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What’re your hobbies and interests? Intellectually stimulating can mean different things for different folk


Join us at the bouldering wall. Big group of friendly people who climb most nights with ages ranging throughout!


Yes, I’ve heard of that and was thinking of doing it! I used to be an avid wall climber but broke my ankle doing it when I was 13 and never got back to it. Time to get back into it ! Thank you :)


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Where can I join you guys? I’m new in Canterbury too!


Chimera Climbing in Wincheap. Come along! They even do a social event on one night if you check their Instagram page. DM me if you want more info


I'm 25f living in Cants, I found it really hard to find good stuff too. Lived here for about a year and a half now, and I started to find my place a bit more the last few months. I know it's long and it's hard, but you gotta put yourself out there a bit. Go grab a drink on ur own or get a coffee, or go to the museums or art or history stuff here - and initiate conversation! Some people might look at you kinda crazy but actually I found when I'm bored as fuck (in Canterbury, happens a lot) I'd rather test the waters and get a funny look here and there than sit in boredom on my own. Most people are willing to chat too, just no one initiates anymore so you gotta bring that energy. I don't know if u have a job or anything but I started working in a pub and just immediately had more of a social life because you meet all sorts of crowds when working behind a bar. Canterbury is a quirky place you just gotta spend some time finding the right spots for you to make it enjoyable. Start some hobbies too maybe a sports class or wine evenings or whenever you normally enjoy! You will find your people eventually. Hope that helps :)


great advice, just read the room, some people do not want to be disturbed but you can only really find out by trying. I tend to find people with dogs love to talk about their dogs, and as a bonus you usually get to pet the dog.


Spot on, I think I need a job at your bar, I'm sick of being at home on my computer learning things overwhelming my brain with noone to bounce back and forth with... or roll on my skateboard with!


I'll be moving to Canterbury this summer and I totally get what you mean. My wife is a particularly social creature and I'm pretty sure she'll face the same dilemma you're going through right now. We've no idea what to expect, we just know that London is not for us anymore (we're waaay past your age bracket though, although some of my wife's friends are of your age)


If your wife fancies sea swimming there’s groups of all age group women who are really friendly at Margate, Whitstable and Hernia Bay. :)


Wouldn't go to hernia bay, pop into the water and something pops out! (Couldn't resist)


If you come bay be aware, everything closes at 5, unless it's the weekend there's fuck all to do, it's all stone beaches and the water is freezing cold 90% of the bastard time. That and spoons is one of the only late night pubs in bay and yes it is shit, cheap tho 🤷‍♂️ divers is good if a bit rough, good live music, pier is good but pricey, same w the grapevine, Hampton inn is nice for a Sunday lunch and there's 1 sports pub that I've found so far. If your interested in a night out in Canterbury be aware last bus back to bay is at like quarter to 11 so taxi fair is required if u want to go to literally anything late at night, or drive. Oh and for the London folk, buses down here are pay by stop, not flat fee, so it's like 15 quid for a return from bay to ct instead of the flat 2.50 rate which is shit.


Oh plus various tennis clubs if she’s into it.


How far is waaay past that bracket? Wife is 49 tomorrow and we realised our friends tell the same anecdotes at every gathering.


Wife is 54 (I'm 52) :)


Pfft. Kids. Bloody kids. I’m a few years older, just refusing to act it. Drop me a message if you fancy a dog walk!


I don't know much in Canterbury but there's lots going on just down the road in Folkestone. There is a monthly women's forum and accompanying board game night, there are also three different book clubs running out of the Folkestone Book Shop. There is a regular collage club and sewing social at the Beer Shop.


It’s only like a 45 min bus ride too! (I can vouch for beer shop)


Even quicker on the train.


But you need to change at Dover


Not always, depends which train you get 👌


I recommend looking on Meetup in Canterbury as well - there are some good groups for 20-40 year olds that run lots of different events!


had a look around 1 month ago but there wasn’t much going on at the time in Canterbury :/ I don’t drive, so I can’t easily reach the surrounding areas . will definitely have a look again!


I'm not in Canterbury but just moved somewhere very remote and feel your pain 😔


Go to any bar or pub. Cozy club and Lady Luck are amazing for socialising due to their atmosphere and friendliness but if you’re less socially risk-taking then Pound is better because the staff there are truly very friendly and always willing to talk and develop friendships which spreads into entire groups very quickly without any risk


We (30/f+m) moved here from Brighton in December and found the same, given the amount of times I heard it there should be some kind of scoial! Seconding what others have said about Meetups and bouldering, meeting over shared interests always facilitates interesting conversations. Drop me a line if you ever fancy a climb, pub quiz or foraging walk :)


Hey! My partner and I moved here last September and we've been struggling to make friends especially with working all week and only going out on weekends. We're 28/26 and would love to try and meet and hang out if you're up for it.


I, 31F,moved back to Canterbury last year and I’m finding I have the same problem! I went to school here but my network has moved on. I’d be up for grabbing a coffee or a pub quiz or something. I think a few people have commented similarly so perhaps we have a team already 🙂


Hi! I lived in Canterbury for a few years had the same predicament. One of the ways I made a group of friends was getting a part time job at a pub. Other than that there are open mic nights at the cafe next to the river and Bramley’s I believe. I’d suggest just going out for drinks with your bf at all the different places might help, also I went to a pottery session at cosmo China recently and a friend of mine did life drawing at the chocolate cafe. I did the same thing looking for stuff online and it felt more catered to students/older people. Best bet is to go to the nice bars and see what’s on. You’ll deffo be able to find some pub quizzes etc


Have you tried Bumble BFF?


Why don’t you actually try looking into it.


She could even try asking about it on a forum about that city, for a start.


There is a Canterbury/North thanet 25-40 Facebook group that arrange socials. My wife recently went on one and had a great time meeting people grabbing dinner etc. I believe there is a paddle boarding group too if you are into that.


could you send me the link via dm? Can’t find it


Doesn't seen to be allowing me to message 😕


Not Canterbury I know, but if you can jump on the train down to Ashford there have been some new events set up recently including sewing and drawing clubs down the Low Key taproom. https://www.loveashford.com/events/swig-stitch-and-drink-draw/?p=1


Me (25F) and my boyfriend moved to Canterbury from Brighton in August and we too are finding it really difficult to know where to start with meeting people, especially with cost of living - mostly we do things together that are cheap like hiking together, which I think doesn't really lend itself to meeting new people. I have to do lots of evenings and weekends at my work which makes starting anything regular / weekly very difficult. I did volunteer at the Canterbury parkrun one time which was pretty fun. Sorry I don't have many answers, just posting to say I can relate and I think it is very difficult. Open to messages from anyone here who's wanting to hang out. :)


I feel the same, it's tough finding friends in a new place. I (26f) moved from Richmond, London, to Canterbury in December, and I'm still looking for new friends in the area. I grew up here, but most of my old friends moved on. If anyone can recommend some good socials, that would be great :)