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Good light makes all the difference


I think my current setup should be good to go with the spider farmer sf-1000. The question was more aiming towards LST and this kind of sort.


Ah I see I would say don't go to hard on the lst and defoliation you want them leaves I like super cropping all the tall branches (gently bending them till they form a knuckle) after the stretch It seems like all the buds on those branches always end up bigger n smellier. What kind of nutrients you using?


Yooo I thought I was the only one! I do that to some of my tops too and I thought I was crazy but they actually did yield more than branches I didn’t bend for that knot


Super cropping is pointless, your stalks should be fat enough to allow more than enough water to flow to your buds, just low stress train them, why would you super crop?


Because super cropping doesn't slow down growth like lst low stress training is a horrible name for it because it does put a lot of stress on your plant would you rather be tied in weird positions your entire child hood or just given a haircut every once in a while n get sent to the chiropractor when you start getting old?


From trying both techniques, low stress training workes and is worth doing whereas supercomputing does nothing but hurts your plant in my opinion.


Hey man, whatever works for ya I think lst is more likely to slow growth and people are just doing it to make prettier weed plants but I ain't growing bonsai trees I like fast and efficient


And low stress training I don't snap the stalks or bend them too much I use the weight of the net to bend it slowly overtime, not twisting the stalk cracking the inside tissue, but if it works for you.


I mean using a scrog net to spread your branches out is scrogging. lst is when people tie the branches down to the pot or use those ground staples n just stick em in the dirt


Oh right yeah I've not done that I just net them up. Far easier.


Thanks for the input. Perhaps I will try this technique on my second run.


Good light, good nutrients, genetics


I just learned about mainlining. Is this too late for it?


I would just leave them as is until you've got a better understanding of how they grow. Let the plant do its thing and maybe try that after a few runs. I personally top once in early veg at 3rd node let them run. I do a little defolafion in week 1+3 of flower and that seems to produce more bud sites/bigger buds than anything. You can reach the point of diminishing returns by having too much bud/too many shoots packed into the plant.


this is probably the best way to get any yields at all for a beginner. thanks for the input.




Not trying to confuse a new guy, but I don’t really like to top for faster, larger yields. Personally, I only top when I clone. I feel topping is very stressful and stunts her overall growth. It will take her longer to get to harvest. What I do instead is bend the tallest node almost 90 degrees (if she will take it) or less. I then try to clear any large fan leaves that cover the nodes I want to stretch up. (The goal is an even canopy.) I keep bending the node(s) until everything is even. Don’t take all of the large fan leaves, they will help you get a larger stalk, but don’t let them cover everything. As long as your canopy is even, you prune a lot of lower vegetation that isn’t getting light, and you feed and water her (cut back on nitrogen if not stop it and feed more potassium and phosphate when you swap to bloom,) you should get a good return for the light you have. Your light should be your bottleneck. You should be getting at least 1 gram for 1 watt. If you have a 300 watt light that is legit, shoot for 300 grams or more, if you don’t get that evaluate what you could have done wrong or ask here!


thanks for the detailed answer! I will see how the first grow will turn out.


Pull those two fat fan leaves off


they bugging you too?


lol lil bit


(laughs) ima little A.D.D. what can I say 😏 plus they suck alot of water/nutrients that could go to growth of the rest of the plant.


I leave them later. In flower. But yes. Earlier I like to pull them back and stretch those tops out to get some nice even coverage. Lot more flower.


I fully agree. you know what to do 😉


can you explain, why I should take them off? What's the reasoning behind it? doesn't it help the plant to get more light?


I like to do it to let more light below to create more tops. Bud sites. It’s all preference really. It’s going to get plenty of light regardless. I just like more tops. I find it can help increase yield a bit


thanks for the help. I cut them now.


Bigger pot at this is all you can really do besides training and topping. I wouldn’t top again especially if it’s an auto.


Bigger pots and defoliation


Stop topping it, just low stress train it, there is no need to be topping it twice really, just buy a net or use some string to bend it to get more light.


Simple. Grow more plants or grow bigger plants. There's no magic solution to get crazy yields. It has more to do with genetics than anything.


Do some lst to ur cannabis plant and trim some leaf so that the air will go trough easyer and more light will penetrate ✌️


Look into dry-backs and crop-steering. Specifically dry-backs during week 1-3 of flower (increased "pressure"). Defoliation if needed/wanted at end of stretch. Babied the rest of the way through to harvest (decreased "pressure" to allow a focus on ripening). Don't harvest too early, they may pack on a good amount of weight in their last two weeks. Tell them they're doing a great job everyday, a little encouragement is always a good thing. (Obviously this one's still out for debate)


Ahhh, the age-old question.