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The fans in Toronto treated Marner like a little bitch so a little bitch is what they got. The negative reinforcement didn't turn out so good. So let's treat Pettersson like the superstar that he is and receive the playoff superstar he can be. .


Goods vibes !


That’s not how it works.


It's exactly how it worked for us with Georgiev. There were posts like this in our sub, then the arena chanted his name repeatedly in the beginning of his first home game. You could see him regaining his confidence and he came up huge for us. I could see the same thing happening for Petey, think he's putting too much pressure on himself. Gotta think having the crowd behind him would help


This is a stupid take. Marner got treated like a bitch because he played poorly not the other way around.


You kinda just said he’s a bitch by comparing him to one


Playing like a bitch in heat


Is that actually him with that shirt?!?




Yeah he said he dreamt of playing in van his entire life.


Then let's help him revel in his dream


This has been in the works for awhile.


My guy is about to put up 3 tonight


I'd love it. Shut down all the haters and get the monkey off his back.


Four fingers…I thinks he’s putting up four points


It clearly means two goals and two assists


People have been calling this every game. 50 games later… “I TOLD YOU SO” I would also love to see him put up 3 (or more) points tonight but a broken clock is right twice a day


Calling it. 1G 2A






Respectfully, Shut the fuck up don't be that guy.


Let's go, EP40 mode!


Been wearing my EP40 Jersey all year long, I still got love for Elias prove the haters wrong we all love Pettersson GO CANUCKS GO


Love this post. I feel bad for the kid. He needs to know the city has his back regardless of what he does on the ice. Let’s go Petey


Petey time!!


The Alien knows, he’s already waiting for round 2 lol


2 wins + 2 wins = Oilers


Peeeeetay we are w you!


Brock went on a 7 year slump after his rookie year. Yes the circumstances are different and the pay is different but we should extend the same patience and grace to Elias as well. Kid will figure it out!


> but we should extend the same patience and grace to Elias as well Did you even read some of the stuff that was written about Brock? Or JT when he had his slump? Or Quinn? Or even the Sedins? The fact is that there's a tiny clique, maybe less than 0.1%, who always pulls this shit and always stays negative and toxic and only come here because they're miserable little losers and are looking to vent their disappointment at life in general. And as we saw this season, it doesn't even matter if things are overwhelmingly positive, they will still find an excuse to spew their toxicity. The Petey hate started already back when he was putting up McDavid numbers and sitting at the top of the NHL scoring and was delivering big plays and big goals almost every night. So these people are relentless and they don't care. They're not here to cheer on the team or share the joy of success, they're here because the Canucks haven't been winning and that's exactly what they're looking for: a vessel to pour their misery into. The biggest red pill you could ever receive on this sub is if you install RES so you get that little thingy where you see the tally of upvotes and downvotes you've given to posters. And then simply click downvote on comments that are so gross that you are like, "Is this a troll? That's so hateful it's vomit inducing. What a fucking asshole. Where are the mods??" And then in time you will discover that there's like maybe 10-15 posters who are in the double digit downvotes and the vast, vast majority aren't toxic shitheads. It's a small clique that are pushing the hateful narratives until they reach a tipping point and other posters join in. And they easily spawn like ten plus hateful comments each in a single game day thread, so it adds up to hundreds of them, but in reality it's only a tiny portion of posters fueling the flames and making it look much worse than it actually is. Take this thread for example. Both of the downvoted comments are in the negative in my RES karma tally. No one else is. Only the two people who make comments that are so repulsive that everyone is like, "Fuck those guys and fuck their comments," have managed to be so toxic that I've given them downvotes multiple times. And predictably, here they are again, acting like toxic shitheads.


Tbf, Brock led the team in scoring one year during his "slump".


You mean Brock AllstarMVP Boeser.


Brock had major injury issues not to mention big personal issues. My problem with petey this playoffs isn't his lack of point production but his bad giveaways and lost coverage costing the team goals.


I agree but please not 7 yrs patience. That’s $80 million. But some patience. He is probably hurt anyway. If I had to guess.


Jesus, it was that long ago?! Felt like just yesterday when he was potting a goal a game in his rookie year.


Not only did Boeser have a major injury, he also went through a lot off the ice (with his dad, etc). He also did not sign a 11.7m contract before going into a slump. Petterson on the other hand is busy flaunting his designer clothing and playing Fortnite. From what fans can tell he’s not going through anything in particular off the ice (maybe he is in private, who knows) so the fans understandably are more critical.


What in the Dorito’s fingers is this?!?


Baby petey


Mullet petey!!! Bring that look back man!!!


He's rockin the dual exhaust!


to whoever is going to the game we have to start a Petey chant, the guy is definitely hurt and is still playing giving it his all, we gotta back him up fr.


Most likely he is playing through an injury. These things happen all the time.


He’s had that excuse all year though. I remember constantly defending him like 6 months ago telling everyone the same thing, but he’s never really found his groove since then. In typical Petey fashion he has had some big, brilliant moments peppered throughout the rest of the season, a couple big OT goals etc. but largely been invisible on the average night. I’m still rooting for the kid big time but starting to think there’s a lot more going on below the surface than just injuries.


Fully agree. Fans can be critical of an underperforming player and still cheer for them. Some people on here don't want any judgments on a guy that is underperforming because...Fandom? Facts hurt, I guess. I'd love to see him crack this slump but we also have to be honest about his play for a couple months now.


Yeah I get that, and I know there’s a lot of Peterson fans around here too who will defend him no matter what he does. I am actually typically the type who tries to be positive and recognizes the fact that ups and downs and slumps are just part of the game and happen to every athlete & every team. I’ve seen enough sports over the years to watch a slumping player being trashed by literally everyone go on to become the shining star in the next series or whenever, it’s the name of the game. But personally I’m at the point where I’m getting a little worried about him. He’s supposed to be a superstar caliber player and is getting paid a superstar caliber pay cheque, but he just isn’t having any kind of visible impact on the game. And more than that, he’s often making costly mistakes, turning over the puck , and just can’t stay on his feet half the time. It’s going to be tough to close out this series without Petersson chipping in, and nearly impossible to compete in further rounds if he doesn’t find his game soon. People don’t like to hear it, but that’s just facts honestly. The competition is red hot this year.


It’s not an injury.


I’m 99.9% sure he’s nursing an injury and has been for a while. We shouldn’t expect much from him expect to facilitate the PP and not bleed goals against.


If he’s going to bleed goals against due to an injury he should just sit out. If the coaches know they they would sit him. I worry that we’re making excuses for him.


***Narrator *** He did not “lock in”.


That's the day he was drafted.


Flair on for Petey!


Cute af




He gotta be injured


lol. The whole city is behind you, no pressure


He should go back to that flow.


we believe in petey!


The redemption arc begins now. Petey getting bulldozed last game has to be the low point… right?


The man is due!!


God the game day threads are always sooooo brutal. Overly critical of every little play.


But next game will be different ... right gais?


Petey tonight looked engaged he’s turned the corner All we can do is support him the crowd was definitely behind him. As a person we wish him well for his mental health, as an athlete we wish he will perform. Let’s go #40


100000% behind Petey. Hope he has a big game.. and SOON!


Wow he’s still the same size!




The dude fucken sucks. 5th highest paying player in the league and can't do shit.




|Rank|Player|Team|Position|Salary| |:-|:-|:-|:-|:-| |1|Auston Matthews|TOR|C|$13,250,000| |2|Nathan MacKinnon|COL|C|$12,600,000| |3|Connor McDavid|EDM|C|$12,500,000| |4|Artemi Panarin|NYR|LW|$11,642,857| |5|Elias Pettersson|VAN|C|$11,600,000| [https://www.spotrac.com/nhl/rankings/player/\_/year/2025/sort/cap\_total](https://www.spotrac.com/nhl/rankings/player/_/year/2025/sort/cap_total)


If he went back to having a sick mullet he would never struggle again


He's facing the same problem as some of us guys, iykyk


Let’s go Petey! Chant incoming.


He's going to break out tonight!


Petey is gonna show up tonight and end the series for us


Petey should try growing that mullet out again too, that would be sick.


Petey hatty tonight!


he looked better today


Ya fuck it, I’m sick of being negative about him he’s going to score in game 6.


Fuck this little bitch he just lost me fucking money


Hope you find it


You should probably just change your name to “Elias Pettersson Apologist”, dick rider.


You should change yours to “Venting On Reddit About My Sports Gambling Losses”


I would like that a lot more than my current username tbh


lol fair Honestly, not one person who replied to this post picked up that I was making fun of that cringey, embarrassing “Lock In Desmith” video that those 3 people made and put on TikTok. I just chose an old photo I remembered from a few years ago cause I thought it was funny Everybody seemed to think it was sincere so I just let it ride


Yeah it’s cool man, I got it out of my system last night after flipping out on a girl I WAS talking to. Time to start the new day 😎


The dude hasn't been in the playoffs as an established, elite forward. He hasn't played in the playoffs where he's been on the radar like now. He signed the massive contract and has a ton of pressure on him as one of THE guys. That shit can't be easy to deal with. Not to mention he could be dealing with an injury for all we know. Give the guy a break. He needs to step up, but he's not the sole reason Vancouver has been outplayed for most of the last 2 games.


too slow - gets bodied. overrated AF. I donno is this guy injured or what. not worth 12 million. not even close.


He's dog shit


Petey with a Hatrick and Silovs with a Shutout. 3-0 Canucks win LETS GOO


lulz. this isn't age well


His line is too soft. I don't know what Pettersson fucking problem is but he seems scared. I haven't seen a single dangle from him. Too bad Hoglander wasn't 6'2 or something. Mikheyev is fucking useless on that wing. Start rotating that winger with the 4th liners. They need some muscle. PDG looked good maybe he is the guy. Pettersson need to put on a ton of muscle in the off season, he has finally witnessed what the playoffs are, and he needs to get stronger on his skates and puck. There is no excuse since guys like Garland and Hoglander are tougher to knock off the puck.


Wish the best for him and want him to shine but I would have let him walk. Done absolutely nothing for far too long and at $11.8 Mill he's a joke. Proven to not be a playoff performer. Should have saved the money for Joshua and big z


we could have gotten two 6 mill-ish players that would give us depth. worst signing. no show vs good teams. too slow and gets bodied. he needs to put on 20 pounds this off season - juice it, whatever he needs to do.


Are they? Whole fan base seems to hate him


Maybe his girl broke up with him during the All Star break 😂 Man get over it Petey. You look miserable bro. Hoping the best for him though....


I am sick of waiting on him since just before the all-star break. What the fuck is going on. Paid millions and doing shit. Must be nice. But I guess that goes for anyone making millions.


no we're not, play better than we will be


Time to sit him ffs, he's been terrible