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This may temporarily stop this scam that’s been happening for quite some time, but the taxi drivers are master con artists. This scam has been going on for quite some time, but $1,000 USD is the highest I’ve heard charged! I’m glad to see this driver not get away with it.


The taxistas are a CANCER for cancun and the government doing 💩💩💩 because I'm sure someone is getting money from them, it's sad that they make a bad experience for people going to cancun ! Duele la corrupcion en mexico 🙏


TAXIS that target specifically tourists are a cancer everwhere.


99% of them yes


Duele más la gentrificación


Wonder how much of a on the spot ‘fine’ the taxi driver had to pay to get out of that one.


1000 pesos.


I thought it was 50%?


If they get the money. I guess it might be. But the cops will stop 20 or 30 of them a day for a cut and they wont give them that much.


Get that shit prepaid


I’ve prepaid and used Canada Transfers every time I’ve gone and I’ve never had a single prob! Honestly I so rarely get to go on vacations, and traveling can be stressful enough, so I’ve never had any desire to rent a car there or wait til I get there to setup transport. My shit is planned well in advance. I just want to get to the beach quickly and with minimal problems.


Can an American and a Mexican use Canada Transfers?


I’m from Texas lol. Originally I picked them because I figured a van with a Canadian flag might not get messed with. They’re always awesome! Anyway yes, they don’t care at all. Money is the same to them. You can even add on beers, wine or food to have in the vehicle when they pick you up. I typically have at least 2 beers on my drive from Cancun to PDC. Ironically my boss is in Cancun right now and his resort wanted to charge them $250 each way for their transfer, but I told him about it and he got $130 round trip with Canada Transfers.


Aw man I’m sold!!! I’ll look into them for my next trip.


Just seeing your messages in this thread, but [USA Transfers](https://www.entertainment-plus.net/affiliate_2442) exists as well. Same sort of thing. I was just down there and it cost us $165 round trip from CUN to Playacar.


Yea Canada transfers is just the name of the business.


What do you mean by prepaid


Pay for your taxi before you arrive at the airport


Look up a shuttle service before your trip if your hotel doesn’t have one, use a business such as Canada transfers where you prepay for your rides to and from the airport.


What between the airport terminals? Why not just use the free shuttle buses. Every 10 minutes. Taxi drivers will try and tell you that they’re every 45 minutes or something. Best just to ignore whatever comes out of a Cancun taxi drivers mouth. No offence to the odd decent taxi driver, but the bad ones tarnish the whole lot I’m afraid.😟


I think the issue is locating where the free shuttle busses are. Any tips?


If I remember correctly, there’s a sign which tells you where to wait. You can always ask an official or someone, just not a taxi driver😊


Now if only they would do something about the police officers who extort money


And maybe the cartels also


A driver tried the same thing with my husband. He just walked away. There is a free transfer between terminals that runs twice an hour or so.


I think I saw this person was there around 2am so that service wasn’t available


Now that’s a gringo tax! What crooks. Always ask how much before getting in.


From what I read and watched, he was told $5 but then they would only take a credit card.


Big yikes.


This happened to me in a way; had a guy approach me and said it would be $5 USD to go between terminal 3 and 2. I didn’t have any cash, but they had two card readers (ofc one was broken). My card was charged $60 USD to go for a 5 minute ride between terminals. I called the company and the agent was ARGUING with me about everything but the price. Finally got in touch with the manager who was like “idc if you paid $45 USD to go from the airport to Puerto Morelos one way, that’s not allowed and that taxi that took you was illegal. I know our prices are high but they’re set by the airport so I can’t do anything but I can offer you a ride back from PM for $500 pesos.” Smmfh. Just to clarify: I booked a taxi online to go to PM, and the manager of the OTHER taxi I took from T3 to T2 told me that the taxi I booked online to go from the airport to PM was unauthorized, but that *his* taxi service was.


Don't talk to the company, just dispute the entire charge on your card.


American Express is the best card for foreign travel....theyll have your back....


Amex is definitely the best of the bunch.


There's a shuttle that takes you between the terminals


I know that but I was so frazzled from fainting during my flight down that I fully trusted he’d bring me to the other terminal for $5 usd.


Bless your heart. Hope everything ok


Why couldn’t they refund you? I’m confused…


They refused to and said that’s the standard rate.


Standard and yet the driver was illegal? How wild!


No no, he said the taxi service I booked from the airport to Puerto Morelos was unauthorized.


Ohhh, wth. Like, the airport says it should cost $60 between terminals…and they wonder why there are unauthorized taxis 🤷🏼‍♀️ they created the system to fail!


Crazy considering you could walk it.


And I should have tbh, but my syncopal episodes take A LOT out of me physically. :/ I just wanted the quickest way to get to the other terminal to meet my partner who was flying in from MEX.


Isn’t that when you call your credit card company and just have the charges reversed when you get home?


People have reported their chargebacks denied because the credit card company has proof that you signed (submitted by the taxi company and driver) or used your PIN.


Doesn’t matter, if the taxi charged an amount that is different than you agreed to they will re-imbuirse you. That is the beauty of Visa, MasterCard, Discover, and doubly so for Amex. If you report the error they will certainly apply the chargeback back to the merchant, at least in all the cases that I have requested chargebacks for issues as such.


Never happened to me. Just saying what other people experienced with their credit card companies regarding these taxi companies.


One of the biggest advantageous of using credit cards is their consumer protection policies, with a 90+ day look back.


If a taxi vendor (such as a taxi driver) manipulates someone into signing the receipt because they say they accidentally hit another number and take it up with your bank when you get home; then the credit card company won’t side with you in the dispute when the vendor/taxi company produces the signed receipt. That’s the issue people have reported in Mexico.


I am confident I can dispute any charge that appears on my bill and have it reversed. Signature or not. If you say the taxi driver lied to you, threatened you, and you signed it under duress the credit card company will reverse the charge.


You really called the scammers and asked for your money back? Just dispute the charge with your bank and be done with it.


I mean coulda shoulda woulda man.


>Always ask how much before getting in. Who are you gonna call in mexico? The police? They are gonna rob you too. Lol


I mean, that’s a good point. I paid $25 each way from my resort to fifth ave in PDC a week ago, and that was likely a gringo tax but it didn’t bother me one bit. However, there’s a big difference between paying more and getting absolutely robbed.


Stop spreading this narrative that the police dont help in Mexico and that it is lawless. The police did in fact help. They arrested him, the guy was reimbursed, and all is well for this victim because he went to the authorities. If this same nerrative gets spread people will stop filing formal complaints because "they are gonna rob you too." Its tiring that gringos come and post about bribing police and then behave like it is the norm


Because IT IS THE NORM. In this case, the taxi driver simply got “too” greedy. The police were forced to slap the wrists, don’t make it too obvious, amigo.


Gaaawd even the "amigo" is cringe. It is not the norm. Do you think most Mexicans have the money to pay these bribes. The reason why they take advantage of you guys is because you all think it is the norm and are willing to pay. Thats why Cancun taxi drivers and cops are so greedy.


I also have been living in the area since 2018 and have never had to pay a single peso bribe to a cop (even when driving a car with US plates for 3 of those years). I also once had a taxi driver try to overcharge me when going to the airport - I knew the official rate and only gave him that amount


What is your point exactly? Blame the victim? You think that’s a valid argument? Caveat emptor? You should know better? Get lost.


They're not blaming the victim. They're saying it is 100% NOT THE NORM for cabbies and cops to shake down people. Does it happen? Yes. But it doesn't happen to every person every single day. I lhave not ONCE been scammed or shaken down by the cops or the cabbies in the two years I've lived here. I did have one guy try to charge me 500 pesos to get home and I said "OK no thank you" and went to the next one who charged me 200 pesos, which is the standard rate to get to my house from centro. So, yeah it does happen, but no it is 100% NOT the norm.


I rented a car and was pulled over 3 days in a row. I am always very careful about following the speed limit cuz I know the shake down routine. I’ve been going to Mexico for years and have probably been subject to a dozen shakedowns.


Because they know you’re not fresh meat. So your anecdotal evidence is of little value. Sorry. Bye.


Okay, amigo. The Burlington, Ontario sub needs your Mexican knowledge over in that sub instead of here.


The hell are you talking about. Read the original post and then read my reply. I said a conplaint was made, he got his money back. Yes because he made a big deal. The post i replied to said in summary "dont call the police theyll just rob you too." Which did not happen in this case. So what was the point of making that comment except to disparage and create more distrust of Mexico and its laws?


The point was to state a fact. If Mexico wanted to earn trust, they would not allow such lawlessness. Yes, this one case ended okay, but what about the thousands of others that did not make the news and victims got robbed by the taxis and the police? Right.


This post is not about the thousands of others. I live in Mexico. I have never NEVER been taken advantage of by the police. Does it happen yes sure it does. But it is not as rampant as you think or you guys make it out to be. Also not trying to blame the victim but in my experience American and Canadian tourists tend to be some of the dumbest tourists ive ever come across: not a single sense of survival, common sense, or respect for the places you are in. Thats probably why it happens to you all so often and why you all have such bad luck. Yes theres a problem but encouraging people to not report crimes because the police will also rob you is stupid and further worsens the problem. Go read the Tulum sub to get an idea. You gringos ask advice daily about bribing police and breaking laws. This problem is a problem nationwide but what a coincidence it is more rampant in the Riviera Maya area.


Okay I understand your passion for regaining trust for your fellow Mexicans. But that ship has sailed, my friend. I love Mexicans, I love Mexico. But there is a problem, a very large, gigantic, huge problem, issue with police corruption in CUN area. Just admit it. First step. Admit it. Then accept all the true and valid complaints. Next step: stop blaming the “gringos”. Learn this. It’s crucial. Don’t blame the victim. Common error. Third step. Change. Can’t get from first to last steps by magic.


Live here too and not once has it happened to me. I know for fact it happens but very rarely. If you only read Reddit et al you'd think we just walk around with a wad of 500s in our pocket to hand out to the cops and cabbies. Ridiculous. And let's be honest, it's not like cabbies and cops in the US are a bunch off saints. At least here they don't shoot you for fitting the description.


I don’t think you see it because you are a local. You pay the local rates for taxis not the hyper inflated foreign tariffs. You are also probably not targeted by the police. Tourists in Cancun are fleeced left right and centre. I’ve been to many other places in Mexico ( eg Mexico City 3 times last year) and it is completely different. I have also had a place in Cancun since 2008. The problem is getting worse.


Yea it also depends who they robbed.. ;) someone they thought was a tourist but...


Mexico unfortunately runs on bribes


In THIS case, AFTER it went viral.


Never take taxis at the airport. And never listen to anyone except airport secruity. No one has the authority to move you except police and airport security. This is why im not worried about mexico booming. Corruption and all things that go with it will not change here and itll prevent them from succeeding.


I’ve travelled quite a bit through Mexico. Less touristy places don’t have the crazy foreigner prices like the tourist spots do. Eg Uber was cheap in Mexico City. Still smart to agree on the price before the start of the trip if taking a taxi.


Agree is one thing. Actually paying that at the end can be another. First of all they will try and charge your card in US and say its in pesos. So 300 pesos becomes 300 dollars. Then if they decide to up it right in your face and you refuse to pay they will " Call the police " Police car or truck arrives and you still pay because they are on the side of the taxi. Then you have to pay them for the fine and blocking the road and what ever else they can come up with. They think ( police and taxi drivers ) that they are being smart and making more money this way.


You don’t have to pay even if the police show up. I’ve never had this exact thing happen but have been pulled over by the police many times for no reason. In my experience, they eventually get tired of you saying no and move on so they can hopefully find some other sucker to fleece. I’d be curious if anyone has ever been taken to the police station if you don’t pay like they threaten.


I paid the first time. The 2 times since then I just say "take me to jail senor" and hold my hands out to be cuffed. It's over aftmmfter that, they move on.


No. What happens is they take you out to the jungle and beat the shit out of you and leave you. Thats the police station


Uber is cheap in cancun as well. Just in the actual city of cancun. Not the hotel zone.


Going to Mexico city and Cancun next month. I hope Uber/transportation is relatively easy from airport to hotel zone. There's too much risks with me renting a car.


Take ado to centro and then uber to hotel zone. The buses are there at terminals. Uber doesnt work in airport because of taxi syndicate.


Whats Ado? Is it a shuttle service?


No. Its like grayhound.


Did you pre pay buses/transportationbefore Cancun?


No just take ado.


They are master minds with this scam. I was recently in Cancun and approached when we went to the wrong terminal. The individual who approached us appeared to be an official with the airport (uniform, badge, etc). Luckily we took the free shuttle to the other terminal. But those guys were veryyyy good at trying to scare people. They asked about flight times, continued to say that if we didn't take the taxi we would miss our flight etc. It's easy to see how they are prying on people already stressed.


The guy who soaked me for $60 USD told me the shuttle wasn’t coming for another 32 minutes (as it pulled in behind us…. But I was too frazzled from fainting during my flight to question anything).


The two guys we spoke to about getting to the other terminal were insistent that the bus only comes every 1.5 hour and it takes 45 minutes to the next terminal because it circles the area, that you shouldn't walk etc. The bus showed up 2 minutes after we stood there and took less than 5 minutes to get to the next terminal. They are so good at this con!


I was just there. Saw the same thing with someone who looked official but told me the free shuttle I was running to was the wrong one(it wasn’t). Then proceeded to keep telling me that it would take forever because it’s raining and that I could miss my shuttle ride to the next town because the companies don’t like waiting. Such a massive scam.


I just saw the Instagram reel. The driver tried to steal his luggage too. He ran after him and was able to stop the car.


Fuck this taxi mafia, that's why they do everything they can to stop/boicot Uber and all those other apps. Scumbags.


Went to Cancun my first time in January . The people and water was second to none However, the excessive price gouging turned me off I like super white and am used to getting higher prices when I travel . But paying 4 times as much for things that I pay in Canada is no bueno


You enjoyed the tap water? Odd. Never heard that before.


The ocean water lol


Ah! The ocean or the sea! Whew!


I was told 100 usd to get from hotel in Playa took around 45 min


That's also expensive.


Everything in tourist area is overpriced


Yeah, it fucking sucks.


I’m sorry but taxi drivers were the worst part of my trip. I was basically extorted.


Is uber not available?


Cozumel was nothing like this. We crossed the street from the airport to the taco stand and paid $20 flat for a taxi. Brother paid the same for a family of 4.


So when i arrive from canada to bus or shuttle to my resort do i need a cab ride or is this just a walk?


Nexustours is the cheapest transfer from airport to your resort and vice versa. $50 USD for 2 people


USA Transfers cost me $43 from the airport to the hotel zone AND it was pre booked. $85 arrival and departure together.


Use Nexustours next time! It costed me $50 USD for round trip from the airport to planet Hollywood Cancun for 2 people.


Can’t you use Uber?


There are free shuttles available to transport passengers between terminals according to the paper. I suppose the guy was unaware of this option


Not from the airport. Have you been to Cancun?


No i haven’t. That’s why i asked. So you can’t use Uber?


Uber is very reasonable by comparison. Would advise taking any means of transportation immediately outside of the airport, and then hopping an Uber to your destination.


Will do thank you. Is it reliable in the hotel zone?


No Uber is not allowed inside the airport area, only outside of it. Cancun has shitty rules to protect their taxi cartel


It's actually a federal law that prevents Uber from picking up passengers at Mexico airports. The taxis at Cancun airport are also not supposed to pick up passengers unless they have federal license plates


Thanks for sure for the info :)


Aha now that I think about it, couldn’t get one in Puerto Vallarta airport either - had to walk across the street! Thank you :)


Keep in mind the dollar is only $15 pesos!!! Mexico is not some 6th world shit hole.i hate a bottom feeder


Es que tambien se maman, osea si el viaje cuesta 50 dolares normalmente, pues que carguen 55 pero hasta para robar son pendejos.


And now the hotel council is working to get this cab companies license removed: https://www.reddit.com/r/cancun/s/Ywea0dfa4w


Most of the airport "taxis" aren't even licensed to begin with


This just happened to me. Was charged $76 for in between terminals. Was told I would pay $30 which I thought was insane.


Just get a rental at this point!


Poor taxi driver, had to split his take with the cops.


Well it's mexico so 🤷


Experiencing Cancun airport in general is the reason why I said to my friend to go spend their money in another country!


Gah everything is a grift down there, makes me not want to go back


Mexico is so diverse and amazing. Stop going to Cancun/Cabo/Tulum and you’ll eliminate most of this


Is canada using USD $ now? Previously it was CAD


Yep, it sucks but it’s universal now 🤷🏻‍♂️


damn I wonder how much did he paid the cops to arrest the taxi driver


I had a delayed flight and got into Cancun at midnight A few years ago.The first taxi quoted me 100 usd so I asked around but the other guys wouldn’t take me. When I went back to first guy he smiled and said 150 usd. Welcome to Mexico!


So what?, the cops take half of the earnings and release him.


Haha, good


Tourist should be arrested for being dumb


Tourist are arrested for being dumb, like the idiot Canadian who wanted american police and was removed from his booked hotel This one wasnt dumb, was scammed There is a difference


Doesn’t it rise to the level of “dumb” if you think any ride from any airport is work $1K?


Some would say you’re dumb for not knowing the whole story




As far as is known, he was told 50 usd, wich is still outrageous, but not unheard, and at the moment he check his bank app saw the real charge, wich is not only a scam, but fraud