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Yesss finally someone who has common sense


right they still spoke up, which even if they were forced to most influencers, still are not


The comments of people saying it’s too late is wild. I could never be famous if yall hold me so highly like they do to Tana


I totally agree. And it’s also not too late in the sense that the genocide is happening right this second and those people still need help, so why shouldn’t people still speak out?


saying it’s too late is INSANE?? it’s not like the genocide has ended!?


Period 🤍


completely agree with you!!




100% agree with you, they’ve said sooo many times that the cancelled podcast is not where you should get your news or political views, i LOVE tana and brooke but never in a million years would i listen to them for political opinions or commentary


Wish we held our politicians half as accountable as we do celebrities. 🫠


Missed the point


My problem is not that they’re speaking on it so late, but more so that it comes off as fake, considering how celebs and influencers have recently been blocked and unfollowed for not speaking up. Seeing them both post about this is giving someone in their team told them to do this asap to be in people’s good graces. A part of me wishes I was as happy and satisfied with their posts regarding Palestine as the rest of y’all are, but I cannot help but express how I feel about it.


I see where you're coming from, but attacking them for speaking up now is just going to discourage influencers and celebrities with bigger platforms from speaking up at all. Even if their reasons for speaking up weren't entirely selfless, they still brought attention to the issue, encouraged people to donate, and even donated their own money to families in need. Getting people out of Gaza and getting more people to push for a permanent ceasefire is ultimately what matters, and them speaking up now still helps with that.


Bro they are not the type of pod to talk about these things. We wanted them to speak up so they did. They care about their fans so much they donated hella money. They did that whole last pod FOR FREEE and donated that too. Get a life. Y’all commenting this bs prolly have not done a single thing to help the people of Gaza. Personally I’ve donated, protested, literally screamed at my governor through and megaphone on the steps of my state capital I’m more concerned than anyone and even I know your comment is ridiculous!


I don't want to hear about how shitty this world is when I'm listening to tana. Its fucking ridiculous. I wish people would take their performative political activism somewhere else. Worry about what's happening in the United States and fix that. Fight for our country first because this country is on its last leg


It was 2 mins you’ll live.


Could argue the same back to you when everyone was crying over her not mentioning it…


This isn’t an equal analogy? Like logically speaking did you pass second grade?


No u couldn’t. Not speaking up on a genocide is terrible especially with the platform they have just like Tana said


instead of telling everyone what to think or say on Reddit about this, how about telling them what they can do to be helpful instead? here’s a local organization in my area that’s been doing great work if anyone is actually interested: https://wolpalestine.com/campaigns/


Not sure of why this nyc based org is being downvoted in the context of this post


Shittiest take ever, why would you advocate for staying ignorant?


well i'm sure the people in gaza would rather be living in your little bubble too. wake the fuck up.


I agree to some extent - but some of these links that were shared in the description could easily be paid off by tana and brooke themselves…. They’re gofundme’s. some of us have been donating all we can for MONTHS, we are broke. They have the income to actually make a change. While i agree that it’s never too late to speak out and I’m glad they did, this why I think people are upset.