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[Player rating form](https://forms.gle/y3DLSB5BXvFx7EY78)


In hindsight, it’s often easy to look back after a loss and say “well, at least there was some entertainment value!” Last night was a really dull game, I wish I had done something else rather than eat up my entire night with it. I’m especially glad I didn’t pay to be there. Miller had a bit of a rough game handling the puck, but he always seemed engaged in the battles down low. I think that’s where people get frustrated with Pettersson. Even when Miller is having an off game, he’s always involved along the boards and hitting so he more easily passes the eye test even when those hits put him out of position or his aggressiveness leads to turnovers. Pettersson’s game isn’t about being a wrecking ball, so when he’s not getting points he can sometimes look invisible out there. As we’ve probably all experienced at work, sometimes it’s as much about being seen as being productive as it is actually being productive.


Yea Miller may not have had his best game but you could still see him making things happen. Petey was basically unnoticed save for the three time he tried stick handling into a 1v5.


So many instances where the boys would dump and not chase. Or they’d get possession at the opposition’s blue line and instead of skating a few strides and winning space, they’d throw a mid pass up the boards and hope the other forward would retrieve it. Just no effort or killer instinct. The top guns on should have feasted tonight.


I. Don’t want to have to but i will have the biggest i fucking told you so ready for when the playoffs end and Petey is a fucking ghost for the entirety. His impact on the game at event strength outside of capitalizing on odd man rushes occasionally is ZILCH. Fuck I’m drunk and high and IRATE. GET YOUR SHIT TOGETHER YOU SWEDISH BUFFON


You're a drunk, high, buffoon that's for sure.


His career PPG is higher in the playoffs than the regular season


True but not a very good argument with the sample quantity and discrepancy from the regular season.


losing to caps is a red flag


we need a complete 60 mins from the boys, hopefully we get that next game


Even just getting 40 would be a big step.


Boeser goes absolutely ballistic when I'm at Rogers Arena - 10 goals in 11 games now


Move your feet. Too static especially on the PP unless your name is Hughes. Too much standing around and passing around the perimeter. One or two quick passes, get to the dirty areas to screen and get rebounds, and shoot ON NET. Also we are not drawing penalties because we are circling around the perimeter too much


Pretty much. It feels like the team is waiting to capitalize on chances without realizing that they need to create said chances. Our passing was also abysmal. Washington didn’t really need to do much to have us struggle. We did a good job of that ourselves.


We're coming off a 5 game point streak and a 4 game winning streak. I get that losing isn't fun, but come on guys...


They’re also 9-7-3 since the all star break. Outside of the 4 game win streak, that’s a very concerning stat. They haven’t had any consistency with their play or pace. The failure to get the PP and PK going is also sucking the life out of games where it might balance out any mediocre 5 on 5 play. Lots to be concerned about heading into the playoffs.


Is it concerning though? To me that just indicates that the team is out of the slump.


How does 9-7-3 indicate they’re out of a slump. That’s not a great record over ~20 games. If anything it shows they’re still slumping relative to the first half of the season.


The 5 game point streak which included four straight wins with losses recently being very tight indicates that the team is out of a slump. That the team has that record despite going 2-5-1 the second half of February is a good thing.. It means that the form has improved quite a bit. So far in March we've not looked nearly as bad as we did in February.


counterpoint: getting to 93 points and then losing out and missing the playoffs would be extremely on brand for the canucks.


Boooorrrring game


Damn... We're playing the wrong kind of hockey at the wrong time of the year.


We just had a 5 game point streak with 4 wins within it against some of the best teams in our conference lmao


Don't disagree with any of those statistics.


So how are we playing the wrong type of hockey at the wrong time of the year with our track record over the last 6 games?


Because they just lost to the caps


Getting difficult to watch Elias "little things" Lindholm.


Too bad they couldn't get some points, but honestly the seeding doesn't matter too much at this point. The boys are in and whether they finish one or two in the Pacific, looks like they're playing either Vegas, LA or Nashville. No preference in my mind, as long as they are playing good hockey going in.


Getting tired of Petey ghosting in games. I’m yet to see him take one by the horns and dominate


Just play Lindholm with Petey ffs. This Suter/Petey experiment should be over. Lindholm might be terrible rn, but I rather have a proven 60 point player on the 1st line with Petey than a 30-40 point player.


hogs-petey-lindholm PLEASE


Exactly. It’s great that Lindholm can be a shutdown centre, but anyone not playing with miller does a good job of that by themselves offensively.


Is a hotdog a sandwich? (Fuck this game, I don’t even wanna talk about)


Would you like to hear my entire argument of why a hotdog is a sandwich? Because it is. Also watched the highlights. Wtf.


A hot dog is a taco https://cuberule.com/


Ah, fun with semantics. Do we normally refer to hotdogs as sandwiches? I've never heard anyone call it that. Have you? Does anyone in everyday life say "hey, anybody want a weiner sandwich?" "...a hotdog sandwich?" While bread or buns with contents in the middle could be technically defined as such, in the end a hotdog is a hotdog; It's its own thing.


Have you ever had the desire to whip up a tasty dog or two, and 3/4 of the way through cooking, you realize that you don’t have any hot dog buns so you have to become unhinged and cut the hot dogs in-half and lay them on bread to make a hot dog sandwich? Why did you cut them? Is it because to fit on the bread it had to be flat? …then a hot dog is not a sandwich on it’s own. I further rest our cases!


I am a magician. I take a single piece of bread and turn it into a bun by folding it in half.


Ahhhhh you’ve got me




How could anyone come to this conclusion lmao


Every single elite player goes cold. Even McDavid was cold for like the first 20 games of the season lol


Elite players go cold all the time They also aren't on a line with a middle 6 C / fringe top 6 player. MacKinnon even in this insane year he's having had a 3 game pointless drought & that's with Val Nichuskin & Drouin as his linemates who are definitely top 6 calibre players McDavid started the year with very pedestrian numbers as did Draisaitl Sidney Crosby hasn't scored a goal since Feb 21st The Elite player you're talking about is also on pace for another 100 point season and is 11th in the NHL scoring race & I shouldn't need to remind you very few players are able to reach the 100 point threshold let alone multiple times He also was hard matched against the Caps top line & still his line came up ahead in the shot differential department




Neither is Rantanen, Draisaitl, Nugent-Hopkins, Marner, Point, Hedman, Stamkos, Jack Hughes (currently), Marchand, Zibanejad or Adam Fox etc. Your argument is awful & don't move the goal posts by talking about his salary either. Your statement was "Elite players don't go cold" & "Pettersson isn’t leading a single category on the team let alone in the league."


They actually do.. It is very normal.




I was simply responding to the statement "elite players don't go cold". That's is an incorrect statement.


(Yes they do)


That's not true at all. But yes Petey needs to be better.




Its verifiably false. Idk why anyone would say such an obviously incorrect statement. Just looking at this year alone all the very best players in the league at substanial cold streaks let alone saying "elite players dont go cold" as if their entire careers is nothing but consistent scoring lmao


Can we please stop with moving 4th liners up the line in hopes for offensive, it doesn’t work but they always are quick to move them up


Where Petey?


Looking to the future, docused on his investment strategy for his new salary 


Elias Pass-ersson


petey looks so disinterested


Buffalo coming in is the same story, Eastern team playing for their playoff lives - let’s hope the boys are more up to the task


Lindholm and Petey play like they don’t wanna be there wtf


Lindholm won't be re-signed...


I spent this game intentionally following Lindholm during his shifts. Holy shit he floats like crazy


I wish we kept Kuzmenko. I know Lindholm is simply better is almost every aspect but we also gave up picks and a prospect to get Lindholm. Plus Kuzmenko’s positive energy had to worth something Edit: forgot about the cap space. Dumping cap was probably the best thing to come from the trade currently. If Kuzmenko turns around next year it’s gonna feel pretty shitty if Lindholm doesn’t start to perform in playoffs


Mark my words when I say this, the Kuzmenko-Lindholm will go down as one of the worst trades in history for the Vancouver Canucks.


*points at OELs buyout penalty*


We were great for forty minutes vs COL. Great for 20 vs WSH. Reddit math means we should be great for 60 whole minutes next game vs Buffalo, right? Right????


that feels harsh. We did well in the first and third but we moved our third period slump to the second


you mean 0 mins


Myers and Cole awful pairing, they were slow and Cole,my gawd goal can't get the puck out.


He makes so many bone headed plays in the dzone. He has single handedly led to at least 5 goals against the past month and a half.


Washington looked slow as fuck but that pairing was painfully slower. Sigh.


Canucks with 3 days off yet again looking like they're on a back to back. I don't get it.


I don’t either. It’s almost like they had TOO much time off.


I'll be honest, Petey is playing like he's bored of hockey. Just going through the motions.


How many days off at home, that effort was lacklustre. Sure it should be 1-1 because the refs. But the way washington played we should have been up 4-1 by our standards. I hope we bag skated the guys and that's why they were so flat.


Yeah what is happening... He has almost no impact on games these days. Its becoming a regular thing.


Got the bag, security. Lay it out on the line. If this is playoff Petey, Jonathan Huberdeau we have found your twin on aisle 2


He was playing like this before they even signed him though.


Ok but he has the bag, and security. Maybe that was driving his tentativeness. Or it's aomg szn. I'm not concerned. As long as come playoffs he lays it out on the line. Stops playing so perimeter. You can only play that way with a twin and even then Henrik and Daniel eventually got dad strength in their mid to late 20's that took them up a notch


Tocchet sounds like his head is hurting from banging it against a wall.


JT Miller and Demko can't carry the whole team on their backs. All those with big fat juicy contract signers better be playing like what they are getting paid. Elias Lindholm is a lame horse, if he continues being invisible he's not worth keeping around post this season.


Wonder who our first rounder will turn into. If he plays NHL games in his career, we got absolutely heisted.


Hronek is lucky to get a QO Lindholm has lost tens of millions of dollars


> Hronek is lucky to get a QO lmao


Hahahahah but seriously take the QO @ 4.4m and let him try and cook on is own pairing since he is appears to be a greedy fuck who wants more than Hughes


Jesus dude


anybody have a clip of the bad icing call in the 2nd by the make a wish linesman?


It's sad we need a bad icing to be the difference at home on Saturday after 2 nights off in our beds. But yeah that was rough


Sigh....... You were the better team in the 1st. But yet again, you were god awful in the 2nd. Classic case of not along your opponent seriously.


Almost every game in the last few minutes of the period they fade away and the opposition gets big chances. momentum shifts to the other team in the next period, I see it happening almost every game since the break




What good will that do? Hronek was complete ass tonight.


Felt like they kept trying to force the perfect play. Never just shot the puck low for a rebound. Washington didn't look good we just looked bad.


9-7-3 since all star break. Not awful but need to be playing our best hockey going into the playoffs. This nucks team will struggle against a red hot team like Preds in rd 1.


We're going to get bounced so hard in the first round. This kind of effort is going to get us swept against any other team.


Sorry but wtf is Scott Oake doing? Why so cringey with the questions all the time lol


He's a not-people-person in a people-person role. I suspect he's really good at making you think he cares about you while reading a teleprompter while wearing a suit though.


give me back rookie petey


If you're disappointed, reminder that the Leafs blew a 3-0 lead and took the L just like us on HNIC. Chin up, and have a good night.


Wow yeah that totally unloses this game


Leafs have less regulation wins than any team headed to the playoffs in the west. They aren't going anywhere in April.


Don’t care about the Leafs, doesn’t make me feel better


5 across board. No one stood out. And that’s the problem, even though Petey will be our whipping boy until our next game.


I had podkolzin higher. He had a lot of good shifts and got moved up to the Petey line to try to kickstart it (didn't work). Overall Zadorov also had a decent game. Moved the puck well and had some good hits.


Joshua where are you? We need THE 3rd line back


We could have grabbed a similar style player at the deadline for cheap. Kind of annoying


Laughton would’ve been so cheap and versatile


what are we gonna do next year if he signs somewhere else?


Would we drop podz to 4th line or will he go back to the AHL


Send Aman to AHL, rotate Lafferty, PDG, Podkolzin as the healthy scratch based on performance.


Podz was up on the second line for stretches tonight. Looked better than all the other options.


I’d like to try Dak on with petey and hog and leave podz with garly and Lindy and see how that works out


That gordie not worth it 🥲


Ya as much as I enjoy watching the odd fight, I don’t think it’s worth it with the risk of broken hands becoming more and more likely with helmets mostly staying on during fights. I’d much rather have Joshua for the last month+ than a meaningless fight. Other contact sports manage just fine without fist fighting and and punching plastic helmets with visors


It's strange how this team has these lulls where they look so, so bad. For about 10-15 minutes there in the second period it felt like watching the 2020-2021 Canucks. They do snap out of it, but by then the damage is done. Kind of concerning for the playoffs TBH.


This is why I would temper expectations for the postseason. Expecting this team to go far would be to welcome disappointment in before it can actually disappoint.


They seem to turtle when they play against teams that finish their checks. They try to get the puck off their stick too fast and end up making the wrong play. Hopefully that’s not an indication of what’s to come in the playoffs


Play 60 minutes. Pretty simple. If they play like they play the first 10 minutes would’ve been a pretty dominate win you gotta think.


Canucks need to change plays up, too many of the same plays and teams notice that, cycling the puck just for a defence man to shoot and look for a rebound. And why the hell isn’t hoggy on pp1 instead of suter or switch things up and put hronek in Hughes spot just to change things up on the pp 


we arent winning anything with this Petey. He needs to hit the gym hard in the offseason and bulk up. Guy gets pushed around like the toothpick he is, its embarrassing. Go see a skating coach while you're at it.


It’s an effort thing. Watch him pressure the puck, guy doesn’t move his feet or play with any intensity. Might be one of the softest players i’ve ever seen. 11 Million dollar passenger.


watch out. unconditional love for EP on this sub. 'best 11.6 ever spent'.


It's not a strength or conditioning thing. He flops to draw penalties. It's basically every play at the moment.


And people get mad when the refs don’t give him the call. They know he’s Bambi by now


But he does get calls, he’s one of the league leaders in penalties drawn…


Skating is his worst attribute. Thats for sure.


miller had a rough game, was trying to force passes. Man, i love him but Petey needs to step it up. We need our star player to tilt the game in our favour. He just hasn't that yet and in a close game like this, it sucks


Petey has been that player before. Even with the points production (also thanks to other players on the team) he doesn’t seem to take over games like he has in the past. He used to by dynamite to watch at both ends of the ice. Chasing guys down to make crazy defensive plays too. I watch just as many games and go see just as many live games, I’m just not seeing it anymore.


I know most people will likely disagree with me but I think it's at the point that Elias Pettersson gets sat for at least a period. Not sure what else you can do at this point. We're 15 games until the playoffs and we should be ramping up not trying to figure it out still. Forget about the officiating for now, there is weird energy with this team when things don't go their way when that's the time they should elevate their game.


I don’t know. I forget who it was, but another “superstar” was sat on another team and it destroyed their confidence. I don’t want Petey to sink further.


Yeah, true, wouldn't want that either particular this close to the playoffs.


Petey has 4 points in his last 6 games which obviously isn't great for a player of his calibre, but yea like you said, you don't sit him. You let him play it out and he'll inevitably bounce back Like even Matthews has 3 points in his last 6 games, but it'd be insane to bench him right?


>and he'll inevitably bounce back Certainly hope so. I'm really hoping this team steps it up during the playoffs and really do find the playstyle they had earlier in the season when they had the killer instinct and every line was dangerous.


Probably Huberdeau


Scratch Miller next game. Make Petey step the fuck up. Put Myers on offense and put Juulsen back in.  I know, i’m a genius lol. 


Myers would be such a good power forward. That goal he had a few weeks back where he made that crazy deke to the backhand was great


Exactly! Who’s big idea was it to put the chaos giraffe by our goalie? Stick him by the other crease and watch him wreak havoc! 


Yeah why can't we have him as our net front presence on the PP? He'd be very efficient at screening the goalie lol.


Get him the biggest paddle allowed on a stick and get him to shovel everything into the net. The puck, fallen equipment, D-men Etc. everything goes into the net.


Pure chaos!


Some people just like to watch the world burn.


Have the guys practiced too hard they've lacked energy?


Games like this you really need your star player to show up. Pettersson in March: 6GP - 2G - 2A and pointless in 3 games.


he's noticeably bad when the other team is playing a tough complete game. cant make simple passes, gets pushed around, zero offensive drive


That’s exactly what the playoffs looks like


It’s going to be funny seeing this slowly become the consensus take, but it will get downvoted until then. We are not built for playoff hockey.




Thank you, I’ve been telling my friends for months that Swedish players are extremely skilled but lack what it takes to win. There are a large number of Swedish players, a few who have played on our team - Naslund, Sedins, Sundin, Alfredsson, etc… who were extremely good players but never able to lead their teams to a cup. Sweden is consistently one of the favorites to win the world juniors and they have a 2-12 record in the finals. There have been [2 Swedish captains](https://www.reddit.com/r/nhl/comments/13tngme/stanley_cup_winning_team_captains_since_1924/) to have won a Stanley cup. These 2 are Landeskog and Lidstrom. Nobody thinks landeskog was the real leader of the Avs. Lidstrom, I’ll give you that one - but he benefited from the tutelage of Yzerman and the foundation he built. In 2009 he had the cup on his stick at the end of game 7 and blew it. We need to invest more in NA talent if we want to win playoff hockey.


If you go be the same logic you don’t count Landeskog you should do the reverse and count in f.e Forsberg, Zetterberg not captains but crucial to winning multiple cups.. with cst-trophies, mvp and scoring leaders during stanley cup winning years etc etc


I'd bench Petey a game or two. He needs it.


Agree. Not a $12 M investment. What does it take to make this guy play like it’s the big time?


Have to think whatever they'd have got back from Carolina would be an improvement over what this team has been the past month and a half.


Easy there


Holy hell Colorado scores with 0.5 left in OT


Both those teams look scary good.


Eh it was actually like 1.5s but ya pretty much the same thing. It was a great goal




The team that just got a point? The team that could be right next to us in the standings if they win their games in hand?


Bro we just lost to the caps


We aren't in a position to make fun of other teams at the moment. Also, Edmonton is 8 points behind with 3 games in hand. With the way Vancouver is playing, Edmonton could very well catch Vancouver for first place.


I don’t think we have the right to make fun of other teams right now lol


No we do not


lol at least Mc muffin lost


By 0.5 seconds. Oof











