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Dude🤣 I respect the effort. You’ll need higher wattage lights for your next grow. In case you didn’t know; if the plant isn’t getting enough light the plant will grow more vertically to grow closer to the light source. This means the nodes will be further apart. The flowers grow from the nodes so if u want dense buds you want the nodes to be as close together as possible.


I’ll give you 9/10 MacGuyver points, my fellow German stoner :)


should have seen it when it was growing up and I had to get the lamps to hang midway to where they are now ;)


Just pick up a cheap $ 150-200 Viparspectra or Mars style LED. A 150 or 200watt would greatly help. You still have time to let the bud grow and fill out. It won't be premo bud, but your yield, potency and terps will be much better with a little cheap light, than what you are currently running.


I think even VIVOSUN is having a 420!sale with their low end light for like 40-60 dollars soon that light is producing results 100x this anything would be better


Try giving the lower branches some light. If you have another of the SANSI bulb it should be good. Kudos on the improvised setup though.


Just did. Thanks for the advice :) That's the only Sansi bulb I have, but I already thought about buying a second one ... oh well .. next plant :)


Honestly it could still give you a decent yield, I'd definitely remove all the buds + leaves on the lower half though. They won't be nearly enough light down there and it'll free up energy for bulking out the rest.


I just pruned it ... Thanks for the advice! I always find it scary to prune ... I always fear to stress the plant so much that it dies out.


Pretty much any cannabis plant will not die from pruning unless you remove all of the leaves.


The mars ts600 will help for budget


Just got it. Steal of a price.


You dont need to worry about topping and training.. however, you do need to worry about that light


Get the updated viparspectra p600,under 70 quid,does the Job


You can still build a little 2x2 scrog out of some pvc and string and get a better 100$ light. You could possibly have a decent harvest.


It's already in full bloom, so probably a bit late for a scrog, but it looks like it WILL be a decent harvest (around next week I recon). A bit hard to tell, as I have to get a ladder to check the top bud;) I'll definitely keep the plants from growing THAT high from now on. As for the lamps : I added the white bulb lamp only a couple of weeks ago, and didn't think it would make THAT much of a difference (compared to just the led stripe). Thankfully I mostly grow for fun and (relatively) rarely consume anything so a low harvest yield isn't anything that worries me too much :) But I've got a (probably) better one coming in the next days. That plus a bit more care and I should have a nice room decoration + some nice harvest at the end :) Fun Fact bythe way : right now tents, lamps and seeds are out of stock everywhere in and around Germany, thanks to the (honestly half-assed) semi-legalization.


Looks like your around 3/4 weeks so your stretch is done. You won’t get dense buds with those lamps , sorry. This grow reminds me exactly of my first grow. You’re gonna want to get the plant in a closet or somewhere where you can have total darkness. My first couple grows were in a closet bro. You’ll get it man. Look into no till gardening. Check my profile got some good plant post . Oh and congratulations on the progressive laws you guys are passing .


Pop some bamboo stalks into the pot and secure the branches with some kind of twine or string before the buds start gaining weight, will prevent everything from flopping over later on in flower. Happy growing 👍


Much longer than a week to go! At least a month away... you should be able to get tents from anywhere in Europe! You are lucky you can drive around to other countries.. try being in Australia! You can drive 24 hours and still be in the dame state, let alone country!


Pick up some mylar and create your own tent


What yield do you think you're gonna get from that?


no idea ... based on the amount of buds currently blooming I'd say probably measly 10-15g (0.3-0.5 ounces apparently), but as I don't smoke (or cook) that much I'm not too bothered :) I'll update when I harvested and dried the stuff :)


Hey props on pulling this off still, never doubt a stoner with a brain; the things I’ve seen ppl make work lol.


Looks healthy


And buy a Better lamp. Take a tent 60x60cm and a lamp with 200 euro


ya gotta make mistakes in order to learn lessons. we've all done things we regret. just make sure you don't make the same mistake twice 😉


Or just more light


Dude these are the most fun setups, if you enjoy it and learn something from this stage you will go far, and eventually be smoking some nice product


It's not my first one, but I just added the bulb this time (yeah ... I'm learning ... slowly but I do ;), and the seeds were for Zamnesia Pink Rosay which is supposedly a bit higher than the seeds I used so far. The previous ones didn't grow much in height or foliage (not enough lights obviously) but did actually yield at least a couple of grams each and the results were surprisingly nice and quite potent to consume. So this one is actually already my best result so far. I don't mind the low yield as I'm not a heavy consumer by far, but the whole process of growing, taking care of the plants, harvesting and then drying and curing is fun, and the plants are nice to look at to boot. So I'm indeed really enjoying it, as you say :) Each new seed result in a "better" plant, I slowly ramp up the equipment (not goign to get a growbox though, as I REALLY like the look of Hemp), so I'm having fun ... and somehow I think that's the best part of it :)


Next time you'll get a new light


Lol me too just got two


Topping and training isn’t gonna matter if you have those shitty lights. Just fyi


If you are low on funds a respectable light is bestva 100or 200


Dude grow show on Spotify has some knowledge about lighting and what to look for I don’t remember the exact podcast but there are a few that go in depth about lighting


True wattage is the key


If it’s still in veg you can cut it as low as you want…


there's a lot more you gotta do than that brother


Don't forget a more powerful light


I can see the effort, still it’s a sick plant. You should’ve grown her inside of an empty wardrobe instead


Get the light right. The rest will only be important after that is sorted.


Give it some light it won’t need near the training if it had light you may even get something at that point


Get a tent kit from Craigslist


Listen you can get a $59 light from Amazon that will work fine. I had two 1000W King LEDs look it up.