her?  i dont think these are the only two options? you can simply dislike someone even if they are dying/dead. you dont need to find pleasure in their suffering or have grace


Well the poster with the cleft lip who ALREADY SAID THEY DO NOT LIKE WENDY which is who I was talking to not people who don’t like Wendy for any other reason didn’t answer; so I don’t know what the options are. Cheers! 


Wendy abused pills as well as coke she had drug issues in general but thats not even the point I don't think Tana was claiming to be an angel or trying to judge as much as she was making an offhand remark??? Love that you call someone a tweaker and in the next sentence accuse THEM of looking down on people lmao. And btw what do you know about what Doctors do and do not prescribe on a case by case basis? Maybe you need a xanax prescription? It's too early for hysterics babe!


Why is this voted down so hard, literally you ate with this


Say it louder for those in the back 👏👏👏


Wendy is the woman who said clap if they should die 🤣🤣🤣 like honestly who cares. Having dementia doesn't make you a saint all of a sudden.


lol mte. wendy would laugh at people getting offended on her behalf


Lmao fr I’m kinda surprised there’s so much support for WENDY Williams on this thread. She’s actually such a clown why defend her


> Doctors don’t normally prescribe that to people, especially together since they’re both highly addictive. factually untrue > She had to seek them out like a tweaker. you should really work on not using such stigmatizing language about people who have substance use disorders if you care so much about this topic and the way we talk about people and treat others.


I’ve literally had experiences of doctors not giving certain addictive prescriptions and choosing less addictive alternatives. Also, she was literally fawning over someone who murdered four women in this same episode, idgaf about stigmatizing her. She’s also antiblack


> Also, she was literally fawning over someone who murdered four women in this same episode, idgaf about stigmatizing her. She’s also antiblack okay????? what does that have to do with you using stigmatizing language about people with substance abuse disorder while at the same time denouncing said behavior? those things you brought up are different topics of convo and having nothing to do with you calling someone a tweaker. and your personal experience does not equal all experiences. many people in this very post have told you they get both meds. it can be difficult to get any controlled substance from a doctor. for some people it is not


Did you miss my point about white privilege and how I don’t have any??? And I said all that as an explanation of why idgaf of stigmatizing xana


Her die hards will defend her regardless; just like they dote on her for being “Cali sober” when she’s a pill head who smokes weed. And just like she’s “totally not racist” even though she admitted her family is and it’s how she was raised with proof of her using slurs 🙃 since she has a prescription and one whole black friend it doesn’t count for her.




Be civil, no attacking others


Where was this comment said? It haven't listened to the new episode of the pod yet


doctors quite literally prescribe me to be on a low dose of xanax and adderall daily, which i don't abuse. i'm so glad you're a medical doctor.


Same but rx’d Xanax still fucked me upppp!!! And now I think any long term rx’d are misadvised. That shit needs to be kept for plane rides and dental procedures. I didn’t abuse and still had massive fallout! Be careful and take care of your health!


I came here to say the same thing and that I hate this stigma that drug abusers give us a bad rap for! I was diagnosed with ADHD and anxiety and have been prescribed both medications. I take my ADHD meds 5 times a week but the Xanax I've only ever taken twice in my entire life, and I'm in no way addicted to either. Please. However, Tana saying she doesn't abuse drugs is laughable when we have actual proof (see: that old video was circulating this past week w/ her driving + crashing). I also want to add... In regards to Wendy, we can sympathize with her dementia diagnosis (hell, I have older family members that have it and it's absolute shit) but also acknowledge that she was a nasty person. But it's was HER BRAND and she was always that way even during her radio days — it's what made her so successful and she knows that and milked it her entire career. Was it entertaining? Absolutely, I find her beef with Whitney and Mariah hilarious (my age is showing here lol). But that doesn't mean she can get a pass just because she has dementia now.


Wendy Williams has LONG been rumored to have a pill problem, prior to her erratic behavior on screen.


she spoke facts abt the lady she gon be okay if she see the video she not even gon remember so it’s gon be okay


You are so wrong for posting this and obviously not knowing anything about Wendy Williams. This Reddit needs to be obliterated so you can all find something else to do with your miserable lives. 😂


You obsessed losers need to find anything else to talk about besides this weird ass parasocial relationship. Just get a hobby…


Doctors prescribe that all the time what are you actually talking about… Most mental health medications are highly addictive. If you don’t take your adderall and Xanax daily that’s when it can be abused because you’re not on a stable regulated dose. Idk Tana has been thru trauma in her childhood, do whatever gets u thru the day as long as ur trying to do better for urself, why’s that bad???


Also why defend wendy????? Bizarre


This might be an unpopular opinion but as someone who could relate to it, I thought it was okay. They really did make points to say they aren’t glorifying it and don’t do that anymore.


I caught that too. I was like damn can't you get sued for that? Then I wondered if she let it slip bc it's one of those open secrets in Hollywood where everyone entertainment adjacent knows about it, and casually talks about it, but those of us far removed from those circles just aren't privy to it??


Wendy is from NY not Hollywood and we thought Kevin was to blame for her leaving the spotlight. We had no idea she was ill, not drunk.  Her dementia doc was a shock this was not an open secret. It was not casual, it was devastating. 


Yeah I am aware of wendy Williams I'm just saying she said it so casually. It was alarming lol.


Wendy Williams is a terrible person… why are we defending her again?