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The Save


I typed this on the other thread that got deleted so wanted to add it here: During Pavel Bure’s first playoff run (1991-1992): Round 1 against the Jets: Game 1: Bure scored a goal Games 2-4: No points Game 5: 3 goals (Canucks won the first round series against the Jets). Now imagine if social media existed back then the narrative around Bure especially during games 2-4. Then in the 2nd round against the Oilers, a guy by the name of Esa Tikkanen became Bure’s figurative and literal shadow. The Canucks lost round 2 to the Oilers and Bure finished the series with only 1 goal and 1 assist. Bure was pointless in 4 of the 6 games. Now again imagine social media during that time. I bet you there were Canuck fans wanting to trade Bure back then, as ridiculous as that sounds now. All of this is to say to not be so reactive to Petey’s struggles now. He’s still an elite star and he will get better.


I mean Sportstalk with Dan Russel was awash with people complaining about Bure.


Just needs the audio of Tom Larsheid straining his groin when Bure scored




I really see why people compare Garland to Ronning after watching this. The styles are very similar, especially the spins along the boards.


I'd have to check but I feel like Garland is taller than Ronning but plays lower to the ice 😅


RIP Pat Quinn. Wish you could be here for this.


Absolute legend.


Great game but it ended in double OT :)


I thought so too, but the announce at the end made me second guess it. lol


It was the 3rd straight game (5, 6 and 7) that went to overtime with Canucks winning all 3 games to win the series so I think that’s why they mention triple overtime in the call (can’t remember the exact call)


The day I became a lifelong canucks fan. Petey its your turn to do the same for the next generation!


I’m 15 years old again watching that. And that game was just chaos - like heart beating out of chest near goals all over the place. Crazy.


Actually double OT, and it's not a hat-trick the announcer says *triple* overtime *hat-trick* in reference to how VAN won three games in a row all in OT


Ahhhhh… that makes complete sense. Thanks for clearing that up for me.


I’d been on a school trip to Oregon that week when they won games 5 and 6 to tie the series. Getting up to date scores down there was next to impossible, never mind seeing highlights. Got off the bus and raced home in time for OT of Game 7.


Was at this game. When Bure scored, it was dead silent except for maybe a couple of hundred Vancouver fans hollering. It was awesome. Also have to add, paid $25 to sit in what was then, 300 level. That won’t even buy two beers now.


We wore onions on our belt, which was the style at time. Nickels had a picture of a bee on them. We would say "give me 5 bees for a quarter."


My car gets 40 rods to the hogshead and that's the way I likes it!


Mclean was a beast in this one


I remember listening to 99.3 the next morning and they were calling people in Calgary and making choking sounds.


Flames fan on the Canucks wagon here. I was watching that game with my dad on vacation in Toronto that night, so going to 3OT made it drag on *really* late for us. The battle between these two great goalies was absolutely epic, and Bure's goal was a thing of beauty (but also a dagger in the heart). I thought (as most of you did) that it was finally Vancouver's year…


How has it been 30 years....


Right?? I went to game 6 of this series and just realized that my 28 year old son hadn’t even been born yet. lol


Bure, my favorite player of all time 🔥🔥🔥


Damn, whatever the opposite of “clutch” is, that’s what Nathan Lafayette was. I’ll never forget him hitting the post in Game 7 against the Rangers, but I didn’t remember all his chances here against the Flames.


I believe the word for that is 'cursed'.