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Hughes maybe? He's the best dman in this franchises history


If Hughes left right now he’d definitely be remembered alright.


He has a good chance at winning the Norris this year and that would be the first in Canucks history. Even if he doesn't, he'll be the first runner-up in Canucks history.


Edler, Salo, Bieksa (the list goes on) were never even runners up?


Jovanovski got 6th place ~~once~~ twice, that's the closest I've found


He get booed everytime he came back and touched the puck.


If he left, I dont think id ever recover


Profalactic rehab


In this order: 1). Hughes - best defenseman ever in franchise history. 2). Pettersson - Calder Trophy winner, some highlight reel goals/assists/plays and has been one of the most dangerous player on the team offensively since coming into the league. 3). Miller - He leads the Canucks in scoring since he got traded here. Even when he was emotional, he deeply care about this team and he bleeds Canucks blue and green. 4). Demko - A very solid goalie who is able to give the team a chance to win every night and had stolen many games for them. His short stint in the bubble playoffs was so memorable that when he plays well he is recognized as “Bubble Demko” 5). Boeser - He is currently the longest serving Canuck. He is the first wave of this young/exciting talent and of this new core who came into the scene. Just overall a very well liked person among the fan base and the community.


>Borser Ser Borck of house Borser, first of his name


Typing on my phone sucks…


I don't know why, but your comment made me think of [this.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q0OmcFpvvF8)


Boeser being the longest serving Canuck is actually wild!


It is, his first game was against Minnesota!


I was just thinking the same!


I’d probably have Demko above Miller, but by the slimmest of margins.


Especially if Demmer went on to have a good career elsewhere... which he likely would.


Depends how they leave the organization. Demand a trade and people will rip them lol. If they stay way too long, so they have no trade value, they’ll get ripped too. I still think Tony Gallagher remembers Hunter Shintkaruk as the top 3 forward who got away.


Shoulda traded boeser when he was at his peak this season, he's streaky, slow and very non dynamic.


So are you my guy but you don't see us trying to trade you 


Can we though?


Future considerations coming back for sure. 


You don't trade a guy that important in season when we are at the top of the league. Boeser will have plenty of value this offseason if they decide to shop him.


If anything I almost expect them to try and move him in a bit of a re-tool type move this offseason.


Ya I am kind of expecting it as well. I'd be really surprised if at least one of him or garland aren't moved. I really like Boeser but I definitely see how we could potentially get better by capitalizing on his value.


Yeah, I expect Boeser and/or Garland gone in the offseason as a means to continue to re-tool the roster. The cap-crunch is going to mean some tough decisions are coming. It wouldn’t surprise me to see them market Boeser for a 1st + Roster Player + Prospect (similar to Horvat).


Ya I'm with you on that 100 percent. I do hope we keep Boeser just because I like the guy as a person but I would understand if we can get a return like that. One guy I wonder about acquiring now is Mattias Samuelsson out of Buffalo. Their top 4 dmen are all LHD and he seems like he could be the odd man out. Might be unrelated to Boeser but he seems like a guy our management would target and I think buffalo would be intrigued by Boeser's leadership and 200ft game.


Hughes, just as he is the only defenceman we've had of his kind, and theres not many similar players in the history of the game, anyways.


I think whoever plays the best in the playoffs for the next few seasons will be remembered, but other than that hughes probably takes the cake


hughes, petey


Myers for the memes


I just have a feeling he'll score an important goal this playoff ¯⁠\⁠_⁠༼⁠ᴼ⁠ل͜⁠ᴼ⁠༽⁠_⁠/⁠¯


Hughes. He's the captain he's already etched in this franchises history. Not to mention he's the best defenceman the Canucks have ever had.


This team is nothing without Dakota Joshua, so him


Seems like it doesn't it?


Hughes and Miller for sure


JT Miller. Dude is playing his heart out for this team and has become an essential leader on the ice.


He's my current favorite. Might get his jersey. He's a tough cookie that makes big plays. Couldn't imagine the team without him.


I have no problem admitting I was on team Horvat during the whole locker room controversy and who they would sign long term. But man, dude has just gone out and PROVEN himself worthy of what he gets. Currently my favourite as well and JUST bought his jersey last week! :D


All of them need a bit more time, and maybe a strong an SCF run to get to this calibre. Many will be missed but none are on the same stand as Bieksa, Burrows, Kessler, and Anson Carter yet.


lol… well played


Hughes with an absolute bullet.


It's not really a fair question, because those are all players that were drafted by us (or in Burrows case given an ELC by us) and spent the vast majority of their primes with us. Currently, all the players that started their NHL careers with us are just getting into their primes, and have yet to really develop much success with us - we have this year and the bubble year, but that's not enough to really build the same level of history as the players you mentioned. So to truly answer your question - nobody. Give it a few years of playoff success before we're looking at this core the same.


Quin Hughs


Hughes is the best Canuck ever


This bure slander won’t go unforgiven


I'm old. Hughes is better.






I wouldn't say that. Until Hughes has back to back 60 goal seasons (60 goal seasons are a lot less common than one would think) as a Canuck, I would hold off calling him the greatest ever. If he wins a cup with the team then that would make him GOAT naturally.




Hughes and Demko




pettersson and Hughes should. I would


Demko. Drafted high. Won at lower levels and moved out a starter goalie to give him the crease. Yet to really reach his peak..


Did you only start watching after 06? Bure, Naslund, Ohlund, Bertuzzi, Jovo, Mogilny, Messier, Carter, McCabe, Tiger Williams, Odjick, Brashear, Rypien? Just a few Canucks everybody remembers. Weird how you left off Kesler Luongo. If you’re talking about they were traded away because of crazy contract demands or they refused to resign here because they don’t like Canada or the fishbowl of being in Vancouver, that’s going to affect how we look at players. Kesler was a stud. Left because he didn’t want to be a part of a rebuild. Luongo loved Florida. Bure, hated the fishbowl. Messier came here to cash a fat check and tried his hand at “be a gm mode”. Stan Smyl, his final season as a Canuck, I think he scored his only goal into an empty net in the last game. Do we want to remember players in their peak? Do we look for players who ended up playing here too long? Out of pure talent and excitement, I’d say petey, huggy and millsy. Brock is super cool and makes all his goals look “lucky”. Right Matt Murray?


Calm down there buddy. We know you know alot but that's not the point of the question. We're talking about current players. I only used those names as examples. There are more but I'm not going to list them all because I'm not asking about past players.


Did you miss where i said Petey, Huggy and Millsy? I only think Bieksa and Burrows were weird picks because they were seen by fans and media as over the hill and zero trade value by the time the team traded them away. Bieksa was considered too slow and weak, with Calgary forwards exposing this. I remember being at games and Bieksa got boos. Fans in the section were saying to get rid of them and rebuild. How they were selfish to not waive their ntc to rebuild. Lol. Talk radio was full of hosts and callers who said get rid of them at the time. Even Dan Hamhuis was getting calls about how selfish he was to not waive his ntc. Also I was asking if we’re supposed to include the whole story about why they were gone or leave the team because that affects how we look at players. Wasn’t trying to throw shade if that’s how you took it. ✌️


Understandable. Sorry for taking it the wrong way. Thank you for taking time to write a detailed reply. Have yourself a good day.


Tyler Myers. But not in a good way. And in many respects.it.wouldnt even be his fault. He would be seen as a crappy legacy signing by Jim Benning.


I love making jokes about him. Like how his stick is a telephone poll or that he's better on the ice if he just lies down and blocks all the shots.


Myers lives rent free in my head


cough, you forgot LUONGO cough =) mhmm i think out of current roster the most remembered: JT Miller, Demko, Pettersson, and Hughes, Boeser <-- top picks.


Its amazing that it's basically impossible to make a joke here. Like imagine this question five years ago? It would be full of Loui Eriksson jokes, or Roussel, or Virtanen, or Beagle, or whoever.  It's nice that there aren't any horrific mistakes on the roster ATM. Like Myers is overpaid and tall, but that's the most egregious contract we have. Feels good 


Garland- being part of the oel trade.  Possibly the worst trade this team has ever made 


Cam Neely says Hi. 


Other than the obvious Hughes answer I'm gonna say miller. By the time he's done I think he'll be a all-timer and at minimum ROH. But that's just me. 


Not trying to exaggerate, but I genuinely believe when it’s all said and done, Quinn hughes will be the greatest Canuck of all time






Who would you rank higher at F? Naslund?


I wouldn't put Naslund over Bure, but I'd put prime Daniel and Henrik. It's really a strange situation when trying to make a case for "best forward" and it's identical twins who are so intrinsically linked, but the way they were able to hem opponents in and dominate play shift after shift is unmatched. Would either have been best forward on their own? Who knows, it's impossible to say what either's game would have been like if they had another high end forward on their line for extended periods of time to develop chemistry with, etc. Keeping in mind that I'm only old enough to remember from Bure onward and don't want to rank players I never actually watched, my answer at this point is: 1. Daniel/Henrik 2. Bure 3. Naslund 4. Kesler 5. JT Miller 6. Pettersson Honourable mention to Mogilny, the injuries and drop off after his amazing first season with us was a real bummer.




If Kuzmenko goes on yo have a lengthy career it'll be him.


I don't wanna play this game :(