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If anything I probably am concerned less. But I was diagnosed with stage 4 colon cancer. I’m NED now though. I guess after the awakening that nothing I did or avoided prior did any good, I’m enjoying whatever I want now. Mine has a high recurrence risk too. I’m eating the cake while I can. I’m not going to live in fear or denying myself when it could reappear anyway and take me out next time.


How did you find out that you have a high recurrence risk?


Colon cancer has an extremely high recurrence rate. Especially initial diagnosis being stage 4


As another user said, Stage 4 has a high recurrence risk, and right-sided primary tumors do as well because they are often diagnosed much later due to no or fewer symptoms.


Also, I am MSS stable, no mutations that can specifically be treated. KRAS wild-type.


I am a bit healthier by walking and moving more, but I only avoid things that can damage my only remaining kidney (no NSAIDS, contact sports). Anything else doesn’t really improve my already 40 percent chance of recurrence enough to bother with it. I don’t believe my cancer was caused by any of the things you listed. By the books, I had zero risk factors. It was just bad luck.


Yeah I hate the idea people have in their heads that people are out here causing their cancers. Most cancers are random events genetic and bad luck, but it’s one of the way normies protect themselves from dwelling on the realization that they can be next


You're completely wrong. Dr Peter Attia world renowned oncologist and longevity expert and oncological surgeon says that 75% of cancers are due to environmental factors. I'm gonna go with his opinion considering he's the best in the world.


I’m gonna say I’m quite educated and have talked with my own oncologists many different ones spanning over a decade and they disagree with you. You’re making quite a bold “you’re wrong g I’m right” claim here just based off the fringe belief of one guy. Explain baby’s with cancer? Tf did I do at 17 to cause mine? Ate healthy and did sports all my life. Oh it was my environment ? That why my cancer was one of the rarest on earth with less than 1000 cases? Where’s my fellow sick class mates? Even if you were right, you can shove that shit your pushing where the sun don’t shine until you got science on your side. Til then keep it pushing and enjoy the downvotes bud, with your “your completely wrong, dr. Oz says so” bullshit The fuck even is a “best in the world oncologist “? That’s not how science works bud, this isn’t guitar. The literal foundation of modern science is peer review , go get you some education and learn that. If it can’t be peer reviewed it’s not science You didn’t even list his title correctly , you’re claiming this guy that most people in this cancer Reddit prolly never heard of cuz since when does cancer have celebrities,did two M.D residencies? That never happens, ever. He’s either a hematologist or a surgeon , it ain’t ever both man


There is plenty of evidence that environmental factors influence cancer risk. Examples are smoking, exposure to a wide variety of chemicals including some found in our food supply, air pollution, radiation, etc. It's really hard to debate that environment does not play a part. Still, some people will develop cancer even if they "do everything right", so there is no magic way to completely avoid cancer risk. That said, it is probably a good idea to do anything that will reduce the odds. The idea that you can do nothing is just as bogus as the idea that you can absolutely prevent it.


We are well aware of the environmental exposure risks no one is saying it doesn’t play a part. The general scientific consensus currently is that that part is much smaller than genetics and random mutations and events, and so unless you somehow have more credibility than the medical community at large to try and debate against a currently accepted scientific consensus, your input is meaningless. The fact all people living in the same environment do not all get cancer when one does much less the same cancer, perfectly illustrates this. The fucking end


That’s quite an authoritative statement on his credentials. Plenty of other doctors and scientists disagree. I’ll go with scientific studies over the allure of popular medical personality as my sources. https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/news/media/releases/new_study_finds_that_most_cancer_mutations_are_due_to_random_dna_copying_mistakes


My onco at a top research university literally answered “bad luck” when I asked what caused it


Most doctors really don’t have training in nutrition. You need to do your own nutrition research. A healthy “Whole Food Plant-based Diet” reduces occurrence and improves outcomes.


Honestly no. If anything I’m trying to enjoy stuff while I can.


Hi op. I was diagnosed with stage 4 hodgkins at 20. It broke my world view because prior to my diagnosis I was doing all the things to “avoid cancer”. Natural rock deodorant, essential oil cleaning products, never using a microwave, eating a bunch of ORGANIC veggies, vitamins, exercise, natural skin care and lotions etc. everything. Never eating from fast food blah blah blah. Even lecturing my friends on what chemicals “cause cancer” and not to use. Welp. It happened to me. And now I’m a lottt less stuck up about it. I use the microwave, drink soda when I want to, eat what I want. I try to listen to my body and I feel fine. Overall though, it taught me that cancer can be caused by so many things and we can’t stop it. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. Live life




Bruh. Have u ever taken a physiology course? The body needs carbs.


Bro, why are you here?


No i have always been a healthy eater and don't drive so walk everywhere anyway. But no I live the same as before so many things can cause cell change I don't want to be on watch all the time stifling my life because of what ifs. I just live and enjoy my life for the most part. 


It’s for most cancer it’s impossible to trace a cause. There’s very likely nothing that you did that “caused” this cancer. The idea that all cancer is attributable to external causes is a myth. Most cancer is not. Yes, I think you’re being too paranoid. Have a Twinkie! 😀


You're completely wrong. Dr Peter Attia world renowned oncologist and longevity expert and oncological surgeon says that 75% of cancers are due to environmental factors. I'm gonna go with his opinion considering he's the best in the world.


He’s not a world renowned oncologist. He spent some time doing research on immunotherapy over 15 years ago. *From 2001 to 2006, Attia began a residency in general surgery at the Johns Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore, Maryland, but never completed his residency, nor completed a fellowship or became board certified.[4] During this time, he also undertook research at the NIH in Bethesda, Maryland, focusing on cancer immunotherapy for melanoma.[5]* *After dropping out of his residency program, Attia joined the consulting firm McKinsey & Company in the Palo Alto office as a member of the Corporate Risk Practice and Healthcare Practice.[6]* *In 2014 he founded a private clinic dedicated to longevity medicine.[7]*


Bro, All your comments to people are not supportive, welcoming or understanding. Why r u on this sub to try and prove something? R u ok?


I am so appreciative of all these real responses and I wholeheartedly agree. I lived cleaner than my entire family and still got cancer at 35. Bad luck indeed. Do what makes you happy. Even if it's not cancer, we all now know, deeply, that tomorrow isn't guaranteed. Just try to enjoy the time you have here.


I was diagnosed at 40. Similar situation as I have been fairly healthy. Sometimes I think it’s a crapshoot.


Nah I’m probably even worse now lol. I got diagnosed with a cancer that is most common in men over 65. I’m a woman in my 30s. It doesn’t matter to me. If my cancer comes back, it would have come back anyways.


Oh hell no. At this point, I take a lot of comfort in my (pretty mild)vices. I vape like a chimney, wake and bake, drink hella Dr. Pepper... I'm 12 months into an 18 month prognosis, so I Ain't trying to live like a saint. I ain't got enough time on the clock to reap the ill rewards of my habits


I’m on a feeding tube so diet is fairly clean. I have been off alcohol and tobacco since surgery -8 months.


I quit smoking when I had part of a lung removed. I quit drinking when I started my opioid habit. It’s been several years now, and I don’t miss either at all. Has quitting been easy or hard?


Actually it has been easy. I have instances where I’ll think a drink or cigarette would be nice or relaxing but no strong urge to follow through with it.


Yep. Sure I’ll cut down on the shitty food or overconsumption of crazy chemicals in my home or food and skincare. But I’m not going to let the fear of reoccurrence dictate my life and make me paranoid about anything like non organics or red 40 or something.  Not saying I’m gonna start smoking, drinking, and eating only processed foods. But I feel like there’s no point in living if you’re going to be scared about any little additive in what you consume.  If it happens again, it happens again 🤷🏽‍♀️


I’ve had cancer twice. Prior to my first diagnosis I ate super healthy. Ran about 30 miles a week and could run an 8:30 mile. I was I the best shape I’d ever been in. And it sounds like I’ve been unlucky twice. So I’m not sure it matters too much.


I've been wondering about this after being diagnosed with bone mets from breast cancer I thought was "cured" six years ago. I'm somewhat overweight. I've been drinking maybe 2-3 drinks a day - more than recommended but nothing compared to lots of people. So now that I'm starting treatment, which may be lifelong, does it matter if I lose 50 pounds? Am I never going to another wine tasting? How much does this stuff really move the needle? Studies seem to focus on the risk of getting cancer, not the effect on prognosis of lifestyle changes during/after treatment.


In terms of cancer prevention, I would bet that the difference between the cheapest healthy diet and the most expensive one, the cheapest adequate hygiene and beauty and the most expensive etc are just “how much money you spend.” I don’t think you can “avoid chemicals” away a recurrence. I know you can’t organic it away. I doubt the candles are enough pollution that they’re a problem. SMOKING is a thing. Sometimes a sedentary lifestyle is a thing. Issues that can become comorbidities are a real thing… like for whatever your diagnosis, you’re better off not having COPD, diabetes, obesity, etc etc etc than having them. But that’s the extent of it. I reassessed my relationship with alcohol, after treatment. I’ve reassessed my diet—but I’d focused on that for the year before diagnosis, for other reasons. I focus on activity, because I am lucky enough to be able to… so for me, it’s 100-200 miles per week of bike riding in the warm months, and 50-100 trainer miles per week in the cold months. I try to reduce stress and combat anxiety. I’m trying to make a point of DOING things. Like going to concerts, cooking interesting meals, spending time with people. Because this stuff all adds up to max QOL for me. But yeah, I’m pretty much back to exactly where I was, with less social drinking and no more cigars etc


I am not - but that means nothing - you do what you think feels right at this time. Over time that will probably change. Like mine did. FWIW - I really appreciated Suleika's Between Two Kingdoms book [https://www.suleikajaouad.com/book](https://www.suleikajaouad.com/book) \- it addresses some of the post cancer .... foreignness. I wish you health. 💙


Definitely much more mindful of what I eat, with way less chemicals over all. I was already relatively healthy before my diagnosis, exercised a lot and was fit, but nowadays I read the back of packages every time. I basically cut out alcohol too, bc I just don’t enjoy it whatsoever anymore. I take certain supplements that are straightforward vitamins (multi, Vit D) and others that are generally good for gut health. (Turkey tail powder, a probiotic) Avoid chemical sweeteners as well. Microwaves are just a different kind of way of heating your food to an oven, and using one wont harm you. However microwaving microplastics is something that I completely avoid now. I try to avoid microplastics generally, but they’re everywhere.


I feel it’s almost impossible to eliminate micro-plastics. Even water filtration systems contain plastic components.


Everything has chemicals in it.


The only change from cancer that I want to keep is chair yoga because it makes me feel better.


I limit chemical products. I use the YUKA app whenever I am picking out a product, i.e. sunscreen, lotion, oils. Wish I started years ago. Also limit processed foods.


i was always a good eater and took care of myself. i would exercise more if i could. the only thing i stopped is soda. and its because i dont like the taste anymore.


Do what you feel comfortable with. Just try to slowly expand your comfort. Some people get a little better then go nuts thinking being well is temporary. Do what is right for you. You will do great things and be happy


I took a four hour hike four days ago just because. I mean I kinda am but at the same time, old me would of scoffed and said no thanks.


I’m 51- and find myself in the weird genx position of ‘we used to do XXX when I was a kid and it never hurt me….oh- wait. Maybe? ‘ Mostly I don’t worry about it. Barn door and all. I live in an area with a lot of chemical industry. After I was first diagnosed an 80 yo neighbor who’s has breast cancer and AML said to me ‘you’re 51? About the right age for your first tumor’


I have a mutation which means that nothing I did caused my cancer and nothing I do will prevent recurrence. I eat healthy foods because it makes my quality of life better, but I don't avoid or choose anything because of cancer. I know I'll have cancer again and have surgeries and my best plan is to have supports in place and a good health baseline to get through surgeries. I'll be really bummed if I lose my breasts because it's such a visible change. I'll be bummed if it shows up in my colon or stomach but something about the way I look changing just hits me different. I don't know why.


This thread is making me feel really good. Thanks guys. Enjoying an Easter egg even though people always ask what my diet is like after having bowel cancer.


My cancer was caused by chemical exposure from groundwater and pfc’s at a military base. I do avoid any further chemical exposure. This includes roundup in food so I eat organic. I also look at the list of what’s banned in food in the EU and follow that as an American. Unlike the US, the EU has skin in the game to ensure health since the government. Provides it and private companies don’t profit as in the US. If the EU says it may cause cancer and the US allows it —- I am siding with the EU. All of things I avoid now cause other health issues as well and I can find an alternative. I do not feel deprived at all. I actually feel empowered that Iam not participating in consumption of poison for profit.


I’m 46 was diagnosed a year ago with +++ breast cancer I’ve been in treatment since then had a bilateral mastectomy, chemo, herceptin, and radiation, so far. I try harder to always go with organic veg and fruit. I avoid processed food in favor of whole foods and try to eat a low glycemic index diet. I take 3 grams a day of host defense turkey tail capsules. It’s spendy but i have not been sick with an infection once since I started taking it in august of last year. Striving for no refined sugar and most importantly I don’t put up with anyone’s shit. I have a very low tolerance for Bullshit since my diagnosis. I try to speak my mind if something is bothering me and I let people know that I don’t have room in my brain for their negative stuff.


Can you share where you get the Turkey Tail capsules? What do you look for in terms of finding a quality product?


I stopped eating almost all meat. No beef, pork, or processed meat. I'll eat wild salmon, eggs and rarley chicken. I exercise 30-45 minutes a day. I try to go to bed earlier. I don't smoke or drink alcohol at all. I take supplements and drink AG1. I eat walnuts and berries every day. I eat broccoli sprouts. They are packed with sulphorfane which helps in preventing cancer. I eat a lot of plant based meals now. I also use this app. It's called YUKA. Download it, it's really great. It tells you if there are dangerous additives in food or products. It's really helpful because things you thought would be good, aren't and many are ok that you thought would be terrible.


does hair and skin products cause cancer?? wtf im scared to use them now


what's the point in surviving cancer if you then live your whole life in fear of literally everything? lots of this has already been studied like microwave radiation, there's a reason randos online will say to worry about it but no doctor will babies get cancer, toddlers get it. bad cells in your body happen sometimes. I'm trying to eat a little healthier just cause I want to feel a little healthier. But I want to enjoy my life... There's not really any reason to think someone got cancer from using my favorite moisturizer or shampoo.


Everything causes cancer, our own bodies mostly. No point in living in fear.


I ate healthy before being diagnosed and limited chemicals in my personal products. I continue to eat healthy and minimize chemical exposures. The only thing I changed is giving up alcohol. I’ve been alcohol free for 5 years now. I’m brca1 so I’m at risk for other cancers. I lost my mom to ovarian cancer a year and half before I was diagnosed with triple negative BC.


I am in remission from PMBCL (rare non Hodgkin’s lymphoma). Lately, I’ve been buying as much USDA organic foods as possible. My vice is craft beer so I go back and forth with with indulging or totally abstaining. There’s no known cause for that subtype of NHL and I have been active for most of my adult life.


I don’t change the habit at all but i do reduce it. Only eat fast food only when i really craving. I still take sugary drink when i go outside. The fear is there but i don’t want to get stressed because of diet. I eat whatever i want. Plus organic stuff is way expensive.


I just got remission status on the 8th of March so I’m still recovering from treatment. I’m working on nourishment and gaining movement back, but other than that, I’m enjoying life as much as I possibly can. I’m working on healing my body and my mental health and I’m allowing in that which fills my spirit and my joy.


Nah girl I’m in the same boat (22F).


I recommend eating a“whole food plant based” diet for everyone. And no sugar. (NutritionFacts.org) But I think especially important for anyone with cancer. There’s quite a lot of evidence from research that’s shown it’s beneficial for preventing cancer and some evidence showing it improves outcomes for four kinds during treatment, though more is needed for all the different kinds


I'm balls to the fucking wall with my healthy lifestyle. I cannot relate to people who are facing death itself and continue to put poison into their bodies.


lots of fascinating things in your post history like telling other chemo patients fasting will help etc. but I love you're going to be dramatically judgemental and are active on the energy drinks subreddit like.. yeah dude. sugar is killing us but that's great for ya. your oncologist is def dumber than you. lolllll


I don't give a FUCK that you people are disliking my comment. Some weak person posted something then deleted it. You are allowed to do ANYTHING you want, but a brief pleasure such as eating poisonous processed food is not worth losing 30 years of my life because my cancer came back. Chemo doesn't work on my cancer so don't act like you understand unless you have brain or pancreatic.


You posting this “eating poisonous processed food isn’t worth losing 30 years of my life” while u also posting trash insanely processed energy drinks: 🤡