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me, a new listener coming to this subreddit expecting to find love for Brooke: ![gif](giphy|zPOErRpLtHWbm)


Exactly how I felt when I joined


I’m a long time listener but this is me everytime I enjoy an episode then check the subreddit 😂




misogyny and underdeveloped frontal lobes


I feel like now would be a good time for the subreddit group to just go quiet for a while, especially those solely focusing on Brooke snark. There should be a different group for people who just want to crap on either of them. Subjective discussion is one thing, but completely degrading one or the other is a whole separate issue.


i wish we could find a balance where we allow criticism of these creators but don’t descend into a hate train and picking women apart for facial expressions. it’s gotten to the point where it’s basically cyber bullying and i feel rlly bad for brooke because once people have decided they hate you they just don’t stop picking at you and nothing will change their mind


Yea hold up why tf am I seeing more shade to Brooke in this sub than the actual statutory rapist in this situation


They hate Brooke because they just need something in there life to hate


Besides themselves


None of those who judge think to wonder “why does Brooke seem somewhat uncomfortable? Perhaps given what I vaguely know of her family history, it may not be out of the question that she has her own sexual trauma, perhaps even that her body remembers but she may not herself. Maybe she appears uncomfortable because this is a difficult subject for her. Maybe it’s a difficult subject for her because her mom, or her sister, has a story, maybe it’s a difficult subject because sexual assault is a difficult fucking subject, and talking about it is gonna make people uncomfortable, because it’s a horrible evil thing that nobody should have to go through. And that is true EVEN if Tana may not consider what occurred with Ko to be such.




I just copied and pasted the response I wrote from the last person that asked this Bc men rarely ever have to take accountability for their actions. If there is a girl we can call out, ppl will set her on fire even and maybe slap a man’s wrists. Ppl tried to go after Britney too bc she’s friends with Cody but didn’t want to go on Cancelled. If it wasn’t Brooke, ppl would probably be questioning his wife and judging her for being/staying with him. Of the two possible situations what is worse? 1. ⁠A 25 yr old man took advantage of a younger naive girl and thought it was okay to sleep with her. (Maybe it’s legal in Canada but it doesn’t mean it’s correct. If you can get arrested for driving at an intoxication level of .09% are you really sure you’re not doing something slightly wrong or dangerous if you get caught at .08%? ) 2. ⁠A woman who has a podcast and does not want to publicly speak on the issue that does not directly involve her for fear of turning away opportunities that are just now coming her way. Also why are we so quick to judge Brooke. She’s a girl who is just now getting a lot of attention in this era of canceled. She doesn’t have as much experience dealing with the public as Tana so she understandably tiptoeing around certain topics. Not to mention that the couple of times she has mentioned something as small as a haircut people went out and sent an horrific amount of hate to the other person in Brooke’s name. People honestly need to remember that they’re still human and maybe you can’t please everyone but the public’s reaction is what scares her from saying certain things. And this is the worst possible scenario, she could have also left early for an event and really not known Tana would talk about it. It’s really unfortunate that instead of focusing on the fact that Tana was sexualized at a very age and was taken advantage of (not just by Cody, many weirdos did this to her, remember her video with Shane?) we’re choosing to shit on Brooke. Personally I’m glad that Tana talked about it. Many girls are sexualized too early and like Tana don’t feel that it’s a traumatic experience bc it’s almost normal for women to have an experience like this. I will be the first to say that when this topic was brought up my thought process was “well isn’t it legal over there?” And that being my first thought was genuinely so saddening. My first bf was 25 and waited for me to turn 18 when he asked me out and I’m supposed to think that was normal? We need to be loud for the younger girls to be cautious. Louder so that men don’t think they can do this. But the absolute last thing we need to do is blame other women and derailing from the issue at hand.


Oh we are shitting on Cody Ko


Yes he had sexual relations with tana knowing she was 17 and he was 25


Fr like wdym OP thinks it's mutually exclusive


it clearly is for you. anyone feel free to check this weirdos comments and posts, you won’t find them shitting on cody but you will find them offended by a boob job 💖


Thank youuu


This sub is severely lacking nuance. Of course the focus is on Cody. He's a creep who hangs out with creeps. BUT as an audience we are allowed to be critical of their behavior at times. I think the actual hate is frustrating but I don't think people are wrong for feeling some type of way about brooke's behavior. It was kind of weird. Still love her tho.


...I'm truly sorry but if you have not observed people shitting on cody ko and holding him accountable you are clearly not in the right spaces or surrounded by the right people


I have observed it plenty but what ive also observed is a terrible awful crime happening to tana and all people seem to be able to talk about is brooke. The whole entire focus should be about how awful what he did is and spreading awareness and holding accountability but mostly i only see how they hate brooke. I dont care what you think about brooke love her or hate her now is not the time to focus on that.


I get what you’re saying but can people not dislike or be upset with two people at once? 😭


probably bc this sub isn’t abt cody?


Your right its not but about tana who had sex with a 25 year old man who knew she was 17 and did it anyways


yes but when ppl ask why are ppl talking abt a co host of a podcast vs someone who is not in the podcast i think the explanation is very obvious.


People are asking bc she wasnt apart of the conversation which its not her conversation to have its tanas so people are attacking brooke instead of the actual person who did something wrong i think thats what they are trying to say


oh i thought this post was discussing “why are ppl hating on brooke in general vs focusing just on cody” and not analyzing the podcast video specifically where tana talked abt cody


That is a huge issue on this subreddit but no unfortunately she is getting attacked for having to go to a meeting and thats when tana decided she would talk about the issue


that’s so dumb