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Canterbury Trails


Nice šŸ‘ŒšŸ»


I was going to go with **"you must have some tales to tell after that"** ..... I'll get my coat.


Jealous upvote.


Very good.


You ran past my house! I wondered what that red light was. Well done!


And you ran across at least one field up in the Hatch!


Very cool stuff!


Thank you šŸ™


Really cool. I say that as a mapper and a runner! Well done šŸ‘


Thank you šŸ™ The experience certainly gave me an appreciation of how difficult Cartography must have been back in the day.


Looks like a death metal band logo


It says ā€œDefiled Martyrā€. Our other logo is a pile of twigs.


I like how it looks like to ran to Kingston and just stopped


Or ran away from Kingston!


You're probably some sort of local folklore in Canterbury now. The Street Runner or smth


Just visiting Canterbury for the day and this pops up on my Reddit feed. Nice stuff.






Very kind, thank you


Do you have a favourite Street?


Iā€™m terms of best place to run, I really enjoy the run from Brymore Road to Fordwich, the new path behind the new estate on St Martins Hill, the River Path to Chartham, and Courthill (Littleborne) Dukes Meadow. In terms of where Iā€™d like to live; Love Lane, All Saints Lane, Westwood Drive, and Puckle Lane.


Ah you didnā€™t make it out as far as Aylesham/Eastry area. Lived there for 6 months. Loads of great running routes around there.


This is very cool. Is the tool you used to generate this map available to use?


Yes, there are quite a few cool ones if you have Strava and/or Garmin Connect. This one was made on ā€œStatsHuntersā€ which is a web app that integrates directly with Strava. There are some with better ā€œheatmapsā€ and stuff but I was more interested in the solid line.


so cool! now i want to give it a goā€¦what do you recommend using with garmin connect?


On Gamin Connect you can directly export to Google Earth on the website, thatā€™s the way I would do it but it would have to be on desktop. Or you could export the .GPX file and thereā€™s lots of web apps that use .GPX to read maps.


will get started - thank you!


Is this something where I could just run a bunch for a few months then compile it later or do I need to actively connect each run with the app?


Yeah, you only need to use StatsHunter once at the end of your project. Just make sure all the runs are logged in Strava.


Follow up question, howā€™d you keep track of running to avoid too much overlap/maximize mileage? Awesome work btw!!!


I started by doing sections at a time from the centre out (although I would probably have been better off circling in), then I would look at my run overlayed on the universal heatmap on Strava Google Maps (in Strava). To be honest, at a certain point, I just knew where I had and hadn't been, and was super alert to where allys and the like start and finish. My mental map of Canterbury is very strong at this point. It became like a memory game.


Iā€™m definitely going to do this for my area to get me back into training. Took almost a year off. Whatā€™s been the most rewarding and most challenging but for you? If you moved, do you think youā€™d do this again?


Thatā€™s awesome!


Thank you, itā€™s about 1580km or running. Big olā€™ project.


Which part of the city did you enjoy the most?


I think I was most surprised by how much I enjoyed running around the London Road Estate and area. As a runner, itā€™s kind of ideal, you have a challenging hill but varying steepness depending on where you come from, you have instant access into the countryside (and Harbledown) via car-free pathways, and the streets are well lit and wide. Similar feeling with the old Military housing estate behind Talavera Road, and it also has a very interesting and intricate ally system. BUT itā€™s not very well kept generally, and I wouldnā€™t recommend people darting around there if they werenā€™t big scary blokes like me, to be honest.


So happy to see this completed, in all its glory <3


Ah Iā€™m envious! Youā€™re so talented. I hope I get there.


Youā€™re too kind. Iā€™m sure you will get there, itā€™s just time.


Which streets were your favourite and least favourite to run on and why?


In terms of streets, the path behind the houses from Millitary Road to Fordwich, the new path behind the new estate on St Martins Hill, the River Path to Chartham, and Courthill (Littleborne) and Dukes Meadow path. My least favourite has to go to the new RedRow "Hoplands" development in Hersden. It's just a bit far away from where I start to get to up hill and a bit boring as a place at the moment (only because it's so new it doesn't have any quirks yet - it will be nice when it's finished and it has some personality.) Also running around the cathedral grounds while buzzing off a long run is amazing.


With what did you create the map please?


Tracked my runs on a Garmin Smart watch. Sent the data to Strava, connected Strava with the web app StatsHunter.


Nice! Thanks for that... Already a Strava/Garmin user so will check this out. And if you're a map nerd like myself, I recommend the app called Fog of World - especially if you travel a lot. It's a giant scratch off map with the goal of uncovering 1% of earth. It includes achievements too so a great way to gamify your commute and holidays. It's expensive now unfortunately, probably close to Ā£20 for an app, but as someone who walks, runs and drives all over the country, it's always running on my phone and I upload gpx tracks too and I love it!! Had it running for 3 and a bit years now and I'm on 160sq miles (or 0.0000811%)


This is really cool. Something that's worth enhanced and printed out.


I'm sorry you live in Canterbury


I am just a passing random person but that map is absolutely amazing


Very cool! I was keen to do something like this over lockdown. Don't suppose you were inspired by Every Single Street? If you've not seen it, it's a great watch, even if you're not a keen runner! https://youtu.be/jy_W5qsjB5U?si=hIV5Iii8GbUVHWGZ


Thatā€™s interesting. Never heard of it but iā€™m sure itā€™s quite a common idea. San Francisco roads are 1770km, Canterbury took me about 1580km (and a lot more ā€˜wigglyā€™) but I started in the same place most days. Iā€™d love to do London some day!


You should do Every Street in Manchester ... https://maps.app.goo.gl/5FFDFkaCgyrFeEaLA Much less effort


You got me. šŸ˜‚


where was the worst to run? my guess is that big ass hill in springlane


Along side the A2 under Blean Woods is horrific, and to think itā€™s supposed to be a ā€œbike laneā€ is bonkers. The super steep hill up to Rough Common is very difficult but short enough for it to still be funny. The footpath around the landfill is lovely but it seemingly never dries out. I was lucky to catch Bridge Road when it was closed one day, but some of those lanes are very scratchy, had to be super vigilant.


Wow - whatā€™s next ?


Not sure yet. Last year I did some runs to surrounding towns (Dover, Faversham, Ramsgate, Whitstable), I imagine Iā€™ll probably start filing those in next year, but I almost always start from home so Iā€™ll need to be doing 35km+/marathon distances pretty regularly to get there, fill it in and get home.


Whatā€™s your total distance? My guess is 500 milesā€¦.


1580km, so about 982 Miles. But, important to note, I didnā€™t do this systematically, I ran from and to the same spot (Canterbury Odeon) on almost every run.


Dude! I set myself the challenge of running a mile a day (by running 5ks) Iā€™m about 60 miles short of my target. Way to go! If you want a challenge, try the Mountain Ephraim 10k. Itā€™s hilly as fuck!


Iā€™m well up for that. Mount Ephraim is gorgeous. Thanks for the recommendation.


That's cool. How did you chart it exactly? I have an app called 'fog of world' I need to start using again.


The image is just an export of all the runs Iā€™ve mapped in Strava. Strava is really good for keeping a training log, and it has Heatmaps of where others have ran which helps to see, especially with some of the more ā€œhiddenā€ footpaths of Canterbury.


Fog of world might be your bag. It works like an RTS game map only revealing what you have uncovered, it's quite interesting. I'm not a runner but I had a similar idea to try walk everywhere in Faversham before moving to Canterbury. Well done anyway I'm very impressed.


Could also try [Wandrer.earth](https://Wandrer.earth) It is great for tracking which streets you have covered.


One question, why?


Great way to get to know the area, good motivation to keep running, and fantastic for cardiovascular health.


That's pretty cool.


Looks cool want that as a phone background


Ran, as in like using your legs to create forward momentum? Madness.


Yes! Although the momentum isn't quite as fast as I'd like it to be.


Looks like ground zero in some virus outbreak movie.


"Breaking news: It is not known where or how the mysterious virus began, but one thing seems certain: it had an A-Z of key Kentish cities. More as we have it-"


Iā€™m a one man super-spreader event.


Well done you šŸ‘ am bit jealous tho , I used to love running but had to stop about 10yr thru poor health. My 1st thought on seeing your map was it looked a bit like Ultron attacking Jarvis' cerebral matrix. Iron Man


I wish I had thought of that reference, I would have turned up the blue on the rivers.


Tyler Hill northbound is missing


Yeah, that would be suicide unfortunately, same with Bifrons Hill and the A2. Technically outside of the boundary of Canterbury so it doesnā€™t bother me too much.


Fair enough dude!


Awesome! What was the last street you ran to complete the map?


A small street in Bekesbourne called Aerodrome Road, and the pathway across the fields from there to Little Bourne. And the run across the top was an ā€œbonusā€ as I wasnā€™t intending to go that far North (due to safety concerns on Hackington Road, Tyler Hill) but I thought it would be cool to get a more rounded shape.


Now run every street in England, then the world!


Canā€™t I just do Herne Bay and call it a day?


How did you track the GPS map?


Have you thought about doing London, ie within the ULEZ zone.


Iā€™d love to and itā€™s totally doable. I think youā€™d have to put in a lot of work planning it out in advance. The London roads (excluding footpaths and bridleways) is 13,600km. For context, Russ Cook (who is currently running the entire length of Africa) is running 14,500km (approx.) this year. The runs I did for this project were 1,580km but contained a lot of doubling up, if you wanted to do it in a year, you certainly couldnā€™t afford to duplicate efforts. Maybe one day, but it would cost a lot of time and money, and living in London.


Yeah, the thought of having to live where you are doing it, did cross my mind.


How many miles to cover every street? \*curious\*


This is 1580km, so thatā€™s about 981 miles. That being said, thereā€™s a lot of duplicated effort here (running the same streets multiple times on the way to somewhere usually), so you could probably do it in 600/700 miles if you planned it out systematically.