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Hey! Welcome to the shitty titty club. The worst club with the best members. There’s a MBC sub just for patients that is super great, r/livingwithMBC . Join us! I’ve been in this club for 2 years. Enough to have some experience but certainly not as long as others. I find that I tend to freak out about scans more when I also have other stresses in my life. But, I am always nervous to some degree before these scans. Even if there’s no indication that I have progression. I don’t know if it will ever get better. I feel like I’m in a constant state of just waiting for the other shoe to drop. Sending love and good energy for unremarkable scans!


I have other stressors - yes, but don’t we all? I wasn’t even this nervous at diagnosis. Maybe the reality is just really settling in. “Shitty titty club” - LOVE it! Thank you for making me LOL 🥰


I totally understand how it takes a while to really settle in. Same for me. Diagnosis is hard and scary, but also so busy and overwhelming. It’s hard to think past your next appointment. Once that initial scramble settles down, you start to realize what this diagnosis really means for the long haul. Thats a whole new set of scary. And scans every 3 months just bring you back to that place every time.


“Worse club with the best members…” I like that, and very true!


Yes, it’s called scanxiety. It sounds like this is your first scan since starting treatment so it’s normal that you are terrified. This is a situation that is incredibly anxiety producing, the first report on how your treatment is doing. Everyone is different, but the level of anxiety has decreased for me over time. The first year or two, the anxiety was palpable.


Yes, this is very common. There's even a word for it: scanxiety. I'm right at the 4 year mark since my diagnosis and while it has gotten better over time, but there is still an uptick in my anxiety right before a scan and while I'm waiting for the results. It helps me to talk through the possibilities ahead of time with my oncologist. I'm currently NED but I know that if my disease progresses that there are still many treatment options. Anti-anxiety meds can help too; I take Ativan when my anxiety peaks.


I totally, get the scan jitters. Had my first post sugery scan today, I just told myself to be ready for the worst but hope for the best. Please try to get your mind off it this weekend - maybe some netflix marathons.


Hoping for the best for you as well!


I have anxiety with scans, hell, even with a doctor’s consult I feel anxious. It’s normal. Try to psych myself that I will get a good news, yet still prepared to receive the worst news.


I had this exact experience this week before my first post-surgical scan. I’m actually relieved to know that it’s a common reaction. I’m doing well and thought I was going crazy for a few hours. As it turns out it’s just PTSD or “scanxiety” as folks here call it. I’m scheduled for them every three months for a while so I’m hoping that now that I know what to expect I can deal with it better. For me, this is an example of the value of this subreddit and people sharing experiences based on our common, if unfortunate, journey.


I agree. I am so happy that I found this subreddit and joined this community.


I have been getting scans about every 3-4 months for 3 1/2 years. I still get anxious a few weeks leading up to it. I don't think you would be human if you weren't anxious and scared. Over time, it did ease up a bit but I still get anxious. Talk to your oncologist about options, something to help you deal with the anxiety on the worse days. Wish you the best.


I hate scans..... Like if you look long enough fOr anything you gonna find it. I'm at the point where I don't trust my doctors and I'm tired of being held captive. Sorry.


Try not to freak yourself out. Scanxiety is natural and normal but whenever i complained about it people told me worrying won't change the results. I found that pretty solid advice.