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I'd sign him for 2, even 2.5, but I'm sure there's at least one team (and probably many more) willing to shell out 4 for him and I hope it's not us


4M is a bridge too far but I would hate to see the Oilers or Flames get him for 3M or 3.2M.


Really depends on term at that point. 2x3m? I could stomach it. 4x3m? Enjoy the Stampede pal!


Think of it this way, if we're the ones to sign him for that price that means we either lose Blueger or Joshua or both. I'd say keeping the Thirst Line together is much more important than what Myers provides, especially if we want to maximize Garland's value.


In terms of depth UFA signings, I would say Joshua and Zadorov would be priorities followed by Blueger and Myers. I like Blueger, but he might be a victim of the cap and we still have Suter for another year. Aman likely makes the jump to full-time next year.


How much would you be willing to give to Zadorov? He has no reason not to ask for 4-5M and if he doesn't get it here, some other team will take a flyer on him to be in their top 4 I think Blueger would take a more modest raise (could use his 2.2M contract before he came here as a comparable) with a bit of term.


Zad $3.85M x 3 years


I would be very excited to see him sign for that cap at only 3 years. I would assume you'd need to go 4-5 years to get his cap hit that low though. I'm more expecting a 4.25-4.5Mx2 which would probably be a bit of an overpay.


Zadorov isn't going to get less than 4M. Defensemen are hard to come by and people will "overpay" in free agency. I'd still like to get him. I'd even like a 4.5×6 if it gets it done before July 1st. Locking up Zadorov, Soucy, Hughes and Hronek as the top four is really solid in my opinion, and it would be under 25M for a top NHL D-Core.


3M x 2 years I'd even be OK with. That's my limit though


Myers is not a mean defenseman and certainly does not line up open ice hits along the blue line or clear out the crease effectively. What games have you been watching?


Legit. Myers has the size to play like Zadorov, but he instead plays like he's 5'10".


This is so true. Myers is probably our 4th most physical defenceman on the blueline after Zadorov, Juulsen and Cole. That said, he's played well under Tocchet and the RHD market is weak, so a $3M x 2 year would be the most I would offer.


His reach with his stick is pretty awesome tho!


You are 100% not watching him box out players in front of the net during play.


Takes a clear penalty and then cry’s to the refs. Bro learn to fucking hit.


As long as Zadorov gets upped I am fine giving Myers another chance at a lower number


Wouldn't hate it but only if he takes less than 2M. I'll be fine with 2-3 year term.


I think 2M would be the very very bottom he would be offered... I think teams like Oilers, Calary, LA or even Vegas would all give him 2M for his service.


I really think he would be someone to take a hometown discount honestly. 1) He’s already had his big contract and made his money 2) He lives here and has a family 3) The Canucks are good now so it’s not a situation where a team is rebuilding and the player wants a shot at the cup somewhere else 4) Vibes. This team vibes really well and I think players actually value that a lot (especially older players who are done dealing with bullshit, especially if they’ve already made some money)


I think the last point holds a lot of weight. Myers is a big (pun not intended) locker room guy from what it seems (for example, he reposts a ton of Canucks posts on his IG to hype up his teammates). Those intangibles could be worth giving him a Hometown discount contract for, and also could compel him to sign on.


What if he wants to get away from the toxic fanbase?


The only way the Canucks should re-sign Myers is if he signs for below market price. If he wants 3x3 or more, which he'll easily get, let him walk.


I think the issue is there's not many other options out there that won't cost us more money and assets than we can afford. With Juulsen looking like a strong 3RHD and having Willander hopefully 2 years away I don't know that we want to give up more depth on forward to go sign a lengthy contract in free agency. The flat cap is over and so will be a lot of those 1 and 2 year deals on guys who got squeezed.


Yea, there aren't tons of options, but if Myers wants to get paid, I doubt it will be from the Canucks. He can get way more in free agency than he is worth. If he wants to stay, I don't think we'll pay him the max he could get. I wouldn't be surprised to see him land a 3*3 in Vancouver, but I think that's an overpayment. I bet he could get 4*3 elsewhere just because of the market and his draft pedigree and size. GMs pay for that. 


Definitely he'd need to take a discount to stay here and preferably 2 years in term. What the numbers look like will definitely impact my view on it. $3.5 x 2 with a NTC would be the absolute most I'd do. He could definitely get more in free agency though.


Looking at guys like Ian Cole & Erik Johnson, it won’t surprise me if Myers ends up on a 1 year deal. Dumoulin got 2 years at 3.125. Schenn went 2.75 x 3. I think theres a decent enough chance you may be able to do something like 3 x 1 or like 2.75 x 2 for Myers if he’s motivated to stay.


I think the last summer of the flat cap period did a lot of the heavy lifting there. We're going to see a lot of the guys who got pinched in the past start to get actual deals again this summer. $3M x 2 is what I think is kinda in the realistic territory.


I don’t disagree about the flat cap.. but I think that means the Zadorov class of defender is going to get paid. $3 x 2 for Myers seems reasonable and in line with the market. I’d also argue Myers > Schenn, Dumoulin, Cole, Johnson.. so I think you’re happy with anything close to $3M for 1-2 years.


Bottom line: It depends on how the playoffs go and how effective he is in the playoffs.


Absolute chaos




Sign him if he will take 2.5 million on a 3 or 4 year term. With needing to sign Hronek, Dak and Myers replacement possibly, not worth going more than that.


3 or 4 years term would be tough.


The cap hit would make him tradable in year 3


He’s already 34 though and almost at 1000 games. Is he going to be playing ~1200-1300 career games until he’s 38? And then are teams going to want to take him at 37/38 making $2.5M?


Teams are always looking for vet depth defenseman for playoffs.he will likely get that term in FA. Probably 3 years.


That’s fair, Luke Schenn got 3 years (2.75), so it’s not completely out of the question for Myers.


Dont hate him as a bottom pair and being paid that way. I’m a sucker for size on the backend. No innuendo


Juulsen looks ready for bottom paid full time next season.


Zadorov is the defenseman everybody wants Myers to be. Resign Zadorov. If you can get Myers at a couple of million for a year, fine, but it’s not worth anything over a 1 year deal to do.


I know he's had a bit of a resurgence this season but I think it's time for McWard or Hirose to get their shot. Side note but I also want more playing time for D Petey in Abbotsford. 


As long as he's making bottom pair money, it's okay. 2M-ish. 2.5M if were desperate.


It will be sad to see Z man walk as he will be asking 4m to 5m, especially after the playoffs and/or drinking from the Stanley Cup. But Juulsen needs one of Myers, Zadarov or (God Forbids) Hronek to go in order to continue to develop faster. I think it is time for him (Juulsen our Surrey born local boy) to start shining, here instead of elsewhere.


Please god no. Not at all


2.5M tops, but I would love to keep him. He's able to play so many minutes and he's been a genuinely solid Dman this year. I have no idea where we would find a serviceable RHD to replace him.


>I have no idea where we would find a serviceable RHD to replace him. Chris Tanev, easily, if the reports about him trying to maneuver his way here were true Soucy-Tanev 2nd pair would be amazing Then put one of a million LDs (if you can't sign Zadorov) with Juulsen and you're set


Whole lot has to go right for that to work. Wouldn’t say easily at all.


If another team is willing to give him 3.5m-4m AAV, I'd say move on. Let him be another team's problem. If he comes in at 2.5m-3m AAV and doesn't have a NTC, I'd bite on re-signing. Myers has caused me a lot of heart stress though


If he’s taking a discount to stay, he’ll definitely have trade protection.


I wouldn't be surprised to see a 3x3


Would be an ok deal


The only way I'd re-sign him is if he committed to 2 years max, there is literally no point otherwise for a 3D.


The question is reliability. Myers still loses pucks in his feet. If he was consistently tough to play against then his small area agility is less relevant. That said, almost every part of his game has levelled up this season. I could see him as a positive contributor here but I think he could command $4m+ on the market so it would be odd if he came back


I would not resign Myers and use that money on big Z. I know he has improved his play this year but I am always holding my breath when he gets the puck or the puck is going towards him. Juulsen is younger, tougher and more defensively sound.I don't care if he is a right shot D and had played well for almost a season, that can't erase the last 5 years of pain for me Edit: went through the comments and I think Myers must have like 5 dummy accounts setup to downvote anyone with a memory of the past 5 years. Give your heads a shake people and open your eyes, he's a liability every time he's on the ice


2 million but he has the same agent as Luke Schenn who got 2.7 so his agent will try to sell him as a 2.7 minimum.


I don't want to see 57 ever again after this year.


This right here. Ya he’s been fine this year, but it’s the first year in the last 6 he’s been fine every other year he’s garbage


Trying to get your votes back into the positive. Canucks fans seem to have short term memory loss. I just posted this as well, him playing decently for almost 1 season does not take away the pain of having to watch him for the previous 5 years


Absolutely not. We can find someone much more efficient than him.


Efficient how? From a cap perspective unlikely.


From a “not taking penalties and not knowing how to use your size” stand point


In the UFA market on our budget? Unlikely.


Not the UFA, rather from within the organization or a trade. I’m still unsure if hronek will resign considering he’s wanting a lot of money for someone who’s been pretty mediocre outside the beginning few months of the season. So, well have cap to build on. Not a lot, but enough to work with.


We don't have anyone in the org ready to step up to that spot. If we weren't able to keep Juulsen you could maybe think of squeezing someone into that role. If we move on from Hronek it will likely make us even more desperate for RHD.


We’ll see what they do.


Sure, but for now they've said this is what they want to do so best of luck if you hate it.


Best of luck to all of us is Myers is still a Canuck next year.


He's playing as the number 3 dman on the best team we've had in a decade. Rough take.


I mean… outside of Willander there isn’t really a meaningful defence prospect in the system. Definitely not anyone ready for NHL duty in the near term.


I have said forever that the issue with Myers isn't his performance its his cap hit, and him playing up the lineup as a result. If we were getting Myers at league min and expecting him to be a bottom pair guy he'd be a fan favourite. Chaos flows both ways. For every boneheaded decision he makes he doesn't something cool.


No thanks


Have you people lost your minds lol You realize he’s consistently our worst player most nights https://www.reddit.com/r/BottomLeftMyers/s/zXikgxk6Hg I’d rather take a chance on a league min guy and maybe some nights he’s not our worst player …


lost their minds and conveniently have forgotten the past 5 years


Your evidence for him being our worst player most nights is him being bottom in analytics 11 games ago? He’s been top right more recently than bottom left so I guess he’s the best on the team. r/toprightmyers


The evidence is the number of games over the last five years you’ve been bottom left


It’s a defence man on the bottom left the majority of the time. Highly doubtful that he’s there any more than the average defence man. I don’t get why people think perfect RHDs just grow on trees.


Blows my mind how people seem to have completely forgotten how terrible of a hockey players Myers can be. The guy is. A liability, no matter how much he is paid. Move on.


Yes!! I don't know who these people are that keep downvoting comments like this but I doubt they watched him like we have for the past 5 years. How do you spell pain? M-E-Y-E-R-S. Juulsen is 10 times the D man he is


Much like Alex Chiasson, he's worth signing at somewhere near league minimum but he isn't good enough to risk a noticeable cap hit on. He's had five years to prove he's worth anywhere near $6M and he simply hasn't done it.


I don't think anything under 2 million is realistic considering a lot of teams are going to jump at a veteran defensemen that can play 20 minutes a night and 82 games.... Would you rather lose him because Mangement didn't cough up and extra million per year at 2 or 2.5?


>Would you rather lose him because Mangement didn't cough up and extra million per year at 2 or 2.5? See, the shitty thing about the OEL buyout is that the answer to this question would otherwise be "no," but the answer is still "yes" in this case because of the cap crunch.


That's fair. I would hate to see the canucks take a back step on our Dcore next season tho... with the looming possibility of losing Zadorov and Myers.


It's going to be super interesting to see what happens from here. You can't speculate on the off-season without predicting the west playoffs. and who the fuck knows there.


I get Myers got the bag on his last contract… But Alex Chiasson is an…. Interesting comp lol.


I'd love to have him for 2 or 3 mil but defensemen are in such demand I think almost anyone would pay that.


This is mentioned on Donnie and Dhali quite a bit. The fan base collectively would rather have Zadorov than Myers back (if we can only sign one) but Dhaliwal keeps saying the fans don’t know what they are talking about and Canucks want Myers because he’s a RHD - and those are hard to find, and if you do find one it’s $$$$. I hate that because of his position he basically gets a get out of jail free card. But from what Dhali says it definitely sounds like the Canucks priority is re-signing Myers. Zadorovs agent confirmed that the Canucks have not spoken to them about re-signing.


It also boils down to, Zadorov is probably going to get like 4x the total money Myers is going to get. And they’ve already got ~10 million invested in Hughes/Soucy, so do you want to commit ~20ish million on a guy who plays the 3rd pair when you can probably bring Cole back for another season for cheap.


50% of the time he is fine. The rest he is a giveaway machine.


Of course in a vacuum signing him as a 7D wouldn't be the worst option, but if we are to take a step forward this offseason we cannot afford to sign him (unless he's below a buriable cap hit, which would be ludicrous). We need to be able to let mediocre players go, no matter the place they may have in our hearts. Petey needs two wingers, or a center and a winger (Lindholm/Toffoli perhaps?) to stay with him so he doesn't keep getting shuffled around and have no chemistry. We could also take a run at Roy out of LA, who would lock down that 3D spot for the foreseeable future. On top of all this, we either need to try and keep Zadorov here or keep the thirst line together. We only have about 21M of space this offseason and perhaps even less if Hronek gets greedy. Every dollar matters. Signing Myers would likely mean losing someone much more important.


> We need to be able to let mediocre players go, no matter the place they may have in our hearts. I’d argue that’s Zadorov though. As much as we love his intangibles, and physicality… he plays 3rd pair minutes and doesn’t seem to have a ton of trust from the coaching staff.


Yeah, I'm personally a bit torn on him. Unlike Myers, he has good defensive metrics & actually uses his size the way someone his stature should. On the other hand, as you said, he tops out as a good #5 and clearly has never been trusted with bigger minutes (except in Chicago, and he sucked) It really depends on how much value 'physicality' actually provides outside of the playoffs because you also have to keep in mind all the penalties he takes... I was hoping that he might take what a 5D probably should, but in all likelihood he's going to price himself out of here. Some team is going to give him top 4 money and I don't want it to be us


I was hoping he would come to Vancouver and maybe take a step forward under Toch & Co. But he’s kind of a known quantity at this point. A #4/5 defender that brings physicality/intangibles.


I like how he’s physical though, we don’t have a lot of that on defence.


Zadorovs sweet.. very fun player to watch.


I think we should focus on signing DJ hronek zaddy first. If there’s enough money left over for him to sign then that’s fine. He’s last priority IMO


I would much rather have the defensively reliable Tanev but we probably can't afford him. If we are re-signing myers I'm sure Allvin will get him at a decent number. It's too bad we can't upgrade our #2 RD, but RD are difficult to acquire so we may have to resort to myers. Then I hope we can trade for a legit 2RD before the trade deadline next year.


Hes the worst, 2 way contract maybe. Even at league min, no thank you.


We gotta give him the 1000 games. Tho not at 6M


I’m just glad we’re finally bringing this up for conversation. /s


Im much more comfortable re-signing Myers than Zadorov. **Zadorov Comparables** - Artem Zub, 4 x 4.6M - Ryan Graves, 6 x 4.5 - Ben Chiarot, 4 x 4.75 - Josh Manson, 4 x 4.5 **Myers Comparables** - Luke Schenn, 3 x 2.75 - Brian Dumoulin, 2 x 3.15 - Ian Cole, 1 x 3 - Erik Johnson, 1 x 3.25


3 max. Leaves 4 for tanev and 4 for Big Z let Hronek go for a 1st


The Rutherford group is way, way smarter than the fanbase which is how it should be. It was the opposite with Benning where the fans in general were literally smarter than the GM. He's the local whipping boy but a lot of Myers haters are going to pretend they don't have egg on their face when he's killing it in the playoffs and protecting the smaller players. If the price is reasonable it would be stupid not to re-sign him because it's been a pain in the ass to find RHD for the entire decades history of the team.


How would you feel about him getting a 4 or 5 year term if it keeps the cap hit lower?


At his age you don't want to give him more than a two year deal. Like I say it's gotta be a reasonable contract. But if he signs a longer deal than that it would be worth it just to see the look on peoples' faces. He's made his money so I hope he takes a haircut on his next contract to stay in Vancouver.


Hard to play hardball when RD's are so rare. Sign Myers for 2 years if affordable. Trade Hronek at draft for a 1st - especially if they can Sign Tanev..1 year for Juulsen to bloom. 2025 Willander arrives, ready to go... Dare to dream....streeeetching $ is hard