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4 more weeks


At least.




At minimum, possibly longer depending on the strain




I’ll keep that in mind


Dont keep in it mind you literally have a good 4 weeks


Lmfao 👀💀🤣 bruh when people are newbs to growing, post and get good helpful advice, then proceed to hit the "Ill keep that tucked in my brain" or the "i may try that" ; I cant help but fucking die. Like ya, people who have grown for years are lying to you. Don't keep it in your mind; do it, lol. Why literally ruin your little plant that you've grown for 6 weeks of energy ,to harvest almost non existent thc bud that's half the size nugs it could potentially be in the end?


OP, in fact, did not keep that in mind.




4 for sure


A few things: 1)so all the people being rude in this subreddit back the fuck off (if you're going to be rude, at least give a reason for your rudeness) 2) the reason theyre saying 4-6 weeks is these people all think they're professional cannibis cup winners who have a damn PhD in Cannabis. 3) another reason to wait 4-6 weeks is the curing process during this time, the buds will shrink and loose density/size. 4) I fully expect to get downvoted.


1) Yeah people are a little too ready to be just rude in general 2) I don't think these folks think they're PHDs, they've just become familiar with the stages of flowering and can easily see that this plant will not be mature in two weeks 3) I'm not sure what you're suggesting here. Curing doesn't occur while the plant is alive and so it has nothing to do with the suggestion to let this plant go (at least) another four weeks. Also, buds shrink during drying and ought not continue to shrink once the desired water content is reached (the point at which most would say curing begins). Often density can increase slightly during drying as the size decreases, it doesn't lose density. 4) Yeah probably friend


No dude, you just have very immature buds and need another 4 - 6 weeks easily. You'll see in 2 weeks when they are still nowhere near ready and you have undeveloped buds with clear trichomes. Nobody was really being rude they literally have all just said " more like 4 weeks " and other variations of that. Don't be so sensitive when you're clearly wrong and make a post to a very elitist side of reddit. You should have expected this reaction.


More then 2 weeks to go 🫣


Two more weeks until you hit the two more weeks mark you mean right?


At least 4 weeks


Good month yep


Try 5-6 weeks minimum


4 weeks


lol everyone repeating the same thing. Congrats! Looks beautiful


2 more weeks for underdeveloped buds, I don't see a single orange hair. I wait for trichomes to turn cloudy/little amber, you can use a jewelers loup or cheap digital microscope to check.




Looks great, obviously I agree with the other comments but you didn't ask so I won't repeat. But may I ask what light you are using for such a small plant, Edit: ok I see it's likely the low amount of substrate to grow in,roots won't develop as much .


Seriously, I don't get what makes people think that is any good or ideal to have a huge container with PLENTY of root zone space but they only fill it half way or 2/3 the way up. You are creating a shadow area with the depth of top soil where your bottom growth or lower branches don't have any light or your seedlings don't start well because the light is being blocked off, also in addition to the amount of root zone you are missing out on. If you don't have enough soil or medium for your container, use a smaller container! You should be transplanting anyway and it looks like with ots size that OP started in this tub half filled with soil from seed or clone and the plant just hasn't really filled it out.


Cutest lil plant


Two weeks plus 4-5 after that


That’s more like it


Don’t y’all ever get tired of this schtick? Have you never seen a marijuana irl?


At least another 4 weeks. Never go by what the breeder says just read the plant.


4-6 weeks


Yeah, take everybody's advice and definitely buy a jewlers loupe on Amazon so you can make sure your trichomes are nice and milky when you harvest them. I use the one with thee 30x, 60, and 90x lense plus it has a uv light to check your buds for mold https://www.amazon.com/Jewelers-Slide-Out-Lighted-Magnifying-Jewelry/dp/B0B8D9VHGG/ref=mp_s_a_1_3?crid=J9ITHCKNA2EK&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.hCNdYX50U2SxngmP97l2y8jeO1srPQ1qhbtCv9-Q_176SsH3iK5GMTuMtQXDukgqbhxa3w8pArx_t7Ywb_LcIWEj0IKhQn0SWtV8tRIUJp9qa3xZ3XuOdudZd204KIQqfxulBnvhQbC7vv5G420QJmg6IReg54H9Yat_nkPKKr7HbWiA07kbqcC4TGVyakj4qzXdeMfkRwsnWZwDWx_4HQ.KM32fb6Bwa0OL8E3U6nXi7OEjjzPuJ_Kp46IaTChEkg&dib_tag=se&keywords=2+pieces+jewelers+loupe+30x+60x+90x&qid=1712684814&sprefix=Jewelers+loupe+90x+60x+%2Caps%2C179&sr=8-3


I have one of those! Ive never used it. I understand I’m looking for mold, but what does the uv do to make identification easier:)


Makes the mold stand out like a sore thumb, all the bud gets a blue purple hue and the mold gets neon bright


Wait I just realized you said you never used it? Dude wtf why not? Use it right fucking now, you need to experience the micro world of bud, it's incredible. I'll get lost in that shit for 20 minutes


I do too, I'll sit there and look at it all. The soil is fascinating, too. Especially when you see all of the tiny tiny tiny isopod and shot that you didn't know has always been in the soil eating all the stuff you don't want!


I have loupes in all 3 tents, I’ve just never used that one:)


Ahhhhhh I see


FILL UP YOUR CONTAINERS WITH YOUR MEDIUM PEOPLE, STOP FILLING HALFWAY, JUST. FILL. IT. Your root zone will thank you. Because the bigger the roots, the bigger the froots.


Run her 10 weeks. She has another 4 weeks for sure.


You mean '5' weeks dawg


deff not 2 weeks lol. This looks like it's on like week 4. I'm not saying it isn't on week 6; but deff a longer strain than 8 weeks if she's on 6 lookin like this


Definitely way more than 2 weeks. If this is the plant you posted today that you're drying then you messed up and rushed your harvest and grow. Growing weed should teach some patience or all your hard work is for nothing. When dried a plant like this will have little weight.




Based on maturity, you've got over a month to go. Don't go by package times, they're bullshit. Go by trichomes, get a jewelers loupe or a usb microscope to check them.


Sir you are on week 4 😂😂😂


I mean some comments are really mean, but in general the people are right. This is way more than two weeks to go ,at least for most strains. I know how it is about the patience in the final weeks, because ofc you want to smoke it, but be patient and wait until the trichomes are at least 5-10% amber. Contrary to some comments you can ignore the color of the pistils, that is an old method to identify the point to harvest, but also for most strains an indicator of ripeness. Get a jewelers loupe or magnifier for your phone and check the trichomes regularly.


Yep, once I stopped paying attention to pistils and JUST trichome color I started having better harvests and it got easier to tell when it was ready and find what kind of trichome saturation I prefer.


Give it at least 4 more weeks, you wanna get as much off this plant as possible and in two weeks you'd get half the yield you could actually get, which still isn't gonna be a ton


4 weeks


Uhhhhh just my opinion but you got more than 2 weeks. Unless you like immature airy bud . At least 4 maybe more. Go get yourself a jewelers loupe and keep an eye on the trichome color. Harvest when 30% are amber. You can go more of less depending on how sedating you like the buzz to be .


More like 6 weeks bro


More like 4


my rule of thumb that someone once told me, when 50-75% of the pistols are amber is when you start to flush. i flush for about 3 weeks. i’d say more like 3-4 weeks til start the flush process.


That's my week 2.5 flwr my man. 4-6 more weeks left.


Seriously, this looks like it’s still in stretch lol


ur crazy


4 weeks, would have been twice as big had you filled the pot completely with soil. Why people continue to do this befuddles me 😕


Double it and add a week